--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Right i'm trying my hardest! I can get the district line from upminster (i can drive down to M25 and the station is just after that) then change at westminster onto jubilee line to Waterloo. I "think" there is lift access at all these stations. It'd be much easier to just do district and get of at embankment but thats all bloody steps (
Vici, you can ask for assistance at the station, I am pretty sure, if there's no disabled/pram access. I'm sure someone upthread said that.
thanks mj, theres 2 ways i can go and all stations have lifts so i'm in!! I'll just have to brave big bad london on my own. It scares us country folk you know :rofl:
OK so I am massively scared of travelling to London with a buggy! Please tell me I am not the only one!

soooooooooooooo, I am gonna be awkward and not confirm my attendance at the meet until I have panicked about it for a few more days :blush: sorry to be a pain!

Looking at trains I can get a direct train to Waterloo East - is this anywhere near where we are meeting?

On a less scary note - Christmas was great - we all had a brill time and none of us got ill (first time in 4 years!) I LOVED having a few glasses of wine once Sophia was in bed and she was an angel!

As for NYE - we are staying in (can't really go out with the whole bottle issue!) but two of my bestest friends have taken pity on me and are coming to stay. We have bought lots of M&S party food, champers and David went and got a Wii yesterday, so that is our plan! I am REALLY looking forwrad to it, which must mean I am pretty old as it is teh first NYE i have spent at home in 14 years!

hugs to all, and go Jesse, good rolling!
london people, which way do you think is better?

upminster > westminster (26 stops on westbound district line)
westminster > waterloo (1 stop on east bound jubilee line)


upminster > westham (12 stops on westbound district line)
westham > waterloo (8 stops on westbound jubilee line)

hey ladies, hope you all had a great christmas!

Costgang: massive congrats on the BFP, im sooooooo jealous, i was hoping to have another asap, but it just isnt the time yet i dont think, Kara will be 6 months old next month so i think we'll start TTC when she's around 8-12 months, seems like ages away but these 6 months have floooown! anyway good luck, keep us all posted! xx

booth: you naughty thing with your almost baby number 2 lol! fingers crossed for next time hun!

MJ: sorry to hear about your dr's appointment going a bit upside down, i hope you feel better soon hun! Hope AE is feeling better soon too, Kara had a bit of a dicky belly yesterday, poor baby's! xx

Cazza: im currently weaning Kara, and if im totally honest i dont know what the hell im doing, i'm giving her at least one 'meal' a day, ive frozen some blended fruits, and ive bought some baby jars, of fruit and meals too, and im starting with the fruity stuff, i mix it with a table spoon of baby rice/porridge (and milk) and she loves it! I dont think theres a right or wrong way of doing things, so don't worry!xx

AFU- Im gutted we can't make the meet, but its simply too far for us i think, Kara hates being in her car seat, and i have to sit in the back with her to soothe her, and i get real bad travel sickness, so both those factors dont make for an enjoyable x amount of hours driving into london iykwim? Maybe on the next meet we could do it in another place for those of us who cant get to london, it would probably be fairer then. I really do wish we could make it though, i Kara and I would love to meet you all and all of your beautiful babies too! But i guess we'll have to miss out :(

I was thinking yesterday, where have all of the august mummies gone? Our old group was full to the brim! Where's Heidi vanished to, and Tsia and Bun etc!?? WHHHEEERRREE AARRREEE YYYOOOUUUU AAALLLL!???lol

on another note, i really really do want another baby, but i want to be driving first! I start my lessons on Jan the 9th, and it could take a year for my to pass and be driving! But i dont want to wait that lonnnnng!!!! Davids ready whenever i am, but i just don't know when the 'right' time is, i think i want to wait until karas at least 8 months, that way i'll probably have passed before the next baby arrives! well we'll wait n see!

Vici- horraaaaaaaayyy for you and Imi coming!!! I'm sooo glad you plucked up the courage, we will have to make it well worth your efforts!! I will put my best socialising hat on!! :winkwink: I'm afraid I have no idea at all about london trains etc... Hopefully someone else will be able to help :thumbup:

MJ, I said on MSN but big hugs for poorly Adam :hugs: Really hope it settles soon, for the sake of your sanity (with 100 nappies a day) as well as for AE!

Shiv, that's OK, I think I can be vague about one person in terms of confirming numbers when booking the restaurant :winkwink: If I weren't arranging it all and if I wasn't going to be in the general London area anyway (St Albans actually!) I am sure I would be exactly the same with panicking etc before saying a definite yes!! But I reeeeally hope you do come, it's a one-time thing (well, a rare thing, anyway!) and it would be so lovely to meet you and the beautiful Sophia :D Fingers crossed for a definite yes from you at some point, but no pressure! :thumbup:


I used to work in London (for my sins!), so I know the tube fairly well.

I have tried to have a wee look back at where you are all going/coming from to try and help but i'm still not too sure :(

Here is a link which shows you all the stops which are step free so is buggy friendly!


Hope this helps you all.

If you need any help, then just shout.

Maybe when you next arrange a meet, I may join you!

OK so I am massively scared of travelling to London with a buggy! Please tell me I am not the only one!

soooooooooooooo, I am gonna be awkward and not confirm my attendance at the meet until I have panicked about it for a few more days :blush: sorry to be a pain!

Looking at trains I can get a direct train to Waterloo East - is this anywhere near where we are meeting?

It is scary travelling to London full stop if you aren't used to it, let alone throwing a buggy into the mix!!

See my previous post which should provide some comfort for ease of buggies etc.

If you need any help with where to go etc, then just let me know and I will try to help!

Hey girls,

Haven't been here for ages :) so many news to catch up, don't think I can read all 154 pages all in 1 day.

How are you guys? time flies fast isn't it? the baby is almost 6 months and from what I read some of you have tried for another one :)

Congrat for them who already got their BFP. Gosh...I still remember how excited I was when I got my BFP with Naya.
Awwwww cazza that is so sweet! And you are more than welcome to join us this time if you'd like to, i'm sure it won't make much difference to the booking! Thanks so much for the helpful links, I hope it gives some of you guys some peace of mind :thumbup:

:wave: Hi Ducky! long time no see! How is Naya doing? Is she rolling / sitting up / teething or anything yet?? I wouldn't bother with the 154 pages :rofl: You can just jump back in and start chatting again!! :yipee:
Ash - dont feel too left out me and jess are gunna come see you in january too!

we had to think alot about coming to london cus it is a long way for us, but luckily jesse absolutly loves being in the car and hardly ever cries when were travelling, we figure a couple of stops for a feed and a nappy change might take longer than usual, but i think he will be fine, were driving to wales on sunday to visit some family which i reckon is gunna take 2 - 3 hours so its a practice run in a way,
im looking forward to it but scared too haha! i really come across as quite awkward at first and i dont wanna make a bad impression!
are anyone elses OHs coming? cus i dont want mine to feel left out ? lol,

i was wondering about were all the august mummies have got to also, i try to keep up with bun and heidi on facebook, i suppose people just dont have the time anymore :/

i try to get on when i can but its difficult sometimes,

jesse is suffering badly with his ecsema (sp?) at the moment i feel awful for him, he has scratches on his face and behind his ears, but i cant do anything about it, i try to keep his nails short, but i cant put mits on him cus he doesnt have a dummy, and sucks his fingers, i dont want to stop him from comforting himself, its difficult, i think were going to go back to the docs this week and ask for some stronger cream cus i put the stuff we have on him about 6times a day and it doesnt seem to make a difference,

i better be off now, my mum has jess for the night so me and OH went out for chinese, and now were off to the cinema, for orange wednesday, to watch newmoon AGAIN! haha xx
... and hi Ash, too! Sorry honey, I missed your post there for a second! Sorry you can't make the meet, I empathise as I am awfully travel sick too, even on very short journeys :sick: but Vincent is very good in the car so that's a bit easier for us. Plus I'll be travelling up that direction anyway the Saturday before, so for me it's not so difficult I guess... Perfectly understandable that you can't make this one, but I do hope we can have more in the future! If we can think of another location that might be easier for some that couldnt make this meet, then that'd be a good idea I guess! :flower:
I often wonder where some of the old August mummies have gone, I see lots of them on Facebook but not many come on here so much any more. I think some people are daunted by the huge number of members we have in here, which brings me on to my next point...

...I'm thinking of doing a detox of the Lion Cubs members list. I sent out invites to every single August mummy, and those who replied to say they'd like to join were added to the list. I put welcome posts to everyone who joined, but some of them never posted at all. So I'm thinking of going through the list some time soon and deleting people who have never posted in here. So please count this as an official "warning" (lol), if you're on the list and have been lurking but haven't posted, please pop a post up soon if you'd like to stay because otherwise you'll be deleted! Sorry guys!! :flower:

jesse is suffering badly with his ecsema (sp?) at the moment i feel awful for him, he has scratches on his face and behind his ears, but i cant do anything about it, i try to keep his nails short, but i cant put mits on him cus he doesnt have a dummy, and sucks his fingers, i dont want to stop him from comforting himself, its difficult, i think were going to go back to the docs this week and ask for some stronger cream cus i put the stuff we have on him about 6times a day and it doesnt seem to make a difference,

What cream are you using hun? I have the same problem with Charlie and I was prescribed Doublebase cream which doesn't seem to do an awful lot and if anything, it's spreading so I was thinking about taking him to the docs again also.
Becki, my OH isn't coming (REALLY not his thing! He'd rather... do something unpleasant... than have to meet strangers I think!!!) not sure whether any others are coming though...
Oh, and Shiv, I'm pretty sure all the Waterloo stations are together, and that's just round the corner from the Giraffe South Bank :D :D Also, MollyApple has offered to meet out-of-towners at Waterloo to walk round together. I know Jai_Jai will be getting in to Waterloo at 12:49 so she at least would be there too! :happydance: Hope we can convince you to come!!! xxx
Hehehehe this is starting to get reeeeally exciting now girlies!! Our confirmed list looks like this so far:

Definitely coming:
Mary Jo & Adam Elliott
ShadowRat & Vincent
Jai_Jai & Adriana
MollyApple & Jorja
Vici & Imogen
Aunty E & Imogen
joeyjo & George
Mimiso & Shamiso
Boothh & Jesse & Stuart

And then we have:
Pippin & Samuel (Pips said she was OK for 11th, but no confirmation just yet... I know she's having some trouble with Sam's bedtimes, hope you're OK Pips! xx)
Shiv & Sophia (Thinking it over some more!)
rubyrose & Archie (Who seems to have disappeared...)
...and finally, those who can't make it but will be there in spirit!
kaygeebee & Owen
Sam_Star & Elinor

That's nine of us definitely coming, 10 adults including Boothh's OH, and I'm going to be confident and say that I think we will succeed in persuading Shiv to come, and that Pippin should be OK to come as I think she lives near and she's already said she's free for the 11th :happydance:
Hehehehe this is starting to get reeeeally exciting now girlies!! Our confirmed list looks like this so far:

Definitely coming:
Mary Jo & Adam Elliott
ShadowRat & Vincent
Jai_Jai & Adriana
MollyApple & Jorja
Vici & Imogen
Aunty E & Imogen
joeyjo & George
Mimiso & Shamiso
Boothh & Jesse & Stuart

And then we have:
Pippin & Samuel (Pips said she was OK for 11th, but no confirmation just yet... I know she's having some trouble with Sam's bedtimes, hope you're OK Pips! xx)
Shiv & Sophia (Thinking it over some more!)
rubyrose & Archie (Who seems to have disappeared...)
...and finally, those who can't make it but will be there in spirit!
kaygeebee & Owen
Sam_Star & Elinor

That's nine of us definitely coming, 10 adults including Boothh's OH, and I'm going to be confident and say that I think we will succeed in persuading Shiv to come, and that Pippin should be OK to come as I think she lives near and she's already said she's free for the 11th :happydance:

You need to add me to the "can't make it but there in spirit" :P
tee hee - you obviously know I am a pushover :haha:

I'll have a look for train times and see what's what.

Are any of you using your push chair bit of pram yet (as opposed to the flat bit)?
Long time. I don't know where to begin really. I sometimes wish I had more people offering to help. My MIL doesn't even do anything for James to give me a break when we come to visit so I don't even like going around there. James has his first cold. He has been so miserable yesterday but was ok today. He is doing arts and crafts at his daycare and I cried when I opened his Christmas present to us. It was a clay paperweight with his hand print! James is in pretty set routine but I am afraid it will be gone once he starts his cereal on saturday!!!! He is turning over in his crib now and we joke and say that he will learn to crawl first before flipping from his tummy. He gets so agitated and I feel like I am a bad mother so I pick him after 15 minutes. On his tummy, he can rotate his body by 90 degrees.

James is doing just great. LOVES to smile!!! I have had everything under the sun (including H1N1 and a very bad stomach virus) and he hasn't caught a single thing!

I don't know what else to say. I have some videos and pics I should post on here. I need to get off and check on dinner and get ready for hubby to come home.

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