--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hehehehe this is starting to get reeeeally exciting now girlies!! Our confirmed list looks like this so far:

Definitely coming:
Mary Jo & Adam Elliott
ShadowRat & Vincent
Jai_Jai & Adriana
MollyApple & Jorja
Vici & Imogen
Aunty E & Imogen
joeyjo & George
Mimiso & Shamiso
Boothh & Jesse & Stuart

And then we have:
Pippin & Samuel (Pips said she was OK for 11th, but no confirmation just yet... I know she's having some trouble with Sam's bedtimes, hope you're OK Pips! xx)
Shiv & Sophia (Thinking it over some more!)
rubyrose & Archie (Who seems to have disappeared...)
...and finally, those who can't make it but will be there in spirit!
kaygeebee & Owen
Sam_Star & Elinor

That's nine of us definitely coming, 10 adults including Boothh's OH, and I'm going to be confident and say that I think we will succeed in persuading Shiv to come, and that Pippin should be OK to come as I think she lives near and she's already said she's free for the 11th :happydance:

You need to add me to the "can't make it but there in spirit" :P

Add me and Marlow to the in spirit bit, please! Would love to meet, but it's too far for me to up and leave my elder two children in particular Ellis who has severe special needs...but it all sounds like great fun...lots of pics please, have a great day ladies and cub's xxxxx:hugs:
tee hee - you obviously know I am a pushover :haha:

I'll have a look for train times and see what's what.

Are any of you using your push chair bit of pram yet (as opposed to the flat bit)?

I already have James in a "push chair" (stroller for the americans) and he sits in it. It is no longer lying flat because he likes to look around too much. He is also using his space saver high chair that he got for Christmas. He is nearing 14lbs and we think he is going to be tall!
Hehehehe this is starting to get reeeeally exciting now girlies!! Our confirmed list looks like this so far:

Definitely coming:
Mary Jo & Adam Elliott
ShadowRat & Vincent
Jai_Jai & Adriana
MollyApple & Jorja
Vici & Imogen
Aunty E & Imogen
joeyjo & George
Mimiso & Shamiso
Boothh & Jesse & Stuart

And then we have:
Pippin & Samuel (Pips said she was OK for 11th, but no confirmation just yet... I know she's having some trouble with Sam's bedtimes, hope you're OK Pips! xx)
Shiv & Sophia (Thinking it over some more!)
rubyrose & Archie (Who seems to have disappeared...)
...and finally, those who can't make it but will be there in spirit!
kaygeebee & Owen
Sam_Star & Elinor

That's nine of us definitely coming, 10 adults including Boothh's OH, and I'm going to be confident and say that I think we will succeed in persuading Shiv to come, and that Pippin should be OK to come as I think she lives near and she's already said she's free for the 11th :happydance:

You need to add me to the "can't make it but there in spirit" :P

Add me and Marlow to the in spirit bit, please! Would love to meet, but it's too far for me to up and leave my elder two children in particular Ellis who has severe special needs...but it all sounds like great fun...lots of pics please, have a great day ladies and cub's xxxxx:hugs:

wow it must be exciting, you guys want to meet? great!! just like the rest add me and naya in spirit, wish can join but u guys are too far :) take a lot of pictures! have fun!
jesse is suffering badly with his ecsema (sp?) at the moment i feel awful for him, he has scratches on his face and behind his ears, but i cant do anything about it, i try to keep his nails short, but i cant put mits on him cus he doesnt have a dummy, and sucks his fingers, i dont want to stop him from comforting himself, its difficult, i think were going to go back to the docs this week and ask for some stronger cream cus i put the stuff we have on him about 6times a day and it doesnt seem to make a difference,

What cream are you using hun? I have the same problem with Charlie and I was prescribed Doublebase cream which doesn't seem to do an awful lot and if anything, it's spreading so I was thinking about taking him to the docs again also.

hello, my Naya also had excema and her doctor gave her 2.5% hydrocortisone, it worked like magic! bfr that I gave her 1% hydrocortisone, I can buy it on the counter, for stronger one has to be doctor prescription.
you have to make sure your baby skin is not dry, stop giving baby lotion, instead give her baby cream or aquaphor or cetaphil or plain old vaseline.
Right, I think I'm caught up now :) We've been doing ok. Mog has had a cold for a week or so, which has meant that she just hasn't been feeding well or sleeping well and she STILL hasnt had her sixteen weeks vaccs, which probably isn't helping. I think I might be mucking up my milk supply as I'm giving her formula in bottles at least once a day as it's the only time she really feeds properly. She pulls away from the breast loads, and it's horrid to see. Still, I have to go back to work in a month and a half, so she was always going to have to move partially onto formula.

The ten kittens our cats presented us with are doing well, cute as the dickens and starting to move around. Soon we'll be having to check under every foot for a kitten.

Christmas was ok, aside from almost total sleep deprivation and a slightly over interfering mil. Its bad enough to have your baby screaming in the middle of the night without worrying that your MiL might come crashing into your room to 'help'. sigh.

We have some friends coming over on NYE. Mog can generally be trusted to go to sleep and stay asleep in her crib from around nine, so as long as I finally get around to setting up the monitor again, we'll be on course for a fun evening.

Really looking forward to the meet - whenever I've travelled with Imogen in the pushchair, I've never had to carry her up the stairs myself (although its pretty easy n the stokke actually), people fall over themselves to help me, and I'm not even that hot ;)
soooo much to catch up on but I will tomorrow as I am super tired now :( sleep well spk tomo and look forward to meeting you all very soon!!! :happydance:
am exhausted. going to bed.

but shiv. waterloo east is totally easy to handle. there is a lift down to the waterloo mainline concourse. it comes out right by monsoon, m&s and the central branch of wh smith. then you need to get a lift down to the road and then walk round to the south bank. again, totally easy especially if one of us London gals is there to act as guides. south bank is about a 5min walk from there, no steps at all to giraffe afair.

ae is now on dioralyte rehydration salts, he has to have it instead of his bottles for 24hrs. oh joy. he's being pretty good but poor lamb now has a nasty nappy rash from all the runny poos (11 nappies today).

am exhausted. going to bed.

but shiv. waterloo east is totally easy to handle. there is a lift down to the waterloo mainline concourse. it comes out right by monsoon, m&s and the central branch of wh smith. then you need to get a lift down to the road and then walk round to the south bank. again, totally easy especially if one of us London gals is there to act as guides. south bank is about a 5min walk from there, no steps at all to giraffe afair.

ae is now on dioralyte rehydration salts, he has to have it instead of his bottles for 24hrs. oh joy. he's being pretty good but poor lamb now has a nasty nappy rash from all the runny poos (11 nappies today).


11 nappies?? Bless his little bott and bless you for having to keep changing them!

Lets hope the salts work and he gets back to normal soon.

A rather sheepish hello and reintroduction!!!

A few of you may remember me from 3rd tri and early pregnancy days but I've been a little elusive since then!
When George was just about 4 weeks old we may the decision to move back to the UK because my DH got offered a fab opportunity in London; we had been living in Switzerland. The next 7 weeks flew by in a flurry of paperwork, packing and goodbyes :cry: - not to mention a weeks holiday we already had booked and 2 lots of people coming for visits! It was hectic to say the least!

After that we stayed with friends & family for 3-4 weeks whilst we waited for the tenants to move out of the house we own here.

Thanks to the bumbling antics of BT I finally got internet installed properly just last week (internet not interest Shadow!!) and here I am!! I have had an iPhone so I've managed to keep up some of you on FB and I kept up with my flumpy mummies but this thread just got sooo big and scary I was a bit apprehensive about diving back in; plus typing on a phone takes ages! Anyhow here I am thought it was time I made a reappearnace especially as I am meeting a few of you on the 11th :happydance:

Anyway all goes well with us, George is thriving and still BF (hope nobody mines me feeding him at the meet), looking to start baby led weaning next month so he has joined us at the table for mealtimes the last few weeks. He seems to enjoy sitting with us throwing his spoon around and grabbing for our food, I forsee some messy times ahead! Teething in earnest at the mo - and woke needing gel on his gums a couple of times overnight - he usually goes down about 7:30 and gets up about 8am, I BF him about midnight/1am but am only up about 10min. About once a week he sleeps thru' - it surprises me every time!

We had a wonderful first Christmas in our little house, my parents came to stay. Then we headed north for Boxing day with the inlaws and on the 27th G was baptised at the church we were married in.
Tonight we are going round to a friends and sleeping over (hope G behaves in his travel cot!) they have a 7 month old baby. I'm in charge of dessert and made a lemon tart - unfortunately I can't try it in advance so I am going to take some shop bought cake too just in case!

G was really poorly with a nasty virus just before Christmas and dropped 6ounces!!! I plan to take him for weighing today to check he's regained some.

I'll be much better at keeping up to date now we are all settled in and have internet :)
Cazza - they just gave me cetraban if that's how you spell it, we don't use anything else on his skin so I know were not doing anything to make it worse but it's
not improved and he needs something for it the
poor little thing, u was annoyed when we went the doc didn't even look at him at all just went off what I said and didn't seem interested, really annoyed me.

Shadow - it really isn't my OHs thing either but it's a very long drive for us and we don't know our way round so it's not like he could go off on his own, so he really doesn't have a choice, lol,

I can't remember who asked now but I have Jesse in the pushchair part of the pram now, he got too long to be lay flat in the pram part, I don't have him fully sat up just slanted so he can look around and he loves it, he gets sat up properly if were in a restaurant or something cus I don't want him in a highchair just yet and he loves it, and is normally well behaved throughout our meal :)
(((((MJ & Adam)))))) Poor little lamb, hope his botty is a bit better today, I know you had trouble getting the Dioralyte down him this morning so hope the doc helped today xxxxx

:wave: Helloooooo joey!!!! Missed you since 3rd tri :p It's lovely to have you back my dear, don't be sheepish, we won't bite! :winkwink: Your move back and your hectic few weeks sounds like utter madness, hope it wasn't too exhausting and that you're all settled back in the good old UK now! Sounds like G is doing wonderfully, he is so gorgeous in your Facebook pics! Well done for the continued BF, I imagine at least a couple others will be breast feeding at the meet, I'll only be envious of you :winkwink:
Hope G is better now after being poorly. Good plan getting the shop bought cake as well as back up!! That's so what I would do hehehe. Great to have you back!

Helllooooooo! Am writing this after having a few glasses of wine (hick!). Happy New Year everyone and hope you all are having a fab time whatever you're doing (i am sat at home with a grumpy teething baby) and look forward to chatting with you all in 2010.

I can't make the meet this time around, but I will most definitely make it next time you all arrange one!

Lots of love and speak to you tomorrow probably!!

hello Shadow :) nice chatting here again..been along time :)

Naya is right on track I think, she is rolling all over, put her thumb to her mouth, luv to make a sound, hmm...about teething, well..she hasn;t showed any sign of it, to be honest, hehehehe I like her without teeth, it's so much cuter, when baby start having a teeth, I think she start not looking like a baby anymore.
She already sleep through the night at 3 months, but sometimes she still wake up like 1 or 2 times a week.

I so much miss her newborn time, it's tiring but it was just so memorable.
Hello ladies remember me :flower: have sent most of you a message so hope you are all OK!

ShadowRat - sent you a message i think i can make the meet! accents, mine is as common as (i'm an essex girl) so no laughing at me girlies hehe.

vici - the district line is super slow i'd say get off at west ham and get the jubilee thats what im going to do hun. i sent yo a message but if you wanna meet me at upminster or romford im fine cause i live in romford so will be going neasr enough the same way as you

shiv - im not near waterloo east but i am scared of going i hate london as its always packed boohoo

booth - sorry about jesse's excema (i also cant spell it lol) big hug to the gorge lil man :hugs:

sorry will catch up more soon im a bit tipsy from wine - not good will catch up more tomorrow had a load of trouble as some of you know with the mil and basically me and husband have decided to seperate so im plodding on but struggling

happy new years all xxx
The meet sounds like it will be so much fun! I bet all the babies will have fun smiling at each other.

I just recently set up a facebook account, so if anyone wants to be my friend you can send me a pm and I'll give you my real name- I know I must annoy my other facebook friends with baby stuff and pictures so you girls probably won't mind :haha:

I spent the last week at my parents and Kira got loads of attention! Today its just the 2 of us, so she's napping alot and spending time with boring mommy :haha:
thanks every one for there comments on my pic yes it would have made a great Christmas card but the pic was a spur of the moment thing to near to Christmas to do anything.. I think you mothers who are meeting up are a great inspiration to every one on here this is what this site is all about so pat yourselves on the back and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOURS ... BOB GEMMA AND KELSEY

:) Thank you, Carter, that's sweet of you to say! I think we're all very excited about meeting now, and like you say, that's what it's all about: Making new friends and being there for one another and all that jazz :p
Happy New Year to all! :)

Shadow xxx
Anyone else's baby cut their first tooth yet? The first has come through for me at the bottom no wonder his been a little grizzler. :(
am exhausted. going to bed.

but shiv. waterloo east is totally easy to handle. there is a lift down to the waterloo mainline concourse. it comes out right by monsoon, m&s and the central branch of wh smith. then you need to get a lift down to the road and then walk round to the south bank. again, totally easy especially if one of us London gals is there to act as guides. south bank is about a 5min walk from there, no steps at all to giraffe afair.

ae is now on dioralyte rehydration salts, he has to have it instead of his bottles for 24hrs. oh joy. he's being pretty good but poor lamb now has a nasty nappy rash from all the runny poos (11 nappies today).


11 nappies?? Bless his little bott and bless you for having to keep changing them!

Lets hope the salts work and he gets back to normal soon.


thanks Cazza :)

he is getting better, fewer nappies yesterday and today... took him to the doctor yesterday morning (after getting a lovely non-conventional birthday present at 6.40am :rofl: - actually first time I've been pooed on by him so not bad for nearly 20 weeks). doc was reassuring that he's fine, which I knew anyway, as he has been behaving pretty much as normal for him, but I felt the doc was condescending to me (and Chris agreed) - I mean, AE had the shits for a few days before it occured to me he wasn't ok, I am not some kind of crazed, over-protective mother (I hope I am the right sort of concerned and protective though) and I didn't run to the doc, I got advice from NHS Direct and it was them who said he needed to be seen by a doc (much as I adore AE it wasn't on my list of things to do on my birthday morning, sitting for an hour in the doc's waiting room, if I could avoid it - the doc I spoke to the night of the 30th said TAKE HIM TO YOUR GP IN THE MORNING). so to be spoken to like I am over-reacting galls and upset me. I KNEW he looked fine to me but he is my first child. I KNOW he sees thousands of babies with diarrhoea and knows that AE is ok by one glance but he is the only one I've seen and for all I know dehydration is something that they have and look normal. or it progresses quick. and he wasn't drinking his milk. and after the first 6oz he gulped he didn't want to rehydration fluid... so OF COURSE I was concerned. eeeesh.

so I made the decision to change docs. it's been brewing for a few months. really since I was pregnant, and I had such a job getting something for my heartburn. then I had an annoying 8-week post-natal check up, when I didn't feel I was being listened to. and then I went to the docs for my knees and the other doc (a retired gp who doesn't seem very retired to me as he's been there regularly since the summer) prescribed something he shouldn't... and I feel the other reasons I liked that practice have gone (my GP, who was ok for years but now he's pissing me off), there was a woman GP I liked and she left, there was a REALLY nice and helpful receptionist, but she's gone... it used to be 10 mins away but they moved and now it's a good 20 min walk, which is one thing when you haven't any urgency but when your baby is sick it IS. and with the baby clinic I am there every few weeks and it's the same HVs who run the one at the docs I am changing to so...

the place I am registering me and AE for didn't exist when I registered at my old GPs, its right over the road from us, literally 2 mins away. though Chris is registered there it's pretty much an unknown quantity as he's only been once. but worth a try for the convenience. I can always go back to the old practice if I have to. like jelr said last time I mentioned this, I can say I wanted us all to be together but it wasn't as good, heh. so I went over yesterday (in the heat of my anger, it is true) and got the forms. came home, calmed down, and decided to fil them in and take them back with the ID things they wanted. I feel fine about it. a little apprehensive about going somewhere new but oh well. it will be nice to be able to take AE over in the sling rather than the pushchair. and if we have an emergency we don't need to take the car and find parking.

so after all that I finally had a bit of a birthday. :happydance: and then we all went for dinner and the night at my best friend's house. got back this morning. AE was ok over there, especially last night, he was on good form, fussy this morning but he's better since we've been home.

and so - happy new year everyone. may 2010 be good to us all. :D looking forward to meeting some of you soon! (and sorry about the ones who can't make it this time, one day perhaps ;) )

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