--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hay ladies back after the Christmas break so Heeelllloooo and HAPPY NEW YEAR :happydance: may it be a good one for you all. We've had a good xmas and ready for the new year despite going backwards in our sleeping habits (was so tired after being up every hour and half slept through his screaming last night, bad mummy!) but I shan't dwell on such things as it might just get me down and I want to start the year with smiles!!

MJ happy Birthday for yesterday (I think) and hope the move goes well to a different doctors. I don't blame you for wanting to move.

Shiv and Vici, people will help you if you get stuck, it's amazing how nice people can be when they see you need help. I'm nervous too about going on the tube too but I have to be brave :bodyb: I can meet you if you want??

Joeyjo welcome back looking forward to the meet too.

No teeth for us Jamie but he's chewing everything in sight so maybe it won't be long. Oh and the dribble, jeez.

Ducky good to hear from you.

Sure I've missed loads but just wanted to say hi and can't wait for the 11th.

Hi ladies! Long time no see! Anyone remember me? :flow:

I've been naughty and haven't been posting in a long while. I do apologize! It's been so crazy trying to figure out the time and things with 3 kids total. :wacko: Please forgive me for being a no show. :blush: How is everyone doing and their LO's? I hope everyone is managing to stay healthy this winter! Bryson has been remarkably healthy! :thumbup: I managed to BF him for about 3.5 months. I've now switched him to formula and he seems to be very happy with it and thriving. Gosh, I sure have missed all of you ladies and your words of insight and wisdom. I can't believe Bryson is 4 months old now! Wow how time flies by! :plane: Seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. :cloud9:
Well I guess I better also mention all of the milestones he's hit so far. He's sitting up with assistance, slept through the night at 2 months old, been cooing and babbling since I think less than 30 days old, he's starting to reach out and grab things that interest him, giggling, rolling over from back to tummy and tummy to back, and so on. Oh and just today he found his feet for the first time and was grabbing them and putting his toes into his mouth LOL!! SOOOOO darn cute!!!! :cloud9: Matter of fact he is doing it again right now and cooing as I type this hehe! :haha:

I hope everyone enjoyed their baby's first Christmas this past year! Was Santa good to all of them? I know Bryson got spoiled! He got an exersaucer, a jumperoo, toys, cute clothes, and so on. :thumbup: His older brothers were a little jealous about the number of presents there were for him but I had to remind them that their toys are more expensive and therefore there are not as many of them. However, they still made out like bandits. :winkwink:

Well I better get going for now as it's time to feed my older two since Bryson has already had his bottle. I hope you all are well and have a very Happy and healthy New Year! :flower: Oh and I hope you will all welcome me back in even though I haven't posted in a while. :blush: :hugs::hugs:

Anyone else's baby cut their first tooth yet? The first has come through for me at the bottom no wonder his been a little grizzler. :(

Yes, Bryson is teething too. He has his first two bottom teeth coming through and I can see and feel them coming through the tops of the gums. He's been chewing on his pacifier and teething toys a lot lately. He's also been more cranky than usual but not nearly as bad as my oldest was.
Jamielou - Charlie hasn't cut his first tooth yet, but it is defiitely on the way! I don't think that one will actually start to cut for a wee while yet though.

Mary Jo - Good for you on the whole changing docs thing. I had to do that WHILST I was pregnant as my old one was such a w****r that I could take it no more! My new ones are much better....I wouldn't say they are great mind, but they are certainly all ears when it comes to Charlie. If I go in for anything reagrding me on the other hand, then I get made to feel like I am wasting their time!! Oh well, can't have it all I suppose.

Kimberly - Great that you had a fab Christmas! Yes, Santa bought lots of presents for Charlie too. He also got a jumperoo which is fab....just a shame that it's so big!! Why is it that they make baby toys and stuff so huge? I am going to end up sitting on the floor at this rate as there doesn't appear to be enough room for my sofa anymore!!! :haha::haha:

Anywho, must crack on and feed the little man. He only woke up once last night between 7.30am and 5.45am which is great for him (and us!).

Hiya ladys dont know if you will rember me.
Happy new year.
Sorry i havnt ben around it has been so busy with the 2 boys. Lucas has been really ill with his chest for almost a month think its all down to his teeth hes got the bottem 2 and 1 top 1. hes doing really well sleeps 13hrs a night still only on milk as iam NOT puttinghim on baby jars as did that with rueben and he wnt eat any thing now.
talk soon


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Hi girls, Happy New Year to you all :happydance: Hope you all have a happy, healthy and prosporous new year with your families xxxxx

Mimi - i'm 30 in 2010 so will be trying once the wedding is all done. cared it'll take years again like with Imi in which case I could easily be 34 by the time another O comes along!!

Shadow - massive well done on your deprivation - you should be very proud of yourself. I don't think there is any way I could do that!! So glad Vincent is doing so well - I was only saying to Shaun the other night hat so many August babies are doing so well and he said well should Imi be doing it - i seem to forget that he is a month ahead of her :dohh: I'm glad to be coming too - i hate missing out on stuff :rofl: Thank you for doing all the sorting xx O, and Imi got that crawl ball too, its great but if she's on her tummy and I put it on, she watches it intently but i'm forever grabbing it, scared that its unpredictable rolling will wollop her in the head!! :dohh: I think the member list detox is a good idea too :thumbup:

MJ - So glad you had a good xmas and that AE was such an angel. He sounds like Imi - her dungarees and babygrows are now at the getting too small stage so she'll be into 6-9 months before too long!! Don't blame you about not weighing in - i'm the same, really no point over xmas. My first weigh in will be in 8 days time!! orry to hear about AE's diarrhoea hun, Imi had it really bad a few days ago too - not as many as 11, but i think we were at about 8 :nope: Hope he's all better now :hugs: Thanks for that site, it was really helpful in deciding which route to take :thumbup: Hope you had a fab birthday hun, sorry I didn't get on to wish you all the best xx

Boothh - yay for Jessee rolling :thumbup: Sorry for AF arriving, good luck for next cycle! orry to hear Jessees eczcma is bad hun, i'd go back to the docs too x

Cazza - hi hun, sorry to hear your xmas was so stressful. Can't help with the weaning i'm afraid - the nearest i've got is buying some bowls, spoons, porridge and jars :dohh:

Shiv - def not the only one hun, me too!! Thats why i spent about 2 hours researching through the site that MJ posted so I know what route to take!! I'm determined to do it though :thumbup: We never had a pram as we have a travel system that you can either put the car seat in, lay flat or gradually sit up. Imi is in the main bit most of the time with it slightly tilted up :happydance:

ashnbump - good luck with your first driving lesson hun, you'll be passed in no time :thumbup:

Ducky - welcome back hun, great to see you are doing so well x

OC - great to see you back hun, and glad to hear James is doing so well :thumbup:

AE - Glad to see your Christmas was OK. Hope the MIL wasn't too bad. You'll have to post some piccies of your kittens - are you keeping any?

Joeyjo - i remember you - welcome back hun. So glad to see the move went well and you are getting settled back in England.

Jamielou - welcome hun, i remember you ;) Thanks for the advice. Would be great to meet you in Upminster and travel in together :thumbup: Keep your chin up hun, here's to a new year and a new start for you and LO xxxx No teeth for us yet BUT so much dribble I cannot even begin to contain it :haha:

Pippin - hey hun, long time no see. Sorry to hear you're still having problems with sleep. Hope its sorted out soon :hugs: Looking forward to meeting you :thumbup:

Kimberly - welcome back hun, glad to see you and Bryson are both doing well xx

TMR - hey hun, glad to see you are all doing well. Fab piccie xx
Just thought I would pop on a couple of Imi's recent pics.....

Trying a rusk for the first time!!




With Nana

In her Christmas present....

aww vici she looks soo cute! were did you get that christmas pudding outfit from, its great, jesse had on from asda but that ones soo much nicer, he also has a snowman outfit from mothercare and a whinnie the pooh santa outfit,

im gunna keep his snowman one out though seeing as it keeps snowing he might get a bit more use out of it,

is anyone getting worried about the meet yet? i feel like i havnt lost as much baby weight as id have liked to before i meet you lot, :/ xx
vici, Imi is a total stunner! I LOVE the b&w pic and the ones in the red cape, she looks so happy!

tmr, welcome back! I wondered where you were... three teeth for Lucas, wow, he's been busy!

boothh, am trying not to think about my weight, figure none of you met me before so you have nothing to compare with and mentally note, aye, she's still looking porky...

I didn't get any special costume outfits for AE for xmas, but he was given two all in one suits and a long-sleeved top with My First Christmas on, a christmas bodysuit and a fleecey babygro with red nosed rudolphs on. feels weird wearing them now. feels like a waste as well. (I don't like waste!) he is wearing the fleecy one right now because it's so cosy and warm and nice for lying around in during the evening.
:flower: Hello to everyone!

Can i join u lovely ladies... i have been visiting( i wont say lurking it sounds too creepy lol) this site for the longest time and just been too shy to say hello:shrug: but tonight i just thot sod it im gona post :happydance:
I have two lovely girls Kayleigh 4 and Kiera 4months 2wks.

Happy new year to u all xxx
mj i put jess in his christmas pudding one last night but that will be for the last time, he has one thats says santa baby and reindeer print and a red one with rudolph on at my mums and i know she will put them on him if he stays there, cus she would just think 'well hes inside noone can see and its not like he cares what hes wearing' but i cant think like that, im in trouble for buying jesse a tracksuit ( a nice one not chavvy i must stress) haha, it cost me £30 and OH is well annoyed cus were meant to be saving for a house, oh well we might be homeless but at least jess looks cute, which is the only thing that gives me comfort haha, xx

also about the weight thing, i do try keep that in mind but, i was a size 12 before i was pregnant, im about 5'10 so i always weigh abit more than i look, i put around 4/5 stone on with jess and i still have about 3 to lose and im now pushing a 16 which i hate, i dont know why though cus i come from a family of big/curvy women, iv just fought all my life to break the mold though and its not easy, because im quite broad, have wide hips and big feet etc so i think id look silly if i was skinny (thats what i tell myself anyway) OH does not seem to mind the extra curves though if you know what i mean haha, xx
Hey Booth

U r defo not alone with the weight thing i lost 7 stone before i got pregnant with Kiera and ive put two stone of that back on...which i nievely thot i could work off :blush:....but man is it hard fitting in any kind of real exercise with a small baby around sooo frustrating!! but then i look at her wee face and i think uct shes worth it lol I have made it my new years resolution to make a real effort to get it off for the summertime so fingers crossed!!

Jesse is too cute btw xx
Thanks Boothh and MJ, she is my little stunner. I got the pudding one from NIFirstimer on here hun, but i think it was from Asda. I love the one where you can see she's spinning her toys round on her jumperoo!! I'm trying not to worry about my weight, you girls know just what its like and are in the same boat (although a considerably smaller one - like a rowing boat whilst i'm stuck in my ark :rofl:

Hi Andie, welcome along xx
Hey Andie :hi:

Vici I love the pictures, especially the ones where she concentrating, Sam does that thing with his mouth too, I can't wait to meet her. It's going to be great to finally meet all these gorgeous babies.

Joeyjo I forgot to say I'm still breastfeeding too so don't worry, Sam will no doubt need a feed or two he's a hungry boy.

Now ladies as for weight you all don't need to worry, I'm the heavy one of the group and shamefully I haven't lost any weight yet but I plan too as my husband has just been told he type 2 diabetic (go figure he's the thiner one always has been) and although it's controllable with food we have to be careful so I'm going to be good with him and at least loose the 2 stone I put on with Sam (theoretically I have about 6 stone to lose but easy does it now). So no feeling worried about the 11th you hear!!!!!!!!!

I have a trial run going on the tube tomorrow to the Winter wonderland at Hyde park so I shall report back with any top tips for the ladies that are a bit nervous like me.

Oh and another thing about the 11th, if I call people by the wrong names please excuse me, I know you online names very well but real life ones are a whole different ball game. You can call me Pips (Shadow I know you will :winkwink:) or Aimee I don't mind. Hurrah I'm ssoooooooo excited!!!!
Thank u for the welcome vicci,

Ur wee girl is gorgeous!!

I love ur wee ones jumperoo i didnt know u could get them in pink:dohh: sooo jellous lol i would have everything pink its probably a good job its two girls i have hehe xx
Ok a quick catch up - lovely to see some "old" faces in here - and a new one!

OC - nice to hear from you , sorry you have been so ill, sounds like James is doing well though. I hope this new year brings a healthy you!

AE - pictures of kittens please , cute cute cute!

MJ, thanks for the info regarding Waterloo, sounds easy enough! Apart from I hate lifts - hahahahahaha! I just wish it wasn't gonna take me 2 and half hours on the train (you would think Ilive din Scotland not bloody Kent!)
Poor Adam, and poor you changing all those nappies! Hope is feeling better. Think you are doing the right thing regarding doctors surgeries. I would have changed just for the ease of getting there.

Hi Joeyjo - good to have you back x If I come to the meet then I shall be wapping my boobs out too!

Ducky - sounds like a Naya is flourishing - good work!

JamieLou - don't wanna be a numpty - but you were RubyRose right? (hope so otherwise I have probably just offended you and her for mixingyou up otherwise!!!) I am guessing this is your new user as your MiL hacked your other account? Sorry to hear about you and hubby - big hugs.

Hey Pippin, nice to see you!

Hi Kim, welcome back

Hi TMR - welcome back as well

Vici - I'm also 30 this year - eek! Imi is a doll!

Booth - I am still undecided about the meet, but am worried about how I look, fat, and frumpy in clothes that I can BF in (so nothing nice!) but I guess MJ is right, nobody knows what we used to look like! And what matters is that we are all mummies! Isn't it funny that no matter what size we are everyone has their own battle and their own perceptions of themselves? Some girls have figures that i woudl die to have but still see themselves as fat. I guess if you are not happy with yourself it doesn't matter how overweight you are, it is fundamentally the same battle - if that makes any sense?!?

Hi Andie, LOVELY to have a new person to get to know! Tell us all about yourself! We are a friendly bunch, no arguments in here, just support and kindness!

As for us, well Sophia has had a funny week or so, growth spurt I think. Feeding all teh time, not as settled at night etc. I am hoping it will come to end soon and we can get back into some sort of routine 9I say routine, really I just mean it woudl be nice to haev an inkling when she might feed and sleep)

I have been thinking a lot about weaning recently. I am planning on starting when Sophia is 6 months, she is fairly petite so I don't think she'll need any solids before then (althoguh am playing it by ear). Are any of you ladies doing BLW? Any tips?

Also what high chairs have you all got/ are you getting?

Sophia's toilet habits have also changed recently. She has been pooing a lot less often (used to be 4 or 5 times a day and now it is once every 2 or 3 days, and they STINK!) anyone else get this around the 4 month mark? I thought maybe it might be to do with her digestive system changing?!?!?

Anyway, good to see so many chatty people in here.
Thank u for the welcome vicci,

Ur wee girl is gorgeous!!

I love ur wee ones jumperoo i didnt know u could get them in pink:dohh: sooo jellous lol i would have everything pink its probably a good job its two girls i have hehe xx

Thanks hun :flower:

Its not offically a jumperoo, its a bright starts jumper!! New it is more expensive than the jumperoo but we got it second hand off ebay! If we were keeping it for our next LO i'd have got a unisex one but as we have no room for storage at home, everything will be sold and bought again next time :thumbup:
Hi Shiv :flower:

Will be nice to chat with all u guys instead of just rudely reading only which is what ive been doing up till now :blush: I have actually been around since the August mummies thread but just never got the courage to post i dont know why i blame the hormones lol xx
Hi Shiv :flower:

Will be nice to chat with all u guys instead of just rudely reading only which is what ive been doing up till now :blush: I have actually been around since the August mummies thread but just never got the courage to post i dont know why i blame the hormones lol xx

You know all about us already then :winkwink:

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