--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Suppose I need to change my avatar picture now Christmas is over :cry: I love the tinsel one!

Off to find another cute one!
Hi Shiv :flower:

Will be nice to chat with all u guys instead of just rudely reading only which is what ive been doing up till now :blush: I have actually been around since the August mummies thread but just never got the courage to post i dont know why i blame the hormones lol xx

You know all about us already then :winkwink:

Yeah a wee bit i guess lol:blush:
Im off to bed now ladies...look forward to chatting some more soon nite nite xx
Hi Andie, nice to see you found the courage to join in! :D

Shiv, we haven't got a high chair yet but I am getting the same one as my brother and sil have (they have two), it's a Stokke Tripp Trapp. They are expensive but look really nice and last years, as they convert into a child's seat and then a teen's, and in my brother's house the adults use them too as step ladders, which I will also be using ours as. My brother very generously promised to buy us ours when AE was born, he's only just sent the cash though, as we didn't need it till now but I am going to order it soon as I reckon by the end of the month I will start some solids. I hope to do minimal purees and mostly BLW. HV said 20 week was the earliest to start and to have started by 24 weeks, well he is 20 weeks today but getting over his shits so no way are we introducing anything right now, want to give him plenty time for his system to settle back down. 24 weeks is the end of Jan, and that's not 6 months, so I am not going to fret if it's a little after 24 weeks.

as for weight, I am certain I have gained a lot back over Christmas. :cry: I feel fatter. guess I haven't been going out and about and doing all the stuff for AE that needs doing as I've had Chris around since the 24th. am going to be strict now. yes.
Vici~ Imi is so cute.

MJ~ thank you for wondering about me. I didnt get Lucas a xmas suit as i got rueben 1 when he was a baby and thort it was a wast so just got Lucas a xmas hat so cute.

Andie~ Wellcome the girls are really nice and will make you feel welcome.

Shiv~ Iam gunna do BLW as with rueben we gave him baby food and he dose not eat now (hes 5) he will eat fruit,pasta,chips and buttys. With BLW you just cut up normall food in to fingers and let them get on with it them self they may not eat at 1st but will in time it is just messy play at 1st and also dont give when hungery give normall milk feeds then sit in a high chair and let them get on with it. We got a high chair off my mum for xmas its a high low one and at the min i just put him in it and put toys on the tray to get him reaching for them and playing.I will start giving him food about 25weeks or 6months.

Lucas is 5 months tomorre where has the time gone. He is such a happy baby he rolled from back to belly yesterday and trys to get his knees under him when on his belly. Also when he is lay back he trys to pull him self up to sit up. I started putting him in his door bouncer agane the outher day and he loves it now didnt like it when 1st tryed him a few weeks ago.
Morning Ladies,

Hope you are all OK?

TMR - Happy New Year. I am really pleased that your little man sleeps 13 hours. I wish Charlie would do that :nope: I am lucky if I manage to get him to go 5 hours!

Vici - Happy New Year. Your piccies of Imi are just gorgeous. She looks incredibly well. Quick question; what does she do when you give her the rusk? Does she just suck it? I was going to give one to Charlie to have a go at but wasn't too sure?

Andie - Hi and welcome :wave:

Boothh - I was also a size 12 before I got pregnant and am now a size 16. My consolation is that most of the ladies on here are in the same boat which gives me lots of comfort!! :happydance:

Shiv - I just bought the Fisher Price Rainforest highchair the other day. I got it mainly because it has 7 different heights which is great for us as I will probably be feeding him from the sofa as I don't have a dining table :blush::blush: I would say that it isn't the smallest when it's folded, but it was one of the only ones that do all the height positions. I was going to get the Chicco one that is on offer at Toys R Us at the minute, but DH said that it having a little tray to put your bowl on was not good enough reason for getting it!!

Well I tried Charlie on his first bit of food yesterday. I just thought I would give him a wee bit of baby rice to see how he got on. I had to make it quite runny though as I was concerned it would get all stuck in his palate. He did very well and did take a couple of spoonfuls which I am very proud of! The problem I have is that he can't suck so when he takes his milk normally he kinda laps it like a cat so I almost have to place the food on his tongue otherwise it would just stay on the spoon:dohh: My Cleft nurse has gone AWOL though so I don't have anyone that can help me as such to make sure I am doing it right, but as long as he is taking a bit then it can't be all bad!

I am off to buy baby boy a new pushchair today as I currently have a SilverCross 3D which is an absolute tank! I'm thinking either a Quinny or the new Mama's and Papas Sola.

Speak soon ladies.

MJ - i feel fatter too. Have changed my weigh in day to Friday now tho as i'm joining the girls in the weightloss thread :thumbup:

TMR - yay for Lucas :happydance: I can't keep Imi still now, i have to lay a rug across the whole floor as once she's off theres no stopping her :dohh:

Cazza - thanks hun :cloud9: eah, shes putting everything in her month and biting at the min so i thought the rusk would be an easy introduction. She just sucked it and bit it and made it go very soggy but its all good fun :thumbup:

We have a big family get together today with lots of food and games which I am really looking forward to (its with my lot aswell as my mums sister anmd her lot - 13 adults and 7 kids!!) Last day of bad eating for me :thumbup:
Hiya girlies! (And Carter, of course! :wave: good to see you again!)

Andie, welcome to the group! Glad you were brave enough to jump on in with us chatterboxes! It's funny to think you know something about us already, I think I did notice your username in the "currently viewing this thread" bit once or twice! If you'd like to PM me (or just post in here) with Kiera's birthday and birth weight I can add you guys properly to the members' list :happydance:

TMR, great to have you back, I also had been wondering how you and Lucas (and Rueben of course!) were getting on. Sounds like you're doing well and are becoming a right old pro at all this baby stuff, having done it all before!

So there's a lot of talk of weaning lately, and lots of us are doing our own things and starting it all in different ways. I think that's so cool, that so many babies will start off on solids in such different ways and yet they all end up (hopefully) as healthy eaters later in life. It is fun to think of exciting ways to introduce solids, I think! As for Vincent, as most of you know we did start him on some solids early, and then backed off a lot for a while. Well I think we are at the point now that he does well with some solids each day again, so we are giving him 4x7oz bottles a day and 2xbaby jars a day: One jar for "breakfast" (at about 10:30) and something more savoury-ish (he's not very good with the savoury stuff, he is a fussy thing sometimes!) for "dinner" (at about 5pm). Yesterday I experimented by giving him a jar of "hearty cottage pie" for dinner, which he has refused and gagged on before. He ate ALMOST the whole jar with no fussing, I was so proud! So hopefully we are moving in the right direction with weaning!

As for high chairs, we don't use one yet (I feed him his solids in his Link-a-doos rocker chair, which is working pretty well so far) but we do have one put away for him which we will have to start using some time soon, I suppose. It is a very simple one, nothing as fancy as some of you guys are getting / have got!! Lee's mum bought ours for us, and the budget was a bit tight, so we got what we could :) It is just one of the Mothercare wooden ones, but it does turn into a toddler chair and table for when he is a bit bigger which is nice :thumbup:

OK, also, you're all going on about weight loss and stuff. I think it is highly likely that MOST of us ate like pigs over Christmas, and we are all at the same stage (ish) after having our little ones, so I really am not going to worry about not having lost my extra pregnancy weight yet! Also, because of when we had our babies, we all had Christmas right in the way of trying to lose some weight. So for those of you coming to London on the 11th, please don't fret about how we look to each other!! I am most certainly not going to!! :flower: :kiss:

And so, on to the meet. Those of us coming seem to be getting to that butterflies-in-the-tummy phase of being super excited and yet quite nervous at the same time! No chickening out now, any of you, you hear?! We will all be in the same boat, we can just dive in and get on with it and I'm sure we will have a lovely time! Imagine chatting about it afterwards in here, how cool it will be to have actually met each other at last! :)

I still haven't sorted out the members' list yet, but I will start that in a minute I think because Vince is down for a nap (horray for better daytime naps!!) so I should use the time wisely :winkwink:

Lots of love to you all! xxx
TMR, great to have you back, I also had been wondering how you and Lucas (and Rueben of course!) were getting on. Sounds like you're doing well and are becoming a right old pro at all this baby stuff, having done it all before!

hiya shadow its funny how much you for get about babys when you havnt had 1 for 5 yrs but its all coming and came back. But he is so easy going (tuch wood) that its been easy. 1 thing i have found thow is iam not as soft with him as i was with rueben he gets thrown about more :haha:
TMR, great to have you back, I also had been wondering how you and Lucas (and Rueben of course!) were getting on. Sounds like you're doing well and are becoming a right old pro at all this baby stuff, having done it all before!

hiya shadow its funny how much you for get about babys when you havnt had 1 for 5 yrs but its all coming and came back. But he is so easy going (tuch wood) that its been easy. 1 thing i have found thow is iam not as soft with him as i was with rueben he gets thrown about more :haha:

:rofl: I guess you realise after the first that they're not as fragile as you used to think! I think if we have another I'll be much less freaked out about possible germs when they're tiny, I was really obsessed with that when Vince was tiny! :hugs:
ooh, lots of pretty pics. I will try and get some of the kittens, but I can't find my charger for the batteries for my camera. Stupid moving boxes ;) Imogen still ahs the cold, and I think it might mean the beginning of the end for breastfeeding for me, as she's been having formula so much as feeding has been difficult, I think my milk is drying up and I can't face sitting with the pump on for hours to improve it. I've only used the electric one once, thank goodness I didn't buy it new. I guess I'll use it next time.

we haven't got a highchair yet, as she's only having the occasional lick of solids, but there's a super cute one in Ikea that matches our living room (SO SHALLOW) which I might buy. I have to go anyway to buy a hatrack as my coat hooks fell down under the weight of the coats of the visitors we had at christmas, and then again at new year. I think our new walls SUCK.

We went to my husband's panto last night, with Mog in her santa's elf outfit. She looked cute as the dickens and was amazingly good (the huge bottle of hungry baby milk she had at curtain up might have helped).
grrr i cant remember what i was writing to who now so ill just do it by topic,

poo! - jesse normally does it once a day usually in the morning, sometimes again at night but rarely,

weaning - jesse routine is around about this,
9.30am has 9oz of hungry baby milk when he wakes up
11.00am he has porridge and sometimes a piece of toast which he will play with and suck/dribble on etc,
between 1 and 2pm 9oz of hungry baby before he has a nap,
between 4 and 5pm a savoury type meal, normally half to 2/3 of a jar or pouch, and some dessert, normally a petit filous yoghurt or something like that,
sometimes he will have about 6 or 7oz of milk depending on how much hes eaten,
8pm 1rusk mixed with about 1oz of milk and the remaining 8oz of milk,
he rarely wakes up in the night about 4 or 5am and he will have a bottle then but thats quite rare,

remembering peoples names - omg dont even start me off!! the only ones i know are the people i have on my facebook and i even get the facebooks and the users slightly confused sometimes,
i think we need a little list and what about pictures of ourselves cus i cant remember what some of you look like, and i dont wanna be rude and get confused so lets post pictures and names once again for people like me that a crap at remembering :P xx
Good idea, Becki, but some people might not feel entirely comfortable with their real name and a photo up on a public forum. I'm not sure about photos, but I know everyone's first name and user name and baby's name so if you all like I'll PM everyone coming to the meet with a list of real names, baby's name and username... ? :D

Sounds like Jess has a similar-ish routine to Vince, feeding-wise, but he has more than Vince in 24 hours it seems. Speaking of weaning etc, Vincent had a jar of "Grandpa's Sunday Lunch" today and ate it all!!! I think we're starting to get it "right"; I give him his evening jar just after his nap, so he is all calm and happy and seems to take the savoury stuff much better that way! Also, after his dinner tonight I let him have a chomp on two clementine segments for "dessert", he LOVED it, but he couldn't get the hang of holding it himself and chomping, I had to hold them for him. He sucked out the juice and seemed very pleased with himself, but afterwards he puked up loads of clear liquid :( Hope it didn't upset his tummy or something, but surely it's just fruit and he gets that all the time in jars...??

Anywho, front page is looking a bit better now, but I think in a little while I will do a second detox, getting rid of people who have perhaps only posted once or twice, a long while ago, and never again. Of course, if I delete someone and they appear again, I will add them back on :D

Hope everyone is having a lovely evening :)

Shadow xx
Hey everybody,

We've had a fab and super busy weekend. We had my brother in law, his wife and 5year old boy here and its been great fun. We went to the Natural History Museum - it was fab.

I'm very excited about the meet :) but I will definitely be bringing G in the mai-tei not the pram.

As for weaning - I am intending to do BLW - G has started to grab at my food and stuff so I am letting him have a few bits - mostly he just plays with it but a few bits have been swallowed!! he has had pear, toast, red pepper (he loved it) and also at pizza express I gave him a small piece of crust with some tomato sauce on (a bit naughty and he seemed to really enjoy it - whoops!) Anyhow here are some pics :)


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Hey ladies, back from my first expedition on the tube, just a few tips for you all for the 11th.

- Check that you can carry the buggy either folded down or with baby in as every bloody station we went to today had steps to get in and out of the tube, as you'd expect but even the ones that said disabled access grrrr. I have a very light Maclaren as a second buggy and it was easy picking him up in it so I didn't have to struggle getting him out and in again. Or just ask for help, people will stop and help.
- If people offer to help tell them exactly where to hold and pick up the buggy and how high to carry. Even though I was with my hubby he had to be told as he almost tipped Sam out at one point.
- Take only one bag with you, over the shoulder or rucksack, carrying two is impossible.
- Take your time, and leave extra time to get places. I stupidly missed a bus as I was going by timings when I didn't have a child. Yes, I know, derrrr but I still forgot.
- Going up an escalator you need the front wheels on one step and you stand on the fourth or fifth behind it (including first) it sounds silly but I nearly pushed myself backwards.
- Going down you need to pull the wheel hard onto the step below you, it's too far below if it's two steps in front of you, I was practically crouching at one point.
- Finally travel at the very front or very back of the train if it's busy as there will be more room for you and the buggy.

Hope that helps. xxxx
Hey girls! I've read but not posted in here for a while. We are officially moved all the way out of our house in Virginia. I'm now in Indiana living with my brother. Which is convenient because they have a baby on the way so I have access to their changing table, etc. So although I have a room all to myself, it is still taking some getting used to living in someone else's house. I don't like it much but it isn't horrible. I said goodbye to corey last Sunday so it's been a week now. I won't be seeing him again until the end of April. :shock::cry:

The baby seems to be making the adjustment easily enough. I just don't think she's old enough to understand anyways. Nothing too new to report with her. She'll sit for a few seconds on her own before toppling to the side. :haha: It's hilarious every time. She is always talking away. Her squeals and screams are starting to turn into more normal speech patterns where she is moving her mouth in different shapes and using her tongue. I put the baby down on her tummy and she is always spinning herself around. Usually to get in better position to stare at me. :dohh: She is constantly smiling as usual and giggles all the time. She loves getting bit. Like on her tum and her feet and neck. I just nibble on her and she giggles and squeals. :cloud9: Everyone is always commenting on how happy she is. I'm still 100% breastfeeding. Don't plan on weaning till the recommended 6 months. I will more than likely try BLW but still need to order the book before I make my decision. Christmas was amazing. I didn't overload her with toys but bought her things that she will use at 6 months, etc instead. I try to stay exact on the age range for toys and when I give them to her. I figure it's there for a reason. :shrug: But the few toys she got that is age appropriate she seems to love. But her crinkle book is still her favorite. :thumbup: She is constantly grabbing her feet and putting them in her mouth now as well. She won't leave them alone. :rofl: It's utterly adorable. I seriously can't get enough of her. :cloud9::cloud9: As I type she is in front of me with one foot in one hand and she's sucking her thumb with her other hand. :cloud9::cloud9:

I hope everyone else is doing well! I'm excited to see the piccies from your upcoming meet!! Wish I could be there. Love to you all!! :flower::flower:
Hi all

Sorry I have been MIA over the christmas but I decided to spend as much time with babs and hubbie while he was off and my brother also came home from London on Wednesday and is heading back on Tuesday. But unfortuntately things go back to normal tonight and DH has headed to bed early for work tomorrow. So I decided on a catch up. I manged to catch back on the 12 pages I missed but I'm not going to try and do a monster post to include everyone as I would be here all night lol.

So just want to say Happy new year to you all and hope you all had a great holiday.

We had a ball, Natasha really did put a new magic in Christmas. Santa brought her a jumparoo, a kick and play toy, some books and a little Lamaze giraffe toy with crinkle legs. But she got so much stuff from both families and our friends, so I have put some of it up until she is older and when she is bored with the stuff she is playing with now. She is getting great fun out of the jumparoo and her new play gym and mat that my brothers bought her, she is not quiet able to reach the floor and jump yet in the jumparoo but she is really loving sitting up and looking around and playing with the toys on it.

She has also found her toes this week which is really cute and is discovering her voice and is doing little squeals of delight over and over and just experimenting with making noise. she is also dribbling lots more and we nearly have a bib on her now all the time as all her clothes are soaked sometimes, which is a real pity as she got some beautiful clothes and dresses as presents so it seemed a real shame to cover them up with a bib, but I dont want the wet getting in on her chest and her getting a cold and it is too time consuming and hard on the laundry lol to keep changing her clothes so needs must.

After her really cranky week before Christmas she settled back down which was great, dont know what helped, whether it was giving her a little more solids or the teething necklace or the trip to the osteopath but something did which is all that counts.

MJ: I think the necklace I got was okay - It wasn't from the same buyer on ebay and it does float somwhat - like you the clasp was making it sink after a minute as it is a magnet but I did pierce it with a hot needle and it was really hard to pierce not like plastic and there was no plastic smell, so hopefully it is real.

She is still waking up between 4 and 6 in the morning with hunger instead of her normal way of 6 - 7.30 so I have started going back to lifting her around 11 / 11.30 and giving her a feed until she is more established on solids, she is still only getting a couple of cubes at lunchtime and some baby rice in the evenings and I dont want to start stuffing her with more yet as so far it is going well, so by lifiting her again she is sleeping until 8.30 which will work better when I am back to work in a few weeks and when she is more established on the solids and up to 3 proper meals a day which should be around the 6 to 7 months I will gradually reduce this feed or hopefully she will have reduced it herself. She has now tasted pureed, pear, apple, sweet potato, carrott, courgette and baby rice and we still have swede, green beans and ordinary potato taste by the end of the month. she made a few faces with the sweet potato and courgette but ate it all and sometimes makes a sour like face with the apple and pear but she always eats it all.

Well I have to book her in for her 4 month jabs this week and the thoughts of it, she cried so hard for the last ones it broke my heart, so the thoughts of going through that again, I really did hope DH would be with me this time as she was due them during the week when he was off, but the nurse is on holidays until tomorrow.

Imagine I have only 5 weeks left out of my 26 weeks maternity, where has the time gone to. I really do hate the thoughts of leaving her - although I know i'm very lucky it is with my mam so she will be in good hands but I will miss her so much even if it is only for 2 or 3 days.

How is the weather every where, we had snow on new years eve and we have had extreme frost that I have never seen in my life time so much so that a lot of the roads have been impassible so we have been house bound for most of the holidays, but we didn't mind as it gave us plenty of quality time as a family.

Well like everyone else, I ate way too much but sure that is what Christmas is about, I also had a few drinks here a couple of nights and DH did the night feeds on those nights and got up in the morning so I could have a lie in which was lovely.

Well so much for not writing a monster post lol - Happy new year again to everyone. :hugs: to you all. I'm raging I wont be able to make the meet, but will be thinking of you all over here in Ireland.

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