Hi all
Sorry I have been MIA over the christmas but I decided to spend as much time with babs and hubbie while he was off and my brother also came home from London on Wednesday and is heading back on Tuesday. But unfortuntately things go back to normal tonight and DH has headed to bed early for work tomorrow. So I decided on a catch up. I manged to catch back on the 12 pages I missed but I'm not going to try and do a monster post to include everyone as I would be here all night lol.
So just want to say Happy new year to you all and hope you all had a great holiday.
We had a ball, Natasha really did put a new magic in Christmas. Santa brought her a jumparoo, a kick and play toy, some books and a little Lamaze giraffe toy with crinkle legs. But she got so much stuff from both families and our friends, so I have put some of it up until she is older and when she is bored with the stuff she is playing with now. She is getting great fun out of the jumparoo and her new play gym and mat that my brothers bought her, she is not quiet able to reach the floor and jump yet in the jumparoo but she is really loving sitting up and looking around and playing with the toys on it.
She has also found her toes this week which is really cute and is discovering her voice and is doing little squeals of delight over and over and just experimenting with making noise. she is also dribbling lots more and we nearly have a bib on her now all the time as all her clothes are soaked sometimes, which is a real pity as she got some beautiful clothes and dresses as presents so it seemed a real shame to cover them up with a bib, but I dont want the wet getting in on her chest and her getting a cold and it is too time consuming and hard on the laundry lol to keep changing her clothes so needs must.
After her really cranky week before Christmas she settled back down which was great, dont know what helped, whether it was giving her a little more solids or the teething necklace or the trip to the osteopath but something did which is all that counts.
MJ: I think the necklace I got was okay - It wasn't from the same buyer on ebay and it does float somwhat - like you the clasp was making it sink after a minute as it is a magnet but I did pierce it with a hot needle and it was really hard to pierce not like plastic and there was no plastic smell, so hopefully it is real.
She is still waking up between 4 and 6 in the morning with hunger instead of her normal way of 6 - 7.30 so I have started going back to lifting her around 11 / 11.30 and giving her a feed until she is more established on solids, she is still only getting a couple of cubes at lunchtime and some baby rice in the evenings and I dont want to start stuffing her with more yet as so far it is going well, so by lifiting her again she is sleeping until 8.30 which will work better when I am back to work in a few weeks and when she is more established on the solids and up to 3 proper meals a day which should be around the 6 to 7 months I will gradually reduce this feed or hopefully she will have reduced it herself. She has now tasted pureed, pear, apple, sweet potato, carrott, courgette and baby rice and we still have swede, green beans and ordinary potato taste by the end of the month. she made a few faces with the sweet potato and courgette but ate it all and sometimes makes a sour like face with the apple and pear but she always eats it all.
Well I have to book her in for her 4 month jabs this week and the thoughts of it, she cried so hard for the last ones it broke my heart, so the thoughts of going through that again, I really did hope DH would be with me this time as she was due them during the week when he was off, but the nurse is on holidays until tomorrow.
Imagine I have only 5 weeks left out of my 26 weeks maternity, where has the time gone to. I really do hate the thoughts of leaving her - although I know i'm very lucky it is with my mam so she will be in good hands but I will miss her so much even if it is only for 2 or 3 days.
How is the weather every where, we had snow on new years eve and we have had extreme frost that I have never seen in my life time so much so that a lot of the roads have been impassible so we have been house bound for most of the holidays, but we didn't mind as it gave us plenty of quality time as a family.
Well like everyone else, I ate way too much but sure that is what Christmas is about, I also had a few drinks here a couple of nights and DH did the night feeds on those nights and got up in the morning so I could have a lie in which was lovely.
Well so much for not writing a monster post lol - Happy new year again to everyone.

to you all. I'm raging I wont be able to make the meet, but will be thinking of you all over here in Ireland.