--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Sorry guys didn't realise how much of a monster that was until i posted and very selfish of me seeing as it was all me me me and I didn't reply to anyone. Will be back to normal during the week I hope. Night all. Xx
that was a lovely newsy post, jelr. I always love your posts, even the ones responding to others. :hugs: so pleased you have had a lovely Christmas and Natasha enjoyed it all and is doing well! I got a book on baby and toddler foods for Christmas, haven't looked at it yet as it seems to be focusing in the beginning on purees and I would like to try BLW (have not read the book on that either, think I should!). but on the nutrition aspects and foods for later on it'll be useful. book was a gift from C's mother.

actually, I happened to see a situation over Christmas that I wasn't sure how I'd handle if it was me, given I don't like to appear rude and am afraid that being assertive can come across as rude... we were at C's mum's and she had some family members over as well, and she cooked... C's little nephew is 9 months old and obviously eating some solids now. well, C's mum wanted to let the baby have a taste of a dessert, can't remember what it was, there were a few, might have been a chocolate pear thing or a banoffee pie, and C's sis (baby's mum) said ABSOLUTELY NOT. C's mum pushed it, and the way she was speaking it was as though they were depriving the baby of something by not having a taste of dessert. C's sis repeated, NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

now I agreed with her, but that wasn't my issue, it was C's mum pushing her after she'd said no and trying a sort of emotional blackmail on her. it's the mum's decision, end. of. and it made me think, eeeek, if she tried to push me after I'd said no, I don't think I'd be able to say what C's sis did and get away with it (it was to her own mother, she could be as forceful as she liked). I'd be really, really angry if someone gave my child something I said he couldn't have, or tried to make me feel bad for the choices I make.

there again I don't want AE to have the sort of food issues I had through childhood, so I won't be banning anything once he is old enough to ask for it. but till he is I see no point in encouraging him to want chocolate and sweets and stuff. fruit is different, of course.
Hiya ladys
Lucas has found his feet the last few days and every time i put him on the floor he lifts them up then falls to the side he thinks its so funny.

Has any 1 thort of getting a baby walker?
i have just sent off for 1 rueben loved his so hopefull Lucas will as well.
talk later Lucas is screaming at me lol

HI girls,

Just a quick check in from me - I'm sorry - I've been MIA for a while!

I can't make it to the London meet - it's just too far by train for me and a boy who is very loud and prone to grumpy days! I'll be thinking of you all and hope you have a fab time. :-)

Well, our update. We are doing OK - still 100% breastfeeding, going to wait until 6 months to wean and we are going to do BLW. I've been having problems with expressing recently (I still express the late evening feed) but my supply seems fine for other feeds, so I think it's just my body that is finely tuned to supply / demand by now!

My boy is fab at night and settles really well. He sometimes still does a 5AM feed, but often sleeps 11.30 - 7.30. Days are a different story - he has trouble with daytime sleeping and is also teething on and off, so a lot of the time I have a little grump who is also very LOUD! I have honestly never met another baby with a cry that is so loud ...... the slightest whimper from him sounds like a full screaming meltdown from most other babies we have met! He also has toddler style tantrums about once a day - screaming, punching and kicking for no apparent reason.

Despite this, I love my boy to bits .... he often smiles and giggles and I have got used to his quirky personality - I wouldn't change him for the world as he is sooooo much fun!!
tmr - jesse got a walker for christmas off MIL and he loves it, it has a car play board on with a steering wheel and lots of buttons and music, he doesnt get very far in it but hes happy to sit in while we eat which is great, we put him in there at meal times and he plays with the toy board while we eat then we take the toy board off and feed him, highly recomended xx
We've been thinking about getting Vincent a walker soon, he has already gone up a height setting on his Jumperoo and I think he's close to being able to use his legs in that way, too. Good idea to feed him in it, Becki :)

Should I message everyone with a list of who will be at the meet and their real name and baby's name? I think I shall...
Hey all

MJ: Ah thanks good to know I'm not boring you all lol - I didn't realise how much I had to catch you all up on with not being on the last two weeks until I started typing. I am also dreading that situation MJ and have thought about it already as DH has always been a divil when it comes to other peoples children and feeding them sweets and buscuits and doesn't understand how wrong he has been doing by going ahead when the mother says no - he honestly doesn't mean any harm by it and thinks that all children needs sweets, which I would disagree, like you once she is old enough to ask I wont deprive her as we never got any treats or junk food growing up and when I moved out that is all I ate for a few years as it seemed like such a treat, hence all the weight I put on before I got married and it took me years to lose it then because of the PCOD, but I really dont see the need for small babies who know no different to have sweet things shoved down there mouths as I feel number one the suger and stuff is so bad for them but it may lead to giving them a sweet tooth. I think the fruit is enough natural sugar for them to have. I'm think DH does feel differently now that it is is own and I have explained how too much could make her sick and she is his little precious so I think he now sees the error in his ways, or at least that is what I'm hoping and that number one he doesn't fill her full of stuff and number two he backs me up if I need to say no to anyone else, the other problem I have is that most of our friends all say they are now going to get him back by giving his baby stuff they are not allowed but I dont think any of them are serious or at least I hope not.

TMR: I remember my younger brothers using a walker when they were little and think they are a great idea, but even though I have been looking at some I am going to wait as Natasha's little legs still dont reach down to the floor in her Jumparoo and she really is not making any effort to put much weight on them when holding her up on my knee - so I will wait for a while.

Kaygeebee: Good to see you, Natasha was like that for a couple of weeks before Christmas between teething and she only naps for 20 mins at a time - I am now using an amber teething necklace and it seems to be helping. She also has the odd Tantrum so I reckon she will have a right little temper when she gets going - although it is not very often it happens.

Booth: What is the make of the walker, it sounds great, I have looked at a few here in Ireland but none of them are taking my fancy so far.

Shadow: Vince must be a tall lad, Natashas wee legs dont even reach the ground yet on the lowest setting on the jumparoo he he.

Well AFU: I went to a postnatal class tonight - one of the midwives in the hospital runs it and it is to help with tummy, back and pelvic floor muscles so I reckon it can't help and it is only for 1 night a week for 7 weeks, mind you I completely forgot tonight until she text everybody to remind them. I really hope I'm not as forgetful when I go back to work - I am always so organised and on the ball for work - but I'm afraid I wont be when I go back as my main focus of my thoughts will be on Natasha during the day and not all on work. Any body else afraid of this??

Natasha is still not making any effort at rolling and she also doesn't really put any weight on her legs when on our laps - On one hand I'm not too worried as I reckons she is just laid back but something my mum said the other day has made me think - She reckons that I didn't crawl at all and only rolled and didn't walk until I was a year and a half and she wonders if maybe I had always had a touch of my arthritis even though I didn't have my first acute flare up until I was 20 - so I'm hoping that Natasha is not following in my foot steps and this is the reason that she is making no effort at any of the pysical things as other than that she is on par with all the other developmental things. She doesn't ever seem to be in any sort of pain so I think it is just mostly lazyness and that she can't be bothered - Any ones elses LO's not rolling or putting any weight on legs yet.

Well I have booked her in for her jabs and the appointment is for Friday at 4.30 so DH reckons he will actually get to come as sometimes he can finish early on a Friday and he said he is going to make it his business the week to do so, so that he can be there, so I'm delighted with that as I really hated holding her the last day.

Well I'm off to bed. Night everyone. Xx
jelr- good to see that the amber teething necklace seems to be helping!! :thumbup:

crap was gonna write a lot more but DH just called. Night girls!! :flower:
Jelr~ Rueben wasnt botherd about rolling or even crawling he only started crawling at 11 months and then started walking at 13months. he did use his walker alot thow as he would just scream as he couldnt move about. There is not stoping him now thow he runs evey where.

Lucas is doing good he had a lazzy day yesterday and slept 2 times 1st for 1hr 2nd for 2 hrs he never nomally sleeps much at all may be 30min at a time wich i dnt mind as he sleeps 13 hrs of a night. Rueben gose back to school today and it has snowed over night so iam dreading it as they dnt grit the roads much around here and the road where his school is is so busy and slippy and ppl dnt think when driving that it is icey slow down.
any way have a good day
jelr - its chicco? its from mothercare, i dont know how much MIL paid but ts 40 in the sale, its one of the midrange ish ones, it is nice though, there was one which actually looked like a car but i thought 80 was a tiny bit steep especially when you can get nice ones for half the price,

well we are officially snowed in, OH couldnt get to work today, and its supposed to be bad all week, so if it stays like this we dont wanna risk the motorway with jesse in the car getting to london, but hopefully it will get better again, id be gutted to miss cus of the snow! xx
:( I hope the snow/ice doesn't cause anyone any trouble for the meet!

I've sent a PM to everyone who has confirmed they'll be there :) It's getting close now!!

TMR - Happy 5 months to Lucas! Time certainly does go fast.

Cazza - Thats good Charlie took a few spoons of baby rice (he is super cute btw, love the name to that was on the "list" :P) Know what you mean about the prams. My graco was a MONSTER and I'm waiting for my maxi cosi to be delivered which looks a lot smaller than lord. :thumbup:

Shadow - Sounds like Vincent is getting on well with his weaning, sounds like me with the sweet thing :haha:

Booth - Jesse is doing so well hun with his feeding! Archie still isnt great... he swallos most of it now but i dont think his got the hang of it yet but his still new to it all so im ok with it. Jesse looks supper cute in your sigbtw!

Joeyjo - how cute does george look grabbing that food!! Bless him what a clever boy!

jelr - I saw Natasha in her xmas photos on fb she looks adorable hun! Sorry about having to go back to work so early but as you say you have your lovely mum to take care of her so thats a bonus as i think ill have to leave archie in a creche which i don treally want to do. With the rolling i cant say anything helpful really as his rolled since really early and always has pushed himself up (especially when his ina atantrum and stiffens up lol) but that old cliche is true every baby is different and she'll do it when she is well and ready I suppose! Just encourage her with tummy time in the day i suppose is the only thing you can do!

Hows everyone getting on post partum? Sounds weird but wondered if anyone has been suffering with the hair loss? Mine kicked in a couple of weeks ago its awful. My hair is thin but theres lots of it if you see what i mean and its coming out all the time. We have hard wood flooing so it shows up and handfuls come out washing and brushing. My hair feels so much thinner feel really upset about it to be honest.

Archies fine, had his first tooth come through poor mite. He was grizzly for a few days ha a runny nose, flushed cheeks with a rash and runny poos then we noticied this tiny little white sharp bit sticking out his gum! Bless him. He chomps on everything in site, including my hair which I don't need :haha: He also had a rusk the other day. He did like it but a lot of it ended up on his bib he hasnt got to grips with swallowing yet!

Hope you're all well. xxxx
jamielou~ my hair has been falling out so much as its very long iv had it do this for about 2 months now didnt lose any with rueben so when i started with it i was so scaerd and didnt know why it was happening untill i read up about it. i hace big hand fulls of hair full out after i wash it just want it to stop its really thin as it is. Congrats to Archie on his 1st tooth.

We have got this walker coming soon i hope


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Hey all

Cleck: Yeah I really think the teething necklace is working - she seems to have settled down a lot - thanks again for the info and recommendation on it. How are you getting on now in your brothers? How long will you be there for? :hug: Id say it must be really hard without Corey - I think your great.

Booth: I must have a look on the net for the walker - Hope the snow clears and you get to make the meet.

JamieLou; Sorry missus was only back on facebook today so only got your message - I presume you have probably got everyone at this stage - if not let me know and I will pass on the message. You must have Natashas pics confused I did put up a couple of 3 to 4 month ones before Christmas alright but haven't managed to find a minute to get the christmas ones up yet lol - Was just watching your vid of archie - he is so cute. I really hope his teeth dont bother him too much - Re: Postpartum - my hair is starting to come out but not too much - Hope yours settles down soon. Mine got really thick in pregnancy so I can afford to lose a bit.

TMR: Thanks about the info Rueben and rolling and crawling - that puts my mind at rest, she is probably just laid back about it all. The Walker looks lovely.

Shadow: I see on facebook Vince is getting lovely long naps - Delighted it is all settled back down for you. Hope you all make it to the meet.

Any body who has started weaning have a major difference in the nappies - Natasha normally only has one dirty one a day but yesterday there were 3 and a lot more runny - just hope she is not coming down with something.
jelr - when we first started to wean jess he had runnyish poo's about 2 or 3 times a day, for a week or 2 not proper explosions though if you know what i mean ha, and sometimes he gets it the after we try something new,
like last night he had a stage 2 beef stew for his tea and hes had 2 today,

i think its just there digestive systems getting used to new stuff, its nothing to worry about unless its really exessive, bright green, or they seem in pain, thats what the HV said to me anyway,
jelr - did get confused lol what a div! Still, had a nose at Natasha again in her christening dress how lush!

Going to warn everyone now i am soo sorry if i call people the wrong name or forget i have been an airhead lately, i even keep calling my family the wrong names tho i correct myself usually think im losing it! (along with my hair lmao)
jamie - you should see my mum tryna ask one of us to do something she will go through about 6 names before she eventually gets to yours, im seriously thinking of bringing stickers for everyone to write their names on lmao xx
MA, are you getting through it?? :rofl: Have you been catching up this whole time? x

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