--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Jelr - thanks - it's nice to know someone is the same!!

We may try a teething necklace and see if it helps. x
jelr - where did you get your teething necklace from? Think we need one here!
SHiv - i have a teething necklace got mine from ebay but i saw them in wilkinson! x
Hey ladies,

Just posting to say i won't be posting on here anymore, few personal things and having split with the husband as well finding things difficult so probably won't be on here much anyway so will end up with mammouth posting all the time :P Hope you are all well think i have most of you on facebook so i can see you and your lovely bubbas growing! If anyone else wants to add me just message me here and I'll do it from there as my fb profile is hidden from searches

Happy 2010! x
Vince has a teething necklace and so far it's hard tp tell if it's helping really, but I'm going to keep putting it on him as it does no harm! He does seem less bothered by his teeth lately, but I'm not sure whether that started before he got the necklace or after :shrug:

As for hair, mine did fall out a bit after Vince was born, but it seems to have stopped doing that now, thank god! I was annoyed because my last haircut was really bad and she took the thinning scissors to my hair which made it even worse :( But OH's mum used to be a hairdresser so she sorted it out a little better for me, and now I don't mind it so much :)

The snow is starting to really worry me, OH said he doesn't think it's a good idea to be driving all the way toLondon if it stays this bad, and I am panicking! I HAVE to be at the meet!!! I'm really hoping that he will agree to go anyway, if we take it slowly and carefully on the roads...
Very quick girls as my keyboard has broke so I'm on shaun's iPod. I'm not at all well so not sure what I'll be like by Monday. Love to you all xxx
shadow - im having this discussion with my OH we didnt end up going to wales on sunday cus of it and he couldnt get to work yesterday, he went today though but id still rather not risk jesse on the motorway in bad conditions, so hopefully it will pick up, cus it would be a shame if we didnt come! xx
:( :( :( Bloody weather! It's all falling apart now!!! :cry: Pleeeease come if you can, girls! Vici, hope you're better soon :( :hugs:

I'm guessing that the London-dwellers (or those close) will be there, at least, so hopefully there will still be a good group coming even if the weather does ruin in for some of us. What a damned shame :(
if it was just me and OH we'd risk it but its just not worth it with jesse in the car, i hope it it gets better though, we still have a few days yet, otherwise we will just have to arrange another one for in a couple of months, march or something xx
It is a pity about the weather (and you being sick, Vici :hugs: - feel better soon, that can't be fun :( ) - guess we should have been aware that the weather might mess up something planned for January but there was none of this snow nonsense when we first thought about it!. But please, Boothh is very right, please don't anyone take risks in order to get to London. We went through this in the few days before Christmas, it was stressful thinking we might have to stay here after all and not go to my parents', I was checking the BBC weather page every couple of hours. If it hadn't been a little milder when we left we weren't going. In the end we did go but hit some bad conditions about halfway there, and C said he'd not have risked it had he known it was on the cards (I did know, but wanted to go, eeek). While we were driving in it it scared me so much I said never ever again, not with Adam in the car. And not with him somewhere else either, don't want to orphan the poor boy.

I will be able to come as long as the trains are not outright cancelled. I could get a bus but if it is as bad as no trains running, I doubt anyone else would be there anyway. ;)
Hey girls

Good job I didn't decide to try and get over from Ireland to the meet. My brother is living in London and was home for the new year and he is having a nightmare getting back between the weather here and there, first he didn't think the bus was running up to Dublin last night to get the flight as it had started snowing here, then he arrived at the airport to find his flight was cancelled as he was due to fly into Gatwick and the airport is closed due to snow there and was on standby to go at 11.40 into Luton but now that is delayed until 4.15 as it has started snowing here again - he even asked could he book into a hotel and come back as he is travelling all night and has to go straight to work depending on the time he gets back but was told he can't as he needs to watch the boards in case the flight gets out early - Can you imagine if I was up there with LO for all that time it would have been an absolute nightmare.

Booth: Thanks for the info on the nappies, no it sounds like it his just her digestive system getting used to the food then as it isn't green or excessive. So Id say we are fine for the jabs on Friday (Well thats if we get out in the weather lol) - I really hope you get to the meet and the weather is not too bad.

Jamielou: Dont worry I find it confusing sometimes as peoples names are different on here than on facebook. Sorry to hear you will be leaving us for a while and that you are having a difficult time but you know we are always here if you want to chat or catch up.

Kaygeebee and Shiv: I bought the necklace off of ebay for around €12 - be careful though if you are using ebay as MJ was saying that somebody in the natural parenting forum bought one from ebay and it was a dud - I think the seller was blue skies or something like that if you check the natural parenting thread there was a thread there which people where discussing where they got theirs in the UK - The ways to check are if it floats in salt water and if you pierce it with a hot needle it should be hard to get through where as if it is plastic it will melt and smell. Natasha has definitely settled down here since we started using it - Not 100% if it is the necklace but her little jaws are still red some days and she is still chewing on everything but she is not as cross.

Shadow: I have my fingers crossed for you that you get to the meet.

Vici: Sorry to hear you are not well chick - Hope you are better before the meet on Monday.

MJ: You are right about not taking risks - Sorry to hear about your scary incident on the way home for Christmas - we hit a bit of it ourselves on St Stephens day on the way home from DH parents - We didn't have snow but the roads were like pure glass and the car was sliding and it was scary and we also went for a meal with my brother and sister and her husband on new years eve and came home to bring in the new year with the little lady and we had some snow on the way home. Not nice I tell you. By the way I think I read it was your birthday on New Years Eve - Happy Belated Birthday wishes - Hope you had a lovely day.

Well not much news from ourside - I was planning on heading to town today to look at highchairs and walkers and stuff as I like to really research stuff properly before buying and dont know how much time I will have before I go back to work so I'm going to buy any of the stuff we will need over the next while so we will have it but unfortunately DH was on and the road conditions are not too good in town so I wont risk it. I still have another 4 weeks until I'm back so I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to get them beforehand. By the way just out of curiosity how much maternity so you get in the UK - you all dont seem to be back to work as soon as I am. We get 26 weeks here, but 2 of them have to be taken before the baby is due.
Yikes!!! You ladies be careful ok! I think what I would be most worried about honestly is if one of your cars broke down on the way there and then keeping warm enough in the car and keeping the baby warm enough until help arrived. Now is there any reason why the meet up cant be rescheduled until next week on account of the weather? That would eliminate the risk for everyone. :shrug: Just a thought is all.

Shadow: I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one with a bad shedding problem. :blush: It's so annoying and honestly embarrassing. I guess its all hormone related. Hopefully mine will ease up over the next month.
As far as teething goes, Bryson is teething too. He gets so cranky and I hate it for him. :( But I went and bought him a few teething toys last week and he seems to like gnawing on those. Especially this little one that is shaped like a hand and it goes in the freezer to get good and cold. He seems to really like chewing on the fingers of it and it does calm him down some. That along with baby orajel to help numb his little gums. Teething is such a miserable time isn't it? :nope:

Boothh: If you do go to the meetup, please be careful ok! I worry about you ladies and your babies over there with all of that snow. On Thursday, its supposed to snow here and I am not planning on going out in it anywhere. But rather sit at home in front of a nice warm fire and relax.

Well ladies I better get going as I have one more kiddo to get onto his school bus before I can relax and snuggle up with little Bryson who is still asleep. :cloud9:
Everyone take care and please be safe out there in all of that snowy mess. After all, our babies' well being and safety comes first. :winkwink:

Much love to you all! :flower: :kiss: :flow:
Hi Lion Cubs

Just wanted to wish you all lots of luck for your meet next week.

Not going to make it unfortunately as its too far for us to come and the weather is pants.

Have a fab time little Lion Cubs.


Lynn & Jasmine xx
hiya ladys hope you are all well and not snowed in. Rueben's schoold has been closed today due to the snow so we have been out doing snow men did 1 last night and it ened up 7ft and then fell over in the night so the 1 today is only tiddy.
tacke care


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Hey guys, sorry; totally selfish post, but


Will let you know how it goes when we get home later! :) xx
Ooh ooh ooh Shadow how did it go? We have ours next week, can't wait! Note to self need to buy swimming nappies!
Jamie :hugs: honey. Hope you feel like coming back soon. It's horrible when things are hard but we are here for you.

Vici get better really quickly I'll be disappointed if you can't come :cry: :hugs:

As for the snow, I'm north London and all main roads (apart from side streets in suburbs) are free and very drivable. Not even ice at the moment. All trains and tubes are running from my end, but not sure about long distance ones. It's easy for us to get to Waterloo so we'll be the most definitely. But I have high hopes it will all be gone soon (fingers, toes, legs, arms, hair and everything else crossed). :hugs:
As for the snow, I'm north London and all main roads (apart from side streets in suburbs) are free and very drivable. Not even ice at the moment. All trains and tubes are running from my end, but not sure about long distance ones. It's easy for us to get to Waterloo so we'll be the most definitely. But I have high hopes it will all be gone soon (fingers, toes, legs, arms, hair and everything else crossed). :hugs:

:yipee: :yipee: Looks like we're definitely coming too, OH is happy that things have settled enough weather-wise for us to do the big trip on Saturday morning :D :D Unless there is something MAJOR and unforseen, we shall be there!!! Yaaay!

Water Babies was good fun, thanks Pips!! It was very sweet and gentle and easy-going, he went underwater once briefly (though for longer than he ever has before!) and he was absolutely fine with that. He was pretty nonchalant the whole time, actually! There were only two other babies there (there were supposed to be 5 but 2 couldn't make it, not even to do with the snow!) One was a boy called Freddy who must've been about a month old, because he was still all wrinkly and floppy and soooo cute (made me a bit broody again!! Haha) and the other was a girl called Molly who must've been about Vince's age, possibly a bit older because she was about the same size as him (lol!) Molly was smiling right through it, it was very cute, but Vince was just looking around at the room around the pool and trying to kick his legs (but they don't really do that stuff in the early classes, it's all very gentle, pulling them through the water etc, singing to them and stuff). Very sweet though, and I am thinking that it will build up each week so that they start to remember commands and know what's coming when we say certain things. I'm thinking we might be a bit more adventurous when we take him swimming ourselves, but we will still stick to using the commands etc. that they use there...

Don't want to go on and on about it! But it was good :) The pool was very warm too, so it was very comfortable for them :)

It has been super quiet in here today, hope everyone is OK and those coming on Monday are getting good and excited! I think tomorrow will be full of getting things ready to leave at stupid o'clock on Monday morning for us! Not even sure which day next week we will be coming home, but I want to be back by Thursday because it's my birthday :D

Lots of love to all! xxx
:D Shadow, yay for Water Babies! we still haven't taken AE swimming at all, Christmas got in the way and then he got the shits, and I want him to be fully recovered (and hopefully back to shitting once a day if poss) first. SO glad we never took him right before Xmas, as I am certain C would have laid the blame at the pool's door if he got the runs after his first time there.

We are looking forward to Monday, really hoping weather stays on the milder side of very cold till then but going on the news on tv for parts outside London, I don't wonder that some may not be able to make it.

as for us... well, my diet suddenly feels a lot more urgent. you know how we planned to have AE christened on March 14th? well, for a variety of reasons (mostly to do with family, mainly mine in Norway, and my sil being pregnant) we decided to look into getting married that weekend if we could as well. turns out we can and so a wedding + christening has been booked for March 12th. both ceremonies in the same service, which is nice, I think. but it means the 2 stone I want to lose feels not so much as "would like to lose by then" but "HAVE to lose by then". not quite sure how. plus of course planning the wedding itself in the next 9 weeks. eeeek.

we have the church, booked, and the reception venue, also booked. family all informed and looking forward to it. other than that, nada. no idea what I'll wear. it's sort of stressing me :rofl:

but I am happy about it! we have been engaged for nearly 2 years and I had started to lose hope that anything would get off the ground w/r/t actual plans. but this has all come from C... he has done everything so far. as soon as I stopped digging my heels in about wanting to be married from my parents' home up north, that was it. :D

never thought I'd only have nine weeks in which to organise it though. :)
Hi Girls, hope you are all well and enjoying the weather :(. Shadow glad you had fun at the baby swimming club. I am not sure about Monday now because of the weather. Although all the main roads are driveable, I have been unable to get out of my road which is completely icy. The kids havent been back to school and today it was shut. I wll have to see how it is tomorrow otherwise they will have to miss school again although it is actually open tomorrow. I truly hope that on Monday I will be able to take them to school. Love them and all but they are starting to drive me nuts and I want to take them to school now aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggg

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