Shadow, yay for Water Babies! we still haven't taken AE swimming at all, Christmas got in the way and then he got the shits, and I want him to be fully recovered (and hopefully back to shitting once a day if poss) first. SO glad we never took him right before Xmas, as I am certain C would have laid the blame at the pool's door if he got the runs after his first time there.
We are looking forward to Monday, really hoping weather stays on the milder side of very cold till then but going on the news on tv for parts outside London, I don't wonder that some may not be able to make it.
as for us... well, my diet suddenly feels a lot more urgent. you know how we planned to have AE christened on March 14th? well, for a variety of reasons (mostly to do with family, mainly mine in Norway, and my sil being pregnant) we decided to look into getting married that weekend if we could as well. turns out we can and so a wedding + christening has been booked for March 12th. both ceremonies in the same service, which is nice, I think. but it means the 2 stone I want to lose feels not so much as "would like to lose by then" but "HAVE to lose by then". not quite sure how. plus of course planning the wedding itself in the next 9 weeks. eeeek.
we have the church, booked, and the reception venue, also booked. family all informed and looking forward to it. other than that, nada. no idea what I'll wear. it's sort of stressing me
but I am happy about it! we have been engaged for nearly 2 years and I had started to lose hope that anything would get off the ground w/r/t actual plans. but this has all come from C... he has done everything so far. as soon as I stopped digging my heels in about wanting to be married from my parents' home up north, that was it.
never thought I'd only have nine weeks in which to organise it though.