--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Wow, MJ congratulations hun...............you can do it MJ, the weightloss if you really put your mind to it. There is this diet they are showing on channel4 where you have to eat 1200 cals. I did this diet before when I was younger and lost about three stone. It is difficult but you have two fabulous events to keep motivated for. I wish I could have a wedding but fat chance with my OH lol. Wow, congratulations again you must be so happy. It will certainly be a day to remember but oh the stress of getting everything ready. Good luck xxx
Hey all

Hope the snow is not affecting you all too much. DH couldn't go to work today as the roads were too bad.

Shadow: Delighted that Water babies went so well, I wish we had it here, it sounds fantastic.

Kimberly: Hope you dont get snow, it is a real pain here now the whole country has nearly gone to a stand still.

Puddy Queen: Good to see you. Glad you are both well.

TMR: The new pics are so cute.

Pippin: Best of luck for water babies.

Mimi: Hope the snow clears and you get the kids back to school soon.

MJ: OMG - Wow I'm so delighted for you and C - Huge Congrats, you can do the weightloss you have been doing so well and that was with the chocolate lol - Imagine if you cut that out and get swimming more and you have lots organised already and the rest will fall into place. Ah I really am happy for you as I know you have wanted this lots.

Well Natasha has her jabs tomorrow so wish us luck. Talk to you all soon. Xx - Oh and if I'm not on best of luck for the meet - will be thinking of you all. Xx
Wow MJ congrats i had a whole 3 weeks to prepare for my wedding but that was because we werent actually going to invite anyone lol we were just going to get married and then tell everyone the next day but my mum found out then she phoned darrens mum who insisted that we did something so we invited about 30 people and then went back to my parents for a bbq lol!!!
All in all though i would still say it was the best day of my life to me it was about the vows nothing else just me and darren sealing our love xx

I hope the meet goes well on monday so sorry we cant be there but Elin's appointment in bristol is just the next day and its my eldest sons 8th birthday the day before so we cant afford it!! :(
love and kisses for you all xxxx
MA, are you getting through it?? :rofl: Have you been catching up this whole time? x

Hahaha, 3 days and 40 pages later... yup I've done it!! :rofl: But it was worth it :D

So a few mammoth posts from me girls, sowweee!

Happy 2010 from JP and I, I hope you had good first Xmases with your little ones!

I’ve been reading through about 40 pages of chatter since I was last properly on here and it’s been a real pleasure, it’s weird seeing discussions about X Factor and whether we’ll have snow this winter… And then there’s all the things I want to respond to but if I do it’ll take 5 hours to write and you’ll never read it!

I am really looking forward to this year, it’s going to be so amazing for us all and just think how different our little ones will be next Xmas, how much they have changed in just 4 to 6 months! I met my friend’s 4 week old just before Xmas and just as Cleck described new newborns she was like a blob doing nothing (except sleeping), needing to be supported 100% and so tiny and scrunched up! That said, I swear JP was never *that* newborn, I checked her photos and videos just to make sure!

I’m sorry to hear some of you ended the year getting grumps and cries from your babies and your partners too. Suddenly the most important person in the world is this tiny creature and some days just not the person you created your new love with. I hope that doesn’t sound too harsh, but then I once left a boyf of 3 years when he tried to insist I rehome my cat of 12 years - my cat needed me, he didn’t! I hope you all resolve your differences and end 2010 as very happy families.

And, in no particular order...

Andie – welcome!

Jelr – great news about Natasha’s heart. I also swore JP would never be put in front of the tv, but one of the lessons I’ve learned that all good intentions can be thwarted by our youngsters! Once I’d discovered it was a sure fire way to get her to sit quietly for a few minutes (it’s only been about a month that she’s been ok with being put down in a chair or on floor), on came the tv and I’d sneak off for a cuppa and a sandwich! Although I put on some of the children/baby channels for her, her favourite tv show is Scrubs, she even recognises the theme tune now! She also likes Friends and, randomly, Time Team! I think its because the shows are full of smiley, happy faces and lots of chatter. I also play her YouTube music videos on my phone and Zigby on iPlayer, which she also loves. Reassuringly, my BIL said it was a good sign that JP interacts with the TV, demonstrates sociability and intelligence and he is right, if it didn’t stimulate her, there would be something seriously wrong.

Also, I hear ya on the bibs. I have decided to make some short bibs for JP as I’m tired of dressing her up in gorgeous outfits then all you see in her pics is her bib!

JP doesn’t roll. I know she can ‘cause I’ve seen her do it but she just doesn’t seem to want to. She hates being on her belly anyway so where has she got to roll to? Instead she shuffles about or spins herself round in circles lol! She’s been taking her own weight on her feet since a month old, that seems to be her preference, just waiting for her balance to catch up.

Cleck/Spidey – we co-sleep and I love it. Around 12 weeks I wanted to stop as I was desperate for a proper night sleep instead of the light sleep I get co-sleeping but I’ve since realised that not only do I like her company but if she is in a crib, I get no sleep because I’m fretting if she is ok, still breathing, warm enough, cool enough…. Also she wakes up every hour or so and has to be picked up and bf back to sleep which doesn’t happen when we co-sleep. So going to keep doing it, not really sure when it’ll stop….

Spidey - JP will only sleep if being held OR is in her carseat and its moving (ie. Driving or being pushed). If it’s me holding her, she will only usually doze off if I bf and anyone else has to bottlefeed, walk and walk or rock her. Little madam, its so exhausting isn’t it?! Check out the High Need threads on here, discovering that is what saved my sanity I think, I vented a huge post about how difficult she is, which people rarely understand as she is a happy, smiley baby as long as she is the centre of attention! But, from the few pics I’ve seen, I have to say Kira is a stunning looking little girl! :)

AE – you certainly have your hands full with all those kittens but how lovely. Evi has now been op’ed so no more kittens for us! I’m very sad about it but it just isn’t practical for us to have more. Maybe one day I’ll have another queen. Hope you enjoy the little monsters and congrats on the house move, sorry it didn’t go to plan though. Hope your feeding probs are resolving, sounded familiar! JP also has had a “cold” for over two weeks and someone said to me it might be her teeth causing sinus probs not a cold…?

Shiv – just a thought on bottles, have you tried using different teat flows? She might need one that matches your let down or she might end up frustrated or gagging. Our high-chair is a hand-me-over-the-garden-fence from next door but is brill. It’s one of those that converts to a low chair & table so really sturdy and just the right height for the table unlike the one I got given in a restaurant today. Because JP is so skinny I put a small cushion or rolled towel behind her to help her stay upright else she slides down!

Sam-Star – your pictures of Elin are so cute, what a gorgeous girl – and so much hair! I really hope all goes well for you all with her ops, she's been so strong so far, may it continue!

Shadow – my mom and aunt have told me they swaddled long past 4 months and only stopped when they instinctively felt their babies were ready to stop. They did gradually loosen the swaddling so baby still felt safe but got used to more freedom to move. And the 7 babies they raised were not damaged by that, although I still love rolling up in blankets/duvets!

BTW, have you checked a map for getting to Giraffe as it is on the riverbank – no road outside! There is a road that runs behind that row of buildings though which would make things easier for you. And loving the sound of “Grandpa’s Sunday Lunch!”

MJ – I agree with you on the Christmas lunch pudding issue, no is no. I find that with my family too, I had to stop my sister from feeding JP chocolate ice-cream when she was only 8 weeks old. My sis kept trying to argue that she liked it, of course she bloody did, its chocolate ice-cream, but she still can’t digest it! I’m trying to avoid allergen group foods before 6 months since I have a lot of allergies, but my mom is trying to feed JP this and that now she’s big enough and, perhaps stupidly, I don’t feel able to say to her don’t do it! That said, I was horrified to find JP sucking on a chocolate biscuit when I got in the other day, she’d been crying so my mom did it to make her quiet. I think she saw from my face I was not happy. As soon as we leave, she’s going back to milk only. 3 out of my mom's 4 children have food intolerances and at least one severe food allergy, so I have to wonder if it is something to do with my mum's weaning technique. As for when she is older, I won’t ban or bribe with any food so hopefully she won’t have negative food relationships. We don’t normally have chocolate at home, occasionally some sweets but I am a real biscuit fiend so I think I’ll just try to encourage a balance – like bananas on rich tea biscuits yum yum!

And huge congrats on the double whammy weekend!! That’s fantastic!

TMR – I was given a Chicco walker for JP and she has great fun in it but I am conscious that they are one of the highest causes of infant injuries so I am going to really restrict her use of it. Plus, it’s thought it actually delays learning to walk rather than encourages it which does make sense, machines do make us lazy. JP’s legs don’t reach the ground in it so she just swings them about quite happily. The best bit of it is the toy tray which has lights, music and sounds, JP loves bashing it, took her about 5 seconds to figure out how it all works! But it’s greatest attribute is it can be taken off so it travels with us and keeps her occupied when she is not in the walker.

Costgang – Huge Congrats! I too join the squad of envious mums, I miss pregnancy and my bump so much and would happily have another if I could. Hope all goes smoothly for you and thankfully with the kids you have hands on deck to help with the toddler this summer!

JamieLou – I’m losing loads of hair too and like you finding it really upsetting as I feel like I’m going to go bald, it’s just so thin. It never did go “pregnancy lush” in the first place so I don’t feel I should be losing it and it has become a running joke the amount of it that is in our carpets, etc! See you on facebook, honey. :hugs:

Vici - Hope you are feeling better, I don't know if you have the date for your op yet, but hope all goes well. And what gorgeous pics of your little lady!

THE MEET – I’m so excited, I really hope the snow doesn’t halt everyone from getting there. I’m still stuck in the Midlands, my mom doesn’t want me travelling with JP in this weather and I see her point. If it weren’t for the meet I wouldn’t leave just yet but I also am supposed to be spending some time in Reading, which also has heavy snow. So atm I can’t decide whether to head home or there and travel in by train on Monday. The thing is with this weather is it can be so dramatically different in the space of 24 hours – from inches of snow to nothing and vice versa so I’m hoping for a dramatic thaw at the weekend so we can escape before my mum turns my daughter into another biscuit junkie!

Re prams, JP does sometimes use the stroller part but travelling round London I find it easier to use the buggy with carseat in case I need to collapse the buggy and carry it up/down stairs – its far easier to manage a changing bag, folded pram and a baby in a carseat rather than a wriggly free baby! As for help, well done AE, on rare occasions I get help but I will never forget at 7 months pregnant helping a poor lady carry her buggy up three flights of stairs at London Bridge because no-one else stopped to help! Just to add to my fury, a few days later I passed a cute, young blonde lass with a suitcase as big as her standing at the top of CV Garden stairs and almost every man who passed offered to carry her case down the stairs *fume*.

Great tips from Pips. I actually got a friend to show me the escalator tricks. I find it easier to go up backwards – you get on sideways and pull the buggy on behind you, keep a good grip and as the stairs emerge the buggy will rest naturally. Going down, I do as Pip says but do not stand on the same step as your buggy wheels, I made that mistake once and it nearly ended painfully! But the most important thing I think is to be confident and aim straight, the first few times were terrifying but if you just go for it, it is a lot easier! There is plenty of flat before the stairs emerge to give you enough time to get all wheels on.

As for parking/driving, I try not to do that in London, its not good! I’d consider parking a little further away and using the tube. I’m not sure where the congestion zone is around that area too.

Hope to see some of you lasses on Monday and hopefully another time for those who can't be there xx
Ooh, good to see BnB doesn't have a maximum character count :rofl: I will add some more posts in the next few days, that's too much from me already!! :blush:
Shadow~ Glad water babys went good.

MJ~ a very big congarts to you and your oh. Iam still trying to get oh to set a date for ares we have only been engaged for 7 years.

Mimiso~ I so hear you about the kids beeing at school as much as i love rueben and as much fun as he is i need him go back school just so i can get lucas to sleep in the day and i can get things done.

Sam~ I hope Elin's appointment goes well.

Molly~ I think if you keep an eye on them in the walker they are fine it is when ppl think o they are in there they are safe to do as they want. as they a higher they can grab things they shouldnt. I do think that it delays learning to walk in some ways but i think it also bulds up there legs as with rueben when we was useing it he would start to stand on his on because he knew he was safe that he wouldnt fall and so made his legs stronger.

Good luck for the meet on monday hope the snow gose throw the weekend
Hello everyone!

I have not yet had a chance for a read and a catch up but I hope to soon.

Not been on Lion Cubs for a while as I don't seem to have much time anymore. I tend to feed her (only takes 10 mins now) whilst having a little look on Bnb but cant type much as she is so big now and knocks the keyboard, on purpose! :)

We had probs with her naps so never had any free time and now probs with the nights so am knackered all the time :wacko:

Anyway hope that you are all ok and coping with this blooming weather. Will have a catch up soon. So much to read! x
(((((moo)))))) Don't worry at all about not posting much sweetie, if and when you get a bit more time, we'd love to hear from you again, but sending lots of love to you and Rose to try to sort out the tricky bits with napping and night times etc! :hugs:

MA :rofl: that was a monster post! Really hope you can make Monday somehow, I think you're thinking you probably will so FX!! Also just wanted to say thanks for the info on the roads outside Giraffe South Bank, hopefully if we put in the postcode of the restaurant our SatNav will take us close-ish! Then I might have to phone MJ to come and find me hehehe!!

Speaking of phoning and the meet, I'm going to PM everyone coming with my mobile number, and would suggest that you guys perhaps swap numbers with at least one other person in case anyone is lost / late / can't make it on the day. I am bouncing in my chair with excitement about meeting you all, really hope Shiv decides to come and that the weather gets no worse between now and then, hopefully with some thawing in the meantime! I *think* we're done for heavy snowfall generally, at least, so fingers tightly crossed that most of us will be able to make it :D

Molly, hats off to you on that mega post. Thanks for the tip about the Southbank, will look for somewhere to park closer to the venue.

Sam_Star - good luck with the appointment in Bristol and happy birthday to your LO

Tmr1234 - couldnt get my rugrats into school today despite my best efforts. Got the kids ready, went in the car but my car would not budge, it just kept on free spinning in the ice so we had to call it a day and go back in the house. Now its weekend already and I am still stuck indoors with these restless rugrats aaaarrrrgghhhh. Did you manage to get your LO to school today or it is still shut?

Molly - hope you can make it to the meet on Monday, I am really excited and nervous at the same time. I am a real chatterbox but it takes me a while to warm up as I am sorta shy. Was in shock at your getting home and your LO was munching on a biscuit.....I am with you on the food allergies, best to err on the side of caution especially with food containing wheat

Vici - hope you feel better soon hun

Jamie - thinking of you hun. Feel free to PM me if you wish as my OH is seriously getting on my nerves too

Everyone else (((((hugs))))
Mimiso~ yes rueben went to school the roads arnt to bad now are drive way is really bad thow as it is so long and pilled high with snow cant wait for it to go use to love it when i was a kid.

Well ladys we had to take are dog to the vets today hes been bleeding when weeing his 15 so he is old but they think he has kidne and liver probs they took some blood and a wee sample and are gunna ring back tonight. My oh is so upset its his dog he has had him sins he was born he seen him being made iykwim he is such a lovely dog.

Lucas has has a tast of food the last 2 days he had 1/2 a rusk some toast yesterday and a pice of orange today dnt want to give him much yet but just put them on his tray and left him to it. He seem really made up with him self.
does somebody who knows there way around london slightly more than me feel like swapping numbers ?
i already have shadows but anyone else ? xx
Quickly again girls as i'm still feeling crap! Its looking ever more unlikely I won't be with you on Monday. We're snowed in here so can't get anywhere at the min. Just seen the weather and it looks like the snow is here till Wednesday! :(

Hope you are all well, i'll be back to catch up soon xx
Sam good luck for the appointment honey, really hope it goes well.

MJ wow, you can do it. So exciting hon :yipee:

Mimiso so hope you can come hon. I haven't want the snow to disappear so much in my life grrrrrrr!

Jelr hope the jabs went ok. Sam hated the 16 week ones, the third one smarts a bit I think.

Shadow glad it was cool. I'm a little worried that mine is going to be very expensive for what it is. The first session looks like it's 10 minutes, I thought it was half an hour in my stupidness. I mean what baby can do half and hour, I'm just not thinking things through really. I could go to my local pool for £3 rather than £10 but we'll see. I hope I get some good tips from the instructor so fingers crossed.

Molly Apple good to see you around again :hugs: can't wait to see you on Monday at the meet. I'm feeling positive you'll get there and do everything you want to do.

Grumpmoo you and me both. Now he's cut down feeding time I don't have time to post just read. Plus he's so big now I need more hands.

tmr1234 hope doggie gets better soon, he's a good age too! :hugs:

Vici NOOOOO have PMA, snow will go and you'll feel fab by Monday. :hugs: hope you feel better soon. xxxx

As for us, just been shopping really in the snow. Catching the bus and getting used to public transport. I'm actually finding it easier than the car. Anyway Samuel now has a bigger wardrobe than both me and the husband but I just can't resist those bargains. Oh well. better have another one hadn't I!!!! hehehehehe
mollyapple ? do you mind PMing me your number, or texting me, shadow sent it to me but my phones new and i cant figure out how to open the file :dohh: thanks in advance! xxx
Aaawww Vici, don't worry sweetie, we will miss you but this darned weather has really put a spanner in the works for lots... If you do manage to come it will be a very pleasant surprise, but otherwise get well soon and lots of love! xxx

I hope everyone is OK about getting to Giraffe on Monday! I feel like I've not taken care of everyone enough, but you're all grown ups so I figure it will be ok!!

I'm just about to go and pack the last things for us to leave for London at ridiculous o'clock tomorrow morning, most of Vince's stuff is packed but none of my clothes etc! But I'm hoping to have some internet connection where we are staying, but if not then I've sent my mobile number out to all coming so anyone can feel free to pop me a text with any questions or anything (not that I'll be any help, but I feel somehow a bit responsible for this meet, having pushed it so hard!!!:wacko: )

I'm nervous but very excited and can't wait to meet some of you :) hope the babies will not be too much of a handful for us and that we get plenty of opportunity to chatter and generally have a lovely time!

Might pop back on once I'm packed, but bye for now :winkwink:

Good morning everyone:flower:

...I cant believe it but we have woke this morning to yet more snow!!! ive had my fill of it... its not fun anymore we are slowly becoming reclusive lol and we r not in one of the worse hit areas i dread to think wot its like elsewhere! wot is it like where u all are today??

more snow here too Andie - and the heaviest so far, more forecast for the next 3 days as well.

Not looking likely for the meet guys, sorry! Cant get out of my road never mind to the station. However if it does improve dramatically I'll come if the trains are running. I had even arranged to meet another friend in London to make a day of it - we'll see what the weather brings

Wow MJ, that is a lovely idea to have marriage and christening in same ceremony - that is gonna be SO special. No worries about getting stuff organised, you have the most important stuff - venues and person to to do ceremonies!

Shadow - travel safely x

Vici - feel better soon x

can't remember anyone else - sorry guys! oh and for those of you who aren't on facebook Heidi is pregnant again!
im jealous of heidi being pregnant again haha, it feels like its taking ages for me, because last time was a hapy accident, and im 2 cycles into lazily trying and it feels like forever, im starting to get disapointed about the whole thing :(

congrats though!
hey ladies quick catch up! Sorry to hear that some of you will miss the meet on monday, i wont be going because of traveling to london is to far and im alone threw the week as OH is working :(

for those of you who will be going, i hope you all have a great time, and kara and i will be there in spirit too!

congrats to heidi being pregnant again! i think it could be hard work though! I thought that i wanted another right away but now im faced with the reality that i could be pregnant, after a broken condom incident on tuesday, i actually realise its the last thing i want at the moment, as me n OH are on very rough ground :cry:

anyway i will let you all know if the :witch: arrives or not, but cross ur fingers that she does ladies, im just not ready for baby number two yet. Can i just add though, if i am i will accept it and love the baby just as much as i do kara! We will se tho!

hope your all surviving in the snow, im quite sick of it now, i think it should go away lol!

Had my first driving lesson today, and i really really enjoyed it, im so proud of myself for actually doing it! Its expensive, but sooooooo worth it!

right, hope ur all keeping warm, and for those of you who do make the meet - I WANT LOOOOOTS OF PICCIES!!!!!!

love to you all and all your LO's

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