--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

So exciting about Heidi! That crazy girl hehehe... Hope the next one is as cute as Caylee, she's such a cutie!

Boothh, don't give up! lol... TTC is hard work, you're lucky you didn't have to go through it with Jess, but I'm sure you'll get there when the time is right :hugs:

Andie, we live in Devon and it has been very cold down there, but haven't had any snow in a while. We're in St Albans now, though, staying with OH's brother, and it's slightly warmer up here today than it was in Devon recently but still no more snow here at the mo... Though where it settled round here and hasn't been touched it is about half a metre thick, it's amazing!

Our drive up today was lovely, everything looked so beautiful and the weather was perfect, clear skies etc. all the way. So we are now at OH's brother's house until middle of next week :)

Shiv, really really hope you will make it on Monday, and you too Vici, but we will all totally understand if you can't: We'll be thinking of everyone, I'm sure! And doubtless there will be several hundred pics taken :p

MJ found a pic of the Giraffe we'll be at, thought I'd pop it on here so that we can have a mental image:



Hope everyone is good and excited by now, and that nobody has any problems or anything, as I said I've given everyone who's coming my mobile number so do please feel free to pop me a text if you like!

ash fingers crossed for you, ash lets do something in the next few weeks when snow clears and its abit easier for the prams etc, it seems silly we should both be sat in bored with OHs at work when we live so close lol,

thanks shadow, i feel bad though thinking how some of us had all that heartbreak for along time before they had their cubs, i hope its not too much longer for us cus i hate this waiting iv never had to experience it before, i thought that if we had 1 slip up andi got pregnant doing it everyday with no protection id easily be pregnant but i guess thats not the case :(

i was thinking about doing all the temperature thing and everything but i wouldnt even know where to start, :/ any advice from anyone that has previously TTC? xx
Booth, in my honest opinion I would wait another couple of months before starting temping etc as I think it can be stressful and can take any romance left (I know by the time I conceived with Sophia there wasn't much left, just "right I'm ovulating - jump to it :winkwink:). As long as you are doing the deed in the middle of your cycle (and not too often, more than once a day will reduce your chances I read - lucky your OH if he is getting that!) then I would say your chances are good. If you do decide to start temping etc then there is loads of advice on the TTC forum. Good luck hon, it is frustrating but these things happen in their own time xx

Ash - fingers crossed that things work out the way you want them to x
thanks shiv & booth

Booth - yep we should deffo do something once all the snow has gone, its far too impractical atm! and as for the baby making, my advice is stop 'trying' iykwim? or get yourself some ovulation tests and start that way etc, thats how we made kara! (well a little more babydancing was involved too lol!)

eitherway good luck! and it'll happen before you know it! it took me 3 cycles with kara, so dont worry yet!xxxx
shiv - only problem is i have really irregular cycles so im never sure when the middle really is, we pretty much do it once a day anyway the odd day twice weve always been like that though when i was pregnant i couldnt get enough lmao it would be like 4 times a day sometimes hahaha, i suppose once a day everyday its bound to happen at some point, i just thought that after getting pregnant during 1 slip up, it would be sure to happen if we did it every day unprotected but obviously not :( thanks for the advice hun i will keep it in mind xxx
ash - we arnt trying trying iykwim? were just not being careful and we do have sex regularly, iv said loads of times jesse was abit of an accident, im hoping to be pregnant before may fx, i know what you mean about the pushchairs i havnt had mine out in weeks its bad enough just getting to the car lmao! x
Hi MollyApple! I've read a lot about high need babies but I'll have to check out the group on here. The hardest part is when other people want to give me advice on how I should be doing things, as if I'm doing them wrong.

I'm sure our high need babies will grow up into happy independent adults who know EXACTLY what they want (and will get it)! Co-sleeping for us worked out the same way. She just will not settle for long when she's not right next to me, so I would spend ALL night getting up and down trying to settle her in the crib. I did try it for a few days and I was so sleep deprived that I decided co-sleeping was the best option for us.
Boothh~ Dont give up hun it took me 3 months with rueben then 2 yrs with Lucas but with lucas it was due to the depo shot. It is down harting when it dnt happen the 1st month but it will happen good luck hun. On the temps and all that i was doing it for 1 yr fully and in the end when i did get preg it showd nothing i think it is to much stress to do it i would just try and just relax and try bd every 2nd day in steed of every day.

Ash~ Congrats on the 1st driving lesson hope you get going and pass fast.

Shadow~ glad the drive was ok and you got there safe.

Lucas is doing so good as allways went to my mum & dads yesterday and i nipped out to the shop when i came back my dad was giving Lucas a choc bar i went mad i dnt think he got any down thow think it came back out and he dosnt have a up sett tummy.

The vet rang back and the dogs liver is fine but he has 1st stag kidney disease and they think a tumer in his bladder they want to see him tomorre. My oh is in bits with it as he has had him 15yrs and for 8 of them yrs it was just him and the dog. I dnt know what to say to oh for the best as it looks like if we leave him he will bleed to deth in time but oh dosnt want to have him put down.

Any way good luck for monday hope it gose well
Halloo! I'm impressed with the ladies who can contemplate another baby - I have enough trouble with the one I've got - is it wrong to be looking forward to going back to work? I love her and she's wonderful, but I'm really looking forward to talking to grown ups again.

We're overrun with kittens, they're all mobile and it's gettng impossible in the living room - kittens may have to live in the attic. Seems mean, but one of them fell of the stairs this morning - twenty foot. It's ok, but horrifying to see the poor little thing fall.

We've introduced a dream feed at midnight which is helping me get a bit more sleep. It's so cold here that I've been bringing Mog into bed with us after her early feed to warm her little hands up, do you think it's ok to put mittens on them in bed? Her hands are always SO cold, like little iceblocks. Anyway, we call this feed the 'reset' feed, like reset baby to sleep for seven hours from now. I'm winding down how much breast milk she gets, as I won't be able to breast feed when I go back to work in a month, and I'd rather start early than have her upset. To tell you the truth, she seems to prefer bottles to boob anyway now. Little bit offended, but I guess it's easier for her. She still has boob in the morning, and a couple of times a day, but I'll only feed her in the evening and early morning soon. Makes me
a bit sad, but she had four months of exclusive breast feeding, and she is sleeping better now with a bottle of milk before bed.

Oh, yelling baby, will see some of you tomorrow!!!!
Aunty E, you are not the only one looking forward to going back to work. I am back tomorrow although not officially - just to help my manager as she is stranded because she had to sack the temp so no teacher for the kids :(. My official return to work day is the 1st Feb so from tomorrow am just doing two hours a day three times a week. Am really looking forward to it. My LO is going to a minder near work and she said that I could pop in at lunch time and give her the booby as she is literally across the road from the college where I work.

Are you due back in Feb too?
MJ- Congrats on the wedding date!! :happydance: That is so exciting. You'll have to post pictures after it's all done. Excellent idea on the wedding and the christening being together. :thumbup:

Andie- I'm obviously not in the UK but the snow here is about a foot deep at best. It's 18 degrees outside. Fahrenheit of course. :haha: We had a bit of a snowstorm but nothing that'll stop us from getting anywhere.

Vici- I'm so sorry your not feeling well. :hugs:

Boothh- It's so rare to get pregnant the first month of trying. The average length of time it takes to get pregnant is six months I believe is what the stats say. But I found that not thinking about it too much helps the most. And doing it every other day not every day. It helps build up a nice bunch of :spermy: :rofl: I've been pregnant twice and each time took two months. I never charted or temped or any of that stressful stuff. I think it just yanks the romance out of the entire process IYKWIM. So have fun with it hun! Good luck!! :hugs:

Random question for everyone regarding snow. What does gritting mean? Don't you girls have snowplows that clean the snow off the roads? And salt put down to melt the rest? Sorry I'm dumb about these things. hehe.

AFU- Nothing too new to report. I'm living with my brother still. Corey's ship leaves the 12. Although we already said goodbye to eachother two weeks ago. I can't wait for it to just leave because that is just one more step closer to us being together. So once it leaves it will be gone until mid-April. I have a countdown going on my computer already. :haha: I got a camcorder for christmas so I'm taping every little thing with Emma so he can see it all when he returns. I also taped him reading Emma a book so I play it for her every once in a while.

Emma is still the same ol' Emma. Smiley and laughing until she's hungry than it's a whole different baby. :rofl: And she gives no warning just will all of a sudden burst out crying even if she was just happy a second before. I've been trying to work with her with sitting up but it's a no go so far. She will sit for five seconds and than topple over. So she's somewhat there but I don't want to push her. :shrug: I was starting to get worried about it because I googled it and a ton of women were saying their babies sat up at 4 months. So I had a freak out moment when I realized Emma turns five months this week and she still doesn't sit up on her own. :wacko:
I'll start with answering Cleckner's questions about grit etc..

We have some snowploughs but not many because there isn't usualy enough snow to need it in most of the uk. We spread both salt and grit which is salt mixed with sandy/rocky bits - the idea is it adds friction.

As for the rest of the posts - i've just had a good read thru but can't remember many specifics now!

MJ - congrats on the wedding/christening date

Boothh - good luck with ttc2 - have fun. We've started to think of the next one but I want to move house first and also need AF to return!

Ashnbump - sorry to hear u and oh have had some tough times, hope things pick up soon!

I'm getting excited but a bit nervous about the meet tomorrow; is the table booked under Shadow's name?
Hi girls, thank you all so much for your well wishes. I'm fully on the mend now and once the cough and these 2 horrendous coldsores go, i'll be back to normal! Just hoping poor Imi doesn't catch it as I felt truely awful! Aside from that, I am gutted that I won't be able to make it tomorrow. We are still snowed in and can't even get the car off the drive let alone to London :( Proper gutted as I was so so looking forward to it :cry:

Cleckner - Bet you can't wait for DH to return, must be so hard for you. Thats a fab idea about recording Emma - he'll be able to catch up when he gets home. So pleased to hear all is well with Emma - her new tutu pics are just gorgeous xx

Mimi - good luck with your day at work tomorrow x

AE - glad to see Imogen is more settled at night for you. I know its hard with the bottle but if its meaning sleep for you it can only be a good thing.

tmr - so so sorry to hear about your dog, i can really sympathise with you :hugs: making a decision to have a pet put to sleep (especially one thats been around that long) is just horrid xxx Loving the new pics of Lucas bless him x

Boothh - good luck TTC hun - really don't worry about it not happening - a normal healthy couple having sex at the "right" time can still take up to a year! From a LTTCer, I really wouldn't temp yet, just have fun with it ;)

Ashnbump - well done on your first driving lesson hun - it really will be worth it when you've done it all. Sorry to hear things aren't so great with your OH at the min, will be waiting for AF to arrive for you x

Shiv - know what you mean about the snow hun, sounds like you're in the same boat as us. I'm really fed up with it now :( Had a nightmare walking to the shop yesterday - had to go tho as we had no toilet roll :rofl:

Andie - as above, i'm done with the snow too! Its been snowing here again today although thankfully not too bad. We expecting it till Wednesday according to the forecast :(

Shadow - thank you so so much for organising everything for tomorrow, just sorry I can't be there :( How did it go with Fin yesterday? So glad water babies went well for you. I've still not got round to taking Imi swimming yet :blush:

Pip - thanks hun :hugs: Sam's wardrobe sounds like Imis although its ironic really seeing as she hasn't been out of baby grows since we've been snowed in. If it carries on like this, she'll have outgrown her wardrobe without wearing most of it :rofl:

Grumpymoo - hi hun, glad to see you're OK :hugs:

MA - welcome back hun - so glad to see you are doing so well and well done for your big catch up. I know what you mean about how much they change! I added some pics of Imi in a nappy to a folder i made when she started wearing cloth and I canoot believe how different she is!!

Samstar - wow 3 weeks to plan a wedding? Think i'd go insame :rofl: Good luck with Elins app - hope it goes well. And happy birthday to Elins biggest brother xx

jelr - hope Natashas last jabs went well, Imi has hers in a couple of weeks :)

MJ - as i said in the bride section i'm so so happy for you! Thanks fabulous news. Sure you'll be fine in your planning. You'll be fine with the diet - you now have the best motivation xx

Jamielou - sorry to hear about you and DH hun :hugs: I will message you on FB as you prob won't get this now xxx

AFU - Imi is being an absolute angel :cloud9: She is so so good and while I was ill she was exceptioanlly good. She is sleeping well, goes down well at night, only grizzles when she'd starting to get hungry and generally very happy, cooing and smiley! She is really getting into a crawling pose now. Lifting her little legs right up, sticking her bum in the air and army crawling. Plenty of 360degree rolling but no giggling yet (although my niece def had the start off a giggle from her last week while playing peek a boo!!).
Going to make an app with my boss re. going back, not that I want to (i have to for at least a while otherwise i have to pay my mat money back!). I'm hoping for part time on set days and working for such a large company i "think" they'll have trouble saying no because they have said yes to lots of others! Will just have to wait and see I suppose.
Re. our wedding - things are moving forward - think i told you we've paid deposit now. We also have meetings with 2 photographers in January and I will be ordering all the craft stuff to make the invites :D Dress should be back from cleaners in a couple of weeks so really hoping they managed to remove the stain [-o<
One question for you all - have any of you ever asked for a 1 or 2 month payment break on your mortgages? DF has done no work at all this month yet as we've not been abler to get anywhere!! He also is owed for 2 December jobs so we are el skinto!! We have our mortgage with Abbey if that makes any difference?

thanks for all the advice about ttc! :)

heres the deal about tomorrow, its been snowing here on and off all day, weve been driving around from manchester to huddersfield and back again and the roads were pretty fine,

were figuring setting off around 6am, (LOL) weve checked satnav and AA route planner and they both say around 5 hours, so adding in traffic/snow slowness, and a service stop to feed and change jesse, we figure we will be on schedule if we set off then.

OH doesnt want to drive if the snow is bad though so if we get up tomorrow morning and its snowed heavily (which is what the weather man keeps saying) im afraid we wont be able to come :(!

i will keep shadow updated on text though seeing as she is the organiser!

we have done all the usual things though, bought snacks and drinks and filled up the car, planned jesses outfit etc haha, so its hopefully a thumbs up from us and we will see you guys tomorrow, :) xx
oh and vici - jess is the other way round he's rolled once or twice but laughs constantly and he loves playing peek-a-boo, his other favourites are pretending to put his foot in his mouth, putting him up above our heads, blowing rasberrys, and shouting raghh! and doing claw hands hahaha, hes such a geeky kid honestly lol. xx
Hey guys, do any of you londoners have any idea how long it might take to get through london tomorrow? driving? We're in St Albans and want to leave enough time to get there on time tomorrow :D

Am soooo tired tonight, Vince was pretty unsettled in travel cot here last night so didn';t get much sleep. Am hoping for better night tonight so that I'm on top form for you guys!

JUST PRINTED A GIRAFFE VOUCHER FOR TOMORROW LADIES.... go to their website, 40% off. Although I assume I can use mine for everyone :yipee: I'm so excited I've got our outfits ready and even Samuel has put himself to bed tonight like such a good boy. Wooohooooo I'm so not going to sleep tonight.

Edit: just realised it for Max 8 people but guessing we can split the bill and pay twice so someone print off one too. You have to register with them.
On a more selfish note does anyones baby travel up the cot when they sleep. I've just checked on Samuel and I put him at the foot of the bed now he is at the top of the bed with his head against the headboard!!!! All in about an hour. Very strange as he doesn't do this when he is playing on the floor. He hasn't even rolled 360 degrees yet let alone push himself along????????
Hey guys, do any of you londoners have any idea how long it might take to get through london tomorrow? driving? We're in St Albans and want to leave enough time to get there on time tomorrow :D

Am soooo tired tonight, Vince was pretty unsettled in travel cot here last night so didn';t get much sleep. Am hoping for better night tonight so that I'm on top form for you guys!


Really depends on the traffic. AA route finder will be your best bet but I'd leave an hour and half to park as well. If there is no traffic maybe an hour but that's doubtful. I'll look now. x Sorry you didn't sleep well honey :hugs:

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