Heeeyyyyy girls, have been meaning to catch up in here since our trip to London but have been totally exhausted!! It was SUCH fun, I would really love to do it again some time, but I was totally knackered yesterday evening and all of today!! Our drive back was lovely, Vince was an angel and we got home safe and sound

Unfortunately we missed our meeting with Fin on Saturday because of delays getting up there and car issues, we were really gutted, won't see her again for another 2 weeks

But I managed to get a message to her on Facebook before her mother clamped down and forbade her from having contact with me on there. But she did get a chance to say how much she loves us all, and even specifically mentioned Vince, which was sweet
So an attempt at a catch-up...
There is mention of me being some kind of super-organiser!!! Bless you girls, that is so sweet, I really did very little!!! And apparently did not mention to the Giraffe staff that we would all have pushchairs etc, they were going to put us on this crowded little table but luckily the huge one by the window was free too, with plenty of space around for buggies etc
Shiv, Jai_Jai and Mimi, I did get your texts girls, and we were very sorry you couldn't make it, but there will most definitely be another at some point so worry not!!
Jai_Jai, don't worry one bit about not posting often in here, like jelr I'm wondering whether there's any way we can help you to feel a bit more at home in here, but I guess you can just pop in when you get the time. There's no need to feel like you have to catch up with every single person if you don't have the spare time, of course!

I think the whole "vibe" of Lion Cubs is quite different to the August Mummies club, because we all have our hands full now! So we are all in the same boat to varying degrees
Jelr, Vince is mid-roll for going back to front still, I give him a little tiny nudge and he can get over! Won't be long and we will be like Cleck, wishing they'd keep still for just a second!! I am amazed at people whose babies are already on the way to crawling, Boothh I know you mentioned at the meet that Jess gets himself almost into crawling position!!
MA, awwww bless Jorja's little heart! It must have been a tiring day for the babies, maybe that's what tired us out too somehow?? LOL @ things being easy before we had them... We all flake out at the drop of a hat now eh?! Thanks so much for the Bickiepegs, Vince has already noshed on one, they're really super hard aren't they? Think that sinlge one will keep him going for a fair while!!
tmr, I hope you feel ok to keep posting, it is nice to have you back in here! Sorry if you feel like you shouldn't bother

Don't think that Mrs!! Sounds like the BLW-type thing you're doing with Lucas is going pretty well, Vince doesn't really have the hang of keeping stuff in his mouth to eat, he'll shove things in there for a second but not so good at keeping food in there to chomp on!
Aunty E, I LOVED your sling!! Mog looked so happy in it, bless her

She's a little angel, I kept looking over and she looked so content, then she fell asleep on you, what a doll
Boothh, poo for Jesse's eczema playing up

I really hope the cream and anti-biotics do the trick, poor little mite! I must say, it wasn't too noticeable at the meet, his cute little eyes make far more of an impression

Was lovely to give him a snuggle, and I guess we know now that Vince is heavier!!! Hehehe
Ash, glad to hear that you would come to the next meet! Would be lovely to meet little Kara, our first Lion Cub!

Woohoo for

, I totally undrstand you not being ready yet. I think I'd have a heart attack if I got a BFP now!!
Pips honey, hope your friend didn't bum you out too much, whatever that was about

And sorry you're feeling a bit low today, but just think, we can do it again some time and it'll be something to look forward to again!

Horray for baby swimming!!!

Sam will love it, I'm sure! Once you've been in with him once, you'll realise it's really not scary. Vince kicks his legs like mad in the pool, he just loves it so much! Let us know how it gets on
OK, I am reeeeally tired again now, looking forward to the first night back in my own bed!
Lots of love to you all, we will have to think about arranging another meet some time, I think it's a fab idea
Shadow xxxxxxx