--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Double post again sorry. Seems to be becoming a habit of BnB, hmmmmmm
:D Thank you all from me and Adam, too! We had a fabulous time, it was wonderful to meet you all and your GORGEOUS cubs! I really hope we can do it again soon.

:hug: and :flower: to Shadow for being the co-ordinator extraordinaire. Doubt it'd have happened without you!

Am also knackered and I haven't even had to do any travelling. Super kudos to Becki, Jesse and Stuart and Vici, Imi and Shaun for making the drive down and back in this rotten weather - hope you all got back safe and sound.
The pics look amazing girls, really gutted I missed it but got held up at work :( and because I had to pick up Mimi then come down to the restaurant and out again to pick the boys I would have been running around like a headless chicken :( Super super gutted. Thanks Naomi, you are certainly co-ordinator extraordinaire xxx
:cry: sooooo sorry I could not make it - you all look lovely and sounds like you had a great day!! :hugs:

Well done Joeyjo for feeding like that I would have been embarrassed too :blush: You must be a pro to feed G like that!!

We are all good this end, loving every second still!!

:hugs: miss you guys - I know I keep saying it and posting and disappearing I just do not realise where the time goes you know?? I am studying for a midwife interview and it is taking up most of my free time!! Hope you understand as I was very much a part of August Mummies.....I guess I have always felt a little lost in Lion Cubs if I am honest :( will try make more of an effort but please understand my reasons for being MIA

Oh and guess what OH has left 2 eggs boiling on the pan for an hour and they just exploded everywhere it smells burnt etc etc :cry: smoke alarms going off the lot!!! :rofl: on that note good night :kiss:
Hey everyone.

It sounds like you had a ball - the pics look fab - You may tell us who is who though even if it is only screen names, I recognice some of you from facebook but not all.

Joeyjo: Well done for feeding G - I know you were a little embaressed - but you looked after your little man and that whats important and makes you a great mum.

Booth and Vici: Hope you all get home safe.

Shadow: Well done on the organising, you are definitely a star.

Samstar: Hope you are not pregnant if that is not what you want, Best of luck with Elins appointment tomorrow and hope it all goes well and you get there with the weather.

Pippin & MJ: Glad you had a lovely day.

Mimiso: Sorry to hear you didn't get to make it and got delayed in work.

Cleckner: Sorry to hear you had a bad night - I hope tonight is better and it was just a one off last night.

Jai Jai: Honey we all understand - you are popping in and out so we know you are around and are doing well, and that is all that is important. Looking after LO and yourself and getting that midwive interview are what are important now. When I go back to work in the next couple of weeks, I dont think I will have the same time to come on here then either as it is hard to find time some days already. Sorry to hear you are feeling a little lost here though, is there anything we can do about that.

Well not much news from us, Natasha is still getting stuck mid roll lol - I have done another load of cooking and pureeing today and yesterday so we are all ready to go for another 6 weeks as I have still two weeks left from the first lot and I had my postnatal class tonight which was good.
Thanks Jelr sounds like you had a great day!! No there is nothing anyone can do....I guess I just got lost at the end cos I was so overdue and last to pop and all just feel left behind - nothing any of you guys have done at all :hugs: How are you feeling about going back to work??? xx
Ah thats okay well if there is anything we can do let us know.

I'm dreading it being honest but sure it has to be done, I am only going back two days a week at first and I am always off for the summer and I will hopefully go back three days after that so Natasha will be a year old.

It doesn't seem like much time to be away from her, but I know I will miss her so much and like you I dont know where the times is going at the moment and some days I feel like I'm running around like a headless chicken to get anything done and I know that is going to get worse when I get back to work. I dont know how people have a few children and work full time, they must get up so early and get little sleep as I dont know where they find the hours in the day lol.

My mam is going to mind her so I know she will be in safe hands but I just hope my mum and me dont end up falling out as we would have very different ideas on some parenting things and my mam can tend to treat me like i'm still a child even though I'm now 30 and the eldest of 7 and helped her to look after my brothers and sister for long enough. But sure FX it will all work out.

When is your interview? If you get it when will you start studying?
Hiya girls!

What a lovely day, lovely to meet those who came and look forward to meeting some more of you next time!

LOL@ us all knackered, once upon a time meeting the ladies for lunch was a doddle!

JoeyJo - what an awful journey but very well done on feeding George around the business men!

Boothh - thank you for coming all that way, was wonderful of you three, so glad you were there. Sorry, I did giggle at you being the most baby-sicked upon, but that kinda thing doesnt freak us girls out anymore I guess?! Thanks for cuddling JP too :-)

Vici - you three were a lovely surprise too :-)

AE - loved the cat chat on the way home, glad to remember that we have other interets than our babies to talk about!!

Pips, MJ - So much fun, we'll have to do something a bit more frequent since we're so close.

Jai_Jai/Mimi/Shiv - so sorry you couldn't get there, darn snow! Hope to see you next time!

Shadow - you're a star!

Will definitely need to do more meets, didn't get enough time with the girls down other end of table!

AFU- JP was fast asleep when we got in so I left her in her carseat snoring while I zonked out on the sofa and woke up a couple of hours later to the sound of a sobbing baby! So we were pretty knackered too!
Hiya Ladys

Glad you all had a good time.

Jai Jai~ I feel a little lost in here as dnt have a lot of time to come on so loas track and so just feel like whats the point.:hugs:

Lucas tryed a banana yesterday and loved gumming it also tryed a pice of pear iam not giving him lots yet just little bits so he can get the picking up and putting it to his mouth. He was so grummpy yesterday he got a cold agane thanks to nanny.

any way take care girls talk soon
MA - jesse pukes on a couple of times a day im so used to it now haha, maybe if it was proper sick i might be more fussed but a little bit of milk does nobody any harm eh, and jorja is absolutly beautiful,

in fact how cute are all our babies i thought they were all adorable, george the little giggler what a cutey!

oops have to cut this post short just noticed the time and jesse has a doctors appointment for his excema at 10 xx
Had a fab time, it was so great to meet you all! Joeyjo, you gave me far too much money for food, so if you PM your paypal address, I can send it back to you as a gift so you don't pay fees on it :)

I can't believe what little people all our babies are now, so different from each other! It's amazing how far some ladies made it, I feel guilty that I just had to go on the tube, although nobody let me sit down on the central line bit, so it was lucky Mog was asleep by then.
just been to the docs, they said he has a skin infection in his excema because he keeps scratching, so he has anti - biotics, steroid cream, and more emollients, hopefully if we can clear it up with the steroid cream then we can keep on top of it, FX xx
hey ladies! so glad you all had such a lovely day yesterday, and sooooooo gutted we didnt make it :(

i kinda feel left out now lol! but at least im not the only one who didnt make it ay!

spoke to OH and he agrees we will make the next one, whether its london or not, we'll drive like becki did (i told OH if you and ur OH can do it from manchester then we can too!) we agreed that if you all do have another meet, we'll stay over in a hotel in the area that night and then we can do a bit of shopping too!

I'll hopefully have Kara's new trolley by then too, im going for the 'Juicy Couture' Maclaren, i know its so chavy, but its a princess pram for my princess lol! :cloud9:

on a totally different note ......

THE :witch: CAME TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really am NOT ready for another baby yet. I want to be able to enjoy my next pregnancy, not dread the end of it lol!

any baby and any pregnancy is indeed a miracle, but when its not the time its just not the time! I want to see how the 'first year' with Kara goes before i even think about having anymore! OH on the other hand, is pretty gutted that im not pregnant, i think that he wanted there to be another baby because he feels like it will make us strong again? iykwim? but i love him anyway and we will be ok with time, another baby would only put more stress onto us!

Boothh - hope Jesse is ok hun, glad u've been dr's n got it kinda sorted!

anyway best rush off, got to get ready to go to my mum & dads, its my dads birthday today and my little brother (who's 18) has had his final operation to correct his cleft lip yesterday so going to visit him too, and see how he's feeling!

speak soon!x :hugs:
Totally agree MollyApple we have no excuse not to do it more often and if others can come too that will be a bonus. Maybe we could go back the end of Feb or beginning of March? Anyone up for that? Same place again maybe as we all know where it is now and they were pretty accommodating and even I didn't feel too self-conscious feeding Samuel in there (even if I flashed a bit of bob to poor Stuart and the other businessmen grabbing a bit to eat:blush:).

Boothh glad you got to see the doctors and I hope it clears up soon. Did they mention allergies or anything? I used to get a itchy when I was young to curtain fruit acids (it's doesn't happen now) maybe he's eating something that doesn't agree.

Ashnbump glad the witch arrived for you. I kinda understand how you feel as I want another baby badly but I want to see how it goes with Samuel first. It'll happen when the time is right I guess.

Jai_Jai I hardly get to post now too as I'm usually busy and have had some difficult bed times recently but he seems more settled again now so I catch up when I can. Don't feel you have to post all the time as you don't :hugs:

Aunty E can't believe no one let you sit down. People just don't seem to care now, grrrr. Glad she slept a bit and I hope all those people kept their fingers to themselves :winkwink:

tmr1234 I can't wait to start giving him bit and bobs to eat. Another month and I'll be trying it too. So much fun. :yipee:

As for us we've had a good day, a friend came round for lunch which was nice but not half as much fun as yesterday so feeling a little low this evening plus she upset me a little but that's a whole different silly thing that I shouldn't let bother me. Baby swimming tomorrow so that should be fun and exciting if a little daunting (I'm terrified I'm going to slip with him or something).

Anyway night night. xxxx
Heeeyyyyy girls, have been meaning to catch up in here since our trip to London but have been totally exhausted!! It was SUCH fun, I would really love to do it again some time, but I was totally knackered yesterday evening and all of today!! Our drive back was lovely, Vince was an angel and we got home safe and sound :) Unfortunately we missed our meeting with Fin on Saturday because of delays getting up there and car issues, we were really gutted, won't see her again for another 2 weeks :( But I managed to get a message to her on Facebook before her mother clamped down and forbade her from having contact with me on there. But she did get a chance to say how much she loves us all, and even specifically mentioned Vince, which was sweet :)

So an attempt at a catch-up...

There is mention of me being some kind of super-organiser!!! Bless you girls, that is so sweet, I really did very little!!! And apparently did not mention to the Giraffe staff that we would all have pushchairs etc, they were going to put us on this crowded little table but luckily the huge one by the window was free too, with plenty of space around for buggies etc :thumbup:

Shiv, Jai_Jai and Mimi, I did get your texts girls, and we were very sorry you couldn't make it, but there will most definitely be another at some point so worry not!!

Jai_Jai, don't worry one bit about not posting often in here, like jelr I'm wondering whether there's any way we can help you to feel a bit more at home in here, but I guess you can just pop in when you get the time. There's no need to feel like you have to catch up with every single person if you don't have the spare time, of course! :) I think the whole "vibe" of Lion Cubs is quite different to the August Mummies club, because we all have our hands full now! So we are all in the same boat to varying degrees :flower:

Jelr, Vince is mid-roll for going back to front still, I give him a little tiny nudge and he can get over! Won't be long and we will be like Cleck, wishing they'd keep still for just a second!! I am amazed at people whose babies are already on the way to crawling, Boothh I know you mentioned at the meet that Jess gets himself almost into crawling position!!

MA, awwww bless Jorja's little heart! It must have been a tiring day for the babies, maybe that's what tired us out too somehow?? LOL @ things being easy before we had them... We all flake out at the drop of a hat now eh?! Thanks so much for the Bickiepegs, Vince has already noshed on one, they're really super hard aren't they? Think that sinlge one will keep him going for a fair while!!

tmr, I hope you feel ok to keep posting, it is nice to have you back in here! Sorry if you feel like you shouldn't bother :( Don't think that Mrs!! Sounds like the BLW-type thing you're doing with Lucas is going pretty well, Vince doesn't really have the hang of keeping stuff in his mouth to eat, he'll shove things in there for a second but not so good at keeping food in there to chomp on!

Aunty E, I LOVED your sling!! Mog looked so happy in it, bless her :winkwink: She's a little angel, I kept looking over and she looked so content, then she fell asleep on you, what a doll :D

Boothh, poo for Jesse's eczema playing up :( :( I really hope the cream and anti-biotics do the trick, poor little mite! I must say, it wasn't too noticeable at the meet, his cute little eyes make far more of an impression :D Was lovely to give him a snuggle, and I guess we know now that Vince is heavier!!! Hehehe

Ash, glad to hear that you would come to the next meet! Would be lovely to meet little Kara, our first Lion Cub! :D Woohoo for :witch:, I totally undrstand you not being ready yet. I think I'd have a heart attack if I got a BFP now!! :shock:

Pips honey, hope your friend didn't bum you out too much, whatever that was about :( And sorry you're feeling a bit low today, but just think, we can do it again some time and it'll be something to look forward to again! :D Horray for baby swimming!!! :yipee: Sam will love it, I'm sure! Once you've been in with him once, you'll realise it's really not scary. Vince kicks his legs like mad in the pool, he just loves it so much! Let us know how it gets on :)

OK, I am reeeeally tired again now, looking forward to the first night back in my own bed!

Lots of love to you all, we will have to think about arranging another meet some time, I think it's a fab idea :)

Shadow xxxxxxx
we're having a strange thing with Adam - it worries me a bit (though since he's never unsupervised it really shouldn't) - even though his first rolls over were front to back (from 12 weeks), and when he first started rolling from back to front (19 weeks) he very quickly progressed to going the whole way around, he seems to have forgotten how to get off his front. puzzling! seems to love being on his front, set him on his back and he's over in seconds, and has a nice time trying so hard to propel himself forwards, kicking his little legs and scrabbling, and playing with whatever he can grab at, but then he gets all upset like he is stuck! mummy has to come and pick him up... I don't like it when his cry becomes a little muffled and he is pretty much face down in the rug on the floor :shock: . all I can say is thank goodness for the sleeping bag as hopefully when he's strong enough to roll while in that he'll have remembered how to get back the way.

it's strange. really is like he has forgotten what to do.

oh and anyone else's babies becoming difficult at nappy time? Adam want to roll over then as well but can't get past 3/4 over (because I stop him) and it is so hard to get the bloody nappy on and off! is a shame, he sees something (currently it is the edge of the cot, which he likes to grab and pull on) and he is *FOCUS ON THAT AND NOTHING ELSE* while I'm like Adam *Adam* ADAM!!!!! trying to get his attention back on me and stayng on his back. typical male, can only manage to think of one thing at a time :rofl:
I have 2 nappy change toys for that reason. One is his cot mobile that I've moved and "adjusted" to make it hang over where ichange him. The other is a link chain from his play arch that he loves - it now lives in my handbag
Boothh - poor Jesse, hopefully the meds will do magic. Will it reduce the itching too so he doesn't need to keep scratching? Do they think its long-term ezcema too? I also thought all the babies were terribly cute, not like the little alien creatures in my baby-care book!

Cleck - How exciting that Emma is on the move! Very sad for you I know that she is growing up so fast, I never imagined being so into the baby stage and wished it lasted longer too. I hadn't read that they should be able to sit up at 4 months, and I think again the definition is very loose - is it actually sitting up unaided or the process of moving into the sitting position? When I sit JP down she folds in half and can balance herself that way but she looks so silly, I call her my little psammead (see her xmas photos on FB)! I don't call that sitting up and it looks really bad for her back so I don't let her do it now. She's just started sitting a little straighter, supporting herself with her hands, but like Emma topples over after a few seconds!

Mimi - Glad you agree on the food allergies, I keep telling myself not to be oversensitive but I it does concern me. I am even glad she hasn't taken to bickiepegs because there is wheat in them. I wouldn't be without biscuits and pasta but I have cut wheat out of my diet before and was amazed at how much healthier I was so i can't imagine it being very good for our little ones. She was given rusk a couple of days and has had constipation since so I have decided to back off the weaning and if she gets very hungry mix some baby rice into a milk feed.

Pips - I definitely would be up for a Feb/March meet. I've been to that Giraffe a few times with friends who have kids so I agree they are uber-kid friendly - even when dealing with a 3yo who has just dumped their crayons in his lemonade then poured it over his burger & chips and then the table! Sorry to hear you're friend left you feeling low, hope you've perked up again now. I had a really grumpy day too, I think partly having so much fun yest and being just me and even grumpier baby today and partly tiredness!

Shadow - you're welcome for the BPs, hope they help those gums!

AFU - We had more teething tears last night and lots of waking up. At one point JP fell asleep chomping on my finger! Today I had the worst shopping trip with her yet as she screamed most of the way around the supermarket. I'm at the point now where I'm wondering about joining the amber necklace brigade for her! I saw teething dummies today which have horseshoe shaped gel filled mouthbit which can be coated in teething gel instead of the normal teat, they looked interesting but way too big for her little mouth!

Also do you ever get the impression your LO is sulking with you? JP threw a real fit before we left because I was trying to refit the straps on her carseat which took ages and I snapped at her then while we in the car she kept on crying, then she stopped and when I talked to her asking if she was ok she just kept giving me the dirtiest look while not quite meeting my eye! I spoke to her again gently and she burst into tears so I decided to leave it at that and she fell asleep. :shrug:

On the plus side I found pink short bibs in Asda and Next today which means I have shorts and pinks, both of which I wanted and I can have them now rather than when I get round to making them! Oh and I took a dress back to Next which was a gift but doesn't fit. It still has the £10 tag on but I don't have a receipt and its sale price is £5 which is all they will credit for it so I decided to keep it purely because I didn't want them reselling it and making £5 for nothing! Is that being silly?

I did a mammoth posting of pics onto FB and while reflecting over the last few weeks it struck me how so very much changed in a very short space of time. In a matter of a couple of weeks, JP's chatter hugely incresed and I realised she is using her tongue and mouth to form sounds and when she sticks her tongue out now she points it. She is very conversational at home and very shy with new people! She also uses her arms to gesticulate - her pterydactyl impression as its been labelled! And she's learned to whinge - ugh!

She has started leaning in directions she wants to go and will slide to the floor into a flattened crawl position then get really frustrated that she can't go anywhere though this week she seems to be getting the idea of pushing up on her limbs. She can almost pull herself along on a mat and revolves in full circles on the floor. If we hold her hands she can stand, walk or dance to music (she does foot stomping, hip swizzles and botty bops, so cute, trying to get it on video!). Today I was holding her in the supermarket and she was pushing on the trolley bar, she is just terrible at steering even with the trolley wheels causing probs!! :rofl: Also today I noticed she no longer just arches her back to try to sit up but also is leaning her head and shoulders forward too. All of this just suddenly happened over a few days, so scary how quick they can change and amazing how they are "programmed" to learn all of this, blows my mind!!
Shadow-Sorry you guys missed fin. :nope: That sucks. I can't believe her mom is such a witch. I'm so happy fin hasn't been too affected by it and still loves her daddy very much. :thumbup:

MJ- I'm having the same issue with Emma not holding still for a change. It gets frustrating at times. She is so interested in everything. Half the time she is kicking her little legs like crazy and I can't get her diaper snapped without forcing her to be still. :dohh:

MollyApple- I'm not sure about the whole 4 month sitting up thing. It was a friend that has said it and I'm not sure if she was just trying to exaggerate and 'one up' me or what. :shrug: Emma does the same thing kind of curled down when sitting there. Like her spine just isn't quite strong enough yet. I was having moments of panic hearing about these younger babies sitting though. :wacko: I don't think Emma is even close to sitting unaided really. At least not for extended periods of time where I could just leave her to sit there.

I SO wish I could've went to meet you girls! I guess that's what I get for joining a UK based forum. :haha: To be honest I feel kind of left out in here as well now. All the US girls seem to have disappeared. And all anyone has talked about the past few weeks is the meet and I'm not a part of that kind of stuff so couldnt' really comment. :wacko:

So Emma has a much better night last night. And today she was an angel. No teeth yet so I'm wondering what is causing all the issues. To be honest I'm not all that excited for her to get teeth anyways. Who knows how she'll be with the breastfeeding. I just hope she isn't a biter. :haha:

Emma also stands when I hold her arms standing behind her. It's the cutest thing ever. She lifts her head and looks at me upside down with a huge grin. She's so small that I imagine it's quite easy for her to hold the weight up. I wish I could get a picture of it but it's just me with her mostly. :(
Shadow~ thank you for the coment i will try and keep up. Lucas will put things to his mouth as soon as he getts it and will hold it there and gumm it and suck it but we havnt ha any thing go down yet but i dnt mind that as iam proper wenning untill 6months.

Ash~ Iam glad the :witch:turnd up for you.

Pips~ hope you both enjoy swimming.

Boothh~ Sorry to hear about Jesses's eczema hope the creams work:hugs:

MJ~ Lucas seems to for get how to roll some times like yesterday i put him on his back and he went over to his belly for the 1st time :happydance:then forgot how to roll to his back agne. When changing lucas when i lift his legs he pulls his bum up and turns to the side trying to turm over also the kicking of feet omg wheresthe tiny baby gone lol.

Like i have seid lucas rolled from back to belly yesterday :happydance: i was so happy with him and he throt it was funny and was really giggling.When i put him on his belly now he gose mad to crawl he can tuck his knees under him and stick his bum in the air but dosnt get that his bally needs to go up as well bless. I cant belive that he will be 1/2 a yr old in a few wks.

We have woken to more snow today wich iam not liking as it was just about all gone yesterday. :shrug:

Any way take care ladys

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