Hehehe OK, well maybe some time next week we could make a chat date, what is a good sort of time for everyone's routines? For me, Vincent is in bed by 7:30pm ish and we've been having our dinner then, but 8pm ish would be good! Cleck, I think that's 2pm in Indiana, am I right? Any good for anyone? It was always such a laugh when we used to have chats, it'd be nice to try it again
Jo, it's not scary at all

We just tended to babble on about crazy nonsense back in the pregnancy days! Of course, it might be trickier now as some of us might have to keep popping away to sort babies etc, but I think it'd be a laugh and definitely worth another go, eh??
We had such a nice meal last night, and I drank more red wine that I have in a very long time! It was good fun, and I had the most AMAZING rare steak with blue cheese sauce, I am drooling just remembering it now!!
I've decided that that was my last "blowout" meal for a while, and today we are going to go food shopping to get some super healthy and low-fat stuff for this week's cooking. I have also decided to try to cook meals that I can mash for Vince, so that he is eating the same as us. I've wanted to cook for him for a while, and now he is really good at eating solids with some lumps I would like to give him some exciting new flavours to try. So I've looked up a bunch of baby-friendly recipes, and this week we will be having:
Salmon with asparagus and new potatoes with a cheese sauce
Turkey korma with rice
Italian pork with pasta (creamy tomato sauce with spinach and stuff)
Jacket potato with cottage cheese and tuna
Spaghetti bolognese
Tuna pasta in a tomato sauce
I'm making it all from scratch using no extra salt or anything, with baby stock cubes and all fresh ingredients. We like to plan our weekly meals anyway, and this will be nice and healthy and I'll know exactly what's gone ito everything so I'll know it'll all be fine for Vincent too

I'm also going to get some melon and bananas and give him nice chunks of it to play with after his meal or between meals during the day, we may try him in the high chair again to see whether he seems ready for that yet. I'm quite excited, I hope he likes my cooking!!
And another thing I fancied sharing with you guys is our feeding/sleeping routine these days. It'd be great to see some of yours to compare! This is how our days mostly go:
Vincent’s Routine: 6 Months
7:00 - 7:30 - Wake; 7oz bottle feed.
9:30 - 10:00 - Breakfast jar; down for nap.
11:30 - 12:00 - Wake, play.
12:00 - 12:30 - 7oz bottle feed.
1:00 - 1:30 - Down for nap.
2:00 - 2:30 - Wake, play.
2:30 - 3:00 - 4oz bottle (if he wants it-if we go out he often skips it entirely)
4:00 - 4:30 - Dinner (solids)
5:00 - 6:00 - Nap (sometimes, for about half an hour)
6:30 - 7:00 - Bath (about twice a week)
7:00 - 7:30 - 7oz bottle feed, bed.
Total nap time: 3 ½ hours
Total daily milk: 25oz
Total solid meals: 2
How does it compare to some of you guys? It'd be fascinating to see how differently we all do things! x x x x x