--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

hey girls,

pips haha i did ask stuart did he noticed the BFing going on and he said he did but thought is much more discreet than what he'd imagined ( i dont think hed ever seen anyone do it before) lol, i think im gunna try to BF next time, i did try to give jesse a couple of feeds, and he did latch on but he was a couple of days old by the time i felt ready to try and he was used to a bottle and it just stressed up both out, im really in awe of you girls that have managed it i think its brilliant, xx

if there another meet feb or march i dunno if we could make it, we will defo come to another one but its alot of expense for us i think we spent over 100 on monday with petrol and parking, and we cant really afford to do that very often im sure you understand, were deffo up for a summer one though,

jesse now has quite an intensive routine to try and keep his excema under control,

basically - when he wakes up covered in hydrocortizone ointment and then a babygro over the top, then dinner time we will change him and cover him in emollient then new babygro over the top, before bed he has to have a bath in oilatum and soak in it for 20 minutes, then covered again hydrocortizone ointment, thats along with anti biotics 4times a day, hopefully if we can get it under control then we can manage just with the emollient morning and night and an oilatum bath,

also we have to be careful with his washing and give it an extra rinse, not use any products on him (we dont anyway bar a dot of shampoo on his head)
she did say to cut out wheat from his diet to see if it helps but im gunna see if the creams and anti biotics work first i dont wanna cut it out if its unecessary, IYKWIM,

he seems abit pissed off about it all, but icant imagine being covered in cream and feeling all sticky is gunna be too great, we will just have to persevere, x
right girls i have a dilemma, - my uncle is getting married in october, he specifically told everyone that only adults were attending (meaning his brothers and sisters, no nieces or nephews) ive always been his favourite and hes invited me and stuart secretly, but told us to keep quiet cus it will end up causing trouble if people know were invited but there kids arnt etc, (im like the 5th oldest grandchild, so its not like they can use the excuse im older lol,)

my auntie has 2 children who both have autism, so shes narrowed highly of who can babysit for her, shes asked me to do it, not knowing im going to the wedding also, its in october so its not like i can say i have plans cus its pretty far away, what am i meant to do without causing a massive argument? :( x
Eeeep Boothh, why not talk to your uncle about it. Is it your auntie who is getting married that asked you to babysit? If your uncle said you could tell her that you're coming, do you think she'd be OK with the fact that you're coming but other younger generation guys aren't? If you don't want the whole family to know, would she keep it quiet for you? x
no its my uncles sister, (my uncle is my dads brother and theres seven children in total, adding up to something like 26 grandchildren!) my uncle doesnt have children and has never been a person who really bothered with us as kids, the reason he took me under his wing was because i sort of took his place as the black sheep of the family, me my dad and him ended up living together when i was around 17 and he helped me through alot (drugs drink etc) and weve been very close ever since, his sisters, my two aunties are the main concern as there kids have always been pushed as 'the favourite' grandchildren, theyr paying for everyone to stay in a hotel and its not a cheap one, so you can imagine why they said no children given theres 26 of us and thats just on his side, when they first spoke about the wedding my aunties seemed pretty smug that i wasnt allowed to go, catty i know, but i dont wanna cause trouble for him by telling them im actually going, i dont know what to do, grr familys, this makes me even more determined to get married abroad on our own, lol xx
Mary Jo- Kira has forgotten how to get her arms out from under her when she rolls now. She was a pro at it and now she sort of lays there face down squirming around! I think there are so many things they learn everyday that some skills are forgotten for awhile.

Kira is getting really good at grabbing now. I have to be careful what she can get into- yesterday she was sitting in her baby pod and suddenly pulled over a bowl of salad I prepared for dinner and started fishing her hand around in it :haha: I love that she can use her hands now... and she is much less frustrated it seems since she can interact with the world.

She also learned how to blow rasberries a few days ago and now when she's done a feed she blows raspberries on my nipple! What a silly girl :haha:
oh, joeyjo, thanks for the tip with the toys - we do have a couple that he only sees at changing time but they are ones he holds (a musical elephant and a little monkey) so I am thinking something that is over his head in the middle might be better at keeping him flat on his back! might also need to move the mat from where it is - we have it on the floor next to the cot, if I swivelled it 90 degrees he wouldn't be able to reach out and grab the underside of the cot (this is what is taking his fancy).

cleck, and the others who didn't make it to the meet - I'm sorry you feel a little out of things, we did really miss you! really really hope you don't stop posting, I'd miss you a LOT if you did. :hug:

I miss the other Americans/Canadians... OC, Elly, mt rose... anyone know how they are?

Boothh, that's a tricky situation - one of the downsides of having a big family I guess. hope you can sort it so you can go to the wedding and there isn't any stress for you or your uncle. :) I don't blame you for wanting to skip the country and get married abroad, I certainly would if there was any suggestion of stress for us. but my side of the family is small and there's nobody *I* feel obligated to invite who I don't want there myself and not really any scenario of leaving people out who'd otherwise expect an invite. I do rather like the idea of going somewhere remote and hot and leaving everyone else behind but don't imagine I'd ever really do it! certainly would not leave my mum out of it, she'd be upset.

whoever it was (Vici, I think?) mentioned baby was making bum in the air crawling shapes? when I read it I thought, oh, Adam hasn't done that, and then just this afternoon, there he goes, bum up, knees bent, scrabble scrabble trying to get his rattle! it looked so comically cute! he didn't move himself but he was definitely up a bit. I agree with you, MA, it is AMAZING how they change daily and are doing new things, things we've never had to show them but they are just hard-wired to do!

we went to the clinic today, first time at the new surgery I changed us to. will hold off from passing judgement on the place till we have at least had a dr's appointment, but it seemed ok, if VERY busy and the woman who weighed AE wasn't as friendly as the one from the other place. but the 2-min walk vs 20-min walk is SO nice, especially in this weather (damned thaw didn't last long, woke today to another carpet of snow, which we had to go out in this morning as I had an appointment - we took the pushchair this am but the sling for the clinic. NICE).

so Adam's brush with the shits hasn't seemed to affect his weight - he's still gaining a very steady 6oz/week and has moved a little upwards on the growth chart, he's closer to the 50th line than he was, which is a relief considering he shat for England for about 10 days and had a very reduced appetite for much for that time. he's been making up for it, though, absolutely guzzling down his bottles for the past few days, needing more than before (more bottles, he was on 4x8oz and now on 5x7-8oz most days).

am going to order the Baby-led Weaning book - the more I hear about it the more I think it's going to be the thing for us to try, and he's the right age in only a few more weeks, but I want to read the book before I do anything. C's mum already bought me the Annabel Karmel Complete Baby & Toddler meals book, but it won't be wasted, there's loads of stuff we can use later, and we can make purees for dips and stuff. she also bought me a Waterstones card for my birthday so I'll spend it on the BLW book. :happydance: which reminds me, got to get on and order the high chair. :D
Boothh - re wedding, I don't think you and Stuart count as "children" lol. Are your cousins younger than you (ie actually children) or similar ages? I guess talk to your uncle but if that doesn't help, could Stuart perhaps offer to act as an usher then you have a "reason" for being there? If you want to try bf again next then do it, you might find yourself ready. My mom didn't bf my older sister 'cause she felt strange enough being a mom but with me (no.2) she was determined to do it and really enjoyed it. While I was in hospital I went to a bf class, which felt a little embarrassing but was really helpful and reassuring. FX you get the BFP soon!

I was also wondering if it was worth considering a more central meet, spread the cost of travel more fairly or if we did London in the summer, maybe us Londoners could put on a picnic somewhere like Regents park for you to save on your food costs. That's it, no more meet talk from me!

Cleck - :hugs: sorry we hijacked the thread, I think we got carried away with planning, next time slap us down, we won't mind!

MJ - JP doesn't get distracted so much while changing but the last couple of days when I put her down she tries to sit up - I foresee problems there, can you change a nappy on a sitting baby?! I love the sound of Adam's bum-up shuffle, must be so cute!

Spidey - JP learnt raspberries a fews ago then stopped. She's suddenly started them again and I have noticed this time she does it when her teething hurts so I think it must relieve the gums? Be interesting to know if Kira does it for the same reason!

Picking up objects one/two handed was the other new trick JP learned in her marathon fortnight of development (we really had very little for a while before that bar the purring/raspberries). She also likes to drop things on the floor when she's done but not as a pick-up game yet, don't think I'll be playing that one!

Another day of carrying JP roound the shops while trying to push a trolley, she really has become a grump but I'm wondering if it's due to lack of visits from the poo fairy?

Babies 'r us have some of the TT range on half price and sippy cups 2 for £5 (normally £3.99ea). The handles on the 4m+ cups can be attached to their bottles so are really useful for feeds. Also I've been trying to get a secondhand electric pump on ebay to try and help prolong bf, i was prepared to spend £40+p&p but have been constantly outbid, today I got a brand new one for £40, how pleased am I?! Oh and TT breast pads are half price (50 for £2.50).
Hi everyone - so glad you all had such a lovely time at the meet - quite jealous that you all have met eachother - but next time gadget next time!!

Joeyjo - you did what had to be done - well done:thumbup: I always reckon people would much rather be flashed a nipple than have a screaming baby in their ear!

JaiJai- stinky eggs :sick:. You were such a big part of the August mummies club and you will therefore always have a place here for whenever you want to pop in and see us, it is always lovely to hear from you. When is your interview? Good luck with the studying.

jelr- well done with all that pureeing - you are sorted until spring!

tmr - sorry you feel that you have lost track with the thread - but honestly there is NO track here, we all just witter on really about day to day happenings with babies, so it is always nice when you join us with your news :hugs:

Booth, hope the cream routine helps Jesse with his excema. Can I ask what it looks like? Sophia has dry scaly red patches all over her back - it doesn't seem to bother her but it looks nasty. As for the wedding, I would talk to your Uncle and let him decide what to do!

Ash - glad she got you :happydance:

Pip - sorry your friend upset you, not sure what happened, but Iknow that things are different with me and my friends now that I have a baby. Friendships that I thought would last forever somehow seem less important and less solid now that I have SOphia :hugs:

Shadow - hope you selpt well, nothign quite like curling up in yoru own bed after being away is there?

Spidey - nice to hear that Kira is a healthy salad eater :haha:

MJ - Sophia is the same with rolling over. I don't think it is that she has forgotten how to roll back onto her back - it is just that she doesn't want to. All she wants to do is go forwards! She will roll from back to front and happily try to crawl (bum in teh air as you say) and then a few minutes later she'll get really frustrated and cry. SO I put her back on her tummy, she looks at me like I'm a crazy woman and rolls straight back onto her tummy again :dohh: Glad Adam's bad tummy has not affected his weight gain :hugs I am going to get Sophia weighed tomorrow I think.

As for us, well we just started thawing out and then got more snow here today - didn't settle as teh ground was a bit wet though. I found out to day that one of my friends from the NCT class I joined, we meet at elast once a week, had her son diagnosed with Downs syndrome., It has taken them 6 months to diagnose him. Really shocked, he shows none of the physical signs so it came as a shock to everyone. We are hopeful it is mild though as he is devlopping just as the other babies in teh group are.

So weight loss wise - I managed not to put on any wieght over Christmas - not for luck of trying, but Sophia has been going through a growth spurt and her constant feeding appears to have burnt off some of teh calories I consumed.

SO wweight today was 10st 5lbs (half a pound up on pre-xmas) Really want to get to under 10stone ASAP. Must stop eating so much crap!

We got Sophia's high chair delivered today, so it is all set up at the dining room table. We are going to start putting her in it when we haev meals and I will give her a cup and baby cutlery to play with. Then when she is 5 and half months I will start putting some food on her tray for her to play with so that at 6 months sh emay have got the hang of it and we can start baby led weaning for real!! Quite exciting/scary. It is quite a responsibility being solely responsible for what your baby consumes - it is nice and easy when it is just milk!

Well I hope everyone is well - this week is really dragging - must be that January feeling!! :hugs:

MollyApple - sorry you are havign such teething trouble - I think it would be worth giving a teething necklace a try :hugs: I also feel like Sophia has started leaning and looking at places she wants to go. I'll see her looking at her cot close to nap time so I put her in it and she went to sleep. I also saw her looking at her play mat and jumperoo etc It is weird seeing them have minds of their own if you know what I mean, not only knowing what they want but now being able to tell you!

Cleck - you look SO good in your avatar - is that a recent pic? DO you look that good after having Emma? I'm still a blimp :cry: And you will always be a loved member of this group. I saw on facebook about Corey's ship going to Haiti - he's a bit of a hero isn't he :thumbup:
Eeeeek too much to write to everyone as I'm going to bed soon, cos we're are knackered. Anyway Baby swimming lessons today were Fab-u-lous I really recommend it. I was worried that it would be expensive for the time in the pool but we had a good 25 minutes, we sung, danced and Samuel was the only baby to splash his way through the whole class. Hahahahaha I think he'll be fine in the water. So I had a much better day so mucho thanks for your kind words and I feel very happy this evening and situation with friend has resolved itself :yipee:

Boothh hon I'd speak to your Uncle about it maybe and then he can have a word with your Aunt so you're not the one letting on (sorry if I've got relations wrong but you know what I mean). He can make the decisions as it's his day. :hugs: And also really understand how expensive the trip was for you. Maybe in summer we can do a picnic in the park and make it cheaper???

Sorry not replying to anyone else but shattered.

:kiss: and :hug: to you all. x
shiv - thats how jesses started id suggest taking her to the GP just to get it checked out before it gets worse, the first time i went they didnt even bother looking at it just gave me emollient which did F all on its own, so really make abit of a fuss, because now its going to take a long time for us to get this under control, and i wish i had spoken up about it sooner,

thanks for the advice about the wedding,

MA - im in the middle i think theres about 5 or 6 older than me, i know we arnt technically children but in the family we still are classed as part of the grandchildren even though the youngest grandchild is now 6 and there are 2 great grand children lol,
i spoke to my uncles girlfriend about it and she said to just wait until they give the invitations out in summer and act as if i wasnt expcting one, then it will be too late for them to argue about it cus its all being booked at the moment, and she said at the end of the day she feels guilty, but my uncle has never been very close to the family (except me im his god child too ) so why should he feel obliged to invite and pay for dozens of nephews and nieces he doesnt see or really have an intrest in, and it is there wedding at the end of the day so they should have who they want there, my mum said to me before they cant be annoyed at me cus its not my fault if im invited and there kids arnt eh, now i have to find someone to have jesse for 2 days, because we will be staying in a hotel, and everyone id trust to look after him, (me stu and my mum) will all be there lol, but he will be over 1 by the time it happens so maybe ill feel more okay with it, xx
pips - a picnic in the park sounds great can you imagine 10 nearly toddlers maybe all learning to run around, haha we will have to have eyes in the backs of our heads! like i said we can do a few times a year but every month or so maybe is a little too expensive, im sorry if im getting mixed up but it was you who said your OH supports city right? maybe next time your OH wants to come up for football we could have a little get together, xx
Shiv- Oh man I WISH I still looked that good. I'm about 70 pounds heavier than when that pic was taken. :blush: Wishful thinking that I'll ever get back to that but I figure it's good motivation to actually start trying to watch what I eat a bit. haha. So far it isn't working. :haha: I love that picture too. I"m amazed at how skinny I once was. And at the time I thought I was fat. :dohh: Go figure. LOL! Thanks about my hubby. Yeah he is starting to be a bit of a hero I'd say. I mean I've always been proud of him for serving our country but this is pretty cool that he is able to help even if it's in a small way. I'm not sure on the details yet because their email is up and down so I haven't heard from him yet. I just hope he stays safe.

MJ- I just received the BLW book today in the mail! I'm so excited to read it. hehe. And I LOL at 'Adams brush with the shits'. :rofl:

Pippin- Glad swim lessons went well!

\\\\\\\;.;/lp[ <----Little message from Emma. :rofl::rofl:
Hello lovely ladies, hope you are all well. Finally I have woken up and there is no snow in the garden YAY (although I got stuck on my aunties driveway yesterday as they still have loads - only 6 miles away!!)

Imi has been such a good girl :cloud9: We had my great uncles funeral yesterday and she was good as gold thru the whole service and then afterwards so many people were happy to have her there as the "new generation" :)

Just wanted to say a proper thank you for Monday - 1, to Naomi for organsing it all, thank you so much hun, and 2, to everyone who came. Was fab to meet you all and Shaun, Imogen and I all really enjoyed ourselves xx

Joeyjo - you did what you had to do hun and I bet them business men didn't mind one bit :rofl:

Samstar - how did Elins app go? :hugs:

Jai_jai - :hugs: don't worry we're all so busy its hard to catch up like we used to :) Saw on your FB about your MW training, thats fab hun, bet you are so excited xx

jelr - Imi is the cub with the pink Minnie Mouse hoody on and I have a grey/black stripey top on. Shaun is sitting next to me :D

tmr - glad Lucas liked his fruit :D Big :hugs: for his cold tho, hope he's feeling a bit better x Woo hoo for the rolling :D

AE - I know what you mean about them all being little people now. It is so scary how fast they are growing up x

Boothh - sorry to hear about Jesse's infection :( Hope the creams get it a bit better for him :hugs: I was on BnB last night and reading thru this thread, Shaun looked over my shoulder and said "I know that baby" and it was your sig :D He siad "he was the one who kept looking up and smiling at me! :D Thats hard about the wedding - i agree with Shadow, can you talk to your uncle? Know what you mean about the cost hun. Ousrs was most of a tank of petrol - £30, parking -£2, tube - £15 and meal - £26 so theres no way we could do that every month!

ashnbump - will be great to see you and Kara at the next meet :D So pleased AF showed up - bet you were so pleased x How's your bro doing after his op?

Pip - i'd def be up for another meet. Was good having Shaun with me to "plan" the route and def happy that i'd be able to do it on my own if he was busy working :) Hope you feel a bit better after your friend upsetting you hun :hugs: So glad you had a fab time swimming - and saw on your FB how good Samuel was last night - bet that sleep is great xx

Shadow - sorry to hear about you not getting to see Fin and her silly mum being a witch!! Seems like she really loves her lil bro xx Hope you've managed to get some rest and are feeling a bit more with it now. O, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you're spoilt rotten xx

MJ - Imi had a stage of forgetting how to get back a few weeks ago but it soon passed and now i can't keep her in 1 place!! Sign of things to come me thinks :rofl: Yeah, it was Imi who's doing the whole army crawling thing. She travelled about 1.5 metres on her rug last night!! Imi's not too bad with her nappy changes yet but i normally give her a nappy to play with. If she's got something to go in her mouth then shes fine :rofl: Glad your new clinc visit went well. With regards to AEs bottles - how are you fitting more in? Is he haing them at shorter intervals?

Mollyapple - so sorry to hear JP is feeling rough with the teething. I have no experience of the teething necklaces but i say anythings worth a go if it has the potetial to make LO feel better :hugs: I agree with the dress thing - i hate losing money for no reason :rofl:

Cleck - i know its rubbish not being able to meet with us but you are def there in spirit. Lion cubs wouldn't be the same without you and Emma xx

Shiv - thats fab news about no weight increase over christmas. 5lbs will come off in no time xx
O and 2 things i forgot to say

Hospital called and I'm in for my op on Tuesday!! Be so glad to get it done :happydance:

And also, when i'm sitting on the sofa with Imi I stand her up against the back just holding her hands, well this morning she stood up for about 25 seconds :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
\\\\\\\;.;/lp[ <----Little message from Emma. :rofl::rofl:

Awww! I think that our first Lion cub post!! :haha:

You sure can be really proud of Corey, its very warming to know that the Navy are involved with helping people suffering through natural disasters and not just war.
Hi girls -

I'm shattered today - G has surpased himself on the lack of sleep thing. He woke up at 8am had a 5 minute dose on the way home from the supermarket about 11am but then wouldn't go down at home. Then about 3pm I thought he might drift of when I fed him but nope; that was it until bedtime at 7pm. The scary thing is he didn't even get particularly demanding until about 5pm!

As for another meet (sorry Cleckner!) I'd be keen for another London based meet soon and if there are any organised up north (Manchester way preferably) I could probably make that too as my folks are in Manchester and I could stay over - I wouldn't like to drive there and back on my own.

Vici - sorry I've missed what Op you're having but I hope all goes well for you.

OK so I have a dilema and I need some advice please :flower:
Sooo yesterday I was really brave and invited my neighbour and her 14mth old son Hamish (cool name) over for coffee this afternoon. Anyway they came and we had a lovely couple of hours BUT I realised just before she came that I'd forgotten her name. I didn't really get an oportunity to ask her name and now I'm not sure how to go about it without seeming really rude - any suggestions???
JoeyJo- is there another neighbour you can ask? Or can you accost the postman and see what name is on her mail? DO you ever take in packages for them? Is she in the phonebook? DO you know her surname - if you do then perhaps you could search it on facebook and see if you can recognise her from her profile pic thus finding out her first name (of i admit this one is a long shot!) You could ask her if she has any nicknames - might give a clue to her actual name.

erm.............failing that you might have to own up and just ask!
Hi all

Sorry I haven't been on as much lately but I'm trying to spend every minute I can with Natasha before I head back to work in three weeks and also get used to not being on here as much as I reckon I wont have as much time as I do now.

Mollyapple: Natasha definitely has sulked with us a few times - We have had a couple of nights out and she has stayed over in my mams and when we have collected her the next day, she wont even look at either of us for about 2 hours....We are using an amber teething neclace and it definitely seems to have helped, she is still getting the red jaws and is chomping on everything but she doesn't seem as bothered or cross by it.

TMR: Sorry to hear you are a little lost, dont mind about not knowing what is going on - just jump in honey. Sorry to hear Lucas has a cold, hope he feels better soon.

AuntyE: I can't believe nobody let you sit down with Mog on the tube, it is horrible that nobody has any manners left.

Booth: Sorry to hear about Jessies infection, hope it clear up soon.

Ashnbump: Yay for AF and sorry to hear things are not going so well with Oh, hope it all sorts itself out for you soon.

Pippin: Sorry your friend upset you and glad you have it sorted out. Delighted swimming went so well.

Shadow: Big Happy Birthday Honey - you are definitely not old.

MJ: Natasha is definitely getting more wiggly at nappy time, but we have put a mobile above the changing unit and it seems to have helped. Delighted to hear your first visit to the docs went okay - and that Adam's shits didn't affect his weight.

Cleck: Natasha is also putting loads of weight on her legs this week - It is mad to think they were tiny little babies only a short few weeks ago, they are definitely growing up so fast. I'm glad Emma has settled back down, she may have just had an off few days like we all do sometimes I suppose.

Shiv: yay for the highchair, we are going looking for one on Saturday. Definitely scary at being responsible for what LO's eat, I am panicking so much that I wont give Natasha the right nutrients and vitimans in what I feed her eek.

Vici: Thanks for telling me who you were lol - I managed to work it all out from Shadows pics on facebook - so glad ye had such a lovely time - Yay for Imi nearly crawling and standing for so long and I'm so glad you are finally getting your op. I really hope it all goes well and they manage to do the Lap, thats how mine was done and the scars are so tiny you can only see one of them really and you could see the one in my belly button when I was at the end of my pregnancy other than that, you wouldn't even know.

Joeyjo: I think Shivs ideas for finding them name are all good, I really hope you remember or find out before she arrives. I hate it when that happens.

Well AFU: Natasha is still not rolling, not even half rolls now - but sure all in good time, the little monkey has really been off her milk the last few days and has dropped from taking 20 to 23 oz a day to taking 16 to 18 oz, she never has been a big milk drinker so I have been having a bit of a panic as I worry loads that she wont get enough nutrients and vitamins. I thought the first day she was coming down with something but it is going on for 3 days now and no sign of sickness and I can't blame it on the solids as they increased for a couple of weeks, she is still only getting 3 cubes of sweet pototo and veg for her lunch and 5 spoons of baby rice and 2 cubes of fruit at dinner time and I always give her the bottle first before the solids. I'm terrified as the plan that I'm following for the solids means she will be increasing them a bit next week so I hope she wont drop any more milk - I reckon when she is fully established on solid I will have a nightmare getting any milk into her at all, but I may try the follow on milk as that is for after 6 months but the vitamins and minerals are more concentrated as it is for babies that are being weaned and may not drink as much but even the guidelines on this say they need between 16 and 20 oz a day. I was having an awful panic about it yesterday but DH calmed me down and said she will let us know when she is hungry and she is thriving and is healthy and has never met the guidelines for taking milk and she is so happy and content that if she wasn't getting what she needed so wouldn't be all of those, so I think he is right and am not as worried but am still a little worried If you know what I mean.

She has also really found her voice in the last few days and is squealing at everything and it is so funny - DH says she sounds like she is training to be an opera singer, she is also blowing more raspberries than usual and was even doing it when she was getting her solids yesterday and it went everywhere, I had to look away and laugh my head off as I didn't want her to see me laughing and think it was a game and do it more. I can see myself finding it hard to keep a straight face by times when she is doing something she is not meant to.

Well I'm off to bed. Hope you all have a great weekend. :hugs: to all
Vici~ yay for the op date hope it gose well and you get back on your feet asap. and yay forImi standing.

Joey-jo~ I have the same with my next door they told me there names when they moved in almost a yr ago but we have totaly forgot i just go about just not useing there name lol. Lucas never seems to sleep in the day any more and just wants to play but i dnt mind to much if iv not got loads todo but he dose sleep from 5:30pm untill 6am.

Jelr~ i wouldnt worry about her taking less milk as long as she goes some she may just not be that hungry as we are some days we will feel really hungry then some not so. As your oh has said she will let you know

Lucas is feeling much better his nois is still running but its not bouthering him. I on the outher hand is not in a good mood today i orderd a wardrob from very brfor xmas it was ment to come on the 7th it didnt come go a call saying it will come on the 11th didnt come rang them on the 12th and they said sorry its not coming it was broken when out. They went on to say we will oreder a new 1 they o no we have none left so the paid me back and i got my mum & dad to go to iker and get 1 they got it yesterday then i got a call from very saying can we diliver youer item on the 17th. By wich point i was telling them to stick it up there back sides. woke this am to find that the walker i was getting off them that i put in for 3 wks ago and was ment to come today is not comeing untill the 2nd so i have emaild them very nice and told them they are a load of S**t and to stick it up there arss. so now i have just got 1 from kiddicare to come tomorrw. OMG i need to stop boiling on top of all that i need to mover every thing out of are bed room and take a old wardrob down for tomrrw when my dad comes to put the new 1 up.

sorry about the long rant. Lucas is shoting for me so talk later when i stop seeng red.
joey jo - iv done this loads of times, the trick iv always used, is to ask for there mobile number (just say youve lost it if you already have it) and then ask how to spell there name as your putting it in your phone, theres normally a couple ways of spelling names so you might just get away with it, xxx

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