--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

yay pips, i know where that is, it will be nice to do something specially because we probably wont make the next meet :) xx
awww, we put adam in his high chair tonight while we ate our dinner. we hadn't planned to so there wasn't anything I thought adam could have (we had pasta and it was seasoned with salt). but we had baby spinach leaves so I put one on the table in front of him and he grabbed it right away and played with it for the whole meal. by the end it was broken into bits, in his mouth, out of his mouth. he seemed to enjoy the whole experience.

Uh-oh. Did I miss the chat? Or did you guys do the chat today? I know Shadow said 2 my time but I completely forgot and than took a nap with the baby again after the awful night last night. :dohh:
Nah, haven't done a chat yet Cleck, haven't really organised anything! Just an idea sort of floating about for now :)

MJ awwww that's so cool, how was Adam with sitting in the high chair? Last we tried Vincent in his, he just looked horribly uncomfortable and whinged the whole time! :wacko: Might be time to try him again soon, though...
Oh okay. :haha: I was worried when I woke up and saw the clock. Like crap I should've been on there! haha.
Shadow, he seemed to really love it! Was in it for about 20 mins with no complaining at all, and while we were eating he seemed really happy. Only when I sat on the sofa and Chris was filling in a form at the table did he begin to grizzle.

I took a few pics, hoped to send one to my brother & sil, who sent us the £££ for the chair, but I don't think they're very good, will take some more tomorrow in the natural light. But I will let you see one now... heh:


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Emma sat up for a few minutes tonight!!! :happydance::happydance: She is still not sitting with her back straight up and down and was a bit hunched but she held herself up for so long. I am so proud. :cloud9::cloud9: I don't know if I can actually call it 'sitting up' when she isn't straight up and down but it was still a proud mommy moment for me. :thumbup: I just had to share cause you girls are the only ones that will really understand my excitement. hehe. :flower:
Hiya ladys are day on a school day is

6am wake up nappy changed 7oz bottel& breckfast for Rueben
7am offer him some frut or some thing why i have my bekkfast
7:30 both kids washed & drest & nappy changed
8:40am school run
9am mummy takes dog for a walk why daddy has bubs he nomally has a nap here as well
10am has a bottel 8oz& nappy changed
11pm-1ish play wach mummy clean may fall asleep here and there and i offer some food when i am having lunch wich he normally just pickes up and puts down and sucks some times
1:30 8oz bottel & nappy changed
3pm pick rueben up
3:30pm rueben has food so offer bubs some
5pm give rueben his tea bath for bubs in pjs and 8oz bottel then put down at about 6pm
9:30pm has a dream feed of 7oz but dosnt allways take it all.

We finly got a baby walker for bubs yesterday not the 1 i wanted but still nice and dose what i want it to. I put it up put him in it and he loved it was a bit like so what do you want me to do now he didnt move his feet can only just tuch the floor. Also so my mum and dad broth my new wardrob round so yay it took us 4 hrs to put up but we did build it all up then have to take it part because men dnt read how to put it up. But its up now i just have to put the room back now.

Hope every one is having a good wkend take care
Awww MJ, yournew avatar is lush, and it does look like he's pretty happy in his high chair! We're gonna try Vincent in his again this afternoon when he wakes up (in a minute, I should think...)

Cleck, yay for sitting up!! I heard that usually the first step is for them to sit in the "tripod" position, with their hands on the floor near their feet, sort of propping themselves up. The next step for her will probably be to sit more upright :) Vince is getting so so close to sitting up now too: Often he will be sat on my lap and I'll go to support him, thinking that he's going to slump over or fall, but I realise that he is quite steady on his own! So I just hold my hands at a safe distance to be able to catch him if need be. He can often sit like that for a good 30 seconds or so :) If he is sat on the floor, I just have to have my hands around his hips to support him and he can sit upright for a good little while :D

TMR, 4 hours for a wardrobe?!? God, what a nightmare!! Curse those men for not reading the instructions properly... "Distructions? Bah, I don't need those!!" :dohh:

Vince slept in for an hour today ladies!! :shock: He seemed so tired all day yesterday, and now today's routine is a bit all over the place because he only went down for his nap at 11:30... But as soon as he wakes, we're going to get the high chair down here and pop him in it with some toys and some sticks of melon and banana to see what he thinks :) Will let you know if he just bawls his eyes out like last time! :wacko:

MJ I love that chair do you mind me asking where you got it from. My Mum wants to buy us one like that as it grows with them if I'm thinking it's the same one. We have a cheap IKEA highchair for now and he loves it. I think he enjoys the fact he's sitting and can play with toys. Although he's likes that old game of 'lets throw everything on the floor and watch Mummy pick it up time after time'!!! :rofl:

Sam can do the tripod position for 30 seconds or so now, mind you he has an 'ample' base to work from :rofl:

Sam also sucked the middle out of segment of mandarin tonight and the end of a bit of parsnip but I think that was a it of a mistake on his part, he looked shocked hahahaha :haha:

Bad evenings again at the moment, I think finally he's settled but only after going to him 5 times. Last night in with us the whole night. Grrrrr to teething, can see white behind his top gums now. Shadow or Molly Apple where did you get those bickipegs?
Pips, sounds like the highchair your mum wants to get you is the one we have (or very similar). Ours is the Stokke Tripp Trapp, my brother and sil have one each for my nephew and niece and they are really great - expensive, but when you consider it's the only chair you'll need for them for years, it's not so bad. My nephew uses his as a step to stand at the sink and "help" do the washing up; I can see myself using ours as a step, too, once the foot plate is set low enough. And they look good, too - ours fits in so well with our decor and practically matches our dining table. :D

So today I planned our dinner with Adam in mind and it all went well. We had grilled salmon, mashed potato, grilled courgettes and steamed broccoli & carrot sticks, and when we all sat at the table together we put a carrot stick, a broccoli spear and a piece of courgette in front of Adam and carried on with our own dinner. sure enough he was fascinated and picked each piece up, squished it, brought it to his mouth, smeared it... made a big mess... dropped it :rofl: - it was all over him and all over the table and the floor, but he definitely had the idea. He was so so well-behaved, it's only the second time we've eaten up at the table since he's been born (yesterday was the first), aside from times we've been at my mum's, when he required amusing the entire time and cried and was bored. Now he sits up, seems to enjoy being up with us rather than watching us eat from the sofa or the floor or his bouncy chair, and had such fun with the food. :D It's a little early to start BLW, since he's only just 5 months old, and he can't sit up himself (but is so well supported in the chair), so this is just familiarising him, I guess. Chris was so so stressed about it though, convinced he'd take a bite of carrot and choke, even though I explained he hasn't the ability yet, he can't get the food to the back of his mouth yet, so no danger, he's tasting, if that, mostly he's just exploring same as he would with any small new interesting thing he's presented with. I was just amazed that we didn't have to do a thing, he did it all himself. :D my baby boy is growing up so fast!


I posted some more pics in his Photobucket, so as not to clog up the thread...

here they are

oh, if it asks for a p/w, it's adamsteer
MJ your pics of AE are so gorgeous, just had a peek at your photobucket. Love the highchair too. My OH bought a high chair yesterday from mothercare for fifty quid. Its the Chicco one which is pretty basic but does the job. My LO absolutely loves it. She is now able to sit up unaided so she is enjoying being a big girl playing with her toys in her chair. They grow so quickly dont they....
Hey ladies!

My LO was due in July but came on the 2nd August.

Just nipped in here quickly to see if you lot had tried your LO's in highchairs yet and what their reactions were...and look what this page was about :rofl:

Caitlyn screams whenever she's put near her's :dohh: she prefers to eat sitting up, leant against my tummy...yet I'm determined for her to sit in it at mealtimes and join in with us :nope: anyone had similar troubles?
OMG MJ those pics are FAB!!!! He is soooo cuuuuute I could just EAT him!!!! Makes me long for another cuddle :D His eyes are looking quite green in some of those pics too: Is it just the lighting or could he be turning into a little green-eyed monster? Hehehe

Our highchair time went really well today! Vince had some melon, some banana and some of these baby puffed organic carrot "sticks" (that look just like wotsits!) He had a grand old time squishing everything in his little fists and stuffing some of it in his mouth, he was very happy but quite tired when he'd finished! There are some pics on Facebook, here's the link (like MJ, I'll avoid clogging up the thread! :winkwink: ) https://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/photo.php?pid=4951514&id=650810866

Then, this evening, he had some mashed up curry that I'd made him for dinner (his first home-cooked meal! :D) and he did pretty well with it! The only issue was that I hadn't mashed it quite enough and he wasn't crazy about the lumps, wasn't sure what to make of them I don't think, but he clearly loved the sauce and ate about a third of the jar I'd filled up! At the same time, I gave him a stick of naan bread to hold and chomp on; I'm hoping it will help him to link the whole "having something in his hand and sticking it in his mouth" thing with actually eating. I think the whole experience went pretty well really, tomorrow he's having italian pork with pasta and spinach and carrots (which we had tonight) and I've blitzed it with my blender thingy so that it's a bit of a better consistency for him. Hopefully it will go as well as today, and I may give him a crust of bread to hold and chomp on as I feed him too, to try to do the same thing as with the naan bread!

God, this is so much FUN! Hehehehe...

Pips, really hoping Sam has a good night for you tonight. Is he in a travel cot whilst you're away? Is it his first time in one if so? Hope you get to sleep well! :hugs:

:wave: hi Twiglet! Welcome in :flower:

Vince hated his high chair until just today, we tried him in it a few times a while ago, left it a while between each try because he hated it so much! I think he just wasn't ready for it yet, so I'd say give Caitlyn some time to forget the screaming encounter with it and then give her another go! :hugs: xxx
Righto! I think she's defo managed to associate the highchair with a bad experience now as if we unpack it she squeals! If we put her in it her little bottom lip starts to wobble!

Will leave it for a few days and then try just taking it out again etc...sometimes this baby business is so confusing :lol:
Hi everyone!! Sorry i havent posted in a while :(

Mj Adam seemsto have enjoyed his eating adventure!! I love that highchair!!

Shadow i just looked at your FB pics and i still cant believe how tall Vince is! I thought my Elin was long but she is still diddy in comparison!!

Cleck how clever is Emma sitting there all by her self!! WTG little one!!

Pips i have to be honest i lol'd at Sam and the parsnip Dj always looked a little shocked when he found lumps in anything bless!!

Well i have read everyones routines and im pleased to say that Elin is getting into one at long last here is is ...
8:30 wakes change and bottle (still only 5oz if im lucky)
9:00 - 10:00 we play and do general silly stuff :P
10:00 - 11:00 Nap time
11:00 - 12:00 i will let her sit in her chair while i potter around
12:00 Bottle 5oz
12:00 - 2:00 i will usually go with the flow and let her do what she wants here so if she wants to sleep she sleeps if she wants tp play she plays x
2:00 - 2:30 She has a nap after that i leave her to get her bearings and just chill until
3:00 Has some food usually pureed fruit and veg
3:30 another bottle 5oz
Then daddy takes over while i cook for Lee and Dj until they go to bed at 7 and then bath bed and bop bop for Elin!!

I am concerned for her physical development because she is not yet rolling, she is however pulling at her feet and if i hold her waist she can sit for a little while.
If i am completely honest i dont think she is down to play enough because im so frightened that Dj will hurt her so we have to wait for daddy to become available to look after Dj or while he naps :(

Does anyone elses LO's have a soother? Elinor was given one while she had a feeding tube so that she could make the connection between sucking and her tummy being full and she loves the thing i really did not want her to have one because Dj has one still and its really hard work getting him to give it up!!
Any tips??

Right bed time for me now lol
love and hugs to everyone xxxx
Pip~ Hope your evening went ok and he settled

MJ~ Adam looks like he was enjoys his food i started giving bits to Lucas at just over 5 months just so he get used to it for when he is 6 months and can have any thing love the pics

Twiglet~ when i 1st started putting lucas in his he would scream but i tryed a few times a day and put toys in front of him and he loves it now

Shadow~ sounds like V is enjoying his food what size clothes his is in now?

Sam~ my 2 has and have them not rueben any more but lucas seems to like it when hes sleepy but i never put him to bed with it rueben loved his and i was dreading taking it away but i just took it off him when he was 1 1/2 and just didnt let him have it back and he soon got used to not having it took a bit longer to get him to sleep but that only lasted a week at the most

Lucas had some pear yesterday and seemd to love it none went down but he love gumming it and he had toast for brekky and he ate 1/2 a finger and it went down so we ae getting some where with it yay. i gav him a wotsits the outher day off rueben and he screamed when it was gone but i wasnt ging to give him another iam so hopping he wnt be fussy like rueben.

any way gotta take rueben for a bath school today take care
Hi everyone

I'm gonna try and update from memory so sorry if I missed anyone.

MA: I got my amber necklace from ebay - you need to be careful though as I think MJ got a dud from one of the sellers - there are other places in the UK though to buy from, I didn't really have a choice as most of them down deliver here to Ireland - yeah they are healing and soothing against the skin so I dont see why they wouldn't help her tummy too.

Shadow: glad vince is liking his highchair too.

We dont really have a routine - although I have been trying to get one for the last while - we were doing great until it hit the stage where she was getting more hungry and now it has all gone to pot for the last month - I know she probalby needs more solids but I dont want to overload her just yet as I do think like you said she is just not mad on milk so I reckon if I up the solids she will drop the milk - so it will just have to be all over the place probably until she reaches 6 months lol - which is terrible as I am a real routine person myself ha ha - thats what I get now - she doesn't seem to follow any pattern and as soon as I think I have one sorted she changes on me, at the moment sometimes she wont drink bottles and I have to wait an hour or so after she is due it before she will take it and other times she looks for it sooner. I do try and give her her lunch solids between 1 and 2 and dinner between 5.30 and 6 - and again she will only cat nap for me and wont sleep for any longer than 30 mins so I just go with her on that and put her down in the cot when she starts rubbing her eyes, if I keep her awake and try and get a longer nap later she gets over tired. Wake up time is either 7.30 or 9.30 - I reckon 9.30 will be her wake up time as when she wakes at 7.30 she only drinks and goes back to sleep until 9.30 - I am going to try and follow this in the next while and see how it goes as she is going to start getting breakfast next week and I dont want to give it to her at 7.30 as I reckon she is not ready to wake yet.

So if she wakes at 7.30 it will look like this
7.30 small bottle feed then nappy change
9.30 - 10.00 - Bottle feed then breakfast (1 to 2 cubes of fruit puree) - then nappy change then play time with me
1.30 - 2.00 - Bottle feed then lunch (3 cubes of potatoe and veg) - will be increased shortly then nappy change
5.30 - 6.00 Bottle feed then dinner (5 tsp Baby Rice and then 2 cubes of fruit puree) then nappy change - then play time with Daddy
7.30 - Wash, nappy change and get ready for bed (Bath twice a week)
8.00 to 8.30 bed
Dreamfeed before I head to bed - this was only re-introduced also in the last month as after sleeping through from 2 months she started waking in the middle of the night so I'm going to do this until she is more established on solids.

and if she wakes at 9.30 I will just do above from the 9.30 the naps always change and play time does too as I do spend most of the day playing with her or her watching me do housework while I chat to her or we head out sometimes.

Hopefully this will work as I do hope to get her into some routine before I go back to work and I want to try and keep it to our meal times for when she is properly established on solids and also I am trying to give solids immediatly after milk so it she doesn't drop too much on the next milk feed - after 6 months it should be easier as it will be solids first and then milk and the solids will be getting more established.

By the way where did you get all those baby friendly recipies - they sound really nice and would be handy to know for later.

Cleckner: Yay for Emma sitting up - I hope she settles down for you soon.

TMR: glad your wardrobe and walker arrived.

MJ: the pics of adam are so cute - glad he is doing so well with his food and highchair.

Pippin: Hope sam settles down soon.

Booth: Jessie seems to be doing really well on his food too.

Twiglet: Welcome and hope Caitlyn soons goes into her highchair for you. I think TMR's idea of the toys might help - you can actually get highchair toys that have a suction cup on them to attach to the tray.

Mimi: Yay for Mimi sitting up.

Hope I haven't forgotten anybody.

Well we had a lovely weekend we went out in the sales and got Natasha a light pushchair, her highchair, and a walker.

I thought she wouldn't be ready to sit in the highchair and we even bought one that reclines but she loves it and prefers to sit up straight in it, so I put her in it yesterday for all her solids and gave her spoons to play with also and it has gone really well.

Well I may run as she is waking up from a nap. Talk to you all soon. Xx
Shadow~ sounds like V is enjoying his food what size clothes his is in now?

:rofl: Well, some 6-9, but he is growing rapidly out of those! VERY rapidly!! He has a lot of 9-12 stuff (but the vests I bought recently in this size are now stretched over his cloth bum, so we may go up yet another size in those soon!!) and his pramsuit is 12-18!!! Granted it is still quite roomy, but leg length and body length are about right!!

We weighed Vincent today, and he is 9.285kg (20lb. 7oz.) at coming up to 6 months old. He is 72cm long, which means generally he is the size of an average-height, slightly under average weight 9 month old! (over 100th centile for height, just on 91st centile for weight) :D

Still no back-to-front rolling from us, and very little front-to-back these days, so Sam, I really wouldn't worry about Elin honey. Vince doesn't spend a whole lot of time on the floor either because of Ben the sometimes dopey collie who can walk backwards into things very easily! Silly dog... But we do give him some floor time each day now, and I try to encourage him to bend and stretch for toys, I think he will get there soon enough :)

Italian pork and pasta with spinach and carrot for Vincent tonight!! It was yummy for us last night, I think he will enjoy it! :happydance:
He didn't seem as happy in his high chair this morning for breakfast as he was yesterday, but I'm not going to give up just yet: OH suggested just feeding him in his recliner / rocker chair, like we used to, but I think he was just in a bit of a fussy mood this morning TBH!


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