--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

We bought a high chair yesterday- there was a great sale and I picked one up for $29! So last night Kira sat in her chair as we ate dinner at the table (gasp!) and she even got a slice of pear to play with. It was too slippery to pick up but she slid it around the tray :haha: and her daddy ended up eating it. I'm going to go with baby led weaning too, but with a twist. Since our families have allergies, she's going to have none of the top allergens or gluten until 1 year old.

I wouldn't worry too much about rolling over. My mom wrote down the times that I did everything as a baby and it wasn't well into my 5th month did I roll 1 time, and I didn't do it again a second time till weeks later. And I turned out okay I think :haha:

Shadow- wow! Vince is getting to be a big boy! 20 pounds!! Kira weighed 16 pounds last night on my home scale, so she's gained only 6 pounds since she was born. But, she is freakishly long! She only fits in 9 months clothes because of the long torso that she has.

Here is a picture of Kira in her highchair:
Samstar: Natasha isn't rolling yet either, she did it once with the help of DH and then she did a few half rolls and got stuck and hasn't done it since so I wouldnt worry.

Spidey: Kira looks so cute in the pic in her highchair.

Shadow: I hope it is only a fussy morning and vince settles in the highchair for the rest of the day for you.
Thanks everyone xx
I wont stress for now about the rolling thing i think im just worried about her stomack muscles after her ops x

Well my little lady ate a whole bowl of butternut squash and baby rice for her din dins but i think she may be ready for blended meals as she got a little bored of it lol!

I will have to charge my camera and take some new pics of her eating!!

Elin weighed 13lb 3oz at her last weigh in and she gets weighed again this friday im so excited as she hasnt been weighed since the 4th!! She was 59cm in length the last time she was measured which was nov 11 so i think she is pretty long really and she is in 6-9 months cloths now!!
Hi gals, sorry i've been MIA. Have my op tomorrow so have been abit pre occupied! Will catch up with you all very soon xxx
So I started a new thread of new piccies of Emma. I'll just post the link so I don't overload this thread. :haha: There are quite a few. Some of her sitting pretty too!!

So Emma has been much better the past few nights. I bathe her at 8:30 and we are in bed by 9. It seems to be working because last night I got just about a full nights sleep. :happydance:
Shadow~ Lucas is in 6-9 and the baby grows & vests are benning to strech on him. But his cloths in 6-9 seem ok for now aprt from some tops are a bit clingy to his belly we got him weighed yesterday and he is 20lbs6oz so only 1 oz under vincent seems like they are ganing at the same speed. Dont worry about rolling like i have said rueben never did or if he did it wasnt untill very late but he is ok.

Spidey~ Kira looks so grow up in her chair and so happy

Vici~ Good luck hope it gose well and you are back to helth asap

Clecker~ The pics of Emma are so lovely clever girl sitting up glad she is settleing for you

Not much changed or happend here Lucas tryed carrot, colly and broccaly yestrday didnt seem to want to tast it thow i think i over cooked it as it kept breacking gunna try agane today he had fun playing with it. Rueben was eating his tea last night and lucas was sat on my knee looking over at him and was giggling his head off at rueben for about 10min his so good with lucas iam hopping they will be best friends growing up as i never had that with my sister.
Hi ladies

Sam still isn't great at settling but he's getting better so thanks. Shadow first time in the travel cot so yes it's probably that.

MJ thanks hon, I'll have a look.

As for us and weaning. He chomped on a bit of toast today for breakfast and seem to love it but that gag reflex is working well. Anyone else's baby gag on stuff lots? Just going to keep trying though.
pippin, jesse gags pretty often, i just let him get on with it, big difference between gagging and choking IMO, he had sliced pear today and an apple biscuit which he loved i videoed him eating sooo cute, hes currently polishing off some stage 2 chicken and veg noodles, mm! im trying to phase out jars though as he seems to like eating real food alot better, im gunna wait til we get into our own house though so we have a proper routine,x
OMG Emma is laying on the floor and I wasn't watching her all that intensely. :blush: Well I looked down and she has moved a good two feet forward. She saw her clothes folded in a pile and is slowly scooting towards it on her belly. :dohh: What am I gonna do with this girl?! I can't take my eyes off her anymore because she gets into stuff. I should be more excited but mostly I'm upset about Corey missing it all. :cry:
jess had his 16week jabs today..slightly late i felt soo bad he cried and it was awful, :( poor baba,

we went for a walk round town today before we went to the docs for jabs, and it was the first time he had ever been on a bus, and it wasnt all that bad i dont know why but id worked myself up that it was such a big deal and really didnt wanna use public transport with him but he loved it, sat in his pram babbling away the whole (30mins) journey, i was so impressed! he ate a full jar of egg custard today for breakfast, and while we were out we were at my dads shop so he had the crust from a muffin and a biscuit and sat in his pram happily eating, he did soo well i cant believe how quick he is growing up though, hes asleep on my bed at the moment i think the morning has worn him out lol x
V tired just now guys, but wanted to pop my most successful baby-friendly recipe so far in here as a couple of you (Mimi, Sam) expressed interest in it! It was a real hit with Vince, so maybe it will be liked by some of your little ones too... I just totally made it up as I went, so I'll try to remember what I did...
I have no idea how much of everything I added I'm afraid, plus I made it as a meal for us and just portioned off a bit for Vince so I can't really say how much to put in!

"Italian Pork with pasta and spinach"

Fusilli pasta (cooked separately)
Onion chopped up super tiny
Mushroom chopped up tiny
Garlic chopped up tiny
Stir fry-type pork pieces (chopped up small, but I didn't worry about chopping them too small for Vince as I blitzed it later with the blender)
Chpped tinned tomatoes
A bit of double cream
Dried herbs (I used oregano and basil)
Spinach (I used frozen stuff, I pre-cooked it in the microwave then added it to the sauce, but you could use fresh and just chuck it in of course)
Carrots chopped super small (I cooked these separately to make them nice and soft then added them to the sauce)

Hmm... I think that was everything...

Cook the fusilli separately as normal (I made it fairly soft, so a little longer than I'd normally cook it for myself)

Cook the carrots separately (I boiled them, but they took much longer than I thought to get really tender, even when chopped up super small!)

Heat a bit of olive oil in a saucepan, then add the onions, mushsrooms and herbs and fry until the onions are soft and the mushrooms are cooked.

Add the pork pieces and fry until the meat is sealed. Then add the garlic and the tinned tomatoes and heat until bubbling away nicely.

Add the spinach and carrots (if you're putting fresh spinach in, obviously it'd need a bit more time to cook through in the sauce) and a touch of double cream; just enough to make it a nice creamy red colour.

Let it bubble down together until it is a good consistency, not too watery and not too dry! Then drain the pasta and chuck it all in together, and blitz it with a blender until it's the thickness you think is right for your baby! I left a few little lumps in there for Vince as he is starting to be able to manage some lumps and I want to encourage that. I made sure there were no big meat lumps in it though so that he wouldn't choke on them :winkwink:

Hope it is liked by you / babies! It's pretty basic, really, but very yummy andas I've said, Vince reeeeally liked it: I think I got the consistency just right. You can always add a bit of water if you want to loosen it upif you're reheating it or anything.

Hi everyone - sorry I haven't been on for a while - I have been reading every day but haven't felt I had much to say! So of course now I can't remember what I read the last few days so I will just say "hi" to everyone - but with a special mention for Vici - hope the op went ok and you recover quick.

As for us - well, Sophia was having a phase of not napping at all during the day (she had been having 2 or 3 naps each day prior to this week). ANyway this was making her (and me!) extremely cranky, she was getting so upset that by the time it was her proper bedtime she just wouldn't go down. However she had a good morning nap today (I was so glad when she went to sleep - and snuck back to bed myself!) and is now down - hopefully for the night. I think her teeth have been giving her jip, but hopefully it was just a blip!

Not much else happening here - boring boring boring - i think I have the January restless feeling!!

Anyway - sorry for the very selfish post, I will be back in posting more regularly i promise!

Oh we had Sophia weighed last week (can't remember if I told you) she was 14lbs 12oz, which is in between 25th and 50th centile, and she is now 75th centile for height (she must get that from her Daddy as I am short arse!)
heyy, that recipe sounds lovely naomi! jesse was abit off his dinner after his jabs today he ate, cottage pie a stage2 hipp one, but he wasnt much into it, so we had ricepudding for dessert, and he ended up eating most of mine, he absolutly loved it and i he did very well with it, theres not much that is lumpier than rice pudding eh lol, he spat the odd bit of rice out and did gag at the first couple of lumps he came across but after that he really liked it and kept opening his mouth and shouting after every mouthful and going mm mm mm all the way through eating hahah so safe to say he liked it lol x
verrrry quiet in here ladies!! jesse was weighed today 19lb 2oz, still on the 91st centile little chubber hahha x
Hello, tiz quiet isn't it Booth but maybe now the pesky snow has gone we are all venturing out a bit more.

Not much news really, had a lovely time in Devon with my brother who is over from the states to meet his nephew. They got on with each other so well, by the end Samuel was giggling even if he came close. So sweet but so sad that he has to go home again. Also had a lovelt unch with Shadow as she lives close to my mums :yipee: here's to many more hon :hugs:

Going to the doctors today as I'm worried about Samuel's chest. His breathing is very laboured again and I'm worried his lungs aren't right. I don't want to keep giving him an inhaler if I'm doing harm so gonna go and see my favourite doctor. Wish me luck.

Otherwise just a :hi: to you all and hope your having a happy friday.
aww sorry to hear his chest is playing up again pips, make sure you tell them what you want and dont leave if your not happy, i wish i wouldve done that the first time i took jesse cus of his skin, now we spend nearly 2hours a day doing creams/oil baths/ etc soo annoying and hes always greasy :( but its worth it to get his lovely baby skin back, hes slowly getting better now, theres just a few rough patches on his arms and legs which he scratches any chance he gets, i just try to keep his nails short and his hands clean its all i can do isnt it, xx
Well I'm back and thanks for the advice Boothh. We are going in for a chest xray in the next two weeks just to make sure it's nothing serious and she has put him on asthma inhalers which I know helped from last time. She was lovely but we had to wait an hour and a bit to be seen (thank god I didn't get there too early) and then she forgot to give me the right prescription :dohh: but felt sorry for her as she was having a bad day. Samuel bless him was so good whilst we waited I was so proud. He kept everyone entertain with smiles and chatter it was so sweet.

Glad Jesse is getting better hon, slowly but surely is what matters. :hugs:

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