Hey guys 
Yes, it is quiet in here, but that's ok! We all know the thread is here to pop in whenever we need / want to
Pips, sorry about Sam's breathing again
I hope it's nothing too serious and that the inhalers help until they get the tests etc done.
Boothh, sounds great that Jesse's eczema is starting to clear up a little. Don't feel too bad if he has another bout of it though honey, I know that can happen. You're doing well with creams etc. so hopefully it will stay away, must be pretty exhausting doing all of that each day! Have you considered taking a step back on the weaning front to see if that helps at all? I know that early weaning can sometimes be linked to asthma and eczema conditions, do you think it would help him at all to eat slightly differently? I know you'd thought about going for a bit more of a BLW approach, and it does sound like Jess is the perfect candidate for that as he's already so good at feeding himself
In any case, I hope his skin clears up and that his weaning continues to go swimmingly 
Not much to say from me, having a mini nightmare with OH's ex (as ever!) but am hopeful that it won't make too much difference from the court's point of view with contact with his daughter. We're seeing her tomorrow, and Vince will hopefully be staying with my mum so we'll have full attention to dedicate to her.
Vincent's homemade feeding has been very hit and miss this week. A couple of things he adored and scoffed down, little lumps and all. But two days were a disaster, he wouldn't eat the stuff and he screamed and chocked until on one day I gave him something fruity and sweet instead, and on another day he was so hysterical that he would only (barely!!) take a bottle. But I have picked myself up and dusted myself off (lol) and am going to go for the milder flavoured baby jars again for a while. Am just about to check out the weaning section in here (which I have never even looked at! Silly Shadow!) to try to get some advice about when they should be getting more nutrients from their solid feeds (i.e. meat, veg etc) and whether it is OK that for now often all he wants is sweet solids and his bottles. Don't want to force him to eat the lumpier, more savoury stuff if he doesn't want it (sometimes he really does want it!) and yet I want to be sure that he is getting enough from his feeds and that he is progressing enough in his weaning so that he won't be stuck in this phase when he should move on to more solids etc...
MJ, where are you sweetie? I miss you! Might have to text you soon and tell you to get online
Love to all and cubs

Yes, it is quiet in here, but that's ok! We all know the thread is here to pop in whenever we need / want to

Pips, sorry about Sam's breathing again

Boothh, sounds great that Jesse's eczema is starting to clear up a little. Don't feel too bad if he has another bout of it though honey, I know that can happen. You're doing well with creams etc. so hopefully it will stay away, must be pretty exhausting doing all of that each day! Have you considered taking a step back on the weaning front to see if that helps at all? I know that early weaning can sometimes be linked to asthma and eczema conditions, do you think it would help him at all to eat slightly differently? I know you'd thought about going for a bit more of a BLW approach, and it does sound like Jess is the perfect candidate for that as he's already so good at feeding himself

Not much to say from me, having a mini nightmare with OH's ex (as ever!) but am hopeful that it won't make too much difference from the court's point of view with contact with his daughter. We're seeing her tomorrow, and Vince will hopefully be staying with my mum so we'll have full attention to dedicate to her.
Vincent's homemade feeding has been very hit and miss this week. A couple of things he adored and scoffed down, little lumps and all. But two days were a disaster, he wouldn't eat the stuff and he screamed and chocked until on one day I gave him something fruity and sweet instead, and on another day he was so hysterical that he would only (barely!!) take a bottle. But I have picked myself up and dusted myself off (lol) and am going to go for the milder flavoured baby jars again for a while. Am just about to check out the weaning section in here (which I have never even looked at! Silly Shadow!) to try to get some advice about when they should be getting more nutrients from their solid feeds (i.e. meat, veg etc) and whether it is OK that for now often all he wants is sweet solids and his bottles. Don't want to force him to eat the lumpier, more savoury stuff if he doesn't want it (sometimes he really does want it!) and yet I want to be sure that he is getting enough from his feeds and that he is progressing enough in his weaning so that he won't be stuck in this phase when he should move on to more solids etc...
MJ, where are you sweetie? I miss you! Might have to text you soon and tell you to get online

Love to all and cubs
