--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Pips i've never felt so angry in my life i put something silly like "elin drank 140mls - go baby girl" and the next thing i had silly people talking about me i couldnt even walk down the school without dirty looks and sniggers (small minded people) They dont even know whats wrong with her yet one woman felt the need (and i dont even know her) to stand in the middle of the playground and say "she thinks she's something else now because she will get a mobility car"
I couldn't believe her she had only heard that Elin had a problem thats it!! She did not know what!
That is the mentality of people around here even my neibour has stopped speaking to me!

Ah sorry im rambling now thanks so much for being here!!
sam_star how you did not punch that woman is beyond me, i wouldve done it for you if i wouldve been there, how dare people make you feel that way, grr, im so angry for you, i wish little elin all the luck in the world for her op and really hope she recovers quickly, she is a very lucky girl to have a mummy like you to help her through this xxxxxxx
Thanks Boothh hun! The only reason i didn't flip was the simple fact that there were kids about and i just cant do that to them they cant help the fact that their mums are small minded tits!
Thank you all for this i so need to just get it off my chest xxx
everyone else has said anytime, were all here for you, we will always listen and try to help whenever you need us, never feel guilty or bad for talking about how you feel or things that happen, were all on this journey together and we all stick together yeah, xxx
Sam~ :hugs:i cant begin to know what you are going throw right now you are a strong lady that has got a strong lovely little girl. i really hope that every things gose ok and the op workes out for youer little 1. I cant belive that people are being like that to you why cant that just come up to you and ask what is rong with her at lest they could stop just thinking it is just a tiny little thing to 'get a car out of' OMG where do peole get thows thorts from. We are all here for you hun to screm cry stomp or to just talk.:hug::hug::hug:

Hello every 1 else sorry not been around iam full of a cold atm. Hope you are all having a good wkend.

Lucas ate proper yesterday with swolling and all he had 1/2 a crumpit, pancake, dairylea cheese strip, 3/4 of a petits filaur (ate with a spoon his self) cucumber and a black and blue berry rice cake. he couldnt get it in fast anof and only gaged a few times. as soon as he sees me putting up his chair he dose a big sqwell its so cute.
Hey ladies sorry we've been MIA, ive just been so so busy!

I did do a huge catch up with you all yesterday but it didnt bloody post and i was fuming and had to clean the house lol!

anyway i'll do my best as madam is about to get very bored of her activity station :wacko:

Sam: hunny you are so brave, i admire you, i honestly do! I dont think i could cope as well as you have, you deserve a medal! Dont for one second think any of us ladies even think the same as what some of your friends do, im shocked that anyone could even say that to you hun! :hugs: and i'll be thinking of you both xxxxxxxxxx

TMR- gooooo lucas eating all that, im jealous lol! i must start kara on foods like that, she does like slices of melon so a crumpet sounds good! :thumbup:

MA- Glad JP is back on track, even if it was home done lol! Cant be THAT much different from what the HV would have done! Also good to hear she's coming along, with her walker etc, it wont be long for some of you now!xx

Cleck - OMG :shock: saw the vids of emma on FB! What a star!!! Kara hasnt even tried that yet lol! I bet emmas starting to crawl in the next 6 weeks, and id be surprised if not! Couldnt agree more with you about 'your child = your rules!' I'll raise Kara how i want to i know im doing a good job, as all of us are! xx

Shadow - I love the little recipie (sp) you wrote on the other page, im going to give it a go when kara is ready to try savoury foods! at the moment im still giving her porridge and fruity things, although she did have some pureed chicken pasta bake the day before yesterday! I agree with sam, u and ur OH are saints for dealing with all the chaos fins mum causes, but good things come to those who wait and im sure things will get better, fingers x'd for you!xx

Vici - glad uve had your op and its done with, cannot believe you had 52 stones removed, u must have been in agony! Wishing you a speedy recovery hun!xx

MJ - Kara is the same with my mum, she thinks shes hilarious! I get jealous lol! Im also only 100% comfortable with my mum and dad having Kara, im just not ready for OH's fam to have her over night atm, as she's VERY clingy and gets upset around 'strange' faces iykwim?

AFU - well i have a very 'talkative' little lady shes babbled for a while now, but now im hearing sounds, not words, but i can pretend they are lol! Shes now officially sleeping right through at least 10 hours a night sometimes up to 14! im very happy about this lol! I just need to put her in hur nursery now, she's in a travel cot bassinet in our room atm, so i can look over on her whenever i like, but im scared about putting her in another room as i wont be able to just 'look' over her, iykwim? Is anyone else still keeping baby in their room?

Well its official we are now WTT, we'll be starting TTC late sept-november so baby should be born just after kara turns two! Id love another summer baby but i dont want to big a gap between them, hence this winter!

I loved being pregnant in the summer, comfy linen pants and tight vests that let us show off our bumps! plus it'll be nice for them to be able to have birthday partys in the garden etc, less mud and mess when the kids are running around, more space etc and a bbq for us adults lol! plus i think it will be nice to bring home the new baby in the summer, as we can go on more walks and sit in the garden (in the shade) as a family with kara playing in her sand pit/paddling pool! :cloud9: it feels right too, so yay! anyone else joining us?

hope u are all well anyway, and sorry if i missed anyone xxxxx
Sam- I'll be sending good vibes your way for a speedy recovery for your little one. I only had Kira in the NICU for 5 days and it was the hardest thing I ever went thru- I cannot imagine having to relive that time and time again. Screw all those people with their insensitive comments. If they had to live everyday worried about the health of their baby I'm sure they would change their tune.

Vici- wow! thats alot of stones!!! I hope you're feeling much better now!

Cleckner- that is so cool that Emma is army crawling! I don't see Kira doing that for atleast another month. She can't scoot yet but tries so hard and just ends up screaming!

I found a neat milestone chart here that I thought everyone might like: https://www.dbpeds.org/milestones.html

I am 1 handed typing so I'll post more later when its not such an effort!
I forgot.. I wanted to comment to Ash's WTT! It's a secret from my OH, but I want to start trying for #2 around the same time next year- Octoberish. It would be nice having them 2 years apart :happydance:
we are currently ntnp, iv decided i dont want to properly ttc for a while because its just going to stress me out and ill get obsessive :) still like to be pregnany by may though :) xx
well my OH wants to start not using anything now, to 'see what happens' but i think its better to wait, for me anyway, id like a summer baby like i said so its just perfect, and kara will be a bit more independent (i hope lol)

It'll be nice to see you in the next August mummies too spidey (hopefully august!) and ur OH doesnt neeeeed to know lol!xx

boothh hun hope you get your bfp soon, and im glad uve decided not to stress yourself out about it! good things will come to those who wait!lol!xxx

im a bit peed of atm, OH goes to football (a group of friends in a local league, nothing official etc) every sunday, he's there playing for about an hour MAYBE but rarely two, anyway he left at 10am this morning, and text me just before 12 to say he's going for a kick about with a couple of lads after the match, and he'd be home in an hour, so 1pm?

errr.... he's still not here and its pissing it down in manchester, now i wouldnt mind, but this is becoming a regular thing, and i told him this morning i was feeling a bit crappy, and to top it off karas having a wingey day! BLOODY MEN!xxxx
and she just peed in her bumbo when i was washing up - perfect!x
Sam_star you have the patience of a saint I think I would have laid into her big style and just let rip. How dare they but you did the right thing by walking away. Just ignore them hon, they don't deserve a friend like you and by all means rant and rave at us all you like. That's what friends are for :hugs:
As for us as you can see I have lost 4lb in half a week :yipee: I'm counting calories on my iphone and I can't believe how easy fun and enjoyable it is. I'm such a nerd and love counting things and gadgets and so this is perfect. Cos I'm a heffa I can have 2010 a day and I eat what ever I want as long as its not over the limit and it works!!! It's making me chose things that are healthy so I can eat more :rofl: and I even have enough for a glass of wine tonight!!!!! Let see how long it last though huh :haha: I want to lose it so I can get pregnant again in September and not have to worry. Like all of you I can't wait (hence the ticker since he was 8 weeks old :haha:)
ash thanks hun, we really must do something soon, maybe go for dinner or something, do you know were the cinema and bowlingand all that stuff is in ashton? we could up there and go to one of those places for lunch if you want, i imagine it will be quiet during the day so the babies will be fine x
Pip - :rofl: :rofl: its the 2nd or 3rd time she's done it, its my own fault though, a nappy-less baby is always a no no! Although i hope (by miracle) she learns the potty easier as her bumbo looks like one lol! Also YAAAAAAAAAY for another WTT'er in our bunch ive created a group for the 'summer buns' in WTT, some newbies in there too, only a couple mind u! it does say november(ish) but its really for people WTT till anywhere from september-end of november! JOIN US!lol xx

Boothh - i DOOOOOO know where you mean, ashton moss! woop woop, its sooooo weird to know you know where it is haha! Im deffo up for that, as its not toooooo far to walk, and i need the excercise anyway lol! We could meet for lunch/dinner soon, but i am a bit poor at the moment, as i want to get new flooring in my kitchen and its costing a BOMB :( so as soon as ive scraped a few quid together i promise we'll get together up there! You can come back to mine for a brew if u fancy it later on too, as long as your not scared of dogs as we've got a german shepherd, he's a big barker when strangers come in the house, but after 5 minutes he's ok. We dont allow him into the front room tho, he has to stay in the kitchen because of hair, and Kara etc! But anyway we;ll talk about that on the day! WOOO!xx
ooooh, ash! Kara's little cheeks make me go all gooey!!

we're WTT but only till April/May time, unless we change our minds... don't know how actively we'll TTC though, if I'll cut back on caffeine and temp and all (no idea how I'd temp accurately with Adam waking me any time from 4am on for dummy purposes! fx he settles down as I really liked temping and hope I don't have to use OPKs). for now we are really NTNP, but have had several omg moments and have tested quite a few times in a panic (a bad panic, I really really need to be back at work before we TTC properly. hmmm. perhaps the NTNP is a bad idea and we should do more of the W in WTT...)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl :rofl: :rofl: MJ hahahahaha! your wandering thoughts then we're hilarious lol , you babbled me into laughter lol!

aww im glad my baby girl makes you go gooey lol, everyone comments onher chubby cheeks, shes my lil' chunk-a-lunk :rofl:

good for you and OH WTT too, it seems a few of us are! :happydance: i would have started sooner, but a scare a couple of weeks ago made me realise im just not quite ready atm iykwim? Plus personally for us i think its a better time later on, we can save up etc and prepare more, and i will have hopefully have passed my driving test by the time new baby comes next year, plus Oh wants to buy a new car, a ford S-MAX :wacko: i need to win the lottery lol! But i'll just be happy with a little run-about for the time being, id much rather have the family i want!woooooohoooo for us all planning babys etc, its so nice to be going through this with you ladies again xxxx

by the way MJ (call me daft) what do you mean by 'temp'? when we conceived Kara we just stop taking the pill and did the babydance a lot more!x
hahaha, i know what you mean, i can get the bus from oldham to ashton and it only takes about 10mins to walk though iv never done it with a pram, i can share the skint too, were meant to be moving out but were having trouble finding anywere we like, so our savings get smaller while jesses piles of clothes get bigger ¬_¬,

i had a sort out before and he has 40 tops, 10coats, 20pairs of trousers, 5pairs of dungarees, about 30 vests 30 babygrows and well over 100 bibs, thats just what fit him i have about 6binbags full of clothes that hes grown out of, i really need to stop buying him stuff because he doesnt wear it, half of that stuff still has tags on, im stupid! :dohh:

ohh i dont mind dogs either, i dont like my sisters dog but thats because shes a giddy little thing and licked jesses face once i nearly kicked it haha, x
heh, Ash, temping - taking temperature with a digital thermometer to ascertain when ovulation happens. basically, your BBT (basal body temperature, your temp before you move around, eat anything, etc) rises by a tiny amount, like a tenth of a degree, and stays higher, after ovulation, then it stays high if you've conceived but drops right before your period starts if you don't. for an accurate reading of the shift, you need to take your temp every morning after you've had at least 3hrs sleep and before you get up or do anything. it was really really good for me to do when we were TTC Adam because I was unsure if I was ovulating at all so I temped from the end of the July and was pregnant in the Nov, the 4th month. it helps because you can time the sex properly for right before you're due to ovulate. I was lucky and my chart showed a very clear ovulatory pattern from the first month I charted, and over the following months I consistently ovulated on day 17 or 18 of a 31-32 day cycle, so I made sure we timed things around that. :D

my chart was very good (obviously) the month I got pregnant, and it was the fact that my morning temp was getting higher than made me test, when I was a day late. before I never bothered testing because my temp always dropped the day before I was due my period.

BUT it's not the easiest thing to do when you have a 5-10-month-old baby. so I don't know if I'll do it, or if I do I'll be able to rely on the result.

there are websites that you can use to plot your temps, you can plot other things like cervical mucous and result of OPK, etc. I never bothred with those, I still felt I was at the very beginning of my TTC efforts when bingo, I was knocked up. :happydance: the reason I temped and didn't just have sex more - at my age (then I was 34) I didn't want to leave things to chance, plus we simply were not doing it every other day! we never used contraception and by the time I conceived we'd been together 2 years, and while we were not actively trying we'd have been thrilled with an oops baby. and when we were about to actively TTC I got nervous that there was some underlying issue that might be causing problems, so I thought I'd chart with, other than the main aim in mind, the aim that when we went to the GP after 6 months to say we were having problems I'd be able to say we had been trying and here were my charts to prove it, in case they'd be useful for a fertility expert. shows how much I knew, but I honestly was surprised it wasn't difficult. :D

boothh, I have a massive bag of clothes AE has grown out of. makes me sad, there's some lovely stuff I feel he never got enough wear out of! and I have really hardly bought anything, only useful stuff like babygros and bodysuits. the rest has been gifts.

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