GAH!!!! I have missed so much!!! What lovely chatter there is in here

Will try to catch up with the various topics, but first and foremost:
Sam, big love to you and Elin, and a big YUCK to those idiots who said those nasty things about you. Just IDIOTS. Not even worth thinking about!

Best of luck for Bristol, and loads and loads of love to you my darling

x x x x x
Right, so... There was talk of TTC, yes??

just a little! Well, we are still in two minds, I think: I think we are getting ever closer to feeling like we definitely want another, though it does frighten the bejesus out of me!!! Actually, it has been Lee who has mentioned the possibility more recently. I think he is really starting to like the idea of a little bro or sis for Vince

Before Vincent was born, we used to dream of having three boys. But now, I actually would quite fancy a girl! We haven't really decided when we'll start TTC again, so I wouldn't call myself WTT, also as we're still not absolutely definitely definite that we WILL have another. But I think it highly likely

Isn't it funny how the really tough bits just start to melt away? Anyway, if we do get pregnant again, I think I might join team yellow next time! It seems so exciting, and now that I'm not dead set on having all boys I wouldn't need the time to get over it if it's a girl (lol!)
What else was mentioned? ... Oh yes, sleeping etc... Vincent has been in his own room since he was about a month old. In fact, we did put him in his own room in his moses basket when he was just about 3 weeks I think, but he wasn't settling very well so we co-slept for a week to really get him to know that nighttime was for sleeping. But once he seemed to be getting the hang of it again, we put him in his own room in his cot, and I am so glad that we did: He self settles EVERY night, and always has done. These days, about 99.999% of the time he will go down with no problems at all, and I have never ever had to get him up again or sit up there lulling him to sleep at all. I don't know which came "first": His excellent sleeping or us putting him in his own room: It could be that we got really lucky and gave birth to an excellent sleeper, and so we were able to put him in his own room and let him get on with it from so early. It could also be that he is this good BECAUSE we put him in his own room from so early. I'm not sure, but I think I'd do the same with my next (if and when!) and get them sleeping on their own from very early on
Though, that said, I really do envy some of you girls when you talk about cosleeping; it must be so lush to wake up next to a sleepy baby, and to snuggle with them when they're all drowsy! But, as we found out the (very!) hard way, I really do need my sleep, so I am grateful
Ummm what else? There was loads, I'm sure! Gah... SPD! If and when I am pregnant again, I anticipate hideous SPD pains. By the last 4 or 5 weeks of being pregnant with Vince, I was pretty much bedridden lots of the time. I was certainly using my wheelchair whenever I was moving about the house. I think, if I'm honest, that I'd rather live in a house with no stairs (or a downstairs bedroom and bathroom) when I'm next pregnant. But we'll see, I guess. If we didn't have that, I would just have to manage! I don't much want to move, I like this house
Periods, spidey! lol... I got the Mirena coil fitted about 3 months ago, and I am really happy with it now that the cramps have eased off: I have had 2 sort-of mini periods in that time, but really they were just a day of heavy spotting each. It's lovely! I hope they disappear altogether!
And the only other thing I can remember now is kittens!

Aunty E, what sort of pedigrees do you breed? As MA spotted, a friend of mine in France breeds "Jhalakana Bengals" - I'd never heard of them before but looking at the photos, they look utterly stunning. I am really looking forward to our next trip out to my mum's place in France so that I can meet them! I am so so jealous that you are overrun with kittens, I so badly want a cat, but we only just persuaded our landlord to let us have Ben, and we'd have to have just the perfect cat to be able to get on with Ben. But I want a kitten!!!! Lots of kittens!!! Eeeeee!!!
As for us, we had such a lovely time with Finlay on Saturday, as those of you on Facebook will probably know. We've had a new CAFCASS guy appointed to our case too, and we met him on Saturday. He seems very very cool, so that is great news. (He's the guy who tells the court what he thinks should happen with contact etc. - he's meeting Finlay at school tomorrow for a proper interview-type thing; she's getting out of English for it, which she is very pleased about!!)
Other than that, things are pretty good here! Vince is back on baby jars for his solids, I think the blander flavours are better for him for now and we will have another go at giving him home cooked stuff some time in the future. But today he had a terrible crying session, he was clearly in lots of pain and we think it must be his teeth. His cheeks were very red, and we had to give him Calpol: He was utterly miserable, the poor little mite. We had just said that we were very impressed with the Amber teething necklace, too: We hadn't given him any Calpol in ages since he had it, but it didn't seem to help enough today
Anywho, that will do! I should try to keep up more often again, that way I won't feel the need to write mega huge posts when I do manage to reply in here
x x x x x x x