--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

boothh - thats how we were when we were at my mum & dads, and she's been in with us since we moved, like you said its the whole cot death stuff that terrifies the hell out of me :( she's now almost 7 months (uncorrected age) and the guidelines say 6 right? so hopefully it'll be ok? I've put her in her room tonight AuntyE you gave me the confidence and shadow reassured me too :thumbup:

Im glad those of us who will be having more (even you shadow) have decided to remain on they yellow side (although we'll see once the buns are cookin lol)

Shadow - i want kittensssss toooooooo, but our dog would never have it, plus OH said tonight he now wants to buy another german shepherd puppy :wacko: two babys under 3 a dog AND a puppy - i dont think so somehow dearest lol! Kara's also been VERY wingey all day today, i think it could have been a bit of teething too :( shes in bed now though so i hope a sleep will sort her out! Hope all goes well with Fin's interview etc, keep positive :thumbup:

Pippin - ooohhhh hun, i never knew you were having a rough time with samuels sleeping hun, i have no advice really, kara only started sleeping thru the night when i started bathing her every night, someone advised i bath her, cream her give her a bottle and put her in her sleeping bag in bed, i did and so far so good, maybe you could try it, but im not saying it will work, kara just gets tired from her bath i think! Good luck hun, eventually he'll be even more active through thte day and he WILL sleep all night!xxxx

afu - as i said above Kara's in her own room tonight, fingers x'd she sleeps ok (im worried gonna go check her now lol) xxxx
hi everyone - chatty lot, I like it!

Samstar - massive hugs, hope Elin's op goes perfectly and as for your "friends", I can't believe anyone who truly cares about you or Elin could say such things. As all the girls have said, NEVER feel that you can't come on here and tell us as much or as little as you like/need to :hugs:

TTC - we are also "planning" on trying again as Sophia turns 1, so that will be August/Sept time - quite a few of us at similar time!

We will stay on team yellow again (assuming I get pregnant!). I always thought I wanted a boy and a girl, but as I pack away Sophia's clothes that she has grown out of, I get upset that I might not have another girl - so it looks like 3 chilkdren for us!!

Sleeping - Sophia is not doing so well at the moment. She seems to waking in considerable pain, trying to have a poo/ pass wind - it is so sad to see. Pips I hope Sam learns to go through the night for you soon x

Shadow - glad that the new guy in charge of access to Finlay is cool - hope things go a bit more smoothly from now on xx

Cleck - love the video's of Emma army crawling - bless her, what a strong'un!

Hi to everyone else mimiso, Ash, Booth, MJ, Spidey :hugs:
i dont know how jesse has gotten into his sleeping pattern so i cant even offer any suggestions pip, one think weve always done though is put him in bed awake, and leave him to settle himself, we did it from him being a few days old, so he knows what to do now, i do check on him when hes upstairs on his own though, and if i wake in the night i will check him too, im just soo paranoid,

i was up all night sunday night/monday morning with jesse, sniffly nose, couldnt breath through it properly, feeling extremely sorry for himself, a few people have said it could be a sign of a tooth coming soon, i had to settle him every ten minutes so we were on the sofa all night and i got no sleep at all because i was worried about his breathing i had to stay awake to make sure he was okay (on the upside i got to watch the full series of gok wans fashion fix) ;) poor little thing, he seems alot better today though and he slept 9 til 9 last night so not too bad, x
can i just have a proud mama moment a second! jesse has done 2 things today that im just so wowed at even though they are nothing really,

jesse was given this carousel for christmas https://www.mothercare.com/happy-sa...ing=UTF8&m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&n=72111031&mcb=core

to get it to spin round you have to push down on the top of it, iv been putting it on jesses walker tray or in front if him on the sofa while were playing for a while and he has been trying to figure out how to do it, mainly by picking it up or hitting it, well today i pushed down on it when it had finished he looked at me with this little smile and then put his hand out and pressed it down! he looked sooo proud of himself it was lovely! aww hes getting so grown up so fast!

and also, i gave him some sweetcorn flavoured wheels, they are corn based i think, well i gave him one in each hand and left the packet next to him on the sofa, well he finished the first 2, then i looked over he had his arm out tryna reach the packet, he reached it pulled it on to his knee and then managed to get hand inside the packet for another one, he knocked them all over himself in the process but im just so proud of him how he knew what to do to get another one, he just seems to be figuring things out so easily,

i know there only silly little milestones but i thought you lot would know how i feel more than anyone else lol x
I feel I am the only one having horrible nights still :cry:, MJ I think you are with me too but EVERYONE is getting the odd full night sleep, well that's what it seems to me. Even my friend who had a nightmare baby has had god nights recently. Sorry just a small rant. Probably just a side effect of my swine flu jab today.:help:

You are not the only one hun, my little madam wakes up about three times a night **sighs***. I've gotten used to it now, mind you I am a light sleeper so any movement she makes I wake up!!!! She seems to love sleeping latched on and I am not having that, much as I love her lol. I will ask again about the sex if I was to TTC again. Our sonographer was pretty accurate and said it was 100% a girl. I guess coz we had the consultant checking us???
Re kittens, we sell the pedigree kittens, and we give away the non-pedigree ones (naughty minnie got out and had an illicit liason with a local stray). All the non-pedigrees are going to friends of ours and my sister is having one this time, which is nice. I have to start advertising the maus soon, as it does take a while to find people you like. I've turned people down before, because they've sounded horrid or irresponsible.

hmmm, interesting, please let me know when you advertise as I might be interested in buying one but have to discuss with the family first.
Wow quite chattery in her lately!

So Emma is learning quick and I'm already having to tell her NO. I hope she learns it soon. She was crawling to the outlet and wanting to play with cords and I told her NO because I could tell she was thinking about it, she turns and looks at me, gets a huge grin, and does it anyways. :dohh: What am I going to do with this little woman? She is into everything already!! And I'm not in my own house because we are just living with my brother so nothing is childproofed. AHH!! I assumed she wouldn't be crawling for a few months still so this is so unexpected and it's so much harder now!! I used to be able to shower and leave her in the other room and I knew she'd be fine. Now I have to bring her in with me because she rarely seems to like her swing now. :wacko::coffee: I keep catching myself because I forget she can't be alone now so before I'd throw a load in the laundry or whatever and she'd be fine but now I have to take her along. She wears me out. :blush:
MollyApple- Yes I'm still cosleeping. I honestly don't think I'll stop anytime soon either. I love snuggling with her especially with DH gone. I also know it's hard enough on her being in a new place so I don't want to change too much at once and overwhelm her. That is SO odd about your friend wanting to sleep with your LO. I'd never allow it either. Weird that she'd even want to. :shrug:

Mimiso- :wave: Hey hun. I've been doing good if not a bit worn down. But I only have one baby to chase so I can only imagine how your feeling with three. :haha:

Pippin- You are NOT the only one waking up at night. I still do as well but it isn't nearly as bad for me because it's just a matter of latching Emma on and going back to sleep. So I never fully wake up. But that's just because I cosleep. I don't get what the deal is with women on this site thinking their babies are supposed to sleep through right away. Babies wake up. That's what they do. It isn't a sign of a 'good' baby just because your baby sleeps through. I always want to bite into these women because it really isn't the average for a baby to sleep through so young. It's the good baby comments that get to me. Emma is the happiest baby I've ever seen in my life. She smiles all the time, giggles and chatters, and is quite advanced with her milestones. But she doesn't sleep straight through the night. :shrug: I guess she's not good than. :rofl: Sorry for the rant but I've been thinking this for a while. :hugs::hugs:

Shiv- I'm the same way thinking I may never have another girl so I get kinda sad packing her stuff away. I always use this reasoning with my husband though when it comes to buying her stuff. Like "oh corey we probably will never have another girl so you have to let me buy her this pink thing because I'll never be able to buy pink baby stuff again". :rofl: Works some of the time. I never thought I'd have a girl at all because DH's family is mostly boys. But I guess that isn't the case. :haha:

MJ- I still haven't finished the BLW book but I agree it is very repetitive. I thought that before I even finished the first chapter and than got on here and you said the same thing so I guess I'm not crazy. :winkwink:

Ashnbump- How did it go with Kara in her own room?! :hugs::hugs: I know when I tried Emma in her own room just to see I cried because she slept without me for a while. I was so happy when she woke up and cried cause I hurried and scooped her up and dumped her in bed with me. :rofl:

Boothh- Aww yay for Jesse learning new things!!! How cute. :thumbup:
hey ladies :hi:

booth - i am EXACTLY the same with Kara when it comes to putting her in bed and keep checking her etc lol! My OH thinks im mad, but i carried her around inside me for 7 & 3/4 months (lol) and i worried everyday then, and i'll worry till the day i die! Aww loving the 'proud mama moment' lol! I ring my mum & dad whenever Kara does something new, im obsessed lol!

Cleck - Im still in amazement at Emma's 'crawling'! i showed Oh and he was CONVINCED he could get Kara to do it, so he lays on the floor with her last night and props her legs up, and tries his damn hardest to get her to 'move' lol, he looked ridiculous and Kara thought it was hysterical - no she didnt even attempt to move lol! She's deffo into anything she can touch tho, i sit her in her bumbo on the kitchen side whilst im in there ironing etc, and ive had to put the knife block away bacause she was grabbing the knives :shock: :wacko: and the coffee, tea & sugar jars are her new thing to knock over! :dohh: oh and the mug tree (wooden thing i hang my cups on lol) she loves to smack at it and make the cups 'jungle', so far i'm at 3 smashed mugs, how i love my daughter :thumbup: xx

Well, i put Kara in her own room last night (cleck thought id write it here instead of up on your catch up lol!) she slept like an angel (sorry pip, salt, wound i no i no :hugs: ) until about 4am, when she decided to wake up, she had a bottle, which is a bit out of the ordinary, but she can do that the odd night, anyway, i put her back in her cot in her nursery after i fed her, and she was like ''come on mummy - PLAY TIME!'' i was laughing because of how excited she was, but after trying to get her back to sleep for half an hour i took her out of her sleeping bag and put he in bed with me! I love having her in bed cuddling up to her, but i dont 'really' sleep, so i feel pretty tired in the morning, so i cant win lol! Anyway i tried just leaving her to nod off on her own but i was lay in bed listening to her laughing and bashing all of her toys, so i caved eventually lol! Going to try again tonight though, as i really need her in there before i go back to work in April! :(

Anyway, i decided today was the day to get Kara's new 6-9 month clothes, she's getting to big for all of her 3-6 months, but some of her 6-9 month clothes are still a bit big! So we've been putting a bit of money into her 'clothes' jar and i though seen as though OH is working until 7pm tonight, i'd go today! I loved it!!!! so did Kara, we were out from 11am til 3.30, just the right time i think, She was really good for me :cloud9: and i spoilt her bloody rotten! I spent a fortune in her in Next and H&M, the i treated myself to some PJ's & knickers in primark lol! I got her loads of jeans and tops and some dungarees, and i got her a pair of those leggins that look like jeans haha they are so cute, but they are comfy on her too as they're soft! I also got her a jumper that looks just like one i have, so now we match haha - im one of those sad mums aren't I lol! Oh well xxxx
Thanks for the sympathy girls I need it :cry: Cleckner I do agree but my friends that sleep through don't rub it in but it's always hard to hear when you are tired. Samuel too is a very happy 'good' baby (apart from today when he was teething poor thing) but if I could just predict what he was going to do that would make it easier. For example one night it's twice and he goes back in his cot fine but then I get last night which was awake at 12 for an hour grizzling then only slept because we ended up cosleeping in the guest bed. Then another night he'll wake every hour on the hour. I guess I just want some rhythm. I didn't mind waking up three times (like he used to) if it's at semi regular times so I can just feed sleep, feed sleep etc. Anyway I'm ranting sorry :blush: Shadow hon I wasn't meaning you at all, you know that :hugs: it's just everyone I know here in London seems to be suddenly 'sleeping through' mainly my bested buddy so maybe that's why it's hit home a bit more.

On the plus side he's sitting up all by himself!!!!! :yipee::dance::headspin::coolio::amartass::angelnot::lolly::change::bunny::lol:
wooo :happydance: go samuel!!!!xxxxx

just have to add, Kara is obsessed with the hollyoaks theme tune, i swear, she stops everything to watch lol, ive got a little video so i'll try upload it!x
Pip- Kira doesn't sleep through the night either. We co-sleep so its not too traumatic having to wake many times night... but it can still be tiring. Last night we went to bed at 8pm and she woke me up by thrashing at 10pm for a feed. Then we had a nice solid sleep until 1:30 when I fed her again... another feed at 3:30... and a few comfort suckles between 5 and 6am. The only reason I know is I write down the times in the morning before I head to work so my mom knows that Kira isn't starving, so if she only takes 2 ounces of EBM she won't be too concerned :haha:
spidey I've given in to co-sleeping again the last three nights I just don't sleep as well as when I'm on my own although I have to admit it's nice not having to get out of bed to feed him. Just latch him on and then drift off again so at least I get a few hours. He so knows it's better but I miss waking up next to my husband as our bed just isn't big enough.

ashnbump :rofl: at Hollyoaks. Sam likes it too as they have lots of close ups of peoples faces. he particularly likes the pretty ladies on it!!!
Oh Pippin, I forgot to add in that my FIVE YEAR OLD still wakes up rofl. Yep,each night he will wake up at least twice if I am not sleeping next to him. The routine is put him to bed and pretend that I am sleeping with him, then he wakes up at night and realises he's been duped then comes crying LOUDLY to our bedroom and muscles into our bed :(. If I take him back to his room he will wake up again...............so its a case of waking up cos of Mimi, then again because of Wanda ................great. Thought that would help comfort you hun lol
heres the video of kara with hollyoaks lol xx


hope it works - im poo at video uploads lol xx
Well the good news from us is that Mog is still sleeping for seven or eight hours in a go, making mummy very happy, and that she has FINALLY had her 16 week jabs. Bad news is that the baby monitor isn't working so I'm finding it hard to sleep, because I'm scared she's going to stop breathing. Can't find receipt for the monitor, so think I'm going to have to take the hit and buy a new one (and keep the receipt in a safe place). Makes me SO cross though.

So Imogen doesn't sit on her own, or crawl, or grab things, but I have taught her to blow raspberries ;) We're going to try and encourage her to do more tummy stuff on her play mat, as she has really strong little legs from the jumperoo.

We're going in for our interview at the baby modelling place - had to delay it as Mog's sticky eye became really horrid, and I didn't want them to think I had scary cyclops baby. Anyway, we go in on Thursday, so a little bit of time to pick out an outfit :)

Pip, sorry you're still having rough nights. I had to move Imogen, I was so tired I was just sitting in the bathroom crying in the mornings at the thought of getting up. I hate not having her near me, but I really needed to sleep and it was the only thing we hadn't tried. So now she has a feed and goes to bed at nine, I give her another six ounces or so at midnightish and then she tends to wake up around eight. I bring her into bed then for a bit of booby.

Kittens are now advertised, if you like I can PM you about it Mimiso? My serengeti looks a lot like modern bengals, and my silver mau stud looks like a snow leopard, he's SO handsome.
aw, ash, that is a totally adorable video! Adam loves Loose Women, at least he always beams at me whenever I say we're going to watch it :D

Pips, Adam has stopped sleeping through now, he goes from about 10-11pm to around 4am and from then on he never seems to get into a deep sleep, wakes pretty often for his dummy to be found, or else he is just shuffling round the cot like he's on a mission, rolling onto his tummy (which I hate and have appreciated his inability to do while in the sleeping bag thus far) and the other night he set the movement monitor off and scared the crap out of me and C - he'd shuffled right down the far end of the cot. we've moved the sensor pad now, so hopefully he won't get out of range again. it was super scary to hear the beeping in the middle of the night (though very reassuring to know it works). so I feel your pain with Samuel. especially I feel it because AE was a great sleeper from about 2-4 months. but oh well. a lot of the time if *I* don't get enough sleep it is my own fault because I stay up after AE and C have gone to bed, sometimes for 2 hours, which I could be using for my own sleep.

he doesn't wake and cry much, doesn't want to be fed - the only time we have fed in the night since he was about 6 weeks old was about 6am one day after he'd had the shits (and I don't even count 6am as the night, it was really just very early morning. but it was effectively night for me as, after, I went back to sleep till 10am).

we have taken to bringing him into our bed anywhere from 5am on if he won't settle. and he always does go to sleep then, and I can get a few hours. I am less nervous of doing it now he is 5.5 months old. but I still always feel so thankful when I wake from a deep sleep and he is there and all is ok, I get so worried I will sleep through any problems. I know the answer is never ever co-sleep but... eeesh. I do like it.

weirdly I am not especially exhausted or even very tired, despite my broken nights. I can only assume I *am* getting enough sleep because I certainly know the foggy head of real tiredness in me. also, the few times I have had a nap in the day (very very few and I used to be such the daytime catnapper) I have taken ages to sleep at night. it's almost not worth the feeling of refreshment!

perhaps I have just become immune to low-grade exhaustion?

oh, and Pips, congratulations to Samuel on being a sitty up baby! Adam also sat up by himself today, I was totally shocked, he'd been lying on the sofa resting on a cushion and next thing up he got! he was wobbly but he was definitely sitting and nobody holding on! I think his muscles must be getting a good strengthening with the sitting in the highchair. I did notice when he was in it earlier that he seemed to be holding himself up better rather than slumping a little and being held up by the sides/rail.

he looked so pleased with himself anyway! am going to be glad when he can sit totally independently and without me worried he'll fall (or at least confident to let him fall and know he'll be ok) because he has sounded so so so frustrated lately. he desperately wants to be moving around - it's obvious because as soon as I put him on the rug on his back he is over, literally in seconds, and if there is a toy right there he is ok for a minute or two. if not, he squeals and gets upset and makes his frustrated cry, different from his distressed cry in a way... if it turns into distress I swoop in as super mummy and rescue him but otherwise if I distract him (talk from the kitchen, get down and play) he will stop the frustrated cry for a while. it's frustrating for me because I know he can play nice for a while on his back but he just doesn't ever want to stay on his back for more than 5 seconds!

oh, his stomach sphincter muscle needs to get strong quickly as well because when he was leaning over after he'd sat up, leaning on his hands, he did a massive sick, and he hadn't been fed in almost 4 hours. :(
Kittens are now advertised, if you like I can PM you about it Mimiso? My serengeti looks a lot like modern bengals, and my silver mau stud looks like a snow leopard, he's SO handsome.[/QUOTE]

I would appreciate it, thanks
Kira has had some rough nights between 2am and 6am where she thrashes around after every 30 minutes of sleep and it wakes me up and I have to basically hold her down until she re-settles. The last few nights I've tried something new and it seems to work so far so if anyone else has a thrashy baby, this might be worth a try. I put her on her side, but then a little more leaning onto her tummy, so her hips are not perfectly perpendicular to the bed. Then I scrunch some blanket under her chest so she can lean on that to keep her from being totally on her tummy. Then I tuck her in tight, so that upper arm can't fly around too easily. It's like a partial tummy/ side position. Last night during 4-hour thrash time, she didn't even wake up! I woke up on my own at 5am.

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