--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hi everyone, A bit quiet in here the last few days!

Lots of babies sitting up now, congrats Pip and MJ and any others. What exactly is classified as sitting up? Sophia can stay in the sat up position for a couple of minutes before falling over, butcan't get herself up from horizontal sitting on her own (although she does try, it looks very frutrating!).

Sophia is also trying to crawl, it is so frustrating for her, I can't remember, I think it may have been MJ who was having a similar experience. baby flips onto tummy as soon as you lay them down, hapy for a minute then try to crawl, can't go anywhere so start howling. SO you roll them over and they look at you as if you are CRAZY and flip straight back over and start howling again!! What to do?!?!?

Sophia has a terrible cold at the moment, so does her Daddy so I am playign nurse!

SPidey - glad you have found a solution, hope you can get more sleep now x
jesse can sit for a bit on his own though he is wobbly, i put him in his bouncer before and didnt strap him in, well he tried to sit up himself and nearly fell out of it good job OH was in front of him to catch him, im going to have to always strap him in now!

hes still not very interested in rolling, its like hes forgotten how to do it! iv only seen him do it once though and my mum has seen him do it a couple more times, he tries to roll but cant seem to move his arm up enough anymore, he tries to crawl too, he doesnt get very far but he can turn himself around a whole circle when hes on the floor lol x
Hi girls sorry i havent replied to any of you i have had the flu all week and have been reading but havent had the energy to reply xx
We did not get to the hospital for Elin's pre admission appointment today because of said flu so her actual op is hanging in the balance now :(
I will get back on soon when im feeling a bit better xxx
Sophia is also trying to crawl, it is so frustrating for her, I can't remember, I think it may have been MJ who was having a similar experience. baby flips onto tummy as soon as you lay them down, hapy for a minute then try to crawl, can't go anywhere so start howling. SO you roll them over and they look at you as if you are CRAZY and flip straight back over and start howling again!! What to do?!?!?

that is exactly it. poor babies! Adam works himself up into a bit of a state about it, he is that frustrated. looks like he is swimming on dry land, arms and legs going, so keen but nothing and so WAAAAAAAAAH. awwwww.

as for sitting, what Adam has been doing is getting up from an almost horizontal, but only when on the sofa. he won't do it on the floor, well he tries but he can't hold it. on the sofa he had been resting his head and shoulders on the big cushion I use to support him when feeding, you know a horseshoe shape one, and pushed himself up and was sitting clear of the cushion. he only held it a few seconds and then tipped to one side and rested on the cushion again. he also does the tripod sitting with his arms in the middle leaning over. but he has a really nice straight back when he sits right up, I am quite proud of him. :D

though I think it's going to be one of those things he does and then won't do regularly for a while. like the rolling. he first rolled from front to back at 12 weeks but definitely not every time. then he was 19 weeks when he went back to front and since then, with the exception of a few times I have seen him do a 360, he rarely goes front to back. I never put him on his front but he goes straight on over and that's it, till he screams so much I rescue him. weird. he is either determined not to go back or he's forgotten!

boothh, totally agree about having to supervise so much more closely now, I am starting to think that Adam is going to be out of his bouncer soon, as he tries so hard to reach out and grab things that it can't be long before he's in real danger of tipping it over. strapped in he'd be ok but even so! we don't have anything else, other than the highchair to sit him in and I don't trust him alone on the sofa now!

sorry to hear you have a poorly baby Shiv :( and a poorly big baby as well. have to say I am dreading C getting sick, he does a good line in man flu...

and so sorry about your flu, Sam and Elin's appointment. what a stress you don't need. :hug: fx it won't impede things for you.

afu - had a quiet few days, Adam slept pretty much ok last night so am sure that was a blip, or perhaps I am just used to waking several times again. I don't have to do much, or get out of bed usually, so I fall asleep quickly. we've been having more fun with food - rice cakes yesterday, porridge today - that was fun with me determined not to spoon feed! he managed fine with the spoon himself though, I put a bit on for him and he grabbed it from me and - I think some of it made it to his mouth! a whole lot of it made it all down his babygro... he looked so sweet though. and I posted a few pics in the Lion Cubs album. :D

oh, and my brother and sil found out their new baby is a girl :D I am really pleased for them, as well as for us - heh - Adam has 4 boy cousins and 1 girl at the moment (the boys are 6 years, 4 years and 4 months older and 2.5 weeks younger and the girl is 2 years older than him) so it'll be nice for him to have a girl cousin close in age. she'll be 10 months younger if she is born around her due date - June 22. pity they are in Oslo but we will visit. :)
Hey girls! Sounds like we'll have a few more crawlers soon. hehe. Poor little things getting frustrated. With me now it's Emma getting frustrated when she gets into stuff she isn't supposed to and I have to take it away. I feel bad but she goes for paper mostly and I don't want her getting a paper cut. :nope: She already knows how to throw a little tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants. :dohh: I have a feeling I'm in for it when she's older. She throws her little hands up and down and puckers up her face to cry when I take stuff away. :haha: It's cute but I have a feeling the cuteness will wear off eventually.

On a super happy note, I found a way for Corey to see video of her so he has seen her crawling now as well! :happydance::happydance: He is so proud and said he got tears but had to keep it in cause he was surrounded by guys.:rofl: He wants to come home really bad. I think this is harder on him than it is me so I really feel sad for him.
Pips - It's 2:30am and JP is bouncing around so we don't get much sleep at night either! She wakes regularly throughout the night but like others have said, because we co-sleep it's easier to bear. Hopefully Sam will settle down soon but I have read and believe that when they are going through big development stages (which they are now with learning to sit/crawl etc) then they have broken sleep patterns with more/less sleep than usual, more/less feeds, more fretfulness etc.Their brains are forging all those new pathways. Everytime I get frustrated with JP I just remind myself how quickly time is passing and how I love her baby days.

Spidey - Thanks for the tip, glad its works for you. JP's biggest sleep problem is thrashing. I have noticed that she *seems* to sleep better or her front/side but I've not worked out how to get her into this position to start with as I usually give up trying to get her to sleep herself as I don't have hours to spend doing it and feed her to sleep but then she's on her back! Will work on it knowing it's helping you. Out of interest, does Kira have an aversion to blankets/towels etc on her legs? JP kicks them off straight away and if she wakes up to find a blanket on her, she freaks out, I have no idea why :nope:

Boothh - Big yay for Jesse's new tricks! It might not be a huge milestone like the physical ones but just as important. I got stupidly delighted because JP pulls down the cord on her vibrating pig toy to make it move, things like this are not simple to our babies liek they are to us!

Ash - you do make me laugh! JP and I have a few matching outfits too, how sad we are! Even worse we are going to a friend's wedding in the summer so I am going to be making matching outfits for us and the other day I bought her a headband with a flower on it and a matching flower on a clip to go in my hair! Jp's fave tv theme tunes are Scrubs and Friends, I don't watch Hollyoaks but I can see why the tune would catch her attention. Loved the video! And :rofl: at the donor suggestion. I do rather like the idea of having someone around who can look after her while I cook/go to shops/shower/go to loo who isn't doing it as a favour though, but having read some of the girl's comments on here, I'm guessing that wouldn't necessarily happen anyway!!

AE - Good luck rehoming all those kitties, bet you'll still miss them all when they're gone! Which agency are you going to see? I've been umming and ahhing over modelling and have finally decided to submit to Truly Scrumptious and see what they say. Its reasssuring to hear you are going for it, previously I had been really put off the idea at the thought of rooms full of pushy mums with ug-bug babies! Let us know how the interview goes - and if you see any others, what they are like!!

Cleck - I really feel for both you and Corey, its so hard for you both for entirely different reasons. :hugs:

Sam-Star - Sorry to hear about the delay too know, keeping fx Elin will have that op very soon and all will go well for you guys!

AFU - Where do the days go? And why does it feel like you've been super busy and yet done nothing at all? As weird as she is about the co-sleeping thing, my friend has been great at taking care of JP so I can get on with some essential stuff including catching up on sleep and baths! She babysat for 6 hours yesterday, the longest JP and I have been apart.

This morning whilst lying in bed, JP managed to sit herself up and then lie down and sit up and lie down and sit up and lie down... The first time she did it she looked totally taken by surprise, almost as if she hadn't expected her efforts to work! :rofl: She can sit upright for a few minutes now if she's not too tired, but like MJ says I look forward to her sitting with confidence so she can enjoy playing with her toys. The latest fave is a storage box with handles and which we have filled with brightly coloured plastic sppons for her. The drumming has already commenced!
OMG. So this girl I went to highschool with..She was a grade under me and we weren't friends but I was from a very small school so I knew her. I was friends with her sister because we cheerleaded together. Anyways, she dropped her 5 year old daughter off to school and ten minutes later got in a car accident. She died..And she was six months pregnant. :cry: They delivered the baby right after she died and the baby is in the intensive care unit. :cry::cry: It's such a horrible tragedy. So not only is there this little baby that will never know her mom, there is also a 5 year old girl that someone has to tell that her mommy will never come home. :nope:

ohh no cleck thats awful! those poor little babies! i cant imagine how awful that must be, i hope your feeling okay :hugs: xxx
oooohh :( cleck what a tragedy :( what a shame! Im keeping my fingers x'd for the LO though, hope she pulls through xxxx Hope you're feeling ok too xxxx
ack, Cleck. what a terrible tragedy, those poor little girls. :cry: :cry:
I'm doing fine girls. I slept only a few hours last night because it was on my mind and I just couldnt' fall asleep. I really didn't know her TOO well but I just keep thinking about those little girls that won't have a mommy now. Before having Emma I probably would have heard it and thought oh that's sad and than went on with my day. But now I'm seeing it from a mothers point of view and it's just horrible. :wacko:
Cleckner that's horrid, I'm so sorry :hugs: Being a parent really makes you see things from a different perspective doesn't it. :hugs:
It really does, doesn't it pippin? And not always in a good way because now I worry more and think of all the bad things that could happen. Before I could go days without worrying about a thing.
:hugs: oh hun thats awful! :( poor little mite, i cant imagine what there family must be going through and the poor little girl left on her own without a mama and baby sister, i cant imagine it, being a mum really does make you think of things from a different perspective! xxxxxxxx
It really does, doesn't it pippin? And not always in a good way because now I worry more and think of all the bad things that could happen. Before I could go days without worrying about a thing.

To true Cleckner, I never thought I would worry about peoples breathing but I have to check Samuel's all the time. I worry about every other baby as well. My friend told me yesterday her 8 week old stopped breathing on Monday. She and her husband were in bed and she sudden thought she couldn't hear him, hubby said no he's fine, she said no I'm going to check and when she went in she couldn't feel him breathing or hear him and he was all floppy. She grabbed him up quickly and he gasped and started breathing again. The light was off so she didn't see what colour he was but you imagine how scared she was. How scary is that, if she had listened to her husband he might not have been here now. I cried with her. Everything is set to scare us I think as parents. :cry: I guess it's a natural protection thing to worry, it's hard though.
Oh god just seen your last post I'm sorry I didn't refresh the page before posting. I'm so sorry honey :cry:
oh pippin i dont know how i wouldve dealt with that i wouldve been hysterical! im always checking jesse when he's upstairs, and about 6 times a night i stick my hand out on his back to see if hes okay, he snores though which is good cus i can always hear him lol,

those pictures on facebook are so gorgeous btw xx
Cleck - my gosh that is the saddest, saddest thing, I was really hoping that little girl would pull through and be the one miracle in a very sad situation.

You are right, our perspectives change as parents. Before JP I was never really interested in children and few things bothered me, now I burst into tears whenever there's a sad situation on tv, even in an advert. There's an episode of CSI in which a baby dies that has traumatised me even though I keep telling myself it's not real!

And like Booth and Pippin, I constantly check JP's breathing and its why I continue co-sleeping, without her next to me I would be awake all night worrying about her. I'm even thinking of getting one of those monitor pads to go in her cot when she moves to there even if she does wriggle off it a hundred times a night! I also worry about my own safety too and missing out on seeing my daughter grow up. As Pippin said, its natural human survival programming but its awful all the same. :nope:
oh god how awful :cry:

Its so true, since becoming a mother, i look at life differently, im not here for myself anymore, im here to love and nurture another person, my child, until the day i die. I want to see her first boyfriend and watch her grow up into a beautiful woman, and be there for her when her children are born too. Its like i've got a purpose for being here now.

Life really is precious, and you can only really appreciate that when you become a mother, you grow this life inside of you, you give birth to it and watch it grow, and the thought of losing that love is, well, unbearable :(

Sometimes life is so cruel, and everyday i thank god for giving me Kara, she's a miracle, all our babies are. And everyday im grateful for the fact that i see her everyday because i could have lost her, or her me.

I've learned not to take anything for granted in this world, since this little person appeared on that ultrasound monitor 375 days ago today (20th Jan last year) and since that day i really have looked at the world from a different point of view, the bad thats around us is horrific and some of the awful things people do to one another really sickens me, i don't want my daughter to grow up and see the world for what it can be, I hope that we, and all of you never ever have to feel such heartbreak in our lives.


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