--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

It brings tears to my eyes even reading about how we all feel!!! Goodness what a softie! :hug: Ash I couldn't have said it better. I worry what sort of world it will be when Samuel has children?
im going to lighten the mood now, we have decided to go abit more down the BLW road, so yesterday we did lunch time, jesse had apples grapes carrot sticks he ate quite abit too, we were at aplay zone place so there wasnt much on offer, here is a picture of his first go in a highchair!

then today w gave him sunday dinner with us, he had pork, mash, greenbeans, brocolli, yorkshire pudding and carrots, he didnt eat it all but he did try most of it inbetween playing with it, but hes seemed to really enjoy it, im gunna try to carry on like this because he seems to really like it alot better than jars so we will just have to see how we go, here are some pictures from dinner today x


hope you enjoy them :) xxx
G had Sunday dinner with us too :) roast chicken and roast parsnip seemed to be his fave but he also had a good try of carrot brocolli and roast potato :)
Aww! Today Emma had her first lunch. Well it was more of a snack but she had half a rice cake, and apple slices. She loved it. I have piccies but they are still on the camera. She was covered with rice cake pieces and had to be thrown in the bath afterwards but it was a fun first experience. Than she wanted the breast so she's fed and is now napping. hehe. All the excitement wore her out. :thumbup:
Awwww, all the babies having Sunday lunch! Adam had a taste of hot smoked salmon baked in the oven with broccoli, peppers baby corn and cauliflower today, and yesterday a grilled piece of chicken breast and grilled courgette, aubergine and pepper. he seemed to love the chicken and salmon, kept going back for it. :D the salmon was hard for him to hold but he managed great with the piece of chicken.

cleck, looking forward to the pics of Emma's adventures with ricecakes. they're great because they're so easy to hold and go mushy when they suck them. I've been spreading them with cream cheese, which he licks off first.
aww i love how grown up they are getting! im gunna go and get some good finger foods tomorrow for him to try, he has baby biscuits and organix snacks which he loves and manages easily, i had a chicken burger when we were out yesterday and he ate most of the lettuce off of it, he does eat jars but hes not very interested and id rather go down the blw approach because im alot more comfortable with it, does anyone have any good suggestions to try, i dont really wanna go in the weaning section because i find it abit harsh in there lol!

i give him toast most mornings with cream cheese and sometimes sugar free jam which he eats really well, and he tried fromage frais on his on today just shoved his hand in and licked it then tried to pour the pot in his mouth and got it everywere lol,

iv just had to put the fold over scratch mits down on his baby grow for the first time and hes hating it! i put him in bed and he started to cry i left him for a minute then went to check and there was blood all over his sheets!! :( he had scratched his face and made it bleed, so im not going to trust him for a while now, iv just cut his nails and put the mitts on and hes desperatly trying to figure out how to get them off! haha xx
Ladies, I am so so sorry i've been abandoning you all :( Shame on me :cry:

Had so much going on with hospital, in laws with us for a week, not being well, getting into planning wedding stuff etc that I got further and further behind and was only popping on for minutes at a time into for sale section (Imi needs 6-9 months and we have 0 money lol). Hope you will all forgive me for being away for so long.

I will try and have a read through but its hard with so much so think i will just make a freash start.

One thing i did see, Cleck, so sad to hear such horrible news :hugs: Really does make you see things from another POV doesn't it. Big :hugs:
vici dont worry hun we all have times when we cant catch up, just join back in noone bothers :p sounds like youve had a stressful few weeks, hope your feeling much better after your op and the inlaws didnt cause too much hassle :p xx
Boothh - I mostly give G what we are having.
For breakfast he has either fruit (pears are his fave) and natural yoghurt; porridge or crumpets
Lunch - salad or toast/ricecakes or pasta
Unless we are having really bad food in the evenings he has the same as us...This week for his evening meals he has tried/had the following:
Mon: Baked Salmon, butternut squash and asparagus
Tue: Mexican fajitas (strip of marinated steak, peppers, tomato, salad, sourcream and some tortilla wrap)
Wed: Stir fried pepper and courgette strips with humous
Thu: chicken, mushroom and yoghurt sauce with pasta twirls
Fri: We ate badly and late so I cooked him some pasta twirls and mixed it with some tinned tuna and a dairylea triangle - it was remarkably tasty!
Sat: Moroccan lamb stew (lamb, spices, red onion and sweet potato) with couscous
Sun: roast chicken, parsnip, potato, carrot, brocolli
i was thinking about just giving him bits of what we have but i tend to put alot spices and salt into our food and i dont know if that would be too good for his tummy?

i do give him fruit or toast in the morning, i normally give him something spoonfed too, but more and more he wants to do it himself so i just preload the spoon,

lunch i normally give him something spoon fed (he eats very little of this so im not too worried about doing both) and normally give him bits of my sandwich, salad or abit of pasta whatever,

its just dinnertime as he normally have a full jar of savoury and a sweet,
he has heinz baby biscotti and organix snacks or bits of fruit and normally nicks abit of whatever im eating,

im considering stopping jars totally and just letting him have more milk until he can grasp the eating abit better, he is pretty good at it but i dont think he realises that its food properly even though he eats it cus hes used to a spoon, im abit stuck with what to do really,
I don't worry about spices at all - they don't seem to bother him and he seems to like strong flavours.

I am bothered about salt but we don't have many ready meals and I don't use jars of cookin or pasta sauces very often at all.
I never add salt if I'm cooking for myself anyway so veggies pasta etc never have salt added. The only thing I've had to change is if I'm using stock I either use homemade Stock or baby stock cubes.
hey ladies!

loving all the babies eating so well :thumbup:

Boothh: omg Jesse's pics are soooo cute!

I'm a bit unsure myself of whats what with the weaning :( im currently giving Kara jared food as it is a bit easier for me as im not sure what im suposed to be doing iykwim? this is what we've been doing so far:

morning - Cow & Gate strawberry & banana porridge, mixed with some pureed fruit/jared fruit puree

Lunch - Finger food, Melon, Apple etc (she LOVES melon slices)

Tea - Cauliflour (sp) & broccoli cheese bake (Heinz baby boxed powder thingy) or Mediterranean Rice and veg (also heinz boxed stuff) With a sweet for a pudding, either baby chocolate pud or pureed fruit crumble.

and thats all we've been doing, as it seems to be going ok.

I gave her a rusk to chomp on whilst we were in the kitchen the other day and i was washing up and she started flipping choking on a big piece she'd chewed off :( it was terrifying :cry: i had to stick my fingers in her throat, then she swallowed it and looked at me as if to say "mummy what the f*ck" lol! Honestly that was the look :rofl:

anyway thats put me off giving her anything thats not 'mushy'! All this weaning lark is pretty confusing, but im going to join a weaning party at my local surestart, and hopefully i'll get some good advice! xx
i suppose i could just add salt later, ill have to go get some baby stock cubes i think, breakfast went pretty well, i gave him a crumpet with dairylea on which he ate loads of only left the mushy bits that he had clamped in his hands, and he had a few chunks of melon and pineapple which he just sucked and then threw at me lol, they were abit slippery though and he couldnt quite get a proper grip on them, he seems pretty content now,

ash - that sounds pretty good to me, i think its just trial and error really and finding what works best for you two, i started jesse on jars but he seems to get bored and hardy ever finishes what i give him, so we decided to see what he do if we went the BLW route and he loves it,

i leave jesse to sort himself out if he chokes or gags on something, i obviously intervine if hes really struggling and cant breathe though, i think its ust part of learning, and i dont want to panic him if hes gagging because i figure it will make it worse, 99% of the time he figures it out himself and im happy to let him, xx
Adam had a toasted crumpet with unsalted butter and Philadelphia this morning :D - was unsure to start, which I was surprised about, thought it looked pretty much like a rice cake! maybe because it was still warm. and he had a banana as well, which he took a huge chomp out of and gagged 5 seconds later. poor baby! but he handled it fine, just squished it out of his mouth in a big banana mush. :rofl: then he was back for another chomp - and repeat. it's how he's going to learn what he can manage so I am not worried.
im having tuna pasta for dinner, im using a WW tin though so im gunna but some dairylea with jesses and some tomatos, :)
so i gave him quarted tomatos, some pasta twirls and somne organix carrot sticks, i just put them on his tray and left him to it (is that right? im not too sure what im supoosed to be doing) he has been picking things up and putting them in his mouth but im not sure hes actally eating iykwim, he sucked a pieces of tomato still it was all sludgy and then chucked it, he has eaten a piece of pasta but hes not bothered with the rest of it then hes ate 2 of the carrot sticks things, but he has them alot so he knows how to dit, hes currently just pashing the stuff around on his tray and messing with it, is this how it should be going at first? x
oh lots of weaning chat!
Booth that is exactly what he should be doing! The idea is you give them a few bit son their tray and just let them get on with it, they will play with the food and learn how to chew and swallow in their own time until one day they will learn to associate food with stopping hunger!
I can recommend Gill Rapley's book on BLW - tells you everything you need to know! But I would say the most important thing isto just let them get on with it - no helping or praise etc! Sounds like you are doing a great job!

Ash - sounds like Kara is doing well with her purees too - I think with weaning you have to do what you are comfortable with and what fits in with your lifestyle - as long as in the long run your LO ends up eating solids I don't think it matters how they get there!

And Booth I know what you mean about the weaning section - scary! Although the girls in the BLW support thread seem to be really friendly and there are a few of us in there - just don't get into debates on the main board!!
thanks shiv, i will have a look at that book,
i have been giving him finger food with his purees for a while, but he is soo disinterested in them iv pretty much given up, hes had nothing pureed today just proper foods and has seemed to enjoy it, he has drank abit more milk though, which is nothing to worry about, were having chicken casserole tonight so im just gunna put some big chunks on his tray, he seemed to struggle with the pasta i gave him before because it was abit small and slippy he did get abit in his mouth though, im going to give him some banana later too and see how he goes, im enjoying watching him, hes doing so good much better than i thought he would, x
I think I'm going to just give Emma lunches for now. She isn't six months yet so I feel bad even starting at all yet. So I decided since she always wants a nap around 1 I'll start giving her lunch at 12, than that'll give me time to give her a bath because so far our experiments with food have been messy ones. So than I will start having somewhat of a schedule with her. Because as we are now, the only schedule I have is bedtime and even than she doesn't always want to fall asleep when I want her to. :haha:
just bought that book ;) maybe if i make my mum read it she wont pull her face when i tell her i dont want him eating purees anymore, when i said it last night she went 'isnt that a step backwards, he will be hungry!' lol.

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