'Little Ones Close in Age' ~ Please join us

Soooo tired........

:sleep: < I wish

This is the thing I find hardest, DD2 wakes for bottle (5.30-6am) then DD1 wants to get up too

Now im sat here, eyes almost closing :wacko:
Hi all I'm looking at a close age gap

Uncertain how close it will be though cause not sure if I'll go full term or not.

Full term and there will be 18months although my little girl will technically be 15months development wise since she was 3months prem. So it will be like having a 15 month old at 18months.
Sorry your so tired Kelly, lots of coffee needed :)
Thanks for reminding me about this thread, just realised I'm not on the front page. There's 20 months between my two girls :thumbup:
I hope its not too late for me to join!

My two boys are 17 months apart!
So far i have :blue: & :blue:

Once Elliot (my youngest) initiates baby lead weaning, and once thats completed we are going to try for a girl. So the next baby will be close in age too :D

:wave: Great to have you join us ~ How are you & the Boys? :shrug: Havent seen you online for a while

:hi: Thanks for having me!
They are doing just wonderful! Isaiah loves his big brother to pieces and its so adorable. He gives him kisses and everything :cloud9:
Life is good...busy which is why i havn't been on much :blush: but things are starting to calm down so maybe i'll get mroe time :D

guppy- how old was your first DS when he weaned? this is my first time BF and im wondering when. we'll be doing baby led as well, just like we did with our formula babies. i know they are all different, just wondering.

Well DS1 Weaned rather early (we do baby led weaning as well). He begun weaning at 4 months and was 100% weaned by 5 months of age. However, i think that was more because of our circumstances. I have a medical condition called Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT, also know as breast hypoplasia or hypoplastic breasts). So i am physically unable to produce 100% of my babies milk, because i lack the tissue and glands to do so. But i do make a little and so i nurse and then supplement. I use an at-breast nursing aid. With #1 i used formula to supp. and we didn't start the SNS (Supplementing Nursing System) until he was 2 months old, and so he hated it because he had to work harder than with the bottle supplements. Then at 4 months his first tooth popped through and that was the end of it. There was a lot more long more going on than that with nursing, but i dont want to bore you with that. basically in a nutshell he weaned by 5 months and i firmly believe that was bc of the circumstances.

Now with Elliot, i dont know what to expect. I nurse and supplement but i started with the Lact-Aid (another kind of nursing system) from the get go plus we use donor milk, so i dont think he will wean as early as Isaiah did. Im hoping to get to at least a year, but i know i can't force it, if he doesn't want it. However, i am going to try my hardest so long as he is interested....im the type of milk producer that i HAVE to nurse or pump or handexpress every 2.5 hours or else i will lose my supply...so hopefully it doesn't drop when he starts going longer in between.
I've definately spend ALOT less this time around, mainly because new bubba will have all LO hand me downs (car seat, cot, bouncer, bumbo etc) I've only bought some new clothes so its been pretty cheap having another, lol!

Thats exactly what we did and its nice because then i dont have to spend tons of $$$ :D We will have to buy some summer clothing, though because they were born in different seasons :wacko: but i can't complain. DS1 was almost exactly one year younger than his cousin (practically down to the day) so we really never had to buy anything for him (unless we wanted to). And so we havn't spent much money on clothes in the first place.
Hi all I'm looking at a close age gap

Uncertain how close it will be though cause not sure if I'll go full term or not.

Full term and there will be 18months although my little girl will technically be 15months development wise since she was 3months prem. So it will be like having a 15 month old at 18months.

My boys are 17 months apart and i love it!
I honestly feel like young age gaps are the way to go.
My friends that have 2.5+ yrs age gap seem to have a much more challenging time than I do....which is ironic considering i get all of the rude comments about having them so close together :grr:
Honestly, babywearing makes things SO easy!
Ugh I had hoped that things would be cheaper the second time around, but with twins (and two girls after a boy), there was still a lot to buy. Plus now I won't be going back to work for years, so loss of income too :wacko: I wouldn't trade it though. I love my trio! :cloud9:
apple- i have wicked twin girl envy right now! lol
if we have a girl next, then i think we will go broke buying her clothing lol

we are going to ttc a girl after Elliot decides hes done w BFing....i would love twin girls-that would be perfect with our two boys, especially w the the close age gap
Wow guppy you already thinking about no3, good for you. Wish I could have another but there's no way we will!

Mine will be 11ish months apart so same ages in the right seasons but lo is a girl and new baby is a boy and I don't think he'd appreciate pretty dresses, lol!

I need to buy a baby carrier as definately think it'll be a god send with 2 under 1!x
Mine will be 11ish months apart so same ages in the right seasons but lo is a girl and new baby is a boy and I don't think he'd appreciate pretty dresses, lol!


def get yourself a baby carrier...or two lol.
i get so much done with it. Plus, IMO, its practically necessary when youre out by yourself w the kiddies. I babywear one and then the other goes in the stroller or cart.

dont worry, having 2 so cose in age isnt as scary as u think :winkwink: i spent my entire pregnancy worried about it, but now that he's here its WAY easier than i anticipated...i actually think the transition was easier than going from 1 kid to 2 :thumbup:

I LOVE the Moby Wrap and the ERGO :)
Thanks, it's definately reassuring to hear that it's not as scary as I'm imaging!

It's the silly things that worry me, like how do you get them both downstairs in the morning, 1 at a time? How do you ever pee,lol, could I trust my lo not to gauge the baby's eyes out! Who do you see to first of they're both crying! How do you bath 2 babies, arrrgggghhhh I'm scared again now!x
Baby carriers are awesome. I actually went hiking yesterday. Dh and I each wore a baby. I even bfed in the carrier while hiking!
Sassy - I also had 2 under 1 !! It is hard to begin with but then it gets a lot easier :) They're the best of friends now honestly .... though they have started 'fighting' with each other the last week but it's down to them always wanting to play with what the other one is playing with. :haha:
Thanks, it's definately reassuring to hear that it's not as scary as I'm imaging!

It's the silly things that worry me, like how do you get them both downstairs in the morning, 1 at a time? How do you ever pee,lol, could I trust my lo not to gauge the baby's eyes out! Who do you see to first of they're both crying! How do you bath 2 babies, arrrgggghhhh I'm scared again now!x

Not silly at all! Those were my EXACT feelings. I was so worried about the practicalities of it all.

So DS1 is to the age where he doesn't cry much...but when they have cries at the same time, i have to think fast and decide which one needs my attention more. Most times i will consol my older child first. Simply because i had been given some advice from a wise mother that had 12 children close in age. She said to fill the needs first of the older one and that will cut down on jealousy issues and feeling left out. Plus their needs are usually must faster to tend to. Obviously if they younger one is really really upset, thats a different story, but in general i have followed this advice and she was right! DS1 has ZERO jealousy issues and in fact loves his brother very much.

In the mornings, right now, i bring them down one at a time, unless im babywearing, then i can wear Elliot (my 2 month old), and then i hold Isaiahs hand (19 months) and we walk down the steps together.

For bathing, my husband usually helps, and that is very helpful. I bath Isaiah before bed (or DH does). Then Isaiah goes to sleep and we bath Elliot. Once Elliot gets bigger, we will bath the two together in the tub :)

Peeing..yeah, i have to admit i dont get to do that too often lol but i do actually get to do it more than i did when Isaiah was young. I am blessed bc isaiah takes 4 hour naps in the day, so i can go then. but when they are both up, i usually put elliot in the swing. Our living room is baby proof and gated off so Isaiah cant run around the house. If Elliot is very upset, then i take him in the bathroom with me...im not trying to be gross, but sometimes thats what i have to do.

you will find you will become more flexible with time :thumbup: You will have your good days and your bad days, but you'll do fine and i promise it will be easier than you expect (unless your baby is coaliky or something...ive been lucky to have two happy go lucky boys, so i dont know what it would be like with a baby that cries all the time....but thats another reason why babywearing works.

when you go to the store, try to park next to a cart return or keep the stroller in your car. If its not cold or raining or snowing out, then i park next to the cart return, snap isaiah in, and then put on a carrier and babywear elliot. If there arn't carts then i but isaiah in the stroller. I used to wear isaiah and put elliot in the stroller (its a travel system so he could stay in the car seat) but i cant do that bc elliot hates being in his car seat...which sucks on trips :wacko: but otherwise it works out smoothly :D

This all helps because my dh is very into parenting (THANK GOD! you ladies who do this by yourself are strong women in my opinion!) I am a SAHM so i am alone with them for the majority of the day, but when my husband is home he helps out with diapering and bathing and all that jazz.
Kelly... sorry if this seems super picky but on the front page you have them as girls - but they're both boys :)
Baby carriers are awesome. I actually went hiking yesterday. Dh and I each wore a baby. I even bfed in the carrier while hiking!

Love this!
Thats what we do too when we dont feel like lugging the stroller around.
I love that my hubby loves his kids!
Its a turn on to have an AP father to your kiddies :blush:
hi ladies im desperate for advise.
we welcomed little Sophie last monday and my one year old Davey is very jealous.
he screaming and histericly crying everytime im feeding her and giving her bath!
i was wondering if any of you had similar issue and how did you cope.
i feel so bad for my little boy im doing everything i can to not make him feel left out.
... i had been given some advice from a wise mother that had 12 children close in age. She said to fill the needs first of the older one and that will cut down on jealousy issues and feeling left out. Plus their needs are usually must faster to tend to. Obviously if they younger one is really really upset, thats a different story, but in general i have followed this advice and she was right! DS1 has ZERO jealousy issues and in fact loves his brother very much.

@ davidjoemom- ^ i posted that earlier. And i think it has helped, but then again ive never had the problem you are having. So i can't say from experience, but you could, maybe take this approach as well for a week and see what it does? it may take some time though :hugs: every baby is different.
Thanks, it's definately reassuring to hear that it's not as scary as I'm imaging!

It's the silly things that worry me, like how do you get them both downstairs in the morning, 1 at a time? How do you ever pee,lol, could I trust my lo not to gauge the baby's eyes out! Who do you see to first of they're both crying! How do you bath 2 babies, arrrgggghhhh I'm scared again now!x

Not silly at all! Those were my EXACT feelings. I was so worried about the practicalities of it all.

So DS1 is to the age where he doesn't cry much...but when they have cries at the same time, i have to think fast and decide which one needs my attention more. Most times i will consol my older child first. Simply because i had been given some advice from a wise mother that had 12 children close in age. She said to fill the needs first of the older one and that will cut down on jealousy issues and feeling left out. Plus their needs are usually must faster to tend to. Obviously if they younger one is really really upset, thats a different story, but in general i have followed this advice and she was right! DS1 has ZERO jealousy issues and in fact loves his brother very much.

In the mornings, right now, i bring them down one at a time, unless im babywearing, then i can wear Elliot (my 2 month old), and then i hold Isaiahs hand (19 months) and we walk down the steps together.

For bathing, my husband usually helps, and that is very helpful. I bath Isaiah before bed (or DH does). Then Isaiah goes to sleep and we bath Elliot. Once Elliot gets bigger, we will bath the two together in the tub :)

Peeing..yeah, i have to admit i dont get to do that too often lol but i do actually get to do it more than i did when Isaiah was young. I am blessed bc isaiah takes 4 hour naps in the day, so i can go then. but when they are both up, i usually put elliot in the swing. Our living room is baby proof and gated off so Isaiah cant run around the house. If Elliot is very upset, then i take him in the bathroom with me...im not trying to be gross, but sometimes thats what i have to do.

you will find you will become more flexible with time :thumbup: You will have your good days and your bad days, but you'll do fine and i promise it will be easier than you expect (unless your baby is coaliky or something...ive been lucky to have two happy go lucky boys, so i dont know what it would be like with a baby that cries all the time....but thats another reason why babywearing works.

when you go to the store, try to park next to a cart return or keep the stroller in your car. If its not cold or raining or snowing out, then i park next to the cart return, snap isaiah in, and then put on a carrier and babywear elliot. If there arn't carts then i but isaiah in the stroller. I used to wear isaiah and put elliot in the stroller (its a travel system so he could stay in the car seat) but i cant do that bc elliot hates being in his car seat...which sucks on trips :wacko: but otherwise it works out smoothly :D

This all helps because my dh is very into parenting (THANK GOD! you ladies who do this by yourself are strong women in my opinion!) I am a SAHM so i am alone with them for the majority of the day, but when my husband is home he helps out with diapering and bathing and all that jazz.

thats so helpful thank you

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