Thanks, it's definately reassuring to hear that it's not as scary as I'm imaging!
It's the silly things that worry me, like how do you get them both downstairs in the morning, 1 at a time? How do you ever pee,lol, could I trust my lo not to gauge the baby's eyes out! Who do you see to first of they're both crying! How do you bath 2 babies, arrrgggghhhh I'm scared again now!x
Not silly at all! Those were my EXACT feelings. I was so worried about the practicalities of it all.
So DS1 is to the age where he doesn't cry much...but when they have cries at the same time, i have to think fast and decide which one needs my attention more. Most times i will consol my older child first. Simply because i had been given some advice from a wise mother that had 12 children close in age. She said to fill the needs first of the older one and that will cut down on jealousy issues and feeling left out. Plus their needs are usually must faster to tend to. Obviously if they younger one is really really upset, thats a different story, but in general i have followed this advice and she was right! DS1 has ZERO jealousy issues and in fact loves his brother very much.
In the mornings, right now, i bring them down one at a time, unless im babywearing, then i can wear Elliot (my 2 month old), and then i hold Isaiahs hand (19 months) and we walk down the steps together.
For bathing, my husband usually helps, and that is very helpful. I bath Isaiah before bed (or DH does). Then Isaiah goes to sleep and we bath Elliot. Once Elliot gets bigger, we will bath the two together in the tub
Peeing..yeah, i have to admit i dont get to do that too often lol but i do actually get to do it more than i did when Isaiah was young. I am blessed bc isaiah takes 4 hour naps in the day, so i can go then. but when they are both up, i usually put elliot in the swing. Our living room is baby proof and gated off so Isaiah cant run around the house. If Elliot is very upset, then i take him in the bathroom with not trying to be gross, but sometimes thats what i have to do.
you will find you will become more flexible with time
You will have your good days and your bad days, but you'll do fine and i promise it will be easier than you expect (unless your baby is coaliky or something...ive been lucky to have two happy go lucky boys, so i dont know what it would be like with a baby that cries all the time....but thats another reason why babywearing works.
when you go to the store, try to park next to a cart return or keep the stroller in your car. If its not cold or raining or snowing out, then i park next to the cart return, snap isaiah in, and then put on a carrier and babywear elliot. If there arn't carts then i but isaiah in the stroller. I used to wear isaiah and put elliot in the stroller (its a travel system so he could stay in the car seat) but i cant do that bc elliot hates being in his car seat...which sucks on trips
but otherwise it works out smoothly
This all helps because my dh is very into parenting (THANK GOD! you ladies who do this by yourself are strong women in my opinion!) I am a SAHM so i am alone with them for the majority of the day, but when my husband is home he helps out with diapering and bathing and all that jazz.