Oh dear Kelly - I'm sure it will have worked fine!
OH is waiting to have the snip too as we seem to fall pregnant very easily! SO, he said as soon as he turns 30 in May he's booking the op.
angel - are you looking to have 3 close in age then?
mum_erin - have fun in Cardiff!
Hope the weather is better there!
daddiesgift - good luck at your appt!
As for me, still feeling blah - boys kept waking up, so now I have a huge headache, and when our new HV came over the other day (we moved areas), she brought NO information on groups or anything so I'm feeling so down as I can't find anything to do here (used to live here as well!) baby group wise and all the ones I can find you have to pay for which we can't really afford to do at the moment as we need to save up for our deposit for the flat we're going to rent soon! The sure start centre activities are rubbish too - it's mostly for grandparents and childminders.
And to top it all off MIL is really starting to bug me with her telling me how to parent. Last night she took Stephen to bed at 6.55pm because he turned the TV off. I always take Henry to bed at 7pm and when I know he's asleep I'll take Stephen up (usually about half 7). She then put the stair gate across his door - normally I'll put it across the stairs, he'll come out for about 10 mins, throw a bit of a tantrum but go back to bed by himself. Last night, as he couldn't open the door he went hysterical, literally banging on the door, screaming, and when I went up and realised what she had done, he wouldn't let go of me. She's always shouting at him as well for things that he doesn't need to be shouted at for, like splashing in the sink when we're washing up, or because he turned the tv off or we play games with his dummy so I'll take it out of his mouth with my mouth etc etc and she shouted at him because he wanted to play this game with him. We need to get out asap!