'Little Ones Close in Age' ~ Please join us

Sorry ive not been around Girls :flower:

Hi ladies! I'm just lurking right now since I'm at work and found this thread. I'm 24 years old and I have a 13 month old son. I am now 18 weeks pregnant. So my kids will be 18 months apart. Thanks!

Welcome, will add you :flower:

I had my baby boy January 28th :)
It's been quite a long time since I got on!
My babies are 13 months apart

Congrats :baby::cloud9:

Rosalie Victoria born at 19:17 weighing 6lb 12oz


Congrats :baby::cloud9: She looks just like Eva

Zachary arrived at 04:50 this morning, super fast delivery and I'm still in a state of shock. He's gorgeous though and looks so much like Poppy.x

Congrats :baby::cloud9:

Hello can I join you ladies?! I'm pregnant with my 4th... eek! this one and my youngest will be just over 12 months apart in age... double eek!!!

I have 2 boys and a little girl already, would love another girl! :) x

Welcome :wave: Will add you
Welcome to the new ladies!

I was wondering how your little ones did with the new arrival of the new baby. My son will be 15 months old and I think im to that point of worrying about how he is going to be. I just do not believe since he is young he will not care at all or not be effected and I want to make things as smooth as possible.

I take him to play groups now so he can get use to playing with other babies and he does great he never hits, bites, scratches, he is very soft. Just wish he was with us! I know things change month over month but I have no idea how we are going to do this since my son is SOOOO attached to me everyday. And believe me Ive tried to get it to stop but its just not his personality. He has moved BACK into our bed and pretty much will not sleep alone anymore. Plus most times he will just crawl over to me and lay and me and hang out, I have to be holding him for him to nap and once I lay him down he is up about 20 mins later. If I lay down with him he will sleep for hours. How am I going to hold TWO babies all the time! I just keep saying when we move to our new house back stateside in Julyish I will try my best to get him BACK on schedule and back in his room. He was sleeping over night in his room no problem then about three months ago he was FREAKING out being alone in his room.
Hi, can I join you? My ds will be 1 in 3 weeks and I'm 25 weeks pregnant. Tere will be 15 months between them and although I'm super excited about them being close in age I'm starting to worry too, Frazer is up and walking around and into everything and I just don't know how I'm going to cope with a new baby and keeping up with him now eeekkk. It seemed so easy when he was 5 months old haha
welcome chellxx, :wave:

we made some friends today :happydance: we went to a local play area so we could all get out of the house and burn off of some energy and it was great. it was apparent i was a bit lost, so some lovely ladies came up to me and asked if i was okay. i explained we'd just moved here and while we're familiar with the area, i was a bit lost and panicked as i've only been out with Charlie and Ruby alone by myself a few times. they were really nice and invited me to join their picnic - i could have cried! haha yes, im very emotional which i am blaming on my hormones ;) there were 5 of them with 7 children between them and providing the weather is nice we're all going out to the park again tomorrow. i'm so happy to have made some friends and Charlie seemed to have been enjoying himself. they spent about 2 hours cooing over Ruby who was completely oblivious to everything around her but it was a great day had by all! :thumbup:

daddiesgift and chellxx, there's 4 days shy of a 15 month gap between my tiddlywinks and it's great. i was worried about how Charlie would be when we brought Ruby home but he couldn't have been better and is so mesmorised by her even now. for us, routine is and has been essential. i encourage you to get into some kind of routine if you're not already. Charlie has a bath at 7 and is in bed by 8 and it's been this way since he was almost 2 months old. Ruby spent some time in the SCBU when she was born and so our routine was occasionally thrown off schedule due to us being at the hospital but we stuck to it and Charlie was fine. actively involve your LO in the new baby's life and try not to change things too much despite the arrival of the new baby and things should be pretty much plain sailing. also, a new toy as a gift from the new baby appears to be a great help! ;)
I think this time around we'll do presents from the new baby to the boys BECAUSE they'll be a lot older than Stephen was when we had Henry. Erin - what did you get from Ruby to Charlie?

I'm absolutely dying of heartburn today :(
we got him the "im a big brother book" from amazon which we read without fail every night. along with some building blocks (i think they're calling mega blocks? we got them from early learning). nothing expensive or exceptionally exciting, but he loves his building blocks and his "wube book", or for those who aren't familiar with 'Charlie speak' - his Ruby book! we also got Ruby the same teddy Charlie was given at birth only in pink rather than blue, and gave it to Charlie to give to her when we got to go and see her. we didn't give him his presents until she was home and put a lot of emphasis on the fact they were from Ruby - "look at these lovely things Ruby has bought you Charlie! isnt she lovely for doing that?" and it's variations was said so many times when she was brought home! :haha: though of course he had no concept of what we were saying and was mainly interested in eating the building blocks. we took that as a "thanks Ruby!" :haha:

i recommend some toys, building blocks were great as his hand eye coordination has improved and it's helping with his development, along with books as you can never read too much :thumbup:
Okay seriously how do you women do it.. I keep going back and forth about when to start for another.. I have 2, a 3 month old and a 3 year old.. 2 mc's after my daughter was born.. till my son now.. have a way better dr now too..

Just wonder how you all handle more than two so close together.. isnt it hard??
So fed up with being pregnant now. I want to enjoy the sun with my son but it makes me swell up to buggery. Come on Amelia. We're ready for you now xx
so glad i found this group!

may i please join? LO's will be 14-15 months apart, depending on when this one comes (hoping this one won't be 2 weeks late like his/her older brother)...

looking forward to hearing how you ladies do it b/c we're quite nervous about it! :)
Thanks so much for those tips mum_Erin, will deffinatley keep the present thing at the front of my mind that's such a good idea.

We moved to Cyprus in September but things rant working out so have decided to come back to good old blighty so have lots to sort out but Frazer is in a pretty good routine now, bath at 5 bed by 6 so I'm hoping to have him back to that by time baby is here. Things are so lonely out here and there is no other mums my age around so I'm looking forward to things like taking him to the park etc (not fun when it's 50 degrees and their playgrounds are made of metal and have no shade :)

I'm so glad to have found this group and will go back and have a read through once I get the chance x
lilrojo..... some days are easy, some days are hard and I just want to scream. BUT, the older the younger one gets the easier it becomes :) The first 4 months were hardest for us but after that it got a lot easier! :)

Erin _thaaank you :) :)

Kitty - wow! Only 2 days until DD!!! Hope she hurries up for you :)

Welcome fides :)

So.... today at the farm I was looking at Henry's top teeth and he has a huge gap in between them! He has a frigging top lip tie. We both said to the HV when he was born we think something wasn't right because he majorly struggled to latch on to boob, bottles and dummy and she said there was nothing wrong with his mouth. Well guess what there is!!! We have a Drs apptointment on Tuesday for it, but my cousin in law said they won't do anything for it... well I want it snipped, so how can I make the DR refer him to get it snipped? I am so mad because I have been told if she saw it when he was really young they would have snipped it no problem :( And will the gap between his teeth disappear?
welcome fides :wave: my two are 4 days shy of being 15 months apart, it's a great age gap.

chellxx and Charlie - you're welcome! Charlie was pleased as punch with his presents and picks the book every night, which we of course read to him, so the novelty hasn't worn off which is great news because Ruby is staying! :haha: it's hard to believe he's 17 months tomorrow.

how are you all today? we've only been living in Wales since saturday but feels like we've always been here which is strange. we're loving it though and it hasn't been as scary as we initially thought it was going to be. heading back to London for a visit for the jubilee weekend next weekend, which should be a lot of fun by all accounts :thumbup:
Thanks! how do i join the list? I have sophie who is 8 half months and now 5 weeks pregnant x
brill, ta! thinking about all the little scenarios...how do you get 2 of them in the car? shopping? just getting up and ready in the morning, it all seems so much harder! I guess when it happens you just get on with it!x
i can highly recommend a baby carrier! i didn't have one for Charlie but we have one for Ruby and it's a godsend. i can wear her and still do things around the house as i have my hands free and shopping is fairly hassle-free as she's in the carrier and i can sit Charlie in the trolley. you can get a number of carriers but we have a baby bjorn one, i really cant recommend it enough. as for getting them in the car, Charlie is still in his maxi-cosi pebble car seat as he is still small enough to use it. we don't leave their car seats in the car overnight so when we need to go out, get them in their carseats in the house, lock the front door, 'plonk' them both on the car seat bases and we're off! like i said, he's still small enough to use the pebble but im not sure what'll happen when he eventually outgrows it - i'll let you know!
Both ours are in FF facing seats now... so Stephen walks with me to the car and I carry Henry, I open the door for Stephen and he climbs in, and then I put Henry in his. After Henry's all strapped in, i strap Stephen in and voila ready to go! He's been walking to the car with me quite early on, so it's always been 'easy' but sometimes if he was tired, I would bring them both downstairs (Henry in his maxicosi), then, leave the door open, put Stephen in and then come back and get Henry... I could ALWAYS see him from the car so it wasn't like down a driveway or anything.

Shopping .. I'm naughty and leave them in the car whilst I get a double trolley. They've always been shopping with us since birth so they're used to trolleys and now Stephen sometimes walks around and I ask him to pick up items for me.

It is hard at first because you're like "how can I do this" and "What the hell do I do in such and such situation" but once you've adapted it becomes easy and you'll find methods that work for you :)

Do any of u that had mc's think that impacted having them closer together? I had 2 mcs after my dd, she was 1 for the first one, would have been 21 months apart...the gap i wanted wasnt possible and what if it happens again...

just curious... think we will begin ttc the end of the yr
lilrojo..... some days are easy, some days are hard and I just want to scream. BUT, the older the younger one gets the easier it becomes :) The first 4 months were hardest for us but after that it got a lot easier! :)

Erin _thaaank you :) :)

Kitty - wow! Only 2 days until DD!!! Hope she hurries up for you :)

Welcome fides :)

So.... today at the farm I was looking at Henry's top teeth and he has a huge gap in between them! He has a frigging top lip tie. We both said to the HV when he was born we think something wasn't right because he majorly struggled to latch on to boob, bottles and dummy and she said there was nothing wrong with his mouth. Well guess what there is!!! We have a Drs apptointment on Tuesday for it, but my cousin in law said they won't do anything for it... well I want it snipped, so how can I make the DR refer him to get it snipped? I am so mad because I have been told if she saw it when he was really young they would have snipped it no problem :( And will the gap between his teeth disappear?

DS had both tt and lip tie. It took me 8 weeks to convince them to do anything about the tt, asked about the lip tie and was told they won't do anything until it affects the adult teeth coming in :(
We've also noticed he struggles drinking juice, he just can't suck properly and the juice just ends up spilling out. He can use cups but obviously out and about we take beakers. Will that not influence their decision or is it just a thing they go through at that age spitting out drinks?

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