'Little Ones Close in Age' ~ Please join us

between morning sickness, feeling really, really tired from pregnancy, and my almost 7-month-old still constantly needing to be held/entertained/etc, even while he is playing (he gets upset if i try to fold laundry or am not watching him while playing), and still being quite fussy most of the day, i am really worried about how i'm going to do it all day with 2 LO's.

how do you ladies do it?!?!!
Hope all you ladies are doing well! We found out yesterday we will be team :blue: again! We should be moving in less than 62 days! Well in 62 days we HAVE to be there for my husband to report to work so Id say HOPEFULLY in less than 30 days we will be on our way! Im sooo ready! I really need to get my son sleeping back in his own room and bed before the new baby comes. I love him sleeping with us but Id also like my bed back! and I have no idea how we would have TWO babies sleeping with us if the new baby is anything like my son he wont want to be alone. How do you ladies do it. Do your los sleep in different beds in different rooms?
congratulations daddiesgift, another boy! how great :) is his name still going to be Lucas Aiden? yes, Charlie and Ruby have their own rooms. Charlie still sleeps in his cot and Ruby is still in her moses basket, and is usually in her room but occasionally sleeps in our room, still in her moses basket. Charlie has previously slept in our bed for a couple of nights when he was younger and did not take well to being put back in his own bed in his own room, but we persevered (it was hard as he was upset) but now he loves his room and his bed. Ruby spent some time in our room when we first brought her home but does sleep in her own room so we did not have the same issues again. i don't have too much advice i'm afraid, other than to persevere and you'll get there in the end, but ive seen others asking similar questions to you elsewhere on bnb so don't be afraid to ask questions.

fides, it does get easier! i was amazed at how Charlie was simply "fine" with Ruby and completely adores her. i did think that he would be really clingy, possibly regress with some of his 'skills' and abilities (i'd read that sometimes older children who sttn wake up as they are aware the new baby is awake, and things like that) and wouldn't be able to be independent if i was busy with Ruby. if anything, he's actually developed more! he is more than happy enough to play and babble to himself and is so in love with Ruby. you may be surprised, i know i was!

we're off to Spain tomorrow so not sure that i'll be back online today so i will say my goodbyes now and "see" you all in a week :wave:
hey daddies gift my daughe is te same way. sometimes she will sleep in her crib which is in or room n alot of imes she likes to sleep with us.. unfortantly she wll not hae her own room n wil b sleeping in same room as me hubby n baby. luckly we have a huge room. n im hoping by tan she will be sleeping in her own toddler bed!!
Odd question ladies but have any of you been on maternity allowance for two babies one after the other without returning to work?

I received it with DS as I didn't earn enough for SMP nor had a I worked there long enough. I've not returned from maternity leave and have since left the job. But I've enough weeks of being employed and plan to claim my MA as my "earnings".

I've spent ages going through the forms and the government websites and this evening I have even waded through all the relevant legal documents associated with Maternity Allowance and none of it makes it clear if I'll qualify. If I'd been on Statuatory Maternity Pay I'd be fine but not sure about MA. Argh!
Im pretty sure babies name will be Lucas Aiden :winkwink: We have a two bed room now but will be having a three bed room in a month when we move back stateside. My son had no problem at all sleeping in his own room in his own crib for naps and over night, not ever waking up. Then at about 6 months old he would wake up freaking out, I would rock him back to sleep but when I tried to lay him down he would just wake up crying again :nope: Around this time he started crawling and teething and I found out I was pregnant again so I just thought it was that, and since I was so exhausted and ill I let him come sleep with us so we could get some sleep. We moved new babies crib in our room so he could sleep in there and still be close to us but now he has resorted to not sleeping in there besides maybe 1-2 times a week. And since 6 months old (he is 9 now) he wakes up 2-3 times a night. Once or twice to eat or just to whine. Since we are getting ready to move his room is where we are storing everything so he will have to sleep with us till we move back stateside which is fine for now since us going back visiting family he wont have his own room to sleep in and until we get our furniture from here he will have to sleep on a blow up mattress with us. But as soon as we get our stuff Im going to try my HARDEST to get him back in his room and crib. I have no idea what happened :shrug:.

When he was first born I could not let him out of my sight so he slept in a crib in our room for 1st 2 months then he went to his room which I think was better since he stopped waking over night. Im not sure what will happen with this new baby but Im sure I will have him in our room the first month then transition to his own room. I just think if they are in the same room together one crying will wake the other, and I for sure cant fit four people in our bed! Sometimes I worry how it will be since my son is so clingy to me. How will I hold a newborn and him at the same time? I dont want to neglect one for the other. And I joke with Dominic that he has to grow into being a big brother, but I dont want him to have to "grow up" just cause new baby is coming along. Maybe by 15 months old he will a little more independent and we will have the sleeping thing figured out! :dohh:

I have no idea what maternity allowance is but it sounds amazing :haha: Hope you figure it out soon :thumbup:
Hey girls, sorry I've not updated, life's been pretty hectic! Zac's been in hospital having tons of tests on a lump we found on his spine, thankfully it's nothing serum you'd but will be monitored closely.

Poppy turned 1 last Friday so I no longer have 2 under 1, lol!

I'm loving having 2, poppy has taken to Zac so well, I know I'll easily cope with having 2, it's the fact I can't keep my house immaculate, my washing done and dinner always on the table that bugs the life out of me, oh well the kiddies come first of course.

Hope you're all well, I'll try keep up a bit more.x
Sassy - the time to do housework will come in time. Right now just concentrate on yourself and your babies :) Poor Zac!! What did the hospital say it was?
:growlmad: the last few days I have wanted to strangle my husband!! And some of the things he says has been hurting my feelings and making me feel bad about myself, I thought I was over this stage. Last night in bed I said "I really need to stop giving DOminic crackers not in his high chair, I just walked in living room and stepped on a million pieces" he had had crackers the hour before we headed to bed so I did not clean it up and my husband says "yeah, it is pretty disgusting in here, tomorrow Im going to help you clean" :growlmad: WHAT! You inconsiderate ass! He has NEVER never ever cleaned our house EVER. Not even as a gift to me.. EVER!! I know im a stay at home mom and this is my "job" but when I worked and went to school, only spending 10 hours a day at home he still never cooked a meal or cleaned the house, so it hurt my feelings for him to say the house was disgusting! I woke up this morning thinking I missed something..but no the house is totally clean, maybe not spotless but not dirty..only the cracker crumbs. He comes home from work for breakfast and he didnt understand what I said and said "yeah we do need someone to come and clean this house" WTH!! I have no idea where this is coming from and the dang house is not even dirty!!

So I told him "You know I am expected to pay the bill, grocery shop, get dressed up/made up everyday, clean the house, make the meals, watch the baby, take care of myself and new baby im pregnant with, so if you could not bitch about the things I might miss somedays that would be great" and he LAUGHS. Im so glad he is at work now! He even compared me to his MOTHER yesterday.

And if he thinks this is going to put some pep in my step he is wrong cause now Im just going to sit here in my pjs today and do NOTHING. :growlmad:
between morning sickness, feeling really, really tired from pregnancy, and my almost 7-month-old still constantly needing to be held/entertained/etc, even while he is playing (he gets upset if i try to fold laundry or am not watching him while playing), and still being quite fussy most of the day, i am really worried about how i'm going to do it all day with 2 LO's.

how do you ladies do it?!?!!

I think you will have roughly the same age gap as me, 14/15 months?

It was extremely hard during pregnancy. My dd was still needing lots of attention, carried everywhere etc and it was hard going. As I got bigger though she was walking and things got a little easier and as she began to play on her own as well it made life easier. I was still working so she went to a childminder 3 days. This helped with her social skills and not being completely attached to me so I could let her play alone for a while.

The first few weeks after having my ds I was in bits. I was wracked with guilt that I wasnt getting time with my daughter. However it gets MUCH easier. Your 2nd lo will just slot into your life and you will wonder what you done before they were there! My ds is now almost 5 months and although life is hectic and my hair is a little greyer, it's great fun and you will love it.

^^ your post made me feel so much better too. I've been feeling terribly guilty, suppose that's normal.x
Daddies gift - Wow men really don't think do they, don't doubt yourself you're clearly doing an amazing job keeping on top if everything, especially being pregnant! I'd call his bluff and make him stay at home all day with your lo while you go out, I bet you wouldn't come home to a clean tidy house etc!

Better still you could have out the cracker crumbs on his side of the bed :rofl:
hey daddiesgift what u said about u r son waking up in middle of the night is the same exact thing im going thru with my daughter. we have recently started to try a big n when i say big i mean big bowl of the baby rice with a jar of fruit at somewhere between 8 and 8:30pm.. and at 9 she gets he night night bottle.. 8oz bottle. 4 scoops of formula (of course) and two full scoops of rice. sometimes she eats it all some times she leaves 2 ozs in bottle. But to the point she is sleeping alot better but she still has the occisional nights were she wakes up. my daughter is also very clingy to me. the only thing different is my daughter sleeps in our room since birth (and yes i give in and let her sleep with us too lol) and will still be in oour room with us when new baby comes unless we move out of my moms house before baby is born. we live in a 4 bedroom house n all rooms are taken (but i love being so close to my mom and DH loves it to as we r a very close family) so 1 room is my moms/step dads, 1 room is my gramma/her bf, 1 room is my step daughters room, and that there is mine/dh/ellas/new babys room)our room is huge and plenty of room used to be a garage)...

well i guess i should end my paragraph here as ill just keep typing lol
Thanks, I talked to my husband and of course I had it all wrong and took what he said the wrong way..blah blah. Pretty sure I added no words to what he said so not sure how I took that the wrong way. He said he just realizes that with me being pregnant and taking care of Dominic that he needs to help more...mmm hmm we will see

My son has had rice in his bottles since 4 months old? Because he had such HORRIBLE reflux since birth but around 6 months it got better, we still add the cereal though.
Hello ladies.

Well Amelia Rose finally arrived, 9 days late and she's now 9 days old... so I can officialy join you now. Fin is 20 months. These are my babies.

Look forward to geting to know you all. :wave: I'm Jemma, 28, married, SAHM running a cupcake business from home. This is my last baby.

We're all settling in well, Amelia is sleeping pretty well and Fin has taken to her brilliantly :cloud9:

So, a few questions.
  1. When do things get more difficult? Hubby is home right now but I've been making a point of doing mornings (6am-10am) and evenings (inc Fin's dinner and bath/bed routine) by myself so far to prepare for when he goes back and at the moment I'm pretty well slept, managing to keep on top of the housework each morning and on top of the washing too. I know it can't stay like this so wonder when I can really expect the whirlwind to hit? Don't hold back... knowledge is power in my eyes haha.
  2. Where do you put baby in the day? I'm keen to get her down for tummy time and a bit of freedom on her mat asap but don't want to really cage her off... but at the same time I'm worried about Fin tripping onto her or just walking all over her. Tips welcome.
  3. What do you find easiest at bathtime? Do you bath the eldest and then the newest once your biggie is in bed or newborn first/same time etc?

Congrats kitty, your babies are gorgeous.

Good questions.

My hubby's not gone back to work yet so I can't offer much advice! I'm already finding little things that make our lives easier, like before bed I get everyone's clothes out ready for the next day! I get up an hour earlier than my eldest to get Brekkie ready, myself washed and dressed and I prep her lunch also!
I've put a travel cot in the lounge and I've found it invaluable, Zac can have tummy time, sleep in his bouncer, sit in his swing without me worrying where Poppy is. If I'm sitting in the same room constantly I'll put Zac on the floor with us do he's not always in there! Plus I've put poppy in there a few times when I'm loading the million bags in the car as she try's to run outside and it's impossible to keep an eye on her constantly whilst I'm trying to get things done.

I plan to bath Zac after Poppy until he's a but bigger, then I'll bath them together!x
Hi Kitty :)
It got really hard for us when Hayden got to about 3 weeks and silent reflux took hold... I was about ready to hand him back to the hospital!
Luckily he is over it now but it a hungry wee soul, he was 16,5 at 12 weeks... So he is still waking for a night feed(s)!
Definitely look everything out the night before, have nappy bag packed if going out etc. get your oh to help as much as he can in the morning as everyone needs fed and dressed! Also make sure you get a quick shower otherwise you probably won't manage to fit one in for the rest of the day!
We bath them both together, luckily my OH works round the corner so is only out 8:20-12, home for lunch then back at work 1-5:15 so I'm very lucky!
If I'm feeding Hayden about 11, I always make Tabitha a sandwich (or any easy finger food) so I can just give her that and continue feeding Hayden.
Get used to letting Millie cry sometimes, if Tabitha has pooed I have to change her ASAP so I just have to let Hayden rage... It's a lot quicker (in my case) to settle the toddler first!
Have a handy supply of toddler crisps, brill for when Tabitha was getting a bit grumpy but I had to feed, settle Hayden.
Disney Junior is our new best friend!
That's all for now, both have pooed at the same time!
Oh, we walk every morning, usually to Tesco which is a 5 mile round trip. Brill for getting them both to have a wee nap and fab for helping shift the baby weight. I'm in pre-preg jeans but still a little squidgy!

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