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'Little Ones Close in Age' ~ Please join us

Kittey, my 10 month old took over 2 years to conceive so we decided to just ntnp when my periods came back (exclusively breast feeding 4 months post partum they returned). I had 5 periods and then a :bfp:!

18 months was always my ideal age gap but I didn't think we had a chance with how long DD took. Well they'll be 17 months apart! I have no idea the reactions we'd have gotten if there was only 12-13 months between them but we wouldn't have minded. But we've had m
Nothing but positive comments from people. We started telling people virtually as soon as we knew.
I have gotten one period so far...so it's gonna be a guessing came as to when to test for pregnancy. My last period was September 20th, 2012...and I have very irregular periods...hopefully they come back regular soon.

I guess it will just be a very BIG surprise when we do fall pregnant...especially to see those 2 pink lines ;)
Just take a test every month. Or every week or two if you have cheapies :)
That's exactly what I will do. :) I got my period today so on to my 1st cycle!! I had a period average of 36 days with my last pregnancy...so I will be doing 36 days with this one as well. :) I would rather find out a little later in my pregnancy that I am...we found out when I was almost 4 weeks....we went in for bleeding and very bad cramping...and we found out that we were pregnant :)
Kittey, I got really broody for another baby when my girl was around 4 months old. DH and I decided not to wait long to start TTC#2 because it took us a year and a half to get DD. We started TTC when I was done pumping breastmilk for DD (supply totally dried up just before she turned 6 months -- 2 weeks after my first PP period). We decided to do what ended up working for us the first time, so it was temping, opks, and preseed (the last one being the real hero of the trio). Lo and behold got 2 pink lines on the first try! Awaiting little sister's arrival any time in the next 2-3 weeks!
Well thank you for all your input everyone. Hubby and I have decided to wait until January 2014. I will be going on birth control until January 2014. :( he asked me if we wanted to buy a house...since we are in the financial thing where we could afford one...and so instead of trying for a baby...we are going to look at a 5 bedroom house with two bathrooms, a full basement and a huge fenced in yard :) plus we are going on our honeymoon January 2014...so it's good and I have high hopes....I have faith that we will have another baby one day ;)
That sounds like a wonderful plan too! My biological clock just wouldn't have allowed waiting that long! It's great though that you'll have a great big house with a nice yard for the little ones to play in! Way to think ahead! Enjoy all the mommy time and attention you get to lavish on little Gavin now! :hugs:
Congrats (again) Charlie!! :) I can't wait to join you in life with a newborn land. ;)
Congratulations Charlie!
I'll post my birth story here?

So on the 8th, I decided to take the boys for a long walk along the river. However, I felt no different except a lot of pressure on my cervix and some plug. I left most of the cleaning as I said to OH 'she's not coming anytime soon' ... haha!

Woke up at 1am with a contraction but wasn't unusual, went to pee, came back and messaged my friend saying how crampy I was, and it felt weird to pee. Fell back asleep and woke up at 4am with bad pressure and contractions. OH ran me a bath and they were coming every 5 minutes - so knew it was the real deal this time. In-laws came over, and FIL dropped us off at the hospital at 6.30am.

She checked all the boring stuff i.e. BP, urine, pulse etc and asked if I wanted an internal. I said yeah just to see where we're at etc. Cervix was closed. Possibly a fingertip and she said she would normally send women home but, as it was a 3rd baby she wanted to monitor it, as they are "notorious for stop start labours and then going BOOM". She said she recommended Oramorph which would either stop the contractions or progress labour further. So I took that and contractions were still every 4-6 minutes. By 9am, I asked for a birthing ball and leant my front on it and rocked back and forth to put as much pressure on my cervix as possible to try and dilate it. 11.30am my new midwife came in (funnily enough it was the stand in midwife we saw on Tuesday!!), and asked how I was doing, whether to do another internal etc. She checked me and said maybe 2cms ... and got another midwife to double check - she said I was 3cms, very stretchy and performed a sweep and moved my cervix forward. All I can say is OW!!!!!

I was finally allowed G&A and used that whilst rocking on the ball, contractions were evert 2 minutes and lasting a long time, so decided to give up with the ball and lie on my left side. By 1.30pm I was getting an insane pressure down there and I needed to push. Another internal and I was 7cms with bulging membranes. I begged for stronger pain relief but they said no as they decided it was going to happen any time soon, so the midwife and her assistant stayed in with me until the end rther than leaving me too it. By 2.10pm I couldn't take it anymore - was begging them to just break my waters. She said they wouldn't unless absolutely necessary. Anyways, my contractions stopped by 2.15pm and my body took over and just started pushing her out (waters intact). They couldn't believe how quickly it was happening and as she started to crown they broke my waters to sort of 'lube' it all up for the final push. Didn't even have time to do the pant thing, her head just came out and then all of a sudden I heard a pop noise and the rest of her flew out into the bed. She came out so fast her head didn't have time to mold into shape haha and she was born at 14.23pm.

Midwife suggested we let the cord finish pulsing before OH cut it, so we did and then she let him cut it and gave me the injection to deliver the placenta. That felt weird! No stitches or tears and her head was 36.5cm!!!! She weighed 8lbs 15ozs :)

She seems like such a happy content baby so far :)
congratulations charlie! hope you are recovering well x
how are your afterpains? i found them almost unbearable, hope yours aren't so bad.
Wow Charlie I loved reading your story, so so happy for you!

God I want another one now, all your fault!x
Well we did not get the house. :( so hubby decided we should try for a baby up until we get our plane tickets for our honeymoon. So we will be trying until October 2013...then if we don't get pregnant before that...we are waiting until January 2014 to start again...since we are going on our honeymoon in January.

I am a little bit scared about being pregnant again, but I know all the joy will come back once I tell everyone I am (once I get pregnant). I will be taking a test December 24th (Christmas Eve :) ) that's if I don't get my period sooner. At that time, I would be about 5 weeks (maybe :) ) so I hope I can keep posting on this thread. Hopefully when I do get pregnant, you guys all will give me some guidance on everything. It's scary in a way...little guy turns 1 on July 28th...so he will only be about 13 months...that's a big IF I get pregnant this cycle. We aren't really going to try though...just kind of do our thing...and see if I get my period before December 24th :)
Hi ladies hope all is well! I'm still pregnant, two weeks till due date!! Some days I'm ready others not! Back to feeling guilty and nervous for my son :nope: guess we will just wait and see.

Have any of you co slept with two babies. We've given up on my boy sleeping alone so we "side car" his crib to our bed. Also I'm going to try and breast feed and pump at home but worried how that will work with a 15 month old that's very mommy clingy.

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