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'Little Ones Close in Age' ~ Please join us

daddiesgift - I moved my toddler to her own cot next to my bed a few weeks before i was due and she was sleeping well in it but since the baby was born she has been back in bed with us on and off. Four in a bed is too squashy for us. plus she is rough and keeps kicking me in the back! From left to right we sleep; dad, toddler, mum, baby. Once toddler is adjusted I want her back in the cot.
Ladies, I am in desperate need of help, my boys are just constantly fighting, the instigator believe it or not is Blake the youngest! always has to dig Kaleb as he walks past, as soon as Kaleb gets in from school at 12 it starts, he just stands there saying Mummy Blake has hit me, mummy Blake has done this, we have tried time out, ignoring even tapping his hand when he really hurts Kaleb, I am at a loss and feeling like a really rubbish Mum xxx
Thanks ladies :) Hard to believe she's 10 days old! It's the first time I've managed to breast feed for longer than a week :) (Feel a bit guilty for the boys over that). She's amazing, she hardly crys, sleeps really well (we co-sleep at the moment) .. and only wakes at about 2 and 5 for a feed - that's manageable! She doesn't seem to have got reflux yet like Henry did .... so for me that's a huge bonus knowing she isn't suffering - fingers crossed it stays this way!!!! She was born at 8lbs 15ozs and dropped to 8lbs 3ozs but is now steadily gaining and is 8lbs 5ozs :)

The boys have taken to her really well too! Stephen is always trying to help me and I left her on my bed this morning (in the middle!), came back from the toilet and Stephen was lying next to her singing 'twinkle twinkle little star'. He 'reads' his books to her too - okay he just tells her what the pictures are but it's so cute <3 He also tells people she is 'his baby Phoebe' and told the midwife off for weighing her and making her cry :haha: Henry is a bit more boisterous around her so we do have to watch him, otherwise he thinks he's stroking her but really he's poking her eyes or hitting her head :dohh:

How is everyone else doing?? Kelly are you all settled yet? :)
Hey guys im brandi. I have a 2 year old and a 7 week old. The first 4 weeks were the worst for me so far. With Onyx clusterfeeding like 14 hours a day, and my 2 year old waking up either multiple times a night, or for hours in the middle of the night, it was ridiculous. But now Emerald's sleeping seems to be regulating again, we've got a good routine at night now. Onyx cosleeps with us and when DH wakes up at 3 for work, I change Onyx. (because he feeds whenever during the night). Then again at about 6 or 7 I change him. And Emerald is either sleeping with us after 4am, or she wakes up at around 8-9am.

So its getting better. Babywearing has helped a lot too.
Just popping in to say hi my baby girl turned one today I only have 33 days left to meet my other baby girl
Ladies, I am in desperate need of help, my boys are just constantly fighting, the instigator believe it or not is Blake the youngest! always has to dig Kaleb as he walks past, as soon as Kaleb gets in from school at 12 it starts, he just stands there saying Mummy Blake has hit me, mummy Blake has done this, we have tried time out, ignoring even tapping his hand when he really hurts Kaleb, I am at a loss and feeling like a really rubbish Mum xxx

I ignore my boys when they fight and leave them to it (unless they start to really hurt one another/it gets dangerous i.e. near a table etC). Then, I remove one to one time out spot and the other goes to another spot. Sorry, I'm not much help :shrug: BUT you are not a rubbish mum - it's not you that gets them fighting.
I have a son who is five months old and I'm pregnant again
Guess I should mention... Had my girl 10 days ago. She is so precious. Already growing. Had her first ped appointment at one week and was 3 oz over birth weight and already grown 1/2 an inch!

Have a lot of help here right now from my husband and MIL. A little nervous that in a few weeks I'll be on my own with two babies, but I know I can handle it!


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^^ congratulations, she is just precious! Enjoy the help whilst it's there but you'll be fine once you have to go it alone, we've all done it avd come through the other side! Those first 3 months are hard but they go so quickly and then it'll be a breeze I promise you.

How's everyone else?? My 2 are growing so quickly it's scary, Zacs 6 months now, he such a happy baby, from the start we had with him being soooo unhappy and extremely hard work we never thought he'd turn into such a chilled lil boy, he's been sitting up since 4.5 months and poppy has paid him so much more attention since, she brings him toys, feed him a bottle, cuddles and kisses him all the time, and wants to sit next to him to watch tv, they're so frigging cute together it's untrue!! Weaning is going well, I'm doing a mixture of Blw and tw, he's still lacto intolarent do that's annoying but I'm hoping he'll grow out of it!
Poppy's so grown up now it's untrue, and such an independent lil moo, my mum laughs that I'm getting pay Back as apparently it's just how I was, she knows exactly what she wants and has an extremely strong head on her lil shoulders! She likes to do everything by herself and rarely accepts mummys help, eating, dressing, putting shoes on, brushing her hair, and now she's started to potty train all by herself, she's so amazing it's untrue! Her talking is so advanced now and she's now putting 5 words sentances together! One proud mumma!

Anyway enough about me, oh just one last thing, no3 is on the cards!! :wacko:
:hi: mistylee and congrats! :)

She's gorgeous bookity!!! Loving the babygro in the second pic :)

Sassy - No 3!! wooooo hooo!!! What changed your minds? Poppy has hit the terrible 2's early then? hehe!

AFM - all good here ... just struggling a bit as she constantly wants to feed and, she either sleeps really well with one wake up or sits there struggling with wind and is up until god knows what time! Last night was a difficult one - OH woke her up after hours of her being unsettled at about half 12 and she wouldn't sleep until 5ish!!! grrrrrrr.

I was wondering if any of you had any advice on how to move her to her moses basket from my bed? AND, how can I get her to take a dummy?? I think she's using me as a dummy :-/
Well the ONLY reason we ruled out number 3 is because my last pregnancies were soooo hard but it's only 9 months? Think
I've forgot how hard it was I think! Our families will hit the roof if I was pregnant, it's a hard situation!!

No advice really, I let Zac sleep in with me too much in the early days! He did use me as a dummy too and I just offered him a dummy 24/7 and he soon took it! Also used ebm for feeding through the night after 2 weeks to try and stop the comfort suckling!
Idk I have let my son on demand feed and he's clusterfed for up to 10 hours straight before (around 2-4 weeks), and he's slept with me every night since his birth (he's 8 weeks) come to find out that along with clusterfeeding my supply was low so he was feeding so frequently to keep up with his hunger, and was still steadily gaining weight. I couldnt imagine sleeping away from him at this point lol. But no advice for the pacifier as mine refuses to take one lol.
Peeking in, I haven't been on the site in forever!! Congratulations on all of the new arrivals :flower:
Been a while since I've been in here too. Life with a not quite three year old and two not quite one year olds has been surprisingly smooth. :shrug: Andrew is fully potty trained and my girls are such busy crawling, climbing babbling little things :cloud9: They ave such a cool twin bond. I love watching them play together. I've started planning their triple birthday party even though its not until January. :haha:
Lovely to hear from your apple, glad the bubs are doing well! Nothing wrong with party planning, I've booked my bubs for June already :rofl:

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