'Little Ones Close in Age' ~ Please join us

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I have a DD & DS will 16 month age gap and this baby and DS will have 21 month between them so a 3, 1 and a newborn! Eeek!
Hi everyone!

Congrats Gossipgirly! You are a brave one indeed :haha:

Today I told my husband to pick up my birth control, he came home and said he decided I didn't need to take it anymore "religious" reasons. I about died! This is something we've been struggling with but then he said "kidding its on the counter". Whew! I almost had a heart attack lol
havnt been on in months so thought i should update that im expecting baby #3 :) x
So how do you all do it?
How do you carry around a toddler when you have a huge belly? How do you change diapers with morning sickness? How do you deal with a jealous toddler?
How do you handle feelings of guilt when you are pregnant and feel like you don't even know your toddler's personality yet? I feel like he is just becoming his own little person and I am going to miss so much of his growing up because I will be consumed with the new baby.

Don't get me wrong. I am absolutely THRILLED to be expecting. We wanted this so much! But I feel like this is a good place to vent my concerns that, while not all-consuming, are very real.
You just cope because you have no choice. You take each day as it comes and try not to go mad by getting out and much as possible. It's hard but you lie in bed and can't believe you survived another day! Hahaha sorry! X
It's hard that's for sure. But you learn to cope. My son was 5 months old when I got pregnant so it wasn't too bad he wasn't running around yet. He was 15 months when baby brother was born. He went through stages of loving brother, then not wanting him around, now they love each other again. When I went into labor I cried and cried because I felt it wasn't fair to #1. But now I love seeing them interact with each other and I don't feel #1 is jealous at all. I take time to spend with each of them. Even if its just taking my toddler to grocery store me and him ill make a big deal of it and get him a little treat for "mommy Domi day". With #2 I try my best to get cuddles in before bedtime, during night feeds and in morning before everyone wakes up. I feel bad for baby sometimes as I'm just not able to hold him and play with him as much as I could when #1 was a baby.
Congratulations everyone. My girls are 13 months and 3 days apart. And I love every minute. Dd1 was never jealous. Since day one she kissed her and let us now by coming up to who had the baby and making kissing sounds. And now that dd2 is a look older when big sissy gives her kisses she smiles and coos at her. I find it alot easier than people say it is. I would definitely do it again if I could. But we r waiting four or five years. And hopefully we r in a good place Cuz I want to do two close in age again.
You just do it because you have to, which i know sounds like a cop out reason, but it's very true. With the getting sick and changing diapers...thats tough some days, especially with having HG and two kiddos diapers to change, but it cant be done. The biggest thing is make sure you take care of yourself, especially if it gets bad. Sometimes my kids might have to be in a wet diaper for a couple more minutes so i can go yack and get it out of my system. Then i get to them as quickly as possible. It might sound horrible, but its even more horrible if you throw up on them :lol:

I also get tired a lot more this pregnancy. I was never one of those mothers that fancied using TV as entertainment, but im in survival mode, so it wasn't uncommon to baby gate them into the living room while im in there with them and rest on the couch. It was a necessity (that was a tough lesson to learn). But they are fine. You just have to do what you have to do and remember this isn't long term. It will come to pass.

As for jealousy, we havn't really had that issue, you may not experience that (or you could, its hard to predict), but for us, Isaiah was so young when Elliot was born, that is the norm. He doesn't know any different. There is hardly ever any jealousy issues. Every once in a while he gets territorial with his toys and stuff, but other than that no problems. They get along very well. Just make sure you are making time for the older kids. And make it a positive experience. Dont beat yourself up when you cant be the perfect mom. We just do the best that we can. The best way to deal with jealousy is to prevent in the first place, so make sure you are being extra diligent with the older kids and giving them positive attention. It will probably work in your favor to have them close together as far as jealousy is concerned. Dont think it wont ever happen, it will. but it wont be as often as you would think bc your current LO wouldn't know much different.

Guilt...hmm that one i struggled with A LOT when i was pregnant with DS2. I was so worried. i felt so bad for DS1, I was just a mess of guilt. And im not going to say it goes away as soon as you give birth, it may, but for me that wasn't the case. It took a couple of months. But once i got into things and being a mom to both, the guilt just melted away and now i cant imagine life without DS2. This time around i dont feel guilty at all. I do worry about how DS2 will react (he is a high needs baby) but otherwise im not guilt ridden. I know we will get through it and i know in the long run its going to be a good thing for all family members, but we just have to work through the mountains and valleys and then it will fall into place.
Everyone else has pretty much already said it all...but I will address your first concern. Oh, and I am right there with you really. Things have been going great here, but DH is still on leave. I am terrified of him going back...but I'll manage :)

I was concerned about carrying around a toddler with a belly, but when the time came it was actually a non-issue. I never even thought about it...mostly he was propped on top of my bump, which I thought would be uncomfortable, but actually wasnt. Or on my hip. You could also still do back carries :)
Who has two (or will have two) in cloth diapers?
I'm trying to decide if we will cd from birth with the next one or not.
With Samuel, we started when he was a few months old because I had heard that one-size diapers don't usually fit newborns very well.
This time, I'd sort of like to do cloth from birth, but that means buying a whole stash of newborn diapers and then probably a bunch more one-size. (We have a few more than what we need for Sam but not a lot.)
I'm just thinking about the cost... Not sure we'd even want to sell the nb stash because we'd want it for #4, should we be blessed again.

Opinions? Experience? Advice? :)
We will have three in CDs (really hoping DS1 gets potty trained before that but months of effort has led to zilch :roll:). Anywho, there will for sure be two in CDs, but possily three. It's really not so bad at all, having two in CDs. Up until this baby, we have only used one size and the boys did fine, even as wee little guys. The only thing i dont recommend is using CDs whilist there is meconium. That stuff is HARD to get off. We are just going to use 'sposies until all the mec is all out, then go to CDs, but they have to be CDs that dont go too high near the bellybutton bc of the cord (you could always wait until the cord falls off too). Other than that we've always used CDs and have had few issues. We have a variety of OS brands, but the FuzziBunz has been the best simply bc there is an elastic adjustment in the legs and waist. That has been important with us bc in our other CDs that didn't have that adjustment, usually the legs were too big and that is when a leak could potentially happen. But with the FBs you can adjust. It may take some trial and error, but once you get a good fit they rarely leak.

With that said, this time around we decided to get sized diapers for Macy. (and oh my stinkin gosh are those XS the cutest freaking things on the planet! lol). We got some XS, S, and Mediums. I was really surprised at how much bigger the Smalls are compared to the extra smalls, and even more surprised at how big the Mediums were compared to our one size diapers. If i had to do it over again, i probably would have invested in some XS and Smalls, and only very few (if any) mediums. (at least when it came to the brands that we bought). The Mediums are similar to the one size, except the thing is you cant adjust the thigh elastics bc they dont have any. So i would say for that size the OS would be a slightly better deal, but who knows, maybe i will eat my words since i havn't actually used them yet. I did read a lot of reviews of ppl saying that they didn't ever need Larges bc of the size of the Ms. So i would say if you intend on getting all sizes, i would suggest holding out on the Large. Theres a good chance you may not even need them. I have not personally bought them for this reason.

If you are worried about the logistics of two in CDs, fear not! Its' really not much different than having one in CDs. Granted we run an extra load each week, we had to get another kitchen size trash and wet bag, but otherwise it's really all the same. And depending on what your washer is like you may not have to do a second load. We have a super large washer but we stupidly invested in a HE one and so there is less water (less water and lots of poopy/pee diapers dont mix well!) So we have to do smaller loads, which means more loads (bc there are two) but really i would say it's only increased by a load or two every week and a half, or so.
There is an "in between" option. There are a few brands that i love that have two size levels. Size 1 fits from a wee little baby to about 4ish months (depending on the size of your baby). And then the next size is size 2. Which supposidly fits from about 4-5 months until they are out of diapers, occassionally some larger childrens need to go the size "large" in these brands, but i think overall they dont have to (dont know from experience though). The two brands i really like (ive gotten samples for when they are little, but once they were grown out of i never got the larger size, i did get a few this time bc they work so well). The first is the Mother Ease Sandys fitteds. They work excellent. I really loved it and wanted more last time around. Their sizes would be small (equivalent to size 1) and then there is the size large (equivalent to the size 2). They also offer a newborn size (equivalent to XS) as well as the "Toddle-ease" (equivalent to XLs). The vast majority of babies will do fine with the Small and the Large and not need the other two, but if you do need the other two its a nice option. In all seriousness i think this was one of the best leak proof diapers i have ever used. They aren't as cute as some other ones but as far as leaks goes these are probably the best IMO.

The other "in between" option is the Thirsties Duo Pocket Diaper. They work really well too. They have the size 1 and the size 2. They say the size one fits 0-9 months but with DS2 it only worked until 6ish months. Then he would have needed to go up in size (we didn't go up in size bc that one was a sample so i didn't have any to do so). They work great.

these types of diapers are more fitted, in size, than say the one size, but they last longer than going XS, S, M, L. depending on the child and the fit.
Ooh, gup, I was hoping you'd weigh in!!
I had forgotten about the size 1&2 ones... I've heard good things about the motherease ones...
I sort of want to use cloth as soon as we leave the hospital this time... I think it would just feel weird to use disposables since we haven't in so long!
As for laundry, that's no big deal... Our diapers don't fill our washer... We will need a bigger pail, though, for sure!
Both my boys are cd. They wear same size diapers now just different rise snaps. My youngest was born 8#13ozs so he fit in one size diapers almost right away. We used prefolds and covers for him till about a month old when we just went to os diapers. It's not hard at all. I recommend buying several diapers though as you don't want to have to wash every other day. We mostly use Alva, Sunbaby,kawaii and fuzzibunz. When they were newborns it was mostly thirsties covers, osocozy prefolds, fuzzibunz elite one size and kawaii pure and naturals.
Hello *wave* just checking in to say hello, I think I am on the big list on the home page but as you can see from my ticker I will be having 3 close in age! Baby boy no 2 due 30th August. Pretty please can you add me :flower: xxx
Haha I just realized, DH will have to change and wash Samuel's diapers while I am in the hospital with our third!! :rofl: That's gonna be funny. Too bad I won't get to see it! :haha:

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