We take them both upstairs at 5:45, OH bathes Hayden (youngest) I take Tabitha into the shower. We both wash and pj our respective children and take them back down about 6:15. Night garden goes on cbeebies, this is a very important step lol!
Hayden has porridge and toast, then one of us takes him up about 6:45.
Tabitha has cereal and pancake and milk, then one of us take her up about 7:15.
If I'm on my own, I'd bath together, then change the youngest in the bathroom while the eldest stays in bath, then plonk youngest in cot and dress eldest, get them both downstairs. Supper for both, Occupy the eldest with crayons while I take youngest up, luckily Hayden drinks a bottle, I plonk him down awake and he self settles like a dream.
DD is happy downstairs on her own, as long as she has tv, snack and something to do