London TTC buddies chat thread

:hugs::hi: everyone

SophieBee - great news that you got lots of ewcm - I know for me I tend to feel a lot more hopeful when this happens. I personally think it's a good idea to BD when you get the ewcm, surely it's your body's way of saying it's ready and the right environment has been created for the little swimmers to survive! :spermy: - I actually read somewhere that it can actually be 2-3 days before you get a positive OPK reading that you're more likely to get a BFP because sometimes the LH surge can take a while to get to your urine, so let's hope you BD-d at the right time to catch that egg!! :thumbup: - Good luck with the 2WW and trying to distract yourself - If you manage to do it successfully please let me know your secret because I'm normally obsessing like crazy during the 2WW! Actually, last month strangely I wasn't so obsessive, maybe something to do with the acupuncture.

So far so good with the no alcohol but it's only been 2 days!!! My OH and I went for a long walk today too and are planning to go to the gym tomorrow. I know what you mean about clothes not fitting as well as you'd like to. I had to buy some new jeans recently because I couldn't get into any of the pairs I had. I think since starting TTC I've put on about 3/4 of a stone and keep thinking that my BFP will come soon so there's no point doing anything about it. Now I'm thinking I'd like to feel healthier and have more energy and just be putting less toxins in my body so hopefully all of this will help me get the BFP!!!
Ooh, we've been moved to a new forum section...

Perhaps you're right Leeze, about BD-ing when the ewcm starts to show. Let's hope so anyway :thumbup:
Completely failing so far at distraction techniques - despite it being faaaar too early for anything to be happening anyway. I suppose if you look on the positive side of it, it does make you much more aware of your body and the changes that happen over the month. Even if it does drive you mad for two weeks :dohh:

It's back to work tomorrow and will be a busy couple of weeks, so I expect that will keep me distracted during the day at least. And the mother-in-law is coming for a visit at the weekend, so plenty to occupy my mind then...
oh, that's funny - I wonder why we got moved??

Fingers crossed for you for this month, let's hope you get some good positive symptoms over the next couple of weeks!! I'm expecting to O around Saturday or Sunday next weekend, so we've started the every 2 days BDing yesterday to hope we catch that egg this month!! A late September/early October baby would be lovely, I reckon!! :happydance:

I had to go to work a couple of days last week which was a bit of a bummer, but at least it won't be so strange going back tomorrow!

Oh, and I finally told my Mum we're TTC, because she raised the subject. She didn't ask too much about it (that's her way really) but just asked me if there was a chance there might be a pitter patter of tiny feet on the horizon! I told her we had our fingers crossed for it and she said that was lovely! I'm glad I've told her but I'm hoping this doesn't mean she'll start asking about it all the time, I'd still rather talk to her about it when there's good news.

So, the mother-in-law is coming to visit? Do you get on ok? My OH's Mum is a sweetheart. She's 86 and still full of life and got a real twinkle in her eye! I'm glad we get on because my Mum doesn't really get on with my sister-in-law and I think this is a real shame.

I saw CBFM in Superdrug today for £29.99 - I was gutted because I paid about £60 for mine!! Never mind, hopefully it will be money well spent! I really like how it tells you the high days as well as the peak days so I reckon it's worth it.

I'm feeling generally much more positive today, I think that getting a few nights with really good sleep helps plus I reckon I always feel more positive as I get nearer to O! 2011 will be our year for BFPs - I'm pretty sure of that!!! :hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies,

Hope you all had a fantastic christmas and new year.Sophie and Leeze am jealous of your breaks away, sound lovely.

Sophie very glad your cycle is behaving this month!Leeze, glad you were able to tell your Mum about's hard deciding whether to tell others isn't it, wanting to share but not wanting to be asked about it on the rubbishy days!

I tried to give myself a little bit of distance from the forums etc over past few weeks.Just wanted a break from stresshead obssessing this cycle.Anyway, sitting in work this afternoon and felt the very unwelcome af back to being little miss obssessed ths cycle.Trying to stay positive and you girls less alcohol, healthy food, exercise and sticking with my temping and opking.Am getting so scared though moving onto month 7.All my friends are freakishly fertile myrtles and were knocked up prctically straight away.I prepared myself for it taking a while and
happy to wait for the prize...just can't shake the fear it may never happen!Hopefully I will be back in a few days post pmt with renewed pma!

Hope all you London girls are surviving the post Christmas blues!

Leeze, how do you find your monitor thingy.I am charting whhich is going ok...wondering whther to get one of these too...need a new obsession!
Hi all :flower:

Welcome back Clanger - totally know what you mean about needing to take a break from this site every now and then. It's all about finding balance I suppose, as with many things in life, but much easier said than done :wacko:

And Leeze, glad you were able to tell your mum - I hope you get support rather than lots of nagging questions :hugs:
I get on OK with the mother-in-law and it will be nice to see her. I don't think my OH has told her that we are trying, so I'll have to hide away the gadgets in the bathroom :haha:

Gutted about the CBFM - I paid about the same for mine as you did Leeze. Oh well, done now. Clanger, I've been getting on really well with mine - except for last month when I had my dodgy cycle. I much prefer using FMU than dehydrating myself all afternoon, which you have to do for the other OPKs. It is much more expensive though, as you have to use about 10 sticks per cycle and the box of 20 costs around £15 from amazon. I do like getting told about high days as well as peak though - useful stuff.

Getting near to half-way through the 2WW. No symptoms to report, but only about 6dpo so not surprising really. Plus I usually get so many "symptoms" that come to nothing that I'm trying to keep myself in check on that front.

Right, time to cook some healthy dinner - trout, spinach and potatoes. I didn't put on as much weight as I'd feared over xmas, but it is still time to get serious about eating the right stuff again!

Hope you're all well xx
Thanks for the feedback on the monitor Sophie!However, I have blown my random irrational af arrival inspired ttc purchase money this month...on over 20 quids worth of wheatgrass for super healthy eggs!

Let us know of any exciting 2ww symptoms Sophie and btw your dinner sounds yummy.

Lots of
to all you London ladies.
Hi everyone :hi:

Clanger, I love my CBFM actually. Definitely recommend it! Like SophieBee says, it's great being able to use FMU and not have to hold it all day. Also, I like knowing the 3 days before the LH surge too so it gives a bit more warning. Especially last cycle when I O'd about 4 or 5 days later than usual it was good to reassure me that O was still on the way!!!

I'm trying to do the healthy eating thing too and have started drinking green tea over the last couple of days. Not so tasty but there's one with lemon in it that isn't so bad. Also I read today about something called Fertilitea - has green tea and raspberry leaf tea in it too. Quite expensive but I reckon I'll give this a try next month if I don't get the BFP this month. I am definitely the most healthy I've been since I was about 14 (24 years ago, ahem) so maybe it will be good for my future baby that it's taken 12 months so far because I wasn't anything like as healthy as this when I started TTC!!!

Let's hope 2011 is our year!! I'd like an October or November baby, definitely!!!!! :hugs::hugs:
Thanks for the feedback Leeze.Hopefully I won't need to invest in one but good to know there's something else which I can use to feed the ttc obsession! Am also finding ttc a good motivation to get my post Christmas rounded bottom moving and exercising...and have started consuming a lot more veggies and things with "super healthy organicy" labels on them!Currently researching the evidence base for acupuncture and reflexology to see whether it would be worth investing ineither of those.

On a none ttc note. Need some distraction from being af misery guts this weekend?Anyone got any tips for fun cheap London days out?Find that living here I forget to travel around and do the touristy sight seeing things. Recently been on houses of parliament
tour and v and a which I loved!

Have good Thursdays's a bit rainy and grey in London today isn't it.
ha ha - I'm trying to eat more healthily too and mostly do organic. And my OH and I have agreed to not drink alcohol for the next 3 months. Let's see how that one goes!! I've started drinking green tea too, I got a new one today with peppermint in it too so it doesn't taste as bad. I've been having acupuncture for the last couple of months. I really like it although I think I'm going to try a new acupuncturist next month because at the moment I'm going through a bigger clinic and it's been recommended to me that I go to someone who offers a more personalised approach. I go twice a month, just before O and just after. I find it quite relaxing and hope it is going to help me get that lovely BFP!!!

In terms of cheap days out in London. I really like the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum! Also there's the Wildlife Photographer of the Year award on at the Natural History Museum at the moment and I went to the one a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it.

It's really miserable weather, isn't it? I hate January and February, I just want to get them over with and get into the Spring. That always cheers me up a bit. Saying that, men are meant to produce better quality sperm in the winter because it's colder so we should make the most of TTC over the next couple months!!! :haha::haha:
Yes, wasn't it miserable today? Almost felt as though it didn't get light at all...

Nothing I want to report in terms of symptoms yet. I'm feeling slightly twingy, but then I've felt twinges before and it's not meant anything so I'm not getting excited about it. Just hoping the next week goes quickly! Might start testing on Monday, when I reckon I'll be 11dpo - will see how it goes.

Museums and art galleries are always a good source of free/cheap days out I find. I can't remember if you said where in London you are Clanger - I'm South East, so most of my initial thoughts are in easy reach of my neck of the woods. The Southbank usually has things to see, plus Tate Modern is there and it is a lovely walk along the river. Plus I read today that Borough Market (just across the road from London Bridge station) is having a Back to the 90s thing, where all the prices have been rolled back to that decade, so that might be worth checking out. Oooh, and if you go a bit further east you can explore Greenwich, which is lovely - there's the market, the maritime museum, fantastic views from the park - all of that is free (provided you don't go on a mad spending spree in the market).

Hope that helps!
Thanks for those tips ladies.Def going to get to the wildlife photographer exhibition and SophieBee I am south east too and haven't had a good poke around Greenwich Market for ages!

Leeze I didn't know that about the swimmers liking the cold weather...useful info!Glad you've enjoyed the acupuncture too.I must say that even though I'm meant to have come from a scientioc background I do really like the tcm holisitic approach to health problems. Glad to here you've found it relaxs you.

SophieBee how exciting you should get to test soon!Keeping my fingers crossed for you.I haven't really ended up testing much as I always spot a few days before af and take that as a sign Im out...though I do end up in limbo land for a few days googling "spotting before bfp" etc and holding out hope that I have been preggered up after all! The healthy eating thingy took a nose dive fir me today as treating myself to a massiveo bag of choc buttons to help through af cramps.Reckon we are allowed one splurge around af time!

Enjoy your evenings ladies...anyone got any exciting weekend plans?
Clanger, I'm a pre-AF spotter too. I often spot for up to 7 days before my period finally comes so like you I tend to write myself off, but not entirely. Rubbish situation isn't it? My GP said it was "normal" but it doesn't feel very normal to me. Anyway, that was the reason I said I might start testing on Monday, and I would have done if I had not started spotting by then - however, it looks like I've started light spotting today so I'm probably out. As usual I won't rule myself out until full AF arrives, but I'm not feeling very hopeful now. :nope:

Plus I think I'm coming down with that cold that is doing the rounds. Got a terrible sore throat and feeling generally quite rubbish. Not a good day all in all, but at least it's Friday! Got the mother-in-law around tomorrow, so I've got to pull myself together for that. At least Sunday is clear of plans so I can stay in bed feeling sorry for myself then if I need to :haha:

Have great weekends everyone x
Sorry to hear that Sophie.It's pretty frustrating isn't it noticing the spotting a few days pre af and losing hope...but still hanging on a bit cos of the chance that full on witchface af may not show.Have researched obsessively on this and seems that lots pf ladies get this and some of them still get the spotting on the month they get their bfp.Fingers crossed this is the case for you this month! However, like you I always feel hacked off and miserable when the spotting starts.I actually think it's the worst least when af comes I can have a good old misery day then start planning for next month! Hope you get to do some fun distracting things this weekend...and that the mother in law visit isn't too much effort.Thinking of you.

I have to go to a baby shower this weekend at which there will be at least 3 prego ladies.I actually feel ok about it today but had a few tears at the thought of it all yesterday.Then felt like a selfish bint for focusing on my own misery rather than celebrating for other people who really derserve their bumps!'s the health kick going ladies?Mine is ok so far, keeppig within my 3 units pf alcohol per week rule too!This month I am also going to try wheatgrass, raspberry leaf tea till o, (it's actually quite yummy) baby asprin and preseed and sticking with the charting, opking, b vits etc.What are your plans?
Hi :hi: ladies

You've both just reminded me about all the great things to do in London but I have to admit I'm not in the mood to do anything much today, although I'm getting my haircut this afternoon and then my OH is going to try experimenting with a new curry recipe this evening. I love it when he cooks, he's a really good cook but tends to take hours doing it so I need to have lots of afternoon snacks to keep me going!!!

It must be really frustrating for you both getting that spotting before AF. The month I got my BFP when I then went on to have a m/c, that was the only month I got spotting and it was about 12 or 13dpo. Also, given that IB can start from about 9dpo this must be really confusing. Have either of you tried evening primrose oil or starflower oil? Starflower has really helped me to have much less AF pain and it's meant to be good all round for AF problems.

Clanger - I really feel for you having to go to a baby shower this weekend :hugs::hugs: - I know for me there would be some days I'd be ok with this and some days I'd really struggle. I hope you get through it ok. I try to remind myself that it's good other people get pregnant because it's a reminder of how often it happens and therefore it will happen to me one day - but if I'm feeling down it's difficult to remember this and instead I just feel really sad for me.

SophieBee - I hope you're feeling better and the mother-in-law visit goes ok. Fingers crossed for you that this is your month and the spotting is IB and not AF spotting. I love the sound of the Back to the 90s thing at Borough Market, maybe next weekend I'll check it out!

I've had 2 days of high readings on the CBFM so I predict I will ovulate Monday or Tuesday. We're trying to BD every other day at the moment and I have to say it's a bit of an effort just with being tired and work stress etc. Luckily it's the weekend so lots of rest is in order to try to get the energy together for our BD-ing!!

Have a good weekend everyone xx
Hi ladies!

Mother-in-law has been and gone. It was lovely to see her and a nice visit all in all, although we are both feeling a bit rotten with this cold so she didn't stay for too long. Doesn't seem that long ago that we had the last one, but I once read that Londoners suffer an average of 3 colds every year and the majority of these will happen in the winter season, so it's to be expected. So much for the health kick if we both fall over at the first sign of a cold though! :haha:

Gosh Clanger, I hope the baby shower goes OK. Like Leeze I know there would be times when I'd be OK and times when I just wouldn't be able to handle it. Big hugs - thinking of you! :hugs:

I think I've read all the same things as you about pre-AF spotting Clanger, and the rational part of my brain keeps trying to fight my crazy TTC side about it all! I'm almost more gutted to see the spotting than full witch appearance to be honest, despite reading about people who have spotted up to their BFP. Oh well - I'm sure it will all happen for us at some point and then I can see how my body chooses to deal with it!

And :dust: to you Leeze for the peak time! I know what you mean about lacking the energy for BD-ing - it's a real bonus when the fertile time hits at the weekend isn't it? Week night BD-ing has started to feel so clinical and perfunctory it almost seems like it isn't worth it. At least we make a bit more effort at the weekends though.

Right, I'm going back to my duvet huddle with a nice pint of water and a good book! Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies - stay healthy! X
Survived the baby shower...thanks so much for your support ladies.Really appreciate your thoughts and words as haven't told people am ttc.Actually think that as Ive jushavoc through my misery guts "I'm not prego" spotting and af arrival few days I was able to just enjoy seeing friends rather than focusing on the "why not me" thing.It's a strange old rollercoster this ttc thing isn't it!?

Leeze so sorry to her you had a loss.Must have been horrible for you, when was it if you don't mind me asking?How was your curry...sounds yum.

SophieBee glad the mum in law visit was nice and that you're now relaxing and getting over that the pre af spotting...have you tried temping at all Iwas concerned that mine maybe due to low progesterone...apparently more likely as you get older and I am
in my 30s which is old in ttc terms I guess! temps stay high when the spotting starts and drop on the first day of proper af...which I think rules out low prog as it's associated with temps dropping when spotting starts.Anyway...just wondered if you'd tried that as think low prog is easy to fix. Thanks for the starflower tip Leeze..might take a look as I get cramps too.

Enjoy your weekends London girls!
Morning! Glad to hear the baby shower went OK Clanger - it is indeed a very strange rollercoaster. I hadn't appreciated how much it can take over your emotions, although this is probably because everyone I know seems to be in the "pregnant at the drop of a hat" camp.

I'm slightly annoyed with myself as I really got my hopes up this weekend. I thought I had started spotting on Friday (which would have been around 7 days before AF is due), but then it stopped and I had no spotting at all yesterday. So of course I was convinced that this is the month and got myself all excited. But I don't think so - spotting has definitely started today, so perhaps I'll have less time spotting before AF this month, or perhaps AF will arrive a little later than expected (to compensate for my wonky cycle last month probably). Who knows - it may also be to do with having this cold of course. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm out, but will obviously hold out hope until AF arrives!

Clanger, thanks for the tip on temping. It is something I've thought about, but I'm not a consistently restful sleeper, so I would worry that having the odd broken night of sleep would confuse things. I'm planning on trying to get blood tests done in a couple of months, so that might answer some questions on progesterone. I do worry about that - I'm 35, so also coming late to the TTC party!

I think my cold seems to be on the way out, thank goodness. I've been trying not to take anything for it, which has been really hard. I ended up taking a little paracetamol as my throat was so sore and I know that it is safe to take that. I couldn't believe how many cold relief products have ibuprofen in, which is of course a big no-no. Yet more things to avoid! Annoyingly I think I'll be well enough to go to work tomorrow, so the cold made my weekend crap but isn't going to give me any time off work - how unfair is that? :winkwink:

Glorious Sunday isn't it? So nice to see the sun shining - if I was feeling up to it I'd go on a lovely long walk, but I think it's another day wrapped up warm inside watching rubbish on telly! Enjoy the rest of the day x
Hi ladies :hi:

Hope you're enjoying the sunshine! (or at least looking out at it from a warm place inside as it's still quite cold to be outside)

SophieBee - that sounds just so frustrating and confusing re the spotting - I've still got my fingers and everything else crossed that this is your month!! You know, it might be worth posting in the first trimester section to ask how many women would get regular spotting between periods and then went on to get their BFP - this might help reassure you! I want to be able to reassure you myself but I know so little about it!! :hugs: Re: taking paracetamol, the nutritionist I saw said if you need to take anything then she recommended soluble aspirin as being one of the safest things to take. I guess lots of honey and lemon too as a natural remedy! Also, I really share what you're saying about being ill during weekend and then better for work - that was the same as me over the Xmas break - I was ill pretty much from the moment I left work until the day I got back!!! So unfair!!!

Hey, I'm 38 so really relate to what you're both saying about being a bit older and TTC. Although I don't think I felt emotionally ready before now but I still worry that I've left it too late. Luckily we've got our appointment at the Homerton Fertility Clinic on Wednesday so hopefully they will be able to start some tests and give an indication of how things are for us - because I've heard that it's not just about your age but more importantly about your ovarian reserve which can vary in different women regardless of age, although as you get older it will diminish but will do so at varying rates and at different ages in different women. I keep reassuring myself that lots of women are getting pregnant now in their 40s!!

Clanger - well done for getting through the baby shower! :hugs: For me, sometimes it really depends where I'm at emotionally on how much I can handle of other people's success stories and pregnancies. Normally I find that from about CD1 to 8 then I'm feeling pretty sad and shitty so find it hard to be happy for other people. Then as I get a bit further on and get a bit more hopeful for myself in that cycle then it gets easier!!! My m/c was in June last year. I was only about 5 weeks and 5 days but it was still really devastating. I think what's also been really hard is that I assumed after the m/c that I would get pregnant again within the next few months and each month it's been really hard when AF rears her ugly head again. :cry:

Oh, I also realised I didn't answer your question Clanger about what we're trying this month. We're been BDing every other day then will do for 3 days in a row from today onwards, maca tablets, starflower Day 1 until O then Mor Epa from O to AF (or BFP!!), Zita West fertility vitamins (similar to pregnacare), grapefruit juice for first half of cycle then pineapple juice for second half, pre-seed, soft-cups, green tea - I think that's all!!!! And generally trying to be more healthy, no alcohol, some more exercise and lots of sleep!!! :hugs::hugs:
So sorry to hear about your mc Leeze.It must have been such a difficult time. Also must be so frustrating knowing your body can get pregnant and it's been refusing to play ball since June. Really hoping your app goes well, am glad you have something like that to focus on and hope you get some reassurance from it.It seems that months plof ttc can normal in our 30s but it's hard to hold on to thatwhen we don't know what's going on in our bodies! Was that through a GP referral or are you going private?You sound like you guys have a very comprehensive plan this month...fingers and toes crossed!

SophieBee also crossing everything for you.Sorry to hear about the evil spotting playing hard to get with you.How annoying.Don't beat yourself up about getting your hopes up, you ARE still in with a good chance and we have to let ourselves have these glimmers pf hope in the tww...even though the disappointment if af shows up is horrible.really hope you completely get over your cold and get through th next few hours/days of the tww without too much stress.

I actually really recommend charting ladies..even though I hated the idea of it when I first heard of it...thought it was very ott!I keep the themometer and phone by my bed, switch off my alarm,temp then record it in my phone....easy! I find that late nights, waking in night etc don't massively impact on my temps as I generally see a pre o and post o pattern.I am actually quite a naughty temp taker...none of the same time every morning stuff, I take it whenever I get up rather than at a set time...seems to work ok for me!Guess we've all got to fi d methods that suit us individually in this ttc process...and I am jealous of your high tec cbf monitors!
Hi ladies :flower:

Clanger, thanks for the temping tips. I will definitely think about starting, and your slightly less regimented approach sounds much more achievable!

Leeze, thanks for the various tips and the stuff about asprin. I remember though when my sister was pregnant she was told by the doc that paracetamol is fine to take throughout the pregnancy. I figure if that was the advice she got then it is safe enough to take whilst ttc. I did do the honey and lemon thing, but really missed the shot of brandy I usually add! :haha:

Will definitely look into starflower, and it's a good idea to post on the first trimester section, maybe someone will have some similar experience. I've never started my own thread... Scary! :shock:

Good luck with the fertility clinic appointment too - I'll be really interested to hear what it all entails. Hope you get some good news to help with your plan of action!

Night all x

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