London TTC buddies chat thread

OOh - SophieBee - we know what you're doing!! :haha::winkwink:

Good luck with the BD-ing and how exciting to get a high at CD7- hopefully lots of chances in the month ahead for you xxx
I just baked some apple flapjack and I blame you both for it!!!! :haha:
Ha ha! Mmmmm apple flapjacks sound YUMMY!

Any more symptoms Leeze? You're being very strong holding out to the weekend for testing. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Have a good weekend, whatever you're up to ladies x
well the flapjacks are quite tasty but not very crunchy because I used real apples and the recipe said use just a bit of juice. It's more like slightly crunchy oaty apple cake - but is pretty tasty all the same!!

Caved in and tested today, BFN :cry: Feeling crappy today, also got a cold pushing it's way in - lots of sneezing, red nose, fuzzy head etc. Feels unfair because yesterday I thought it might be preg symptoms. Am feeling quite down and sad today - so I think these are pre-menstrual symptoms too. I know I'm not officially out yet, but I think AF is on her way - Monday is my prediction. OH has been really sweet this morning and been doing lots of tidying up and looking after me! He's gone to the gym now and for a haircut and I'm planning a lazy day of lying on the sofa with my cat, watching TV, reading etc - with a hot and spicy curry planned for later! Hopefully this will make me feel a bit better!!!

SophieBee - did you get a high on the CBFM yet? I hope you catch the egg this month!! :hugs:

Clanger - hope you're doing ok and things are feeling less stressful for you :hugs:

Have a great weekend xx
Hi ladies,

Had a busy few days which has been good in terms of distracting me from becoming a ttc obsession machine!

Thanks to you both for your support re my rant.It's good to know that Im not the only one to have had this happen...guess it's easy to forget that the boys also get effected by ttc in their own way!We managed a bit more action too!

Oh Leeze, so sorry you feel af is on her way.I hate her and am really hoping that the witchface doesn't show for you...what a cow!It's such a horrible time isn't it when you start to feel as though she's sneaking her way in.I really feel for you lady especially as you have been such a star with your positivity and general cheeriness this month.Hope your curry cheers you up.....and remeber you are NOT out until slagbag is a actually here...they do say prego symptoms mimic af.Sending you lots of vitual hugs and thinking of you.

SophieBee very exciting re your early peak.I reckon it's a super perfect egg which can't wait to get out.Good luck with catching it!Your temp dip sounds very promising too. Glad the temping is going ok.That plus your fancy pants monitor is a winning combo I reckon!

Apple and flapjacks....only 2 of my fave snack related goodies ever.I demand you send me some right now Leeze, would be lovely with the cup of tea currently drinking.
thanks Clanger! you have such a way with words sometimes, you make me laugh (in a good way!)

here's the recipe if you want to try it! I substituted the apple juice for a real apple, which i grated then put in the microwave with a bit of water to stew it for about a minute and a half then added to blender with a bit of extra water to get it all nicely blended. I think this was what made it a bit too moist but it is still pretty tasty!

I didn't test again today, I'm going to wait and see if AF comes today and if not will test tomorrow. I think the nasty witch will prob come tomorrow. I'm not feeling so cheery and positive today, mainly because I've got a nasty cold!!!

Clanger - glad you got some more action in! Remember, it only takes one good sperm to get that eggy!! :hugs:

SophieBee - I hope you're catching that eggy! :hugs:
I don't know what's going on with me this month - but I think it might be another wonky one again. Yesterday it looks like I started light spotting, and the last time that happened so early (2 months ago) I had a 21 day cycle which I think was anovulatory. I dunno though - it might have stopped today, so might be OK. Not feeling very hopeful though. I'm still getting highs on the CBFM (no peak yet), but I had this on the last wonky cycle too, so it isn't giving me much hope.

Was too upset to BD as planned yesterday, but we're going to try again today as it isn't really clear whether or not I'm out and if we don't then I definitely don't stand a chance this month! To make matters worse, and I feel dreadful for saying this, my sister told me yesterday that she and her OH are officially trying for their second. She fell pregnant with the first without even trying, so I'm sure it will happen for them really quickly. Obviously that's lovely for them, but I must admit to having a big old cry at the thought. Then of course I had a big old cry because I felt like a complete self-obsessed bitch.

Anyway, have decided that at the end of this cycle - no matter how long it lasts - I will make an appointment to see the GP and see if I can get some basic blood tests done. I was going to give it three cycles of temping so that I had some idea of any pattern, but the stress of no knowing what is going on is too much really.

Leeze - really sorry to hear the old witch might be on her way. Still keeping my fingers crossed that it is a false alarm! Hope you get over the cold soon - it's a nasty one isn't it?

I might make myself some apple flapjacks to cheer myself up! X
Yep, I officially have no idea what on earth is going on, but things are looking good again so I'm going to stop moaning and being depressed and get on with it! CBFM showed a peak this morning, and ewcm seems to have returned and swept away any spotting that was going on (no idea what's going on there). Interested to see what happens with the temps as I recorded another dip this morning, so signs are all good so far!

Just got to manage to BD, which can be easier said than done on a week night... :dohh:

Sorry for a massive moan yesterday - had a weekend of feeling very sorry for myself and being all self-obsessed. Not fun for anyone really! I'm sure you've both been there...

Hope you're all good anyway! Leeze, any update - hope the witch is still in hiding... Clanger, are you in your 2WW now?

So the dreaded witch came today at 4pm. A very unwelcome guest!!! :growlmad::growlmad: I know I said earlier in the month that I'd be ok either way this month but that was clearly a lie because I don't feel like that at all now!! It feels very unfair, indeed!!! Also I've got a serious full-on cold now and a bright red nose, very unattractive!!!

SophieBee - hurray for peak on CBFM and for EWCM - both great signs. I don't think spotting around O is that uncommon, hopefully it means a nice strong egg pushing its way out!! And I really get what you mean about feeling selfish about being upset about your sister. The thing that I keep getting bothered about re my best mate being pregnant is that I'm angry with myself for being a bit bitter about it! We can't help how we feel and it doesn't make us bad people. For me it's not about being unhappy for her and what she's got/going to have, it's more about it reminding me what I haven't got and reminding me how horrible that feels to want something and not have it... and not know when it's going to happen...and keep worrying it won't happen. But, we will get there!!! Remember, 95% of people get pregnant within 2 years - I know 2 years is a long time but I'd be ok as long as I knew it would happen within this time!!!!! Just hurry up now!! :haha:

Clanger - how many days till you can test? I hope all ok with you

lots of baby dust for us all!! :dust:
PS my ticker is really annoying me today "Day 1 of cycle, likely not fertile today" - what about "Day 1 of cycle, likely not in the mood for BD-ing today!!!!"
Hi lovely ladies, crappy thy witchface slagbag has arrived and didn't take notice of our threats telling her to pee off for 9 months or else.You're entitled to feel sad lovely, it's a hrrible time and I know how much you want this and how hard you are trying.I am so sorry it hasn't happened for you this month. Thinking of you...give yourself a few days to be sad and eat cake then you will have the energy for the pma and bding you need this month!

SophieBee, boo to out confusing bodies and yaay to it seeming as though you are about to o and your ovaries are doing as their told!Lots of luck and no need to apologise for the moan.I actually love both of your moans as it makes me feeling like less of a moany whinge face.I go into crazy over dramatic mode if one thing goes wrong in the month and diagnose myself with every possible fertility problem known to man.Case in point this month after one failure to launch so to speak I was crying into my pillow imagining that me and the hubby would never get to dtd at o time ever again...I even satrted to consider self insemination...that's how panicked and over the top this ttc business makes me (or maybe that is actually my natural state).Anyway SophieBee the annoying thing about temping is that you can't predict why's going on in your first month but you can see what's happened retrospectively so in a few days you will have a great idea of what your bodies up to.

My news is that I had some nasty stomach sicky thingy at weekend and spent a long while hugging the toilet!Feeling almost better now but as I had a fever and it messed up my temps not sure when (if???) I oved this month.Also being ill makes me think my chances are low...though not sure how true this is.It's annoying being super healthy since ttc but have been ill more than usual uurrrggghhj.Anyway I should be 5 days or so past o if it happened at the usual time. soon as Im fully recovered Im whipping me up some of those tasty sounding flapjacks!

Take care ladies.
ha ha - let's all have a good old moan!!!! I'll start...

"It's so unfair. I want to be preg now. Like yesterday. Why hasn't it happened yet? Why do other people do it so easily? What is with their super-fertile baby-making abilities? Why haven't we got them? What did we ever do wrong to anyone?? GRRRRRR. AAGGGGHHH. Where's our babies then? Make it happen nowwwwww!!!!!!" (all said in a very grumpy teenager type whiney shouty voice) :growlmad::growlmad:

Thanks for that!! Feel much better now! :haha:

Clanger, that's pants that you feel crappy. We shouldn't have to put up with being ill as well as TTC! What do we have to go through to get there? Perhaps run a few marathons? I've still got a nasty cold and have got a serious grump on today. Not much PMA to report unfortunately. But sometimes I like being a bit self-indulgently grumpy. And also I can be quite over-dramatic too, that's definitely in my list of talents!! :haha:

SophieBee - I hope you've been able to get a couple more BDs in - let's get those swimmers sent up to their target!!

Apologies in advance for some slightly tmi stuff...

Well, we managed to get one more BD in during the fertile period, which made two in total (one better than last month at least). Part of the issue is that my OH suffers from delayed ejaculation which, whilst making BD-ing generally pretty good for me, can mean that he isn't able to finish himself - at least not in a way that helps the whole making a baby thing. The added pressure of him "needing" to finish just doesn't help.

We've started using softcups on the days when he can't finish during BD-ing - he finishes himself off, so to speak, and deposits in the softcup, which I then pop inside me. It is not the most romantic thing in the world, but at least we are still getting some sperm close to where they need to be. So Clanger, I know exactly where you are coming from with the self-insemination - I'm pretty much trying it half of the time myself.

Between that and my odd spotting and sometimes wonky cycles, I'm not convinced that we'll manage to get preggers without a bit of outside help. But at least we are giving it a go!

Into the 2ww then. Getting sick of these. Hope everyone else is doing OK!
Excellent moaning Leeze...hope you were stamping your feet as well as shouting.Do love some of the sensible lovely things you say when you quote stats etc.Also am right with you on the whole being ok with things taking a little's just the uncertainty and the little doubts and wondering whther it will happen which are the evil part.In fact...if I somehow knew I would get preggered up but not for a year and a half...I could enjoy te perks of being childless...drinking lots of wine, planning a fancy hol etc.But it's the massive question marks that ttc places over your life so it's hard to enjoy the moment...cos you're trying so hard to get your body and life in order for what you hope will be in the next moment.

Massive sigh...that's my moan for the day.People keep asking me if Im preggers (cos Ive been ill not cos I have a massive belly...although my belly is kinda on the large side esp after Christmas and the January cakefest) and 4 of my close friends have recently spoken about planning on ttc soon.They talk about it as if it will be such a straightforward thing.

SophieBee that's such a stress for you re your oh and his shy sperm.Sorry you have to contend with on top of the general ttc minefield.Sounds like you are being very practical and have a good way of dealing with it though.Sorry for being stoopid but what are soft cups and how do they work???
Loving all the moans! Can totally relate to what you're both saying - especially what you said Clanger about if only we could know when it would def happen so we could just get on with life and stop being such mentalists about the whole thing!

To answer your question, softcups are designed for AF - a bit like those mooncup things - but have been used for ttc by some people. Basically it's a flexible ring with a pouch that you can slide in after bd-ing to keep all the sperm where they need to be for a little bit longer than usual. Or you can put the sperm straight into the pouch and slide it in - the way it is designed means it keeps everything close to the cervix, so there is a good chance of them swimming through.

It takes a little while to master (particularly removing it the next morning) and I don't think I'd want to use it for AF, but now I've got the hang of it I've used it on and off after bd-ing and at times to to the whole self-insemination thing. There was a whole thread on it somewhere and seemed to have quite a few successes. Nothing has been scientifically proven, but I don't suppose it hurts any.

So I've been using Fertility Friend to record my temps and they seem to think that I ov'd on Monday - this was the other day we managed to bd, so we may have caught the egg. Dunno - depends what time I ov'd I suppose (I'm not one of those women who feels it unfortunately - thought I did once, but it was just indigestion :haha:). My erratic sleeping means that my chart is a bit all over the place, but they seem to see a pattern even if I don't. It also times with my CBFM peak days, so here's hoping we caught it - if I managed to get the sperm in with the softcup that is!

Got a big work party tomorrow, and I don't think I can get away without having a drink without drawing serious attention and tricky questions to be honest, but will try to keep it to a minimum!
Hi lovelies

Quite late so will be a quick one from me.

Clanger - Totally agree about wanting to at least know when it will happen, could definitely enjoy some of the benefits of not being pregnant more - rather than becoming more desperate as the months go by!! I've put weight on since TTC, I think partly my rationale has been that I've expected to get bigger anyway because I've assumed I'd get preg quicker. I've definitely noticed people looking at my belly like they want to ask if I'm preg!!! That's the last thing I want to be asked right now! Hard when you hear about friends TTC, and not to wonder if any or all of them will be able to do it super-quick. Let's hope you get your BFP soon and lead the way for them!! :hugs::hugs:

SophieBee - one of the women on one of the other threads is only TTC using softcups - her and her girlfriend are TTC using donor sperm which is inserted in her using softcups. She got pregnant this way a couple months back but sadly had a m/c. So I'd say there's your proof it definitely works! No worries re tmi, it's good to be able to share these things! I'm sometimes worried about positioning, because my OH's best way to "finish off" doesn't feel to me like he's inside me very far and I've read it's best to find positions where they're further inside. But, I think it's better to find something that works in terms of finishing off rather than worrying about it being perfect, otherwise there'd be no chance of it working at all!! :haha::hugs: Let's hope you got the egg this month!! Good luck keeping the drinking down at the party. I find if you drink spirits and buy your own a lot of the time then you can intersperse with just mixers and people don't notice. xx
how funny, I didn't say anything about me!! not like me at all!!! Had a funny old day. Shitty morning at hospital. Got blood tests done ok but went to fertility clinic and told them that I can't get HSG test done this month because when I called they said it was fully booked. Fertility clinic said we would have to move our follow-up appointment back if we can't get the HSG booked for next month. Am feeling really worried about this because they only do the testing one day a week and there's only one week each cycle that you can go because of when it needs to be in the cycle. Felt sad and angry today about this. then my BF was texting me telling me about some of her medical problems with being pregnant and I just couldn't handle it. Started crying on the bus and in the shops and texted her back to say that I was feeling emotionally crappy and not in head space to give her support around her pregnancy. then I felt like a complete cow. She was sweet and said she understood and apologised for being insensitive. This made me feel even worse!!!! I then went home and watched trashy TV and have been out this evening to see Grease in the West End. Very cheesy but just what I needed. So, a very mixed day. Still feeling quite sad but I guess it will pass in a couple days, it normally does!!! :cry:
Oh Leeze I hate to think of you being in tears on the bus and in the shops with no-one to give you a hug.I really hope you are ok lovely girl.What a difficult day you've had, all that fertility testing business sounds horrid enough without you having to worry about when and if you'll get your tests done.How annoying for you.When will you know more???Just another bit of uncertainty for you to add to the mountain of uncertainty of ttc, exactly what you need hey!?!You and your friend sound like you have a great relationship, don't beat yourself up for asking her for some time out from pregnancy moans, you need to take care of yourself.If you listened to her while you were screaming inside and didn't say anything then you would end up resenting her.You will both be Mums together and enjoy your kiddies together in the's just a sh*t that you are at different parts of the process right now.Thinking of you.

SophieBee great that ff gave you an ovulation date.Very exciting that the timing seemed good too!Thanks for then soft cup explanation too! Hope you have a fantastic time at the party.

Me and the hubby are off for a mini break in Europe next week...very exciting.But, leaving on the day slagface AF usually arrives.If she shows then going to do my best to enjoy this much needed break and use it as an excuse to drink lots of wine and eat cheeses.Yum!Any baking going down this weekend then girls?
So sorry to hear about your crappy day Leeze - how frustrating to get so close to having those tests for it not to happen. They shouldn't be allowed to do that to people. I hope you're feeling a bit more cheerful now, though I know it is difficult :hugs:

Clanger, I'm very jealous of your Europe break - where are you off to? Wouldn't it be brilliant if it turns into a little celebratory break because you get your bfp on the day you fly! Although will be nice to drink lots of wine and eat cheese too of course!

The work party was fab! Leeze, your tip would have been great but it was a three course lunch with wine, so no opportunity to hide it in a mixer I'm afraid. I decided that it wasn't worth fielding the inevitable questions and had a few glasses of red - I didn't go mad, it was with food, and I'm fairly certain that a few drinks don't really do that much damage anyway, it's sustained heavy drinking that causes the serious problems. It took my mind off the dreaded tww for a day anyway.

I had a pineapple which needed eating, so of course decided that the only thing to do was to make carrot and pineapple muffins. They are cooling as we speak. Not sure they'd win any beauty contest, but they smell yummy!
thanks for your support guys, you're the best!! :hugs::hugs:

I'm feeling more positive today and have been looking into private options for the HSG so we've got a back-up option. I've found somewhere near work I can go for £300 - not ideal but it's worth paying it to make sure our follow-up doesn't go back. Fingers crossed. I'm still going to try for a cancelation appointment next week just in case

Clanger - how lovely to go on a mini-break, I hope like Sophie says that you'll have a good reason to celebrate!! If not then definitely make the most of lots of cheese and wine!! :hugs: Will you be testing or will you wait to see if AF comes?

SophieBee - I think 3 glasses of wine once in a while is fine and sometimes it's good to relax and enjoy yourself rather than stressing about it all!! Carrot and pineapple muffins sound amazing!! That sounds like a good one to try. I made some more apple flapjacks today but they weren't as good as the last ones, I put less margarine in them to try to make them a bit healthier but they don't stick together as well and also I ate 2 pieces today instead of 1 because I could justify it with the lower fat content!! :haha:

My OH and I went to see Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales tonight in Hammersmith -I recommend it if you were ever a fan of his books or Tales of the Unexpected. It's his stories for adults and is really well done. A nice little distraction from all this TTC!!! xx

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