London TTC buddies chat thread

thanks ladies for your lovely supportive words - just a quick one from me today to say hi and hope all is good as I got my 2nd peak on CBFM today so we're going to have a last chance at catching that egg tonight. I'm feeling exhausted so am going to have to think about how to get "in the mood" :haha:

am also pretty busy the next couple of nights but will try come on in next couple days and let you know how the appointment goes (maybe even sneak a naughty visit here during working hours! :haha:)

fingers crossed Sophie for some lovely signs in the next few days :hugs:

Clanger - I admire you for your temping but I just don't think I've got the discipline to do that every day! And you're so right about how frustrating it's been that I haven't got a BFP since the m/c in June

My next 2WW almost here... oh no!!
Lots and lots of luck Leeze with the app (and the successful bding!).I really hope the app goes smoothly and they can give you some reassurance. You seem such a proactive, brave lady. I hate all medical apps and massive wuss about things like that so really admire your attitude.Hoping this is your really deserve it! You will have to give us the lowdown when you get a min.

SophieBee...did you test or did you decide not to cos of the spotting?Fingers crossed for you.

Broke my healthy spell with a massive bowl of nachos and glass of red vino...doing well with the supplements and yukky wheat grass though!
Hi ladies

Leeze - I'm dying to know how the appointment went, let us know as soon as you have time! Hope it was OK :hugs:

Clanger - I decided not to test in the end. The spotting is so similar to usual it is hard to believe that this is my month, but if nothing has arrived by Sunday then I'll probably test. I should be due on Friday or Saturday, but I had such a short cycle last time that it wouldn't surprise me if I was a little late.

You made me laugh talking about the nachos and red wine - I caved at the weekend and baked a Madeira cake, which was so full of butter and sugar it was ridiculous! What you had wasn't tooooo unhealthy though, surely? And I honestly believe that we've got to allow ourselves to relax from time to time, otherwise we'll end up making ourselves miserable!
Hi ladies - a very quick one from me as I'm at work but I'm out again tonight and tomorrow night! funny re the not having such healthy stuff! I ate loads of sausages last night with garlic bread then a big handful of chocolates. Maybe there's something in the air! I think it's ok to fall off the healthy wagon once in a while!!!

SophieBee - fingers crossed for you that this is your month. I think it's impressive you're holding out with the testing :hugs:

Clanger - thanks for the lovely words :hugs:

Appointment yesterday was strange but ok. Very quick appointment basically to tell us that they don't talk to us at all about treatment until they have done a number of tests. So we've got to book in a few tests over next couple months then go back on March 30th to discuss options. We both have sexual health screenings, OH does SA test, I have to go for HSG test - the one with the dye in fallopian tubes. So if we don't get our BFP this month then I'll go for the HSG next month which means we're not allowed to TTC for that month because they think the test might harm the development of a baby that month. Also, they did a quick scan of my ovaries and uterus yesterday that I wasn't expecting! they said uterus looks normal, right ovaries look fine but they couldn't see my left ovaries. They said not to worry too much as sometimes it can be that your ovaries are behind the uterus when they do the scan. Happy that things are starting to move along, and definitely got mixed feelings about not being able to TTC next month!! Hopefully this month will be our month and no need to do any of this!!!!!!

Need to dash now so speak soon :hugs::hugs:
Heyyyy London ladies,

Leeze so glad your appointment went well and you feel as though things are moving.Excellent that everything looks ok...but naughty left ovary playing hard to get, needs a good talking too!

SophieBee I really feel for you being in that horrible spotting phase, how annoying and frustrating.I always feel like shite and have a little cry on those days, hope you've got distractions from the ttc obessioning and treats to get you through the wait.

On the healthy mission...I am not talking it too seriously ladies, just food it amusing that Id been telling people how I am on a new year detox/health kick when the answer to "what did you have for dinner?" is "nachos with a crap load of sour cream and red wine". I practically plan my entire life around food and that sad!So definitely sticking with the occasional treats...besides, never heard of anyone being diagnosed with "cake related infertility"!!!!!

Hope you are both looking forward the weekend and have some
fun plans.
Hahaha...just seen that I wrote food instead of find in the above message...proof of my one-track mind...daydreaming about cupcakes with vanilla icing now...yumnumnum.Your cake also sounded lovely too SophieBee...blaming you for causing my cake related day
Hahahaha! Clanger your posts made me laugh so much - cheered me right up! Sorry for my part in any cake-related day dreams :haha:

Mmmmm.... Cake

Anyway, actually not feeling too gloomy this month. Yes, I'm spotting again and yes, it probably means that I'm not pregnant, but I'm trying to be philosophical about it and not let it get me down. I was a bit low about it on Sunday, but not so much now. And Clanger, I'm taking your advice and have bought a BBT thermometer from Boots. So next month I'll be able to see if there is a dip in temp when I start spotting - if there is then I'll chart for another two months and I'll have something to present to the GP to get her to take me seriously. If not then I'll try to stop worrying about it too much (easier said than done I know). At least I'll have more information, either way.

Leeze, thanks so much for the update on your appointment. It all sounds really interesting, and again you'll just have so much more information when you've had all the tests. Although of course I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you won't need them because that BFP will arrive this month!

Soooo glad that Friday is nearly here. Exhausting week at work, although good to be busy. Looking forward to a chilled out weekend - going to the British Museum with my mum on Saturday and will be trying my hand at baking bread on Sunday. One of my resolutions this year was to get a handle on baking bread, as I've always been a bit rubbish at it. Now is as good a time to start as any!
Hi ladies - just wanted to let you know that the :witch: arrived today. Grumble grumble. No massive surprise, but just wanted to let you know.

But hey, wasn't it good timing? I bought the thermometer yesterday, took my first temp this morning and I'm suddenly back on CD1. Everything fell into place, so bring on the next cycle I say!

I'm sure I'll catch up with you at some point over the weekend, but have a good one whatever you're up to x
Hi ladies

Sorry Sophie that AF came, but sounds like you are taking it in your stride so I've lots of respect for you about that as I've been a nightmare the last few months each time AF comes!! Good luck with the temping!! Also, I read in a book yesterday at the clinic where I go to my acupuncture that if you experience spotting between periods they recommend you get it checked out by the Doctor. I think you might have done this already, but if not I think it's worth a try - also I just found this website with some useful info - not sure if you've seen already ... .

Baking bread sounds lovely. Let us know how you get on. I've always tended to be better at cooking meals rather than baking breads, cakes, pastries etc - but could be tempted to give it a go myself.

Re healthy eating - Last night I ate a load of really nice cheese after my dinner but given I've now had no alcohol for 2 weeks I feel this is easily justified!!!!

Clanger - where are you at with your cycle, how's it all going for you? Also, I plan my life around food too! I have to know where my next meal is coming from at all times (or even next 2-3 meals). I always have an "emergency" food stash with me if I'm going away for a weekend or on holiday, always have a supply of snacks in my drawer at work and probably have enough food in my fridge, freezer and cupboards to be able to live for about a month if there was some kind of nuclear disaster or such like!!!!!! :haha:

I'm feeling pretty positive today, I think it's reassuring to know the process has started with our referral to the hospital and that we'll be getting the tests done soon. Hopefully this will mean that I'll be a bit less obsessive over the next week or so before AF is due. If AF does come then at least we will get all the tests done and then be in a better position to be informed about our options for the future. Ideally we'd like to have 2 kids (1 in next year and 1 about 18 months to 2 years later) - so it would be good to have a better idea now about fertility prospects because if things aren't looking so good then it would be good to start preparing for that sooner rather than later. I was also thinking that if we end up going for IVF then I'm going to ask them about the possibility of implanting 2 embryos and then we might even end up with twins!!!! This would be ideal!! I know it would be really hard work for the first 2 years or so but in a way I think this could be even better!! So, you never know what might happen!!!!!!

Fingers crossed for us all for a very fertile 2011 :hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies,

Sophie, sorry to hear about witchface showing up.I normally get all teary on the spotting days and find af day a tad easier to take to get me out of limbo land! So hope you're doing ok and enjoying the weekend.What type of bread are you making? You sound like a right little domestic goddess with all your baking...I want to come to your house and get fed homemade carbs!

Leeze, you have such a brilliant positive outlook.It's nice to think that if nothing else 2011 will bring us information and options and put us further on our path of making families...very exciting when you think of it that way!So glad your app has been a step forward for you.

I am approaching o and my fertile days so I need to "do lots of sex" over the next few days!Feeling good at the mo...though that will all change in tww territory!Kinda nice that we are all cycling at diff times so can support eachother through the crappy stressful parts of our cycles!

Sophie, yaaay that you have your bbt and a new ttc toy for this month.I have been thinking the same as you...that charts could be a way generally getting to know our cycles.Hope it goes ok...if not you still have your fancy pants monitor thingy!

Happy weekends ladies.
good luck with the BD-ing, Clanger!!! xxx
Hi all - happy Sunday!

I am so not a domestic goddess - most baking quite scares me to be honest and like you Leeze, I'm much better at meals than baking. The thing is, my childhood is full of baking memories - my mum was always baking bread or cakes or something. I once spoke to her about it and she said it was because she'd read about smell being one of the most evocative memories and she wanted us to grow up remembering fresh bread smells. Mmmmm... Anyway, I'd quite like to do that for my kiddies but in order to do this I'm going to have to get good at it! I'm getting the practice in now so that by the time I've had them and they are old enough to remember, I will be that domestic goddess after all :haha:

The only problem really is that once things are baked then they need to be eaten... Not very good for my plan to shift a little bit more weight :dohh:

Thanks for the link by the way Leeze. When I first started spotting I was still going to regular appointments at the colposcopy clinic after some treatment for abnormal cells (it went on for a couple of years, one of the reasons I delayed TTC), so I naturally brought it up then as I was concerned that there was something more serious going on - there isn't, but I do find it interesting that the spotting first started after my treatment. It makes me wonder whether it affected my cervix somehow, but I guess that it something they can check if they need to. I know I have to inform the midwife about my previous treatment when I do get preggers.

And Leeze, I must admit I share your feeling about twins. I think they try to avoid it though, even with IVF these days, because of the increased risk that multiple pregnancies have. Would be nice though, wouldn't it?

Clanger - happy BD-ing! Hoping that you catch that egg this month! I've had three days of using the BBT and finding it OK so far. I had a few drinks on Friday and Saturday, so I didn't know if that would create odd temps, but all seems to be OK so far. Looking forward to seeing the pattern emerge over the whole cycle!

OK, well I'd better go and see if my bread is rising (exciting!) - catch you later x
Thanks for the luck ladies!

Lovely idea re nice homely baking smells SophieBee, your Mum sounds great!Hope your bread came out all bouncey and fluffy and lovely!I went for afternoon tea this weekend and pigged so much cake...having massive sugar some down and cake induced infertility paranoia ;-) How horrible rainy/windy was it this weekend.Went out wearing a floaty dress number today...bad choice, thank goodness for thick black tights!

Leeze, hope you don't mind me asking worries if you prefer not to answer, but was you fertility app nhs or private?The reason I ask is that have heard different things about how quickly these things move in London, and sounds like things are moving at a fairly quick rate for you which is will have either a plan or a bump very very soon!Share both of your thoughts about twins too.

Sophiebee, I find that sometimes a few drinks raise my temp a fair bit, other times not so
much.Anyway if you still have af your temp should be fairly erratic anyway and may settle a bit when witchface shoves off.Also interesting what you say about your spotting as I have had a few issues which have made me think that my pre af spotting is cervix related.I read somewhere that the corpus lutethingy uterine lining begins to break down before af but that an implanted egg can save it once this has started, but that sometimes after treatment a cervix can let through some of this early. The ridiculous thing is that I don't really know how long I have had spotting at start of af for as before ttc a period was just a period...I didn't pay a huge amount of attention to them if that makes sense.

Anyway...hope your tww is going well Leeze. Hope you had lovely weekends and enjoy what's left before Monday morning!
Hi guys

Clanger, I love your new avatar thingie - made me chuckle :haha:
My bread turned out pretty well for a first attempt. Definitely something I'll do again, although will have to get OH to eat it all I think as I'm all bread bloaty today.

And thanks for the temping tips - you do know that you are now my temping guru, so prepare to be bothered by me asking lots of questions a lot this week!! I know what you mean about not paying attention to your period before ttc - the only reason I did was because I had the worrying abnormal smear thing going on for about 2 years, but before then I had no real idea what my body was doing. Flaming expert in it now though!

Leeze, how are you doing? Chilling into your 2ww? The only distraction tactic I managed last cycle was coming down with a rotten cold, but I don't recommend that! Hope you're doing OK :hugs:

Right, off to cook dinner - talk to you later xx
:hi: ladies - both of your posts made me laugh out loud, by the way!! I'm loving this little group we got going on here!!! :hugs::hugs:

SophieBee - that is so cute about your mum and her baking smells and you wanting to do the same for your kids! Let's hope you get more than a loaf in the oven soon!! :winkwink: That is interesting that the spotting started after your treatment, but it's good to know you've checked it out with the Docs.

Clanger - it was an NHS appointment. So far it's been pretty quick, we got our first appointment about 6 weeks after the GP referral and the tests will all be booked in for next month with our follow-up the month after. So far I am pretty impressed, although when we went for our first session it did feel quite impersonal and like a production-line. I don't mind as long as we get to the point quite quick where we know about all the test results and our options

I'm also finding it funny that you're both eating lots of cake and bread! I've been on the cheese and chocolate this week big-time!! Do you think it's because we're telling ourselves that we need to be good and be healthy that it's more difficult? I don't normally eat as much as this!!!! Also, since we've cut out alcohol (17 days now!!) I feel like I deserve a treat!!!!

Strangely, I feel much less stressed and obsessive this month than I normally do. I think it's because we've got the tests in the pipeline. I secretly (or maybe not so secretly!!) hope that by being that little bit more relaxed about it all this month that I might get my BFP!!!!!!

Fingers crossed for us all. Happy temping to you both too!! :hugs::hugs: :dust:
Hi lovelies,

SophieBee I can prctically smell your lovely bread from here...glad it was a success.With all our pigging out stories we will have to start sharing recipes over the forum.Massive yum to cheese and choc too Leeze, 2 of my fave things!

Leeze so glad you are feeling positive.It would be brilliant if this was your lucky month.They do say it happens when you are more chilled out...!Brilliant that you got seen by the fertility experty types so quickly too.You hear different things about how long it takes and guess it depends on your gp etc but pleased things are moving for you (though obviously you won't need the app as everything crossed you will be preggered up before your next app)!

How's the temping going SophieBee.Feel free to treat me as the resident (but slightly rubbish and haphazard) temping guru!

To be honest ladies I'm feeling a bit gutted about this month already.Hubby has started to get more stressed by the whole ttc business.Suffice to say he has felt very under pressure at the crucial moment and we had to stop.I am
trying not to make a big deal of it as don't want him to become even more stressed and for this to become a recurring issue.It's hard as usually tell him
everything but haven't told him that this has upset/worried me.Though thought I could come on
here and moan to you ladies and you would understand.Anyway...we have
managed it once and once is all it takes...hoping for some more action before I get to tww territory but not going o push it.I know I
overreacting and it's not that big a deal...but this *******o ttc business really makes every set back get me all tearful.

Think I need medicating with cake to cheer me up!

Anyway hope your af is gone SophieBee and your tww is full pf distractions and symptoms
Leeze! Enjoy your weeks...nearly Friday!
Oh wow...I got edited by b and b for saying a bad word!Just call me foul mouth Clangface from now on!
How funny that you got censored! Whoops - naughty girl :haha:

Temping going fine, although had a dreadful night sleep last night which totally screwed up this morning's reading. But I figure that one or two bad readings isn't going to make too much of a difference in the long run. Am very shocked that I've managed to remember to take my temp every morning for nearly a week - has been less of a chore than I thought it would be.

Leeze - glad to hear you are feeling quite chilled about the 2ww. I expect having the appointment on the horizon must feel like things are moving in the right direction whatever the outcome. I'm really pleased that it is helping you stay positive. Keeping my fingers crossed that you won't need the app though!

Clanger, my OH sometimes suffers from "performance anxiety" as well, so I know how frustrating it can be. Especially when it invariably happens at the key moments of the month, rather than during sex that you just have for fun. I thought about not telling him that it was ov time, but he's actually quite tuned in to my cycle these days (I suppose after about 7 months of trying then he should be). I don't know what the answer is - other than to come on here and have a good old moan like you have been. And I'll do the same! And as you say, once is all it takes. Fingers crossed for you!

I'm off to bed as I had such a crappy night last night. Goodnight ladies xx
Well that came around quickly. Used my CBFM this morning for the first time this cycle and it gave me a high reading. Instantly worried that I was going to have another wonky cycle, but cm seems to be showing some good signs and when I looked at my chart I had a massive temp dip this morning, which I read is sometimes a good sign. Only on day 7, which is why it's a bit of a surprise, but at least we're both around to get BD-ing - even if it is a little sooner than expected!

Anyway, if I'm a little quiet over the next couple of days then it's because I'm busy with other stuff :blush:

Hope all is good with you guys - catch up soon x
Hi ladies

SophieBee - sorry to hear you didn't have a good night's sleep but a big well done for keeping up with the temping!

Clanger - I know that feeling too about the OH becoming a bit stressed about it or not being able to "complete" the deed as such :winkwink::blush:! Mine was like that a few times in about months 2 or 3 of TTC but somehow we seem to have got over it. I've employed all sorts of techniques over the months including wearing my best sexy underwear, sending suggestive text messages throughout the day, doing the "can I give you a soothing massage, honey. no need to worry about DTD tonight", eating early in the evening/having a snack at work so as not to be too full/tired later in the evening etc etc. Also sometimes trying not to get too stressed about it (sometimes easier said than done) when it doesn't happen and try to talk about it and have some intimacy anyway then try again the next day. Somehow for the last few months we've been absolutely fine and there's only been about twice in total in the last 6 months or so when it hasn't happened (and one of those was because I was too tired!!!)

I'm not feeling any symptoms really except tiredness and a bit of pressure in my lower right side. The thing is that I often feel like this at this point in the cycle so I'm trying not to get too hopeful about it. Fingers crossed though, it's not over yet for this month. I'm planning to test on Sunday (or Saturday if I can't wait till Sunday!). Glad it's Friday tomorrow, roll on the weekend xx:hugs:

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