London TTC buddies chat thread

Wow your muffin description has made me fantasise about pineapple upsidedown cake which I haven't had for ages and ages.How were they???Keep the food porn coming ladies.I went to a cake sale and been admiring other peoples baking.Thinking about whipping up a banofee of my all time faves!

I really think a few glasses of wine at a party is completely fine.I am trying to stick to a rule of 3 drinks per week which is generally working ok as like you SophieBee I find peoples suprise and questions the hardest thing about not fault for having been such a wine machine for the past 14 years.Again...if we know how long ttc would
go on for it would be easier to know what we can commit to in terms of massive diet and alcohol consumption restrictions...but it's very hard to keep up the no drinking thing withou arising suspiscion.I have managed not to drink for over a week if evil slagbag AF comes on hols with me I will definately allow myself to get a bit drunk and it will be even more of a treat (can you tell how hard Im trying to convince myself re it being ok if AF arrives and not spoiling our little break).

Leeze how lovely that you feel more positive.Great news about the private test...300 is a chunk of money but really not that much of a price to pay for piece of mind and to move your ttc journey forward quickly.Think of how much we must spend on general ttc related purchases it adds up a lot...they say havin kids is expensive but trying to have kids is also blo*dy pricey I reckon.Anyway even if you don't choose to go that route it must be a comfort knowing the options there.Well done too for being proactive and researching all that despite feeling down...I am proud of you lady!

I am anxiously getting towards the later half of the tww.It's a weird usual I verge between feeling as though I can never imagine getting that bfp and then daring to hope maybe this is the month!?!I think it's hard because I really want me and the hubby to have a lovely time away (Belgium SophieBee) and dread that feeling of disappointment descending..aaarrgghh!I will need a pep talk from you ladies if witchhead arrives.
P.s. I don't normally test Leeze due to lead up to af including a teeny bit of spotting in cm and other symptoms.BUT I may test this month anyway to get some more certaintly before hol...will see how I feel.
Oooh Belgium - lovely! Chocolate and chips and beer. Mmmmm....

Carrot and pineapple muffins were very tasty, but a bit fall aparty (technical term) - really nice though. Got the recipe from here:
Made a few changes - was fresh pineapple rather than tinned and I didn't have any plain wholemeal flour, so had to use all plain white, but can really recommend it. Yum!

I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little more positive Leeze. I hope it doesn't come to parting with your hard earned cash in order to get your test done, but you are right to be exploring all the options. I do like your proactive approach to things - it really helps me try to keep a sane head too!

Clanger, I hope the last few days of the tww fly on by for you and that there is good news at the end of it. Have a lovely break xx
very quick hello from me as I'm running a bit late. been painting my living room all day again today and have got lots of other chores I've been neglecting. Like a big pile of dishes!!

Clanger - Belgium will be fab, are you going anywhere near Bruges? I went there last year (new years) with my OH and it was really romantic although rained a lot for the few days we were there. The salvador dali museum is pretty cool too if you are going anywhere near there. And if you like seafood you've got to have moules frites!!! mmm mussels in wine sauce with chips. And Belgium is obviously a great place for chocolate!! Back to food again! I'm feeling jealous and want to come too!! Have a great time, fingers crossed AF doesn't come and you get that BFP :hugs:

SophieBee - your pineapple muffins do sound fab, thanks for sharing recipe. We're all turning into right little domestic goddesses. Just need some little bubs to take care of too and we'll be sorted!! :haha: How much longer to go for you on this cycle? Any possible symptoms?

No news for me yet re HSG but I'm glad we got the private option as a back-up. Still feeling a bit better about things and had a fab chat with my best friend too - feeling less crappy about all that too. Fingers crossed as the Spring comes in so does natures baby-making power and we get those lovely BFPs!! xxx
Hi ladies

Not much of an update from me. Leeze, I'm on CD18 and 7dpo. Not feeling very hopeful as I started spotting yesterday - a few days earlier than I might expect, which of course got me wondering about implantation bleeding, but I don't think it is very likely. My boobs are a bit sore, but I sometimes get this before AF anyway. No other symptoms as far as I can tell. I'm keeping a watch on my temps now, which are still above the cover line for the time being - there was a bit of a drop this morning, but still pretty high. All interesting anyway, even if it turns out to be another cycle not pregnant.

Glad to hear you still have PMA going strong Leeze! Bring on the spring BFPs! :hugs:
Don't give up yet, SophieBee - could still be implantation bleeding. :hugs:

Well, I booked the HSG today privately. Decided it's better to have peace of mind and not have to worry each month about trying to get it booked in. Especially since we're not getting any younger (I'm 39 in July) - and the NHS hospital said it can take about 6 months to get booked in for the HSG sometimes. It's costing about £550 in total, including the initial consultation with the private GP, which is a lot of money but I'd rather make other cutbacks over the next few months and make this a priority. It's booked in for Thursday so I'll let you know how it goes xx
Hi ladies,

Well I am a massive self pitying mascara stained blubbering excuse of a lady right now.Somehow let myself get my hopes up re this being the magic month as my temps have been lots higher than usual.Anyway...held my wee wee in all day and starved myself of liquids...only to get a bfn on frer! Cue much research into bfns on frer at 12dpo
followed by bfps...seems extremely unlikely.So gutted to have this low mood before our hol tomorrow.Trying to let it all out with a good old moan and cry.Currntly on knickerwatch awaiting slagbags arrival...perfect timing hey!

Rant over..Leeze good for you for pressing ahead with the hsg, that's so quick, thing ate progressing for you.Glad you've got the pma back, you really are a star.Oooh andbthanks for the museum recommendation...think we will be neat there so may pop in.

SophieBee have fingers crossed it's an implantTion sign for of us has to get lucky soon hey!Hope your temping is still going well and that your tww is flying by.Good luck lady.

Thanks for letting me moan.Sorry for being so down in the dumps.Just hatig af today...last month she came the day pf a baby shower...this month looking like it will be first day of hols...what a cow she is!
Sorry to hear about the bfn Clanger. I'm not much one for early testing either, so when I do it is always because I've convinced myself that the spotting isn't a sign of the witch and it's my month, so it always feels like more of a disappointment. I admitted to my hubby just yesterday that I'd bought one of those clear blue digital test thingies and have left it in the drawer because I just can't bring myself to use it until I know I'm pregnant - can you imagine the disappointment of seeing the words "not pregnant". He said they might as well have programmed it to say "failed again"! :haha:

Anyway, I know it's a cliche, but you 'aint out yet! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. And I'm glad you came on here for a moan - I hope it helps clear your head a little before your lovely hols tomorrow. Have a fantastic time, whatever happens :hugs:

Leeze, good for you on taking charge and booking the private appointment. I'll be thinking of you on Thursday - hope it goes really well!

Me - I'm still spotting, but still got high temps so still not writing myself out completely, although as it is my first month of temping then it is difficult to know if this is usual or not. It is a little reassuring to see that the temps haven't dropped as soon as I started spotting, as it indicates that there isn't the progesterone problem that I was a bit worried about. Although I suppose at least there would have been something to "fix" if that were the case. Will keep an eye on it anyway and let you know if anything changes.
Thanks cheered me up.Laughing at your ohs comment, also thought that about those digi tests! I am really pleased to hear about your temps not indicating low progesterone.You know...hope you don't mind me saying this but from what youe told us so far I really think that due to shy sperm issues etc it may be that all you guys need is a bit longer than the average to catch that egg as sounds like you're (frustratingly) not always able to give it a good chance every month.So many people have spotting your slightly wonky cycles may be just fine and temping will give you a good idea of that.I know what you mean though...sometimes it's nicer to have a identifiable problem which can be fixed!Nothing seems out pf place in my cycles other than a little spottign...but instead of reassuring me it makes me worry About why Im NLT preggered up yet!

I am just so annoyed with myself at the moment.Temps higher than ever and rising and pre af spotting or symptoms later than ever ( usually been here for a bit by now) but bfn!I even read the FDA report on frers to see how likely it could be I am preggo with a bfn at 12dpo...answer...pretty impossible.Damn you confusing female reproduction system with it's mixed messages.Off to drown my sorrows in mussels and wine.Thanks for being brilliant girls.
Hellooo - nothing to update, just wanted to come on and wish you luck for tomorrow Leeze. I'm out tomorrow night (work social club event - a cookery evening would you believe it!), so might not get the chance to come on line depending on how late I get home.

Hope it all goes really well for you :hugs:
ooh - just a very quick one to say hello as I've just come in from an evening out and it's very late!! thanks for your support - will let you know how it goes tomorrow :hugs::hugs:

really relate to all the stuff about to test or not to test - and how hard it is to see a BFN - hang on in there, it will be rough at times but we will get there X :hugs::hugs: - neither of you are out yet this month :hugs:
Hi London girls! Is it just me or are the days getting a teeny-weeny bit longer? It seemed lighter earlier this morning and helped put a smile on my face.

So, I had the HSG done this morning. Wasn't a great experience, to be honest, but wasn't quite as bad as some of the things I've read!! Is similar in a way to getting a smear test and then feeling some pressure for a few minutes that is a bit like AF cramps. I've been feeling quite sore and achy afterwards too, like a cross between AF cramps and stomach ache with a bit of nausea. But, I'm glad I did it so emotionally I'm feeling ok. The Doctor was really nice and told me that I was very brave!! Was a nice thing to hear but did make me feel a bit like an 8-year old child getting a lolly from the Doctor for being a good girl! Thinking about it, would have been nice to have someone go with me, but because it was such short notice it was difficult to do. If either of you end up going for one I'd recommend taking someone with you for moral support if you can!! My OH went for his blood test and SA test this morning too so we've had all of the initial tests we need to do and can now look forward to going back to the hospital to discuss the results and think about treatment options.

Clanger - I've read lots of times that women don't get BFPs till after 14dpo, even up to 21dpo - so don't you give up yet. Mussels and wine sounds good though so make sure you have a great trip xx :hugs:

SophieBee - thanks for wishing me luck, very sweet of you and I was touched by it! Hope your cookery club went well - any tips you learnt on there? If nothing else we're all going to be master chefs by the time we get our BFPs!! Any possible symptom-spotting from you? Xx :hugs:
I forgot to say, the Doc said at the HSG that everything looks normal!! Woo hoo!! :happydance:
Wooohoo great news on the hsg result Leeze that's fantastic.Another thing ticked off the list and another step taken on your journey to be a parent.So pleased for you, hope you can relax in this waiting time.What is the timeframe for you to have another app and will it be private or nhs?I think you are incredibly brave re your attitude toward all this.

SophieBee how's the 2ww?Your cookery thingy sounds fun.How exciting that soo you will have your first charted cycle conplete and if nothi g else will know a lot more about you cycle.

Well I am back from a fantastic break.Made me realise how lucky I just to have Mr Clanger, he is my best friend and an amazing husband...I so want us to have a family together but realise I have lots to be thankful for anyway.Sorry for being so whiney on my last post...just my pre af melt down phase.Af got me on day 2 pf our hol BUT for the first time in about 4 years I had NO pre Af spotting, I always get 3-4 days (has been 7 on occasion).SophieBee as a fellow spotter Im sure you can empathise re what a positive sign no spotting would be hence my upset at not getting my bfp.

Right, onwards and upwards, this weekend I will dp some baking and report baack to you 2 domestic godesses. hope you both have treats and lovely time with your men planned in the midst of this ttc stress.
Hi lovelies! :hi:

Clanger, you have nothing to apologise for in relation to having a bit of a moan. We all do it and sometimes it's really therapeutic! I think it's also good to see when we look back that we have some good days and some bad days - so when we have the not so good days we know they will pass and we'll feel better eventually! Glad to hear you had a good break with Mr Clanger (you crack me up with calling him this! :haha:) - you're so right that we've got a lot to be thankful for.

Our next appt will be on 16th March and it's back to the NHS. I have to say, I could easily get used to going privately as it's lovely to be treated like a princess but then we wouldn't be able to afford a baby when it arrived as we'd be in so much debt!! It's times like this where I wish I had a flashy job with private healthcare included! :haha:

We've got lots of chores to do this weekend so not too much fun stuff unfortunately! The good news is we got 2 offers today on my OH's flat so this means we'll be able to start looking again for our own place. We practically live together but over 2 flats at the moment - his place has been on the market for 14 months. I'm thinking this is a good sign that this is our lucky month - how strange to get nothing then get 2 offers on the same day!! I'm going to be doing a lot of sorting and clearing out at my flat to make room for my OH to move a lot of his stuff over as we've decided he should move in with me for a bit when the sale goes through so we're in a strong position to buy so we won't be in a chain - I'll rent mine out eventually so this also means I need to get mine in a good rentable condition!! Busy busy but all worth it!

Any news yet, SophieBee - have you tested yet? fingers crossed for this month :hugs:

Have a lovely weekend both of you xx

I've had a busy couple of days, and this has been my first chance to catch up for a little while. Leeze, so pleased to hear that the HSG thing went OK and that signs are good. And great news on the offers on the flat - I remember when we were selling our little flat in Clapham to move here it seemed to take ages to get an offer. Once we accepted one it all moved pretty quickly though.

Oh, and I do get private healthcare with my decidedly un-swanky job, but I'm pretty sure TTC stuff isn't covered. I must have another look actually, but you'd be surprised at how little is covered - I think we might get something like a 5% discount, which is peanuts really. I'm not really sure why we have it - I work for a charity whose main business is working with health services to improve quality for patients, so mostly NHS stuff really - but there yo go. Odd, and ultimately not very useful unless you are undergoing a major operation.

Clanger, so nice to hear you had a lovely break. Sorry to hear that the old witch got you - I'd have been turning cartwheels with no pre-AF spotting, so completely understand where you're coming from.

Cookery evening was fab! It was Southern Indian food, so very spicy but delicious - would be a lovely idea for a hen party or a birthday thing I think. Was all run from someone's beautiful home in Clerkenwell - I left with serious kitchen envy :haha:

I haven't tested yet. Not sure if I will - temps seem to be steadily dropping and with AF due on Tuesday I'm pretty sure I'm out. As you say though Clanger, I have more information about my cycle now and the fact that my temps stayed up after I started spotting is not a bad sign.

Right, on with my Saturday. Leeze - I'm on boring clearing out tasks too. Our spare room has become a bit of a dumping ground for all our crap, and we've got family coming to stay in a couple of weeks so we've got to make it habitable over the next two weekends! Booo - why can't I just laze around?

so clearly I'm avoiding my chores and popping on here instead!! And I see SophieBee is on too! ha ha - great minds think alike!!! I've done a bit of clothes washing and baked some more apple flapjack (priorities!) but can't get myself motivated to do the dull stuff (paperwork, sorting out boxes of clutter etc!!). Boring!

SophieBee - fingers crossed for you, I don't know much about temping so can't really advise you on that one but I know sometimes women's charts can go up and down and back up again and they still get that BFP. Your cookery evening sounds fun, and I love spicy food!!! Funny to get kitchen envy - I definitely want a bigger kitchen in our new place - mine is tiny and my OH's isn't much bigger. But normally in London you've got to compromise on something, haven't you, it's so expensive!!

Clanger - hope you're having a lovely weekend with your OH. We went out last night for a really delicious curry but otherwise are staying in tonight to watch some DVDs. I'm cooking a real winter warmer - chicken in garlic and chilli gravy with spring greens and mashed carrot & swede. Yum xx
ha ha - I just realised I didn't post anything about TTC! That's nice in a way!! Anyway, my TTC update is I'm feeling really impatient today!! Not had a high reading on the CBFM yet and would have expected it by now. My OH has got to go away on business from Mon to Wed so I'm actually now hoping it's a few days late so that he can get back in time for some crucial BD-ing!
Inspired by you 2 domestic godesses I made some brown sugar and apple muffins...they are yum!Wanted to make some super duper healthy bran muffins but coudlnt find wheatbran anywhere.Have to take a trip to Holland and Barrett for those...them and superdrug must have had a massive profit increase since Ive been ttcing!

Leeze how exciting re the house.It will be brilliant to have a project to focus on outside of ttc and making a home for you and Mr Leeze (hee hee) will be a fantastic focus.I love wandering round markets and antique/junk shops and dreaming of things to buy to decorate a new pad with!Beats sitting at home wondering why we've not been preggered up yet anyway! Good work on all the organising I take it that you CAN ttc this month as know you were worried about not being able to do cos of the hsg.Fantastic news for you if so!

SophieBee I had a perfect secnd rise in my temps in the tww this month for the first time no spotting and no bfp.Searching obsessively through the pregnancy charts on ff it seems that most ladies don't get this rise and in fact have drops in temp too. The great thing is that you thought you might be having a wonky cycle but ff has picked up a clear o date for you!Hope ttw land is bearable for you anyway.Oooh one more bit of info I was going to share with you my fellow pre af spotter (!) is that I now have a theory that mine aS caused by a fibroid (long story conclusion reached after obsessive researching!) which may be something you want to consider if it's lookingnlike you don't have prog issues.Apparently fibroids are very common with ladies in their it just me or is their ANYTHING health or ttc related that being in our 30s is good for or is it just a massive list of things we are going downhill in!

Happy Sunday girls and thanks for lifting my spirits as always.I really value being able to rant to you!
mmm - brown sugar and apple muffins sound dee-lish!!! My OH is going away tomorrow for 3 days on business and I've made him a little box of apple flapjacks up to take with him!! Partly because I'm a bit of a romantic and partly because I know when he goes on these things they end up eating loads of crisps, chocolates, pizzas etc because they do crazy things like 12 hour days without a break - and I'm on a mission to get us both as healthy as possible!! :haha:

I'm still not very motivated to tidy up today, am feeling in a very lazy mood but will try to do a couple of hours this morning. I'm meeting some old friends this afternoon for lunch - mmm roast dinner - so it's a good incentive to get on with it for a couple of hours then have a treat afterwards. But I just discovered yesterday that on my catch up TV they've got the whole 2nd series of The Mentalist that I can watch - I know it's a bit cheesy but I love this show and I'm really just in the mood to curl up on the sofa with my blanket and my cat and watch some trashy tv! Mr Leeze has gone to see his mum then gone to play football so I'm left to my own devices for a few hours!!!

So, yes - both Doctors I saw said we can TTC this month still - best news ever :happydance: (well not quite best news ever, that would be all of us getting our BFP in the same month!) - basically the Doc that did the HSG said the only time they would ask you not to do it would be if you had the procedure right around ovulation. I'm still getting low readings on the CBFM so there shouldn't be any problems there. I'm trying not to get worried by the low readings still because I've had a couple of months recently where I've O'd later - I'm wondering if the maca or starflower or acupuncture is contributing to me O-ing later. I used to nearly always have a 28 day cycle but more and more often recently it's been 32 days. As long as I have a good egg coming down I guess it doesn't really matter. But it's just another thing to worry about, and of course I can't help but wonder if it's another age thing!! So in answer to your question, Clanger, re the age thing and whether anything is better in our 30s, the only thing I can think of is that we're a bit wiser!! :haha: Physically, it's all on the decline - but we're more able to make our own decisions about things, less pressure to go out clubbing at the weekend, less worries about what people think about us, happy to leave a crowded restaurant/bar because it's too loud and there's no seat - etc - these are all things I really value these days!! And, most importantly, I feel emotionally ready to have a baby and have a really lovely and solid partnership with my OH. So, it's not all bad!!!

Yes, definitely exciting prospect to go looking for stuff for new pad! Although I think given we've had to drop the price of his place 3 times that we will have less left to do a new place up with. I think the first year or so will be "make do and mend" in the main - or maybe some new things from Argos or Matalan!!!!! We've got a few nice things between us and I think we'll probably build up other nice stuff slowly whilst making do with what we've got already. Hopefully there will be a nursery to do up soon too - that would be something worth buying lovely stuff for!!!! :cloud9:

One of my friends had fibroids and went on to have these removed and is now 8 months pregnant with her second baby. (She had 3 m/cs before she got preg with the first one). I think it's worth checking these things out if you can, even just for peace of mind. I think the HSG shows up if there's anything like that visible.

So, before this turns into a dissertation, I'm going to sign off now!!! Have a great Sunday, both of you! :hugs::hugs: SophieBee - let's hope that BFP is still on it's way. xx Clanger - you sound like you've got lots of PMA again, fingers crossed this is your lucky cycle xx

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