London TTC buddies chat thread

Hey girls. It looks like the wicked witch is here - or very soon will be anyway. Bah.

Having a low couple of days, but I'm sure I'll get over it pretty soon. At least I have this extra information from temping this month - despite not being overly brilliant at keeping to taking it at the same time every morning. My chart does look a bit erratic at times, but there is a pattern. I'm looking forward to seeing what the next cycle does as well.

Interesting what you were saying about your cycles getting longer Leeze - mine seem to be getting shorter as I get older. I'm now down to 25 days on average, which I suppose means everything comes around a little bit quicker! Hope the O day stays away until Mr Leeze gets back!

Thanks for the tip on the fibroids Clanger - I was wondering about them (and PCOS as well, but I don't think I have either to be honest), but will have to wait until I can get a few more tests done by the docs. Going to hold off a little longer before going, unless I definitely get another wonky cycle - I've lost track a little bit of the number of cycles trying now, but I think we're going into our 8th and I think it would be good to give it another couple of months if I can.

Lovely to hear about all your baking yummies. I'm trying to rein back on the cakes and baking for a little bit as I don't want to put back on all that weight I lost last year (I'd have to eat an awful lot of cake to do that though), so I shall have to live vicariously through your baking for a little while!
Lovely SophieBee I am so sorry to hear that you are having a low couple of days.It's such a horrible time isn't it...starting to feel as though AF is making herself known.Of course I hope she doesn't show for you...but I also know how it feels when you are sure she is arriving, so if she is on her way I hope she arrives quickly and liberates you from limbo land.It's such a crappy time and I don't know what to say other than sit tight, have a cry and a moan and treat yourself to some cake or wine IF she arrives.

We are on cycle 8, and while I know that it's by no means a long time in ttc terms...I am starting to get really afraid.But then I look on forums and moan to you girls and feel more hopeful that our time will come.I am thinking of having an initial chat with a gp IF no bfp this month.BUT I am actually scared of saying that out loud and committing to it as feel that puts so much more pressure on this cycle.So I am saying I MAY find a nice female GP to chat to if things don't happen soon!

How lucky is Mr Leeze getting lovely home baking to take away with him!You are so a domestic goddess!Keep us posted on any house buying news too.How are your cbfm readings looking?Hoping your ovaries are cooking up a perfect little egg in time for his return!Such good news you can ttc this month too, very happy for you.Now hurry back and get bding Mr Leeze!
thanks lovelies - you're such a great support :friends:

I'm going to make this quick as I'm helping a friend with a job application but I wanted to just check in and see if any news from SophieBee as I think AF was due today?

SophieBee - I really hope it's not AF round the corner and it's preg symptoms. It's one of nature's curses that the 2 are very similar. It's totally understandable to feel a bit low and I think it's good to let yourself feel it if you need to. These are emotional and stressful times, mixed in with some lovely moments too - and hopes of lovely future children. My cycle looks like it will be 33 or 34 days this month. Strange because I've been 28 days for years. It's so easy to worry about, isn't it? GRRR :growlmad: 8 months feels like an age doesn't it, even though most women can take a year to conceive their first child.

Clanger - there's a way you can find out what your local PCT offers in terms of fertility treatment and what their criteria is for referring you for tests. I think if I remember rightly you put the postcode for your GP into google along with the letters "PCT" and that will tell you what PCT you're under. then I think you can either look on their website or email them to ask what their criteria is for fertility tests/treatment etc. I think a lot of the time in London it's at least a year so you might want to consider being a little creative with the truth!! :winkwink:

I got a high on CBFM today so hopefully when Mr Leeze comes back tomorrow it will be all systems go for lots of BDing to catch that fecking egg!!! We're on month 14 of TTC now and IT'S NOT FUNNY ANY MORE!!!! Actually, it never was that funny!!!! :growlmad:

Speak soon xxx :hugs:
Thanks lovely London ladies, I'm feeling much better now and your messages were a real help. It was, of course, AF as I thought - arrived yesterday. So I had my usual day or two of moping, but am starting to get to the positive bit - new cycle, new opportunities and all that.

I think it is still worth going to see the GP, even if the PCT rules are ridiculous - mine says you have to be TTC for 3 years before getting any help, which quite frankly is bollox. However, they also say that they take age and individual circumstance into consideration - plus I'm pretty sure that NICE guidelines say that initial tests can be done after 6 months to put people's mind at ease. Anyway, as Leeze says, you can always bend the truth a bit to get your foot in the door :winkwink:

Leeze, I hope you're doing all you can to catch the egg! We've got Mr Bee's brother and gf coming to stay with us next weekend - right around my expected peak time! Flaming typical! Will have to take ourselves right back to the beginning of our relationship, when we were both in house shares and so had to be mindful of others in the room next door! Haven't had to worry about that for a long, long time! I'll also have to hide all my TTC paraphernalia from the bathroom - like the CBFM and all the internet cheapy OPKs and HPTs. Am remembering why we don't invite people to stay more often!!

Hope all is well with you guys xx
Sorry AF got you SophieBee, :growlmad::growlmad: - you sound like you're doing ok and ready for the next cycle. Remember, Spring is officially nature's time for creating life so hopefully this will boost us all a little bit and help us get those BFPs. :hugs: - Funny about Mr Bee's brother and gf coming to stay, maybe the slightly illicit nature of your BD-ing next weekend will add a bit of excitement and help those swimmers reach their goal!! :blush::winkwink:

I think there's no harm in stretching the truth a little re TTC time when speaking with GP. Especially when we know our fertility deteriorates with age :cry::cry: - although lots of women in their 40s are now having healthy and happy babies so we shouldn't be too discouraged. But basically, I'm starting to think the more informed we are about our bodies and what our fertility status is the better prepared we can be about what we need to do and any possible treatment needed. Also, I think GP's can make referrals for initial tests without you needing to be referred to a fertility clinic.

I got a peak on the CBFM today, a bit of a surprise since I only had 1 high yesterday and over the last 2 months I've had 3 high days. But Mr Leeze has just got back (is watching football to relax before BD time!!) and I'm going to jump on him shortly - wish me luck!!!! :hugs::hugs:
How's my London girls doing? I'm feeling very impatient today - only 2dpo and am going crazy already!!

I went to a great vintage jumble this morning - basically got a big bag full of dresses and jumpers for £20 in total. It's in Whitechapel and is on again tomorrow if either of you fancy it! It's at the East End Thrift Store and starts at 11am. Sometimes I've been 2 days in a row but am going to give it a miss tomorrow and have a nice day with my OH. Hope you're both enjoying your weekends - nice to see a bit of sunshine in London, isn't it? x :hugs:
Leeze you are such as sweetie...thanks so much for my leaving me a lovely message.So touched that you thought of me!That bit of positivity will keep me going for a while. Hope this is the magic 2ww wait for you.The first few days seem to take forever don't they.

SophieBee hope slagbag af has jogged off and you are gearing up for a new month.Fingers and toes crossed for us all this month.

Been a little preoccupied with other things this week...nothing awful at all...just some nerveracking financial things we are trying to get sorted so we can move house etc.Just waiting on an answer from the bank about some things.Will be very exciting if we do get sorted and are able to have another exciting project going on alongside ttc.Leeze how's your house things going?SophieBee what are you up to this weekend?Leeze your bargains sound fab...I love love love the glam vintage pin up look.Been practising my red lippy and 50s curls lately...just need a gorgeous vivien of holloway dress to go with the hair and lippy now (have you seen their dresses...I love love love..very flattering for those like me with hips and a slight case of too-many-cakes tummy).On the subject of which I baked some strawberry vanilla and White choc muffins today...BUT they didnt rise very well...think maybe I over mixed...I'll never make a Nigella :)

Enough on cakes and clothes (2 of my fave topics) and back to ttc.I bought the Randine Lewis book this month as heard a lot of people comment on how much hope it gave them and how inspiring it is.Still waiting for it to arrive but think it has chapters on all sorts pf issues so I can look bits up that you 2 are interested in if you like...will report more when I get it.Figured that as I spend enough time researhing things on Internet forums a book would probably be a bit more systematic and helpful then my random anxiety fuelled google searches!Other than that I have stopped takig most thongs apart from folic acid and just seeing how we go.What are you 2 doing this month?How are the snazzy cbfms going?SophieBee how was your chart looking...hope it was very pretty!

Happy weekends ladies.
The witch has trundled off, but I'm having a hard time shaking the blues this month. I'm sure it will get better soon, but I didn't want to come on here all mopey and moany really.

Yet another pregnancy at work, although this one is a bit of a positive story - it took her 5 years with intervention to fall pregnant with her first, which was about 2 years ago. She's now pregnant with her second, which happened completely naturally. She's 39. So lots of positives to take from that I think. I know there was someone else who used to work at my place who had a similar experience (and was a similar age), so it does happen.

I love the sound of the thrift store and can get to Whitechapel very easily now we've got the Overground line in our little pocket of SE London. I've been meaning to head that way anyway to do some curry ingredient shopping in Brick Lane - inspired after my cookery class last week. Might have to have a proper outing soon - although I overspent dreadfully at the beginning of the month, so maybe I'll wait until next pay day - even if it is a thrift store!

And you both have exciting housey-house type things going on too! Best of luck for all that - very exciting, although I hate moving so I hope I don't have to do that again for a long time! Shouldn't have to - we bought something to grow into when we bought this place, so it will be more about updating than moving when the time comes. We've managed to collect an awful lot of crap between us though, so it's another boring weekend of sorting and clearing to get the spare room ready for my brother-in-law's visit next weekend. I did manage to make some breakfast muffins this morning though - very tasty, with bananas, sultanas and pumpkin seeds. Yum!
yum - you guys are making me feel hungry!! My OH is cooking some calamari right now for our lunch (he's a Waitrose fiend so they're lovely fresh ones from there!!). I made some flapjacks again yesterday but haven't ventured into anything more adventurous!!

Clanger - It was after I read your TTC journal that I felt inspired to send you a little message, you're such a kind and giving person and I wanted to give you something too because you sounded quite sad in your journal! :hugs: I got a nice 50s style dress of ebay last summer - it's by HellBunny which seems to be a bit of a psychobilly/goth style (mainly for those younger than my 38 years) but it's got a big full skirt and fitted top and similarly I think it's good for my hips and stomach!!! The "vintage" jumble has mainly things from 70s to 90s, I reckon, but I did get quite a few tunic style dresses and flowery floaty dresses - I'll be all ready for summer. (and most of them would manage an expanding stomach either from cakes or a little growing bean!!) I haven't heard of Randine Lewis but I'm definitely up for learning new tips! I did so much reading of books and forums in my first 6 months or so of TTC that I haven't really got that much inclination to read more because after a while they started to say the same thing. It would be good to get a new perspective if this one is different. So, when are you predicting O for this month? Hope this is your month!! :hugs:

SophieBee - Please feel free to be all moany and mopey. that's one of the reasons we're here - to sympathise and understand!! It's really hard to be positive and upbeat all of the time, and I think the sign of a strong person is someone who can be down and unhappy when they need to be. This is a really important time in all of our lives and we're trying to do something really special and precious so it's understandable to have blue days. :hugs: that's a nice and inspiring story about your work colleague, isn't it? It's funny, isn't it, I feel similar in the way that when I hear about someone that has been trying for years I feel really happy for them and when it's someone who got pregnant the first month or wasn't even trying that's when it's harder for me. One of my colleagues told me recently about her nephew and his wife, they've been TTC for about 5 years too and are both 41 - she recently had their first baby and it was such a lovely story too. That's a good idea to have bought somewhere to grow into, that's what we're hoping to do too but everywhere seems so expensive and we're getting about £60k less than we originally thought for the flat. London is so expensive, isn't it? Good luck with your clearing and sorting. I did the opposite this weekend and brought a massive bag of clothes into the flat from the jumble, I will definitely have to have a big clear out now!!!

We've started looking on the internet at property again but are thinking we won't start going to see places again until we're a bit further on with selling so that we don't pin our hopes on somewhere and not get it because we're not in a strong enough position yet. I just know that we're going to have to compromise on something too and I'm torn between getting somewhere in the right location and right size that needs a lot of work doing to it, or going for somewhere outside of the right location that's in a better condition, or somewhere in the right location that's in a good condition but has less space/rooms!! Exciting times but also difficult ones!! I also think that if I was pregnant I'd feel more excited about it all and when looking at places and imagining a nursery etc - sometimes it's hard to do if you're feeling deflated from it all!! Today I'm feeling quite upbeat about it all - we're going out this afternoon for a walk on Primrose Hill and to go to the Museum of Everything because it's the last day and my OH wants to go. We're aiming to do more nice things together that aren't about TTC - starting with a bit of BD-ing this morning outside my fertile time - this often falls down on our list of priorities!!!!

Bye for now, lovely London cyber friends xx :hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies,

SophieBee I am really sorry to hear it's a tough month for you.Please know that you can come on here and be as grumbley/moany/whiney/ranty/whingey etc as you want.It's great to have that pma and cheerlead for eachother, but sometimes it really does feel hopeless and unfair and difficult.Like Leeze I reckon it's important to wallow a bit in the crappy days and let it all out somehow.One of the reasons I decided to get the book I was on about was because it's meant to be very inspirig and reassuring and provide hope as sometimes it's really hard to pull yourself out that rubbish feeling...rationally we all know that statistically it's so likely we will all get there soon BUT much as you can know that sometimes it feels so hard and hopeless.I am thinking of you have some nice treats to loom forward to this month to distract you from all this?Hope so, sending you lots of thoughts.

Thanks also for sharing that story re lady at work.Much as pregnancies can be hard to hear about it's comforting to hear these sorts of stories.I also have been meaning to share with you 2 that a bumped into a preggered up friend of a friend lately.I don't know her too well but she's very open about their struggles to conceive...think it's been about 3 yrs and that were successful on first go with intevention.Anyway...I was very happy to see her bump and congratulating her massively...BUT she looked so stressed and said "it's such a scary time" and was talking about how scared she was re something going wrong and how stressful it was.I felt really sad that she wasn't able to feel excitied and happy and that things were so stressful.It made me think that having a stressful ttc journey could poison your mind and make you so scared something will gp wrong that carries through to a pregnancy.It's also made me feel determined ro find ways ro be less anxiety ridden about this whole thing...WHEN I get there I want ro enjoy it...sure it will be anxiety provoking at times...but I don't want to associate all this with so much anxiety that it becomes second nature to fear the worst.Sorry that was a ramble...just made me think and thought would share with you ladies.

Leeze...youre so thoughtful and lovely, I truly appreciate it it makes a real difference to me hearing your words.I started that journal/rant page as a bit of an outlet on the sh*tty days.Kind of therapeutic in a teenage diary kinda way...but weirdly a little more private though it's on the Internet as my Mum can't find it and tell me off for drinking mad dog as in the teenage diary days!Hope you guys find a lovely house that's perfect for you both soon.How annoying you had to drop the price so much...but with the market the way it is you may be able to get a great deal on something else.Your man sounds amazing cooking you calamari for lunch, what a star he is...and from
waitrose too ;-) Your day out sounds lovely too, enjoy it...hope the tww passes quicly for you.

SophieBee how lovely to have a house you can grow into.Know what you mean about accumulating things too! else that anyof us know is allowed to get pregnant until we all have our bfps.It's just not fair, so I am disallowing it!
:haha::haha: - I agree Clanger, I think everyone we know should make a pact to not get pregnant until the 3 of us have. Writing it down like that makes it seems very logical and straight-forward and I don't think they should mind at all!!! I was also thinking the other day that I would love to be bump buddies with you both so we have to make a pact that as soon as one of us gets our BFP that the other 2 will get theirs too - Ok? Great, sorted!!! :happydance::happydance: Now the world is a perfect place we've got nothing else to worry about!! If only!

It's funny isn't it about the story of your friend who took so long to get her BFP and then is really stressed about being preg. I imagine you go through a whole heap of emotions when preg so let's hope she has lots of happy ones too! I know when I got my BFP before the m/c, I only had about a week and a half of feeling really happy and excited, but mixed in with that was so fear and worry too - I think it's probably pretty natural. But, I agree it's also important to do things that make us happy and find outlets for our stress. :hugs:

SophieBee - I was also just thinking that one of the reasons it's good for you to come on here and rant and moan is to help your London cyber buddies (ie Clanger and me) to feel normal when we do our rants! Because, believe me, I'm in a ranting mood today!!! I just went on facebook and I swear that 90% of the people on there had posted up a funny story or cute picture about their child/baby or bump - all very lovely in a way but also felt like they were all flaunting their fertility in my face. :growlmad::growlmad: I feel like such a cow for feeling like that but I can't help it. It feels really unfair right now and I'm so fed up with waiting I can't tell you. I feel like de-friending all the people with children and I know I don't really want to do that but somehow I want them to all get out of my face!!!

Speak soon xx :hugs::hugs:
I know exactly how you feel Leeze. My sister-in-law is about to drop - in fact I think she is due today - and keeps putting updates on her facebook status saying how bored she is of being pregnant. I'm sure it is frustrating and uncomfortable by the time you get to that point, but I can't imagine ever saying something like that. And there was a new picture of her yesterday, all massive bump and frowny face. You should have heard the swears that came out of my mouth!

I'm really frustrated because I'm hitting my peak days and I'm still feeling really low, which means I don't feel like doing anything - and that's hardly going to help me get out of the "I'm sad because I'm not pregnant" slump I'm in right now. Cross with myself, cross with the world. And I feel like we are putting loads on hold, just in case I get pregnant soon - I'm starting to resent the whole thing, which is just ridiculous. Of course I'd rather be pregnant than go on holiday in August/September, but for some reason it seems really important to me that we are holding off planning our summer holiday "just in case". Which is ridiculous because we wouldn't even be booking at this point usually anyway, so I've no idea why it is suddenly so important to me. I hope this is just a temporary feeling.

I really hope the three of us can be bump buddies - and really soon! That would be so perfect and clearly the only fair way for the universe to treat us. Hear that, universe? xx
Forgot to ask if you both had a nice Valentine's Day? We don't actually bother with it ourselves because our first date anniversary is next week, (will be 10 years on Monday) so that's a little bit more meaningful for us. I know lots of couples enjoy it though, so if it is your thing I hope you had lovely nights!
Aww - SophieBee - I hear you! Must be so hard for you that your sil is being like that. :hugs::hugs:

I hate to say it but when I have days like you're having and it's around my fertile period then normally I force myself to BD anyway (almost in a lie back in think of England way) because I know I will feel worse if I miss those important days. For the first few months I kept wanting it to always be special and romantic but now sometimes it's just a case of getting it done and then saving the romantic and special BDing for when it's not the fertile time and we can relax more!

I know what you mean about holidays too, because we even got the train last year to go on holiday to Spain in case I was pregnant - it took us nearly 2 days of travelling each way and it was really tiring!! We got the train from London to Paris then overnight from Paris to Madrid and then from Madrid down to Southern Spain. It's ok if you can sleep on trains but I hardly slept at all and wasn't drinking on the way because I was in the 2WW!! This year I'm trying to be a bit more relaxed about it, because I don't think there's much evidence that occasional flying is bad when preg or during early pregnancy - and thinking that flight attendants sometimes get pregnant and would be flying and not knowing about it when quite early on. This year we've booked some time off so we know we can have some time together but will decide nearer the time what to do with it, but I'm hoping we will go for a short-haul flight because I'm not doing the overnight train again! I know how hard it is to feel like your life is kinda on hold and then you keep going for months and that BFP doesn't come. At least if the BFP came it would feel like it was worth it!!! Bodies, are you listening? It's time to spring into action!! :haha:

We stayed in and got a take-away for Valentine's Day!!! My idea and I have to say it was a great idea. I think it's often so expensive to go out and the idea of having to be romantic because of the day it is feels wrong really. Why not be romantic on other days just for the sake of it. Saying that I dropped a massive hint with my OH in the morning - ie I really like roses - and he came back that evening with a big bunch of them!! What a sweetie and good to know he's trainable!! :winkwink::haha:
Oh SophieBee so sorry to hear you're still in that crappy "Im sad cos I'm not pregnant" slump.All the stuff about your sil must be so hard to hear, I really feel for you lady.Hope you somehow manage to get your mojo back and do the deed now your approaching the peek days.When were always viewing our bodies as potential baby makign machines, on "knicker watch" (for cm or signs of approaching slagbag), poking our boobs for signs of tenderness(or is that just moi?) and generally constantly checking put the status of our bits..."am I ovulating/preggered up" etc it's bloomin hard to feel like a sex kitten and in the mood.More so when you just feel so fed up of youre life being in ttc limbo.Soinds line like it's really sh*tty for you at the moment...though I know how sh*t this all is and that it won't make it better I am sending you virtual cake and hugs.

I totally emphathise re the whole hard to plan a hols thingy.It's rubbish isn't it...not being able to enjoy being childless by drinking and eating what we want and making exciting plans as that question mark is always there. Is there anyway you could book a short break somewhere soon if you have the time and money?I know it's not summer sun but getting away and being silly for 3 days really helped me this month?Hope you and Mr SophieBee have a lovely anniversary.What an amazing landmark to be able to celebrate.

Leeze...I like Mr Leeze more the more I hear about him, what a sweetie.Sorry to hear about your facebook child overload.I think there should be some kind of anti child/bump filter we can use on facebook...or any conversation or interaction till we get pregnant for that matter!I laughed at your no pregancies idea.You're right, it's perfectly reasonable and straightforward!I would so love to be bump buddies with you lovelies...would make my year.How's your tww lady?You are apparently a squillion times more fertile after the hsg remember!

The Clangville update is pretty rubbish and self absorbed today.I was feeling ok about all this the past few days and was picking my brains earlier on the week about why that was as wanted to share some of the positivity with you lovelies esp knowing you SophieBee are having such a crappy time.Then...I met one of my best friends who is staying with us for a week (she's asleep here now) she recently came out of a long term relationship and is actually the only one of my close mates not with babies or planning any soon and rely on her for wine and distraction nights.Anyway...she told me that she is 6 weeks preggers by a guty she's just started seeing...they have always used full on contraception and it was a suprise and she's been considering not going through with it...but has decided she will and he is standing by her.It's weird because she's so freaked out about it and is coming to terms with it rather than being happy about it.I am being so selfish and making this about me rather than her, but have found this so, so hard to hear.How is she pregnant after random protected sex when we time it perfectly every cycle for months and nothing for any of us?????I can't get my head round this ladies...I know I am being self absorbed when she is struggling.But I have used all my energy bein supportive to her while I am screaming "it's not fair" like a supernanny tantrumig toddler inside my head.I want to be a good friend to her but this is testing massively.It just seems like a huge set back after pulling myself out of the moody-negative-ranty dumps of a couple of weeks ago and managing to be a bit more positive and proactive.Right...that moan has helped recharge my supportive friend batteries.I need to go and sit on the naughty step for beig so self indulgent!Sorry for being so grumbly's just so hard sometimes isn't it.She clearly didn't get your no pregnancies memo Leeze!:)

Sending you both lots of thoughts and virtual cake.
very quick one from me coz I'm at work. Just want to say Clanger, I really understand what you're going through with your friend. That's exactly how I was when I got the news about my best friend being preg - it took me about a month or so to get my head round it and I had to have a couple of frank discussions with her about my feelings (I didn't do this straight away though as I decided she wasn't the best person to speak to initially about it). I actually feel quite a lot better about it (still quite jealous and feel it's unfair but I'm not as bitter as I was). I really struggled with it for about the first month. My point is, I hope it gets easier for you - and don't forget to look after your own feelings in all this. Good to get it out there. We're here for you xx :hugs:

SophieBee have you made any plans yet for your anniversary? 10 years, that is amazing!! I hope you're doing ok and managed to get some BDing in this month. :hugs: - there's a great thread on the 2WW section that's all about why it's good not to be pregnant by the way - some funny things in there, made me smile - it's called something like the positives of getting a negative. Check it out xx :hugs:
Another pregnancy at work. That makes 3 in the last 3 months. People aren't taking any notice of our pact! How very dare they! Am starting to think that there is a secret fertility water fountain at work that no one has told me about! It's the only logical explanation...

Clanger, it must be really hard for you right now - I think you might need some virtual cake too! And Leeze, that you went through the same thing too. It's so stupidly unfair isn't it.

I'm finally feeling much better. I had a lovely long chat with my sister yesterday and it really cheered me up. She fell pregnant with her first without trying, so had no real understanding of the whole ttc experience until very recently. They started trying for number 2 last month and she apparently spent the whole 2WW convinced she was up the duff, spotting symptoms at every tiny twinge - even though she'd said to me to not bother looking for symptoms because she didn't have any for ages. Don't get me wrong - her disappointment didn't cheer me up (just realised I sounded like a total cow then!) - it was being able to talk to her about it and know she at last had a bit of an understanding about how I felt. I'm really lucky because my sister is pretty much my best friend, but you can only really let off steam about ttc in the way we do when you know the other people listening know what you are going through. I know that neither of you are being selfish and unfeeling about your friends and their situations, but they might not necessarily get that because they haven't been going through what we have. I feel lucky to have guys like you on the end of the internet, I really do!

Plus you both say funny things that make me giggle! Clanger, I nearly spit out my water when you said that about boob poking! I do that EVERY month and last month my boobs were so sore I was convinced it meant something. Now wondering if I poked them so much they became tender! Ha!

We haven't actually made any plans for the 10 years - it's sort of crept up on us. Monday is a bit of a rubbish day to celebrate, so we'll probably head out on Saturday. Go for a nice meal, have a bit of "slightly outside the fertile window but we're going to do it anyway" sex. We've actually got our 5 year wedding anniversary coming up in March as well, so will probably have a bit more of a celebration then. That at least falls on a Friday!
Thanks for your fab messages of support ladies.So lovely to feel understood.Leeze, great that you could be so open with your friend and that things have got easier for you.I think it was the shock of it for me...she was on a completely difernet page from baby making and described being "devastated" about the news that she's knocked up.She's in shock and getting her head round it I guess.I don't get it though...what kind of super turbo sperm does this guy have that he can power through a condom??????

SophieBee so glad you are feeling better and have had such an open chat with your sis.Lovely that you can chat about all this with her.How many people have you guys told about ttcing.We haven't really told anyone...though sure people have guessed as I've alwus been open about wanting babies.To be honest, its gettin to the point where I need to tell people as I need the support.It's so hard though as most of my closest friends ha e kiddies and don't know any of them who room more than 3 months to get knocked sure they would be supprtive and empathtic as they are amazing ladies.

What's up with the pregnancies at your work SophieBee...Leeze you clearly haven't got that memo out to the whole of London yet!I am going to check that thread out Leeze thanks for the heads up...need a kick up the bottom as been all tearful today.Entering 2ww territory so can start googling made up symptoms/boob poking/knickerwatch/obsessing over imaginary nausea to distract me from being Mrs misery guts.

Thanks for your loveliness girls.
Hi lovely London girls! :flower:

I heard about another pregnancy in work yesterday too!!! :growlmad: And she only had a baby about 18 months ago - that feels like unfair distribution of baby dust to me!!! The memo definitely hasn't got round yet, has it!?

SophieBee - great you can talk to your sis like that and she can be understanding. I've been boob prodding all day today, I was doing it at work when everyone else had gone home then I realised I was walking passed a window with residences opposite! I don't think anyone was looking but it was a bit funny! :haha: My boobs do feel a bit tender today, but I think it might be because of all the prodding I've been doing! - Have a lovely anniversary, and enjoy the none baby-making sex!! :winkwink:

Clanger - Quite a lot of people know we're TTC-ing, mainly because I told a lot of friends about my m/c because I was quite down for a few months around then and at the time it felt easier to tell people why. Now I'm not so sure it was a good idea because loads of people know and ask me about it, but actually mostly they're supportive and respectful if I don't want to speak about it. My friend who got preg was on the pill, so a bit similar to your friend who was using a condom - wasn't trying to do it - and has found it really difficult in many ways. Hard going for those of us who are so ready and willing to have a lovely little bub :baby:

I'm in quite a good mood today but am feeling really impatient in the 2WW too. Having a few crampy feelings on and off and can't help but imagine it's implantation - but also trying to stay calm and rational and not get my hopes up because I've often had this sort of sensation about a week after O and it has come to nothing. Fingers and everything else crossed though!!! Also, we're going to see 3 flats tomorrow, going to get ourselves a little love nest to grow a family in!! :happydance:
My workplace is ridiculous. There's only 60 of us, so hardly huge, but at any one time there are usually between 8-10 either pregnant or on mat leave, which is a fair old percentage of the office when you think about it. We had a case of swine flu last year and only one person ended up ill with it - pregnancy is more catching than flu where I work. Unless you're me, of course.

Clanger, quite a lot of people know we're TTC-ing as well. I found it easier to let people know that we were trying, than deal with the "when are you going to start" questions I was getting. People are quite sensitive really - I think they realise that the fact they haven't heard anything means it isn't as straightforward as it might be, so I don't really get any awkward questions from people. Some also are able to tell me positive stories of others who have taken more of a scenic route to having a family, rather than the fast track!

I've only just got peak on my CBFM today, and my temps haven't peaked yet, so any anniversary celebrating we do today will still be in the fertile window. That's quite a nice surprise - maybe it will all tie together, with it being our 10 year anniversary and everything. Fingers crossed, anyway!

Leeze, I hope the viewings go well and you find your dream home! That is a fun bit of moving, I did enjoy going and looking at other people's houses and trying to picture us living there. Hope it helps take your mind off 2WW nuttiness. Clanger, I hope your 2WW is going OK - I shall be entering mine very soon too, so we can all symptom spot together!


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