London TTC buddies chat thread

woo-hoo - anniversary BDing at peak time!! could be a sign! what an amazing time this would be to conceive!!! :hugs:
I am officially ridiculous.I have convinced myself I am out this month because of....a sneeze.Yep ladies...I had a Humungous sneeze right after our perfectly timed bd sesh and have been obsessing over this and have now convinced myself that during this humungously huge sneeze I propelled all the decent swimmers miles away from
their goal leaving them to perish in no mans land rather than race up to the egg!Yes...I am aware this is utterly completely ridiculous...I mean if sneezing was such an effective method of contraception wouldn't ladies everywhere be prescribed a big fat post sex sneeze instead of the pill? But my little crazy ttc mind is still whispering "oh dear...that sneeze..." at me at regular intevals!

SophieBee...happy anniversary!Did you go out somewhere nice?Agree with Leeze....what perfect timing!Leeze, how were the flats?How exciting to be looking for
your first family home.Sounds like you're both having lovely symptoms.

Thanks for sharing re telling your friends about ttc.Good to know you find it helpful and supportive to have people are both very impressive ladies, having the strength to be open with people about these challenges and getting thensupport you need.I don't know why I am so weird about this...I have about 9 very close friends with whom I have shared personal and difficult challenges over the years, they are brilliant and supportive but for some reason I find it hard to share this huge challenge.It's not a shame thing...I've been thinking a lot about how WHEN I preggered up I
will be telling everyone and anyone that it didn't happen easily and
quickly as I want to normalise the fact that it can and
does take a while sometimes. I think the problem
is that so many of my friends have kids and they all got preggered up either without trying or straight away.Case in point...I was with a close friend and her other Mummy friends yesterday (feeling completely out of the loop as they all chatted away about baby things but that's a moan for a different day) someone mentioned a friend of theirs who wasn't there who has been ttc...someone asked how long for and when the answer came back as "5 months" there were faces pulled and intakes of breath.Now I found that stressful...and wouldn't want to think that my super fertile friends were thinking this about me.Anyway...I'm getting to the point were I am struggling with all this and need support hence these important chats with you 2.Thanks for your thoughts girls.

Seriously Leeze get that memo out pronto...Can't believe the pregnancy rates at your works!Leeze sorry to hear you went through a similar issue with your pregnant friend...sounds like you managed this brilliantly and glad it's getting easier for you.I think there a unique challenge when you're ttcing and your friend who doesn't want to be prego gets knocked up.Usually with friends preganancies they are so happy, so you feel happy for them and hope you can be bump buddies...and there is of course a teeny bit of jealousy mixed in.When they don't want to be pregnant and aren't happy and need your support with this it is hard to know how to feel!

Happy Sundays ladies.Leeze when are you testing?Also, when is your next fertility app?Hoping you don't have to brilliant would that be?Am sure if you do go they will warn you about the fertility destroying power of sneezing :) SophieBee enjoy your special anniversary fertility time...5 yrs of marriage...does it feel
like it's flown by?
Hi there!

SophieBee - Great to know your friends are supportive and respectful - mine are mainly and actually what I worry about a lot is that I haven't got much else to talk about at the moment apart from TTC!

I hope you caught that egg over the weekend and had fun trying! :winkwink: - It would be just the most romantic time ever to conceive, and apparently I read recently that you're most likely to conceive when you're both relaxed and really into it. How hard that is to do though? If you're anything like me then it so often feels a bit like a chore when you're thinking about how short the most fertile window is, you're tired after work, you're worrying about the right position, thinking about "what order to do things", worrying about not using any saliva in those intimate places, keeping your legs in the air afterwards, not going to the toilet for half an hour after etc - never mind our poor blokes that are expected to perform on demand!! :haha:

Clanger, shall I add sneezing to the list too? It's funny, when I read what you'd put the rational bit of me was thinking "don't worry, it will be fine, there's so many of the swimmers and some of them shoot up to their goal straight away" and then I was remembering that recently I laughed just after BDing and felt like some "fell out" :blush: and I worried about this meaning that I'd lost the crucial ones!! Also, I find it really hard sometimes to wait for at least half an hour before going to the toilet afterwards and sometimes have to give in. Of course, we're going to worry about every little thing. I guess the truth is that some of them may well have fallen out (and they will do that anyway whether we sneeze, laugh, cough, go to the toilet etc) but there's millions of them so fingers crossed most of them stay in and go where they should do! Also, are you definitely sure that your friends all got preg easily? The reason I ask is because when I had the m/c I told a few of my female friends - maybe about 6 or so - 3 of them had told me previously about m/cs they had had so I knew about them - but the other 3 had all had m/cs too and I didn't know about it and I had just assumed they got preg easily because they hadn't told me otherwise. Also my friend's wife had a baby recently and when I told him about our troubles in TTC he told me they had taken over a year and had been going for tests etc. I guess there's positives and negatives of telling people and of not telling people - and once you tell them you can't take it back!! Most of the time I don't regret telling people, but sometimes I wish I still had more interests in other things and had other stuff I could talk about!!

I caved in this morning and tested on one of those internet cheapies. Initially it looked like a definite BFN and then I kept imagining seeing a faint line, and after about 5 mins it looked like there was a tiny little faint line - I'm definitely not getting excited just yet because I think it might be an evap line as it's not clear at all. But, of course, I'm hanging on to every shred of hope that it might be an early BFP. I'm only 10dpo so really it's too early but I will test again tomorrow and see what it looks like. Our next fertility appointment is 16th March, it would be amazing to get our BFP before then and not need it, although I'm also curious to know what the results from all the tests are!

We saw 3 flats yesterday and we really liked one of them but it was a bit outside our price range. Also when we spoke about it afterwards we also realised it wasn't very child-friendly - it would be great for entertaining and for having BBQs in the garden etc but the layout wasn't ideal for young children! So, we're going to re-think things and keep this in the top of our mind the next time we go looking!! Enjoy the rest of your Sundays xx :hugs:
Lady, I think this could definately be your BFP!!!!!If you saw something within 5 mins that's no evap!!!!Am keeping cautious like you...but seriously this sounds so promising.Test again you have a frer???I researched them massively last month and they are pretty impressive in their research trials for reliable early results.Have you told Mr Leeze?More importantly how are you going to sleep tonight before testing again?How am I going to sleep, I so excited for you!Everything crossed and lots of encouraging thoughts coming your way!

I think I have freakishly fertile friends as I have asked most of them about ttc timing and most got knocked up straight away and one took 3 months with her first and straight away with 2nd.My best friend got preggers accodently twice and first month of trying with her 3rd pregnancy.So guess being surrounded by all this super fertility makes me feel more of a freak!

SophieBee enjoy rest of your fertile anniversary weekend and Leeze, so hopeful and cautiously excited for you!
Thanks Clanger - I am going a bit crazy here! Also I posted the test in the preg test gallery and had lots of responses from women who said they think it's BFP!!! I'm trying really really really hard to stay of sound mind but it's very difficult!!!!

Not sure about sleeping! Might need lots of hot chocolate!!!

have told Mr Leeze, funny thing was we agreed last night before bed that I would wait till Monday to test and then when I woke up this morning I couldn't resist testing so just went for it!! I haven't got a FRER but have got a superdrug test that I think you might be able to use a couple of days early. If I had any willpower left then I would wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to use the Superdrug one but I don't think I've got any willpower at all now!! I've also got a Boots digi one that you can do from day AF is due - AF is technically due tomorrow but my CBFM said I O'd late so would probably come on Wed or Thurs if I'm not preg - so I probably should wait till then to test.

Wowee - you do have super-fertile friends - you're not kidding on that one! Must be extra hard on you :hugs::hugs: - It's so easy to say and not so easy to believe that most couples do get pregnant within a year of trying - so fingers crossed we all get our BFPs very soon!!!

Anyway, if I do get a clear BFP in the next few days then I'm expecting you both to have yours within the next 2-3 weeks - remember our pact? :friends:
Ooooh Leeze, that sounds very promising. Will try not to get too excited, but I've got everything crossed for you. I hope it's the start of a lucky run for all three of us!

We've had a lovely weekend, went out for a nice meal last night and managed to get some BD-ing in as well so with some luck we've caught the egg this month. Clanger, the five years of marriage have definitely flown by - I'm a bit amazed that it was that long ago as it doesn't feel like it.

Oh dear, I started writing this post ages ago and then decided to go and get dinner under way and now I've lost my train of thought! Got a sausage casserole bubbling away now. Mmmmmm....


Clanger, I'm sure you won't have sneezed out anything important. I'm sure I remember reading that sperm move quite quickly from semen into CM - and you don't want the puny sperm that are phased by one little sneeze anyway, you want the big powerful super sperm, who laugh in the face of such obstacles and power their way through to the egg! It'll deffo be a strong sticky bean then!

I can't believe the weekend is nearly over and it's back to work tomorrow. There aren't allowed to be any more pregnancies at work until I announce mine. It's a new law I'm passing - what do you think? x
Leeze I checked out your pics and I can see the lines on both.Wow for lines at 10dpo...all evidence pointing towards a very very very sticky beanie snuggling in.Understand you want a nice clear bfp before setting off the party poppers...I very excitedly waiting on your news lovely lady.Thank you also for taking the time to comment on my journal/moan page!Means a lot to hear that you understand and are so supportive of me!

SophieBee sounds like such a lovely weekend.Also your dinner sounds extra yum.I am all for your law, they just basically have to agree not to shag till we are all bfped recent evidence shows that even condoms are prone to letting some swimmers through.Thanks for your thoughts on "sneeze gate", you're right...swimmers who are detered by a mere sneeze (albeit quite a powerful explosion of a sneeze) just wouldnt make the grade!

Right happy evening on this (very cautiously exciting) Sunday.Hoping you wake up to a lovely bfp tomorrow Leeze, you deserve to.Will be sneaking on looking for updates.
Hello fellow Londoners. Great reading this thread - made me feel I am not the only obssessive TTC nutter out there. Haha. Have not told any friends we are trying as I think that will just add pressure but finding that this forum helps immensely!

Really hope that we all get our BFP very soon (if not already!)

After getting married 6 months ago, my hubby and I starting trying in Dec ("properly" in Jan). Sadly Aunt flow paid an unwelcome visit last month and is threatening to ruin my Feb also (brownish discharge that signals AF isn't far away!). She really ought to get the hint and go away so that Mr Storky can deliver his parcel!

Hubby and I have both been pretty busy/stressed at work and probably did the baby dance around 4 times in Jan and 3 times in Feb only (all roughly around ovulation date though). I used OPKs in the first month, which I found drove me a bit nuts. When I finally got my positive OPK I said I would avoid them like the plague in order to reduce my stress levels. But looks like I cannot help myself and will be reverting back to testing and charting next cycle!

I am going to try the "sperm meets egg plan" (or as my hubby calls it, the "chicken and egg plan", haha) - hubby is already anxious about the expectation for him to perform so much! Have a BBT thermometer so will start charting this month, will start testing with OPKs from day 8 (following some advice on the net/lovely ladies on this site), BD every other day from CD 8 until OPK shows positive, after which I will BD every day for 3 days, take a break then BD again! Here is hoping that the bean grabs on to the lining inside my womb!

Good luck to you all!

Hi mk80 and welcome to the London thread :flower:

This site can be a great support, but I find I sometimes need to take a break for a couple of days - otherwise you feel like all that is in your brain is TTC madness. Do come and blow off steam here if you need to.

I've heard that the sperm meets egg plan is a good one, so fingers crossed it works for you. And best of luck with all the temping and OPK malarkey - no one ever prepares you for all the bits that can end up going with the TTC journey do they?

Leeze - best of luck with testing tomorrow. I might not get a chance to come online until the evening, but will be thinking of you!
Hi mk80 and welcome to the London thread :flower:

This site can be a great support, but I find I sometimes need to take a break for a couple of days - otherwise you feel like all that is in your brain is TTC madness. Do come and blow off steam here if you need to.

I've heard that the sperm meets egg plan is a good one, so fingers crossed it works for you. And best of luck with all the temping and OPK malarkey - no one ever prepares you for all the bits that can end up going with the TTC journey do they?

Leeze - best of luck with testing tomorrow. I might not get a chance to come online until the evening, but will be thinking of you!

Thanks SophieBee... 551am and forgot to temp this morning! Woopsie... Haha. Better luck tomo I suppose. Hope everybody has a great day!
OMG - it's a BFP this morning on superdrug test!! Will post more later but am so excited I wanted to share!! :cloud9:

Welcome to the newbie xx :hugs:
Oh my actual god! did it, you are up the duff!I don't have emoticon thingys as on phone but if I did they would be doing the massiveist victory dance ever, jumping up and down, high 5-ing and giving you huge hugs.You are brilliant and so deserve this!

Mk80 how lovely to have another Londoner on board.Sounds like you're doing all the right things for your bfp...and this is now officially a lucky thread thanks to clever Lady Leeze so we will all be bfped up in no time at all!I also got married last was your wedding?Mine seems like an age ago.

SophieBee hope you don't have too much of a post annivesary Monday morning come down.

Still on a high from your news Leeze....utterly amazing!
I'm so much in shock that I can't do any work and I'm sneaking on here!! I'm fully expecting you all to follow suit in the next few weeks because I'm going to be lonely in the 1st tri section without my London buddies there with me - and it IS all about me, after all!!! :haha:

Mk80 - sounds like you're going to fit right in here. These women are amazing!

SophieBee - I loved your perspective on the weak :spermy: being sneezed away!!! :haha:

Clanger - thanks for your lovely words - I think you are just as excited as I am!! My OH was laughing at me this morning that I came on here to post my news before work. I was like "my cyber friends are waiting to hear from me, I've got a responsibility to let them know" :haha::hugs:

So, now I need my bean to stick and then I will feel happier - I guess because I had a m/c in June that the worry will start to worm its ugly head in my brain soon. I will try my best to not let it do that, but I think it's also understandable to have some little worries.

Now, I want to be guided by you guys as to whether you would be ok about me popping back in here sometimes to keep an eye on you and making sure you're fulfilling you part of the pact to follow me into the 1st tri section very soon. I feel like you have really helped me get to this amazing place today and I would like to still be there for you - but I also know that it can be hard when you're feeling frustrated and down about TTC when you have somebody who keeps popping up with a BFP (I'm on month 14 so believe me, I know). I won't be offended if you say you'd rather keep this thread to those that are TTC - and if so then we can keep in touch sometimes through sending messages to each others pages/journals etc - and I can lurk quietly around the thread sometimes to check up on you. :hugs:
ohmigosh Leeze! That's so exciting! Massive, massive congrats to you!

Have just come online very quickly as am at work and they frown on us visiting these sorts of sites, but had to find out if it was good news. And it is! Yay!

Will catch up properly later, but am so pleased to bits for you! :hugs:
Right then, I'm back from work so can properly concentrate on a response now. Woweee! I'm so flipping excited, what'll I be like when it's my BFP? :haha:

How are you feeling Leeze? Were you able to concentrate at all today?

And you are so thoughtful with your question about staying in this group. I'm very happy to have you stick around for a bit longer, but I guess it will depend on what others think. From a selfish point of view, I don't want you to go anywhere just yet, but I completely understand that there will be new people coming and going from this thread all the time and they might not feel comfortable. I reckon you should hang around for a little while longer at least and then if it isn't working we can keep in touch through other means!

mk80 - what a day to have joined our little London thread! I hope this is the start of a lucky run of BFPs for us London lovelies! It's a shame you missed your temp this morning, but I don't think the odd missed day will matter overall. My chart is all over the place because I sleep very badly and I'm not always good at taking it the same time every day, but a pattern still manages to emerge. I put a link in my signature, just in case others are interested, so please feel free to have a look. Maybe we can work it out together!!

I'm a bit confused today as FF has declared my ov day as CD11, but I didn't get my CBFM peak until CD12. No idea which I should put more faith in - particularly with my up and down temps. Anyway, we BD'd on CD10 and CD12 so whichever one is right, we hopefully caught it!
Leeeeeze!Still so exciting, you are preggered up!Don't blame you for lack of fact think you should have had a bfp duvet day and drunk something non alcoholic and fizzy and eaten cake!Am sure that after your experiences it's so normal to have a little worry at times...but as long as you can manage that and also enjoy the excitement of it all reckon that's brilliant!I for one would love you to stick around for lots of people.It's lovely having a London orientated thread we can share London tips on, also it will be great to pick your brains on ttc related issues such as gp visits etc in London if any pf us need to go that route.Also...I need you to keep providing me with cake porn!Though I do get horribly jealous when my ridiculously fertile friends who wouldn't know what an opk was if it bit them on the bum get doesn't feel that way at all when someone
like you who has struggled an worried about t gets bfped up.In fact it gives me hope that it CAN happen!Also...realise that ttcing can be horrible an some women need to put all that behind them during their pregnancy sp if you need to distance yourself for a while then, I will miss you, but would completely understand. So chuffed for you lovely.

MK80 I wouldn't worry about the odd missed temp...SophieBee and I are slight rule breakers when it comes to temping (would you agree SophieBee?) and we still manage to get an o date on our charts.Mine aren't always very pretty...but they seem to be normalish...good luck with yours!
Sophiebee we crossed posts! Just to say...took a nose at your chart and wow you have some lovely textbook ov in a tcm article they are a great sign.Re your o date, what was interesting this month for moi was that I ALWAYS o on day 14 but this month I had what I suspect were o twinges etc on eve of day 13...and lo and behold ff have my date at day 13 this month.Made me impressed by how accurate it seemed but obv no way of being sure I was feeling o twinges...kinda cool if so.I wonder whther, as o is a process rather than a spilt second thing...if it happens at night it could be recorded as one of 2 days.Perhaps you oed late day 11 so hormones were still in your wee wee day 12 am.Either way seems you should be covered!
thanks again lovelies, for your amazing words and support. :hugs:

I'm feeling really tired now but had a rubbish sleep last night, but also I got a bit of nausea on the bus home when I was reading. My OH is cooking dinner right now - he's doing organic burgers and asked if I wanted some salad with my burger - I said "no way, I'm pregnant, I want baked beans and a sausage with my burger" :haha: I couldn't focus at all at work, I did about 3.5 hours work in 7 hours. I think that's pretty good but 3 of those hours were in meetings so I had no choice!!! I kept coming back on here in an obsessive way!!

I'm feeling very old and dull that I didn't even think about a BFP related duvet day!! :dohh: - what better reason could there be?

Oh, and I thought it would be good to share with you what I did differently this cycle in case it helps anyone!!! So, obviously there was the HSG and I think this was the biggest factor. But, also my OH and I haven't had a drop of alcohol since NYE so for the last 7 weeks basically - and I wonder if this make a difference to sperm count? And I've been drinking a cup of green tea every day this cycle - this is meant to help with fertility. And, I had 3 months worth of acupuncture for the last 3 months and the acupuncturist said my "qi had balanced" last month - funnily enough I didn't have it this month but this might have all helped. Oh, and because my OH was on business we didn't BD until my first peak day on CBFM and he had abstained for 4 days before that when he had his SA test. The other things that I've done too that we normally have been doing were pre-seed, soft-cups, grapefruit juice, pregnacare tablets, starflower oil, epa tablets and maca

Oh wow- Leeze, I have never met you and until today, I hadn't come across your posts, but I am overjoyed for you! BIG CONGRATS! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months ahead.

Thanks for posting what you did differently too. Green tea eh? I think I may just give that a shot!

I really hope that everybody here has the BFP we have all been dreaming of!

Thanks for the warm welcome also ladies.

Sophiebee- thanks for sharing your chart! Mine was also all over the place in Dec when I tried to temp because I was sleeping really badly. I gave up after 8 days but hearing your story, it may be worth giving it a go none the less!

Clanger - wedding was wonderful! Best day of my life so far. Just so happy. :) Cannot wait to make a mini us now. Haha. I wanted to try on our honeymoon actually but my period was messed up and I took the pill back to back to avoid a period on my wedding day. Decided to wait three months post pill before we started to conceive.

Keep the good news coming ladies!

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