London TTC buddies chat thread

I'm routing for you all and expecting you to get your BFPs very soon!!! :hugs:

Oh wow look at your ticker Leeze...what a lovely site.Hope you are still floating somewhere on cloud 9 eating burgers!Glad you are keeping the faith for us...right now O find it so so hard to imagine getting that bfp...but I know that I finding this month particularly hard for lots of reasons which I have already moaned to you about and am having a difficult week...can't be arsed to explain here but one particular inncident which made me sad but is actually amusing in
retrospect is that while I was running some training in a health setting the other day a patient interupted the whole training session by repeatedly shouting at me "are you pregnant, you look it" I was wearing a tunic dress and my stomach is not my best feature....but it's not THAT big!Other people could see howmuch I was cringing and tried to reassure me of my flat belly...but the fact that they kept on and on made it so much worse....I was burning a serious shade of red!

SophieBee and Mk80 hope your temping is going okand you are having weeks whcih are less humiliating than mine!Oooh anyone got any good recommendations for afternoon teas/girly treats in London which won't break the bank?Got a friend staying her bday and she loves all things beauty related and girly.

Cheers London girls and carry on the non alcoholic celebrations Leeze, you deserve to enjoy this extra spesh time.
I love your new ticker Leeze! I want one! I hope we get to join you soon, but a bit like Clanger I'm starting to lose faith in seeing that BFP. But I'm determined to try to keep a PMA if I can!

Sorry to hear about the patient with the big old mouth Clanger! If you hadn't been TTC, you'd have just laughed it off, but everything becomes hyper acutely sensitive doesn't it? I'm sure your week will get better. How far along are you in the 2WW now?

mk80, I'm glad you found the chart useful - if only to see that you can be as useless as I am at taking temps and still see a pattern :haha:
I started doing the temping as I am a pre-AF spotter - often for 7 days before full AF - so I wanted to see if my temps stayed high until AF or if they dropped when I started spotting (which would have indicated a possible problem with progesterone levels). Too soon to say as I've only completed one cycle of temping, but they didn't drop immediately - I do like the extra info you get from all these little TTC gadgets and stuff...
evening ladies

leeze- oh i love your ticker! :happydance:

oh, interesting note sophiebee... for the past few months (ironically just before ttc), i have been spotting - brownish discharge just before my period comes on properly. usually just the day before then aunt flow comes out to party hard. but this month, i had a slight tinge of brown discharge from sun afternoon (sorry to be gross), more brown discharge yest and then less today (CD27). my cycle is kinda irregular, always has been. can be between 24-31 but typically, its 26-28. i took a pregnancy test this evening as i read you can have spotting even if you are preg but sadly, i got a BFN. :growlmad:

has anybody else has a brown discharge spotting? i used to get it when my period was finishing, not at the start before AF shows up properly. any views?
Mk80...I am a usually a pre af brown spotter too...blo*dy annoying isn't it.Having researched it it's thought to be pretty normal and there can be lots of reasons for it...BUT given you've recently taken the pill I would reckon that that could be the culprit.The pill, even when you only take it for a short time, is renowned for leading to low progesterone for a few months after...this can cause brown spotting.Did you have a temp drop with the spotting too?Anyway...this is a lucky thread now and your bfn was early so fingers crosse it's implantation spotting for you.

SophieBee thanks so much you your lovely supportive words re my sh*tty work related inncident.Having such a low month only cheered up by Leezes amazing news.It's so hard as the months tick by and you feel more despondant isn't it?!Not sure which is worse...getting your hopes up and having them dashed...or just feeling completet drained of hope.Hope your tww is going well.FF has me at 8dpo today.Interesting to see whther after my unexpected lack of pre af spotting last month I spot or not this time...hmmm.

On an unrelated note...decided I will have massive bit pf cake with my next cuppa.It the only thing which combats sodding tww anxiety.

Leeze did a digi...and it didn't say "failed again" what a lovely sight.
Yep, my pre-AF spotting is brown. Annoying. I agree with Clanger, it could easily be related to pill withdrawal. If it continues and you aren't getting a BFP, then take care to get your temps so that you can see if they drop when the spotting starts - if they do you've got something you can wave in the GP's face! If not, then you've got odd spotting like me and Clanger, which is not exactly common, but not abnormal either.

I've heard it's old blood, that kind of gets pushed out ahead of AF, but I don't know. All I know is that I've spoken to two different docs about it and neither seemed very concerned. It does frustrate me though. Fingers crossed it's IB for you :hugs:

Clanger, I joined you on the cake today. I had a horrible day - I had my performance & development review with my manager, which was fine but I ended up getting upset about some changes that happened last year and just burst into tears. Embarrassing... So I went and got myself a massive slice of creamy yummy cake from the very naughty Patisserie Valerie which is basically next door to my offices. Oops.

Still, a year ago I would have stormed out and smoked 3 cigs so at least I've knocked that bad habit on the head!

Leeze! Your lovely "pregnant" pic made me smile. I hope I get to use my digi HPT soon, but will definitely wait until I know it isn't going to tell me I'm a failure!
You guys are so amazing and lovely and I'm sending you lots of hugs and baby dust :hugs::hugs::dust::dust:

Now, remember our pact? Mk80 - you can also join in too!! You promised me that if one of us got our BFP then the others would follow soon afterwards? I need you all to keep believing in it because you all deserve it and I want you all to have a lovely pregnancy ticker too (and more importantly a lovely baby at the end of it all). You're all so caring and giving and I reckon you'd make amazing Mums.

Clanger - sounds like a horrible thing to happen at your training session. How rude!! Fingers crossed for this 2WW - maybe the patient had a premonition! My manager asked me last week if I was pregnant because she said I was glowing! In reality I must have been about 8dpo or so - funny! Please let it be true for you too! :hugs:

SophieBee - sorry to hear you had a horrible experience at work too - it's so stressful isn't it having to deal with work stress and all the stuff with TTC too. I think we need to get a memo out to your manager about how you can only be given praise at the moment because you're doing a sterling job!!! :hugs:

MK80 - sorry for the BFN today - how many dpo are you? I know some women don't get BFP until about 21dpo so you're not out unless AF comes! :hugs:

Clanger - What about seeing if you can get a pampering session at a beauty school - so it would be students doing it and you get a discount - or going for some alternative therapy type treatment - there's something called the that gives you details of what's on where - you might get a cheap massage or reflexology or something! :hugs:

AFM - am feeling really tired today, not slept much in last few nights - combination of worry and excitement. Also had a bit of brown spotting this morning which hopefully is normal but freaked me out quite a lot and reminded me of the miscarriage last year. Trying to stay positive - but I guess we worry if we're TTC and we worry when we get our BFP and we probably worry every day once our children are born too!! One of my friends had a baby today - beautiful baby girl - nice story because she first started TTC 6 years ago and took 3 years to have her first one after 3 miscarriages, and then had another m/c and now 2nd baby at age 41. She's an inspiration to me!!
Thanks for the encouragement Leeze. I WILL join your pact. Thanks for the big fat welcome! :)

AF arrived fully today. But I was actually quite pleased because the brown discharge I have been getting on and off since Sun was worrying me. I called the nurse and she went through a tonne of questions to check I am not about to drop dead from an infection. She said nothing alarming but suggested I can go and see a doctor as it may be a result of hormonal imbalance. Just when I have started ttc! Typical!

Any ladies ever had a brown discharge (like old blood- sorry to be gross) a day or so before your period starts? I have had it near the end of a period. But only started having it a little at the start since Dec time.

I also purchased some pregnacare tablets's hoping they do something!

Baby dust to all!
Oh Clanger and Sophiebee- just saw your emails. Sorry for not spotting earlier. Thanks for the messages - reassuring indeed!
Hi London ladies,

SophieBee...that work related inncident definatley needed some cake medicine.Sounds horrible for you, hope today is a bit better.Also noticed you saying you have given up smoking recently and wanted to say a big congrats on that front, I know how hard it can be...reaching for cake instead of malboro lights ( or your choice of brand) is a serious acheivement that takes lots of strength.

Leeze, sorry to hear about the brown spotting.Have heard this is so, so common in early pregnancy...but doesn't make it any easier for you as after you experience last year not surprised you feel a little on edge.Anyway, hope the spotting stays away so you can relax!Heard that most ladies relax more as the months progress so things should get easier from here...also it sounds like you have one sticky little Leeze junior cooking up as
you got lines and a bfp so early...and a lovely digi too.Have you told anyone your briliant news or is it a secret for you and Mr Leeze for the minute?Thanks for your lovely recommendations for my request...a friend of mine had pregnancy reflexology and loved it so maybe you should treat yourself too! sorry to hear about the horrible bfn.Hope you're doing ok.Onwards and upwards...sounds like you have things to focus on this month with your pills and charting...always good to have a ttc plan.

Hope you're all enjoying a bit of London sun today!Oh...and FYI I am
now wearing control pants (very sexy) so hopefully avoid any prego comments...until I (hopefully) have a proper little bump to show off!

P.s. Leeze you're expecting a pumpkin...that is adorable!
Hello all

Just a quick one from me as I'm on auntie babysitting duty tonight, so have to do this on my phone, which I hate! I don't know how you manage doing this all the time Clanger!!

Leeze, I hope that spotting has trundled off - although I've heard it is pretty common in the early weeks so I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Like Clanger says, you've got yourself a good strong sticky bean there! Have you been to the doc and got all your early check ups booked in yet? Gosh how exciting it must be!

Mk80, sorry to hear old bitch-face AF turned up. Still, new cycle, new opportunity and all that! You can make a new cycle resolution to try to take temps every day!

And thanks Clanger - yes, there have been a few times on this ttc madness that I've been tempted to return to the Marly Lights (you called it!), but somehow - well, mainly thanks to cake - I've stayed off them. This time last year I was a public health nightmare - 5 & 1/2 stone heavier and a smoker. Now I'm a much healthier weight and no longer smoke, so at least ttc has helped me kick my bad habits and get healthy!

I'm on 7dpo and officially on spotting watch now. I started spotting this time last cycle, but it was 10dpo the previous cycle. Just waiting for the inevitable now... Boo.

Hope you're all well - wasn't it a lovely day? I decided to walk off some of my cake this afternoon and walked from my office in Covent Garden to London Bridge station - along the river, lovely!
evening ladies. i am in a great mood today - nothing to do with ttc but thought id share!

went for a lovely meal with the hubby, got surprised with a new mobile phone from hubby and now chilling in front of trashy tv :)

trying to relax myself and chill. hope you ladies are happy today also.

Hi London lovelies

Firstly I want so say how lovely it is to still feel welcome on this thread, but I want you all to promise me that if it becomes difficult for you that I keep popping up on here with my pregnancy ticker then I won't take it personally and I will just stalk you quietly sometimes instead - with random visitor messages to wish you luck every so often. I'd rather stay here because I'd miss you guys a lot and I want to still be there for you and share our London ups and downs but I really do mean that.

SophieBee - I'm very proud of you for not smoking and for losing 5.5 stone - wow, that is impressive. I gave up smoking 6 years ago now and very rarely I get a craving nowadays luckily. I actually can't believe now that I smoked for so long! I'm keeping everything crossed for you that this is your month and there's no spotting until possible implantation bleeding! And, yesterday was lovely. I got home at just before 6pm and there was still a shred of light in the sky. Spring is definitely on its way and we know that's a good thing for baby-making magic! :hugs:

Clanger - you always make me laugh. Control pants!!! :haha: I bet as soon as you get your BFP you will be proudly burning them in a ceremonious way!!! I've told 3 people about my BFP and Mr Leeze hasn't told anyone. He wants to wait until 12 weeks, which I can understand, but given what happened with the m/c last year I want to know that I've got some good close people around me if it happens again. Also, one of the 3 is my pregnant best mate and it's been lovely to share stuff with her and get our relationship back to being great again! Where are you at with your cycle at the moment, I'm losing track now? Are you in the 2WW yet? :hugs:

MK80 - good luck with the temping, sorry I can't be of any help with that as I never managed to do it - didn't like the idea of getting up early at the weekends to do it!! Hopefully the other 2 can help you with this. Are you trying anything different this cycle? Fingers crossed the next one is your lucky one :hugs:

AFM, I'm feeling a lot brighter today. The spotting has stopped although I still keep getting the feeling that AF is coming and I'm running to the toilet only to find it's a bit of CM! I've got a scan booked for 2 weeks today with the same department that I went to when I had the m/c - they said when I had the m/c to contact them and to book it directly when I got preg again and got to 7 weeks. I'll be about 6 weeks 4 days by then (hopefully) - I feel a lot better knowing I've got this to look forward to. I think I would definitely be going crazy if I thought I had to wait until 12 weeks to get a scan!!!

My OH and I are going for dinner tonight around Old St. Already I'm thinking it's dark out, it will be busy with young drunk people, blah blah blah - if I ruled the world I'd like to stay in tonight with a take-away but I'm going to make the effort because it's essentially our celebration dinner and it will be nice to be waited on and not to have to do any dishes!! Have a lovely weekend everyone, March is almost here!! :hugs:
Hey ladies,

Mk80 fab to hear about your happy mood, we need all the positivity we can get here in ttc land.Sounds like you have a lovely hubby there....what restaurant did you go to...always up for getting London restaurant recommendations!, so pleased for you that spotting has gone and you have an early date to sneak a peek at your pumpkin!Love that you still dropping by, you're a great support.Hope you both had a very lovely celebratory both deserve to enjoy you're special time.

Sophiebee...serious wowsers to you on the weight loss front, that's seriously impressive.Did you do anything specific in the way of diet or exercise?Hope your tww is ticking along nicely and knicker watch has not revealed any spotting yet.

Update from Clangville.Not much to report on the tww the past there has been the tww when I convinced myself I could be preggers because I got up in the night to wee, the tww in which I walked past a Subway and thought "ooh vey a whiff of that's an enhanced sense of smell I must be knocked up, the tww when I had a slight nosebleed (which mr google reports is better than a pregnancy test) and oooh were those prominant veins on my boobs, then there was last tww which was characterised by slight morning nausea (Clanger did you forget that you always feel abut ropey before 10am).So now unless my boobs feel like they have been trampled by a herd of elephants and I am
chucking my guts up whilst simultaneously craving pickled onions, I not paying attention to my body.Although...I did think I had a strange low down tingly crampy feeling today, then realised that it was the seam of my control pants (that's how tragic my tww obsession is)!!!Anyway, got a small hen do tomorrow and would quite like some fizzy wine so may test tomorrow.....feel completley hopeless about it BUT know I will still be devasted with a bfn.Anyway, cheered myself up by lisiting all my ttc ridiculousness to you!

Have lovely weekends ladies.Will prob be back on for a rant soon.

P.S. Sophiebee hope babysitting duties went smoothly.
hello ladies!

leeze - hope you enjoyed your celebration meal :)

clanger- good luck if you test tomorrow! fingers and toes crossed for you!

sophiebee- wuow re your weight loss indeed. well done!

i had a lovely evening with girlfriends and came home to discover a friend of ours popped over to hang with my hubby and he didnt bother to put my pregnacare tablets away. i am sooooo p***ed off! i really didnt want any of our friends to know we are trying and least of all that guy & his wife. they are nice enough but i didnt want to tell people. neither did he. so im really upset with him for it. hmpf.
Hello all! Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend so far. I've been on a photography course today, but it was a bit rubbish because we didn't actually do any photography... Erm, what? I'm glad I had a voucher that made it mega cheap, otherwise I'd have been very cross indeed! Babysitting went very well thanks Clanger, although I did end up having a 5 minute conversation about poopies with my nephew. You've got all that to look forward to Leeze :haha:

Thanks as well for all the congrats re weight and smoking and all that. Tough going, but worth it - bit like ttc for some of really, isn't it? Lots of walking, a bit of swimming and following the Slimming World plan is what worked for me. And a cake-free year - very sad!

Leeze, I hope you had a lovely celebration dinner. Did you go anywhere nice? I used to work near Old St, but haven't been there for a while - I've heard there are nice places to eat around that part of London though.

mk80, sorry to hear about hubby's faux pas with the vits - I reckon mine would have been exactly the same to be honest, he's rubbish about tidying away anything that isn't "his". Do you know if they were actually noticed by his friend? I find that men are not generally that observant about that sort of thing, and even if he did notice it, it might be that he just forgot about immediately and so won't tell his wife.

Clanger, hope you have a nice time at the hen party tonight. I guess you either didn't test or got a bfn this morning - either way, I hope your doing OK. You deffo deserve a nice night out!

I started spotting this morning (8dpo), so no change there then. Doesn't stop me from hoping, but I see no reason to expect it to be any different. I sort of wish I knew whether it definitely meant I was out or if I can still keep my hopes up until AF. Boo. Anyway, not counting myself out quite yet!
Hey ladies,

Well it ain't out lucky month.Gutted, had a huge meltdown/mope for a couple of hours then pulled myself together to spend afternoon with my reluctantly pregnant friend, then got fairly tipsy at the hen do!So...this is the horrible bfn aftermath, I am increasingly panicky about ever getting that bfp as time ticks by.Anyway...have a little plan for this month which will start with a gp visit at some point.Leeze...if you get a
min at any point would you give me some pointers if you can re what to say to the gp to get things moving!I fully expect them to tell me to go away for another few months...which I can totally understand as it hasn't been THAT ridiculously long...if I wad in my 20's I think it would be easier to just see what happens for a while, but with bein bombarded by info on how we are basically over the hill at 30 I would quite like to at least have a chat with a gp re m concerns...any tips Leeze?

Enough of my moans...will go and have a rant in my journal then update you all on my plan of action etc when am feeling less sorry for myself!

Leeze, hope you have enjoyed your lovely celebratory dinner and countig down the days to see the scan of baby pumpkin, how amazing!Been meaning to ask you, now you are officially preggered up (with that lovely digi to prove it) do you still go to that fertility app to get the info or can you just put all that behind you now and focus on baby plans!

SophieBee, heard good things about slimming world too, must have takn incredible strength being cake free...I am well impressed lady!Your photography course without photography made me laugh...what the hell did it involve?!Sorry about spotting showing up and you being in limbo...extra annoying for you.Hope limbo land has been bearable this weekend.

Mk80, how annoying re your hubby and the pregnacare.I agree with SophieBee though that people are generally not that observant and they may have gone un noticed.Can see why you would be fed up though...I have kept ttc to myself too so understand how important this can feel.

Enjoy your Sunday eveings Londoners.Mr Clangs is making me roast lamb this eve..uuuummmm mint sauce....
Photography course without photography involves sitting in a classroom for 4 hours learning some basic stuff about aperture, shutter speed and iso and then playing around on photoshop with someone else's photo. Hmmm, boring... So I took myself off to Greenwich Park and Canary Wharf today to get some proper photography practice. I even walked all the way from my home to Greenwich, which is about 3 miles - was a beautiful morning and nice to get the exercise! Am flipping exhausted now though!

Clanger, so sorry to hear about AF meltdown. I had spotting meltdown yesterday when I heard that sil had finally had her baby. I know we are going to have to go and visit them soon and I'm just feeling lousy about it - very stupid, but can't help it. I've decided to go see the GP if I don't get my BFP in March - I think with my age (35) and hubby's shy sperm thing then we might be able to get some initial tests at least. If I were you Clanger, I'd exaggerate the length of time you've been trying - at least tell them you've been trying for a year, as that might get a foot in the door.

Have been googling the spotting thing like a mad one today and found at least one person who spotted regularly before AF for 5-7 days every month and got her BFP - AND importantly she spotted the month she got her BFP too, just stopped after it was confirmed. So although it is a bit like being in land of the limbo, at least I know I'm not being totally mad to not rule myself out when I start spotting. Thought you guys might find that useful to hear anyway.
Hi London lovelies

Am still trying to work out what the etiquette is about how often to drop by but since you've asked me some stuff then I'm guessing it's ok! :haha:

SophieBee - I read a post from someone in 1st tri the other day that always had pre-AF spotting and got a BFP. I wish I could remember where I saw it. If I see it again I'll let you know where it is. Sounds like a lovely walk you had, I think Greenwich Park is beautiful although I'd be a bit tempted by the shops at Canary Wharf as I have got a tendency to be a shopoholic when it's not kept under control (ie when there's shops within 200 metres of me) :haha: - I think go back to the GP and say how much you're getting stressed out by TTC and how it's really effecting you emotionally. Find out initially if the GP will refer you for any tests. I know you said your PCT is 2 years (or maybe 3) before they refer you to the fertility clinic but I think the GP can do some initial stuff. You could otherwise say you were NTNP for a year before you started TTC so actually that it's nearly been 2 years now. I don't think they'll keep a track of it anywhere. Good luck, with it. Alternatively, be nice if this is your month for the BFP and no need for referral :hugs:

Clanger - it's a good idea if you can to find out what your local PCT's policy is on fertility so you can know at what point they will refer you. You can do something like put the postcode from your GP surgery into Google with the letters "PCT" and then it will tell you the PCT. Then you search the PCT website for fertility treatment and see if you can find the eligibility criteria - or find an email address where you can ask them directly. My PCT is supposedly 12 months although my GP said it was 18 months when I asked him about it. On the referral form he actually put down we'd been trying for 2 years because he felt sorry for me. I was quite emotional in his surgery, telling him about the m/c and how the TTC stuff was really weighing down on my at work, affecting my sleep etc. My OH and I decided in the end to stick with the "We've been NTNP for a year, ie BDing 2-3 times a week but not really doing OPKs, temping etc so maybe missed important time - and then for the 2nd year had been TTC in a more planned and informed way". to be honest, since the initial referral was made by the GP, so far no-one else has asked us any details. I would think if you've been trying for 18 months to 2 years then you would most likely get a referral. Let's hope you get your BFP soon and no need for the referral, but I think it's good to reassure you that there's options and things are progressing so I'd definitely look into it. :hugs: We've still kept our appointment so far at the fertility clinic because it's still really early days and I'm still worried about the bean sticking. If everything looks ok at the scan on 11th March then I will check with the clinic whether or not we should still attend. I would still like to know the results of the tests really so we can think about planning for future too.

MK80 - sorry to hear about the tablets being left out. My OH would probably do the same too! Like the others say, hopefully your friend didn't even notice. Glad you have a nice evening the other night, I think it's really important to do lots of nice none-TTC stuff. Ideally the happier and more relaxed we are the better chance we've got of getting that BFP at the important times! :thumbup:

Our celebratory meal wasn't all that nice on Friday - we went to a Vietnamese place and some of the food was lovely (the stuff my OH ordered) but my stuff wasn't very nice (really greasy and full of gristle). Luckily he's good at sharing and we ate lots of prawn crackers too and then came home for some ice-cream!!! I'm feeling a little bit more relaxed about stuff today (only a little) - this time on my last pregnancy I had started regular spotting by now so hopefully it's a good sign that there's been so spotting since that tiny bit earlier in the week. :thumbup:

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