London TTC buddies chat thread

hello ladies,

hope you have had a nice weekend.

sorry to come back to see that you haven't been feeling great clanger. big hugs! what exactly is the history in terms of ttc? how long, whether you have done specific plans etc. also, how old are you if you dont mind me asking.

hugs to all! monday tomorrow...blah
Hey ladies,

Leeze massive thanks for doc advice, tres helpful.Sorry your food wasn't the best on fri...but who needs good food when you are preggered up with a little pumpkin hey!! Trust you've had a lovely time celebrating and sharing prego notes with your friend, brilliant you can be bump buddies!I love you stopping by here...also you are always so generous with time and advice and support

SophieBee what a proactive lady you are going to a course on a Sat and out snapping on you have an slr? Sorry to hear about spotting...I agree with you that were not out till the red sea of doom (aka full on af) arrives but hard not to get a bit mopey about it when spotting arrives isn't it!Thanks for being lovely with your advice too.

MK80, thanks for your thoughts.I am 32 this year and ttc...on 9th month...which is scaring the beejesus out of me.Was alwas worried it would take a while as am a worrywort by nature, but am now in full on panic mode even though I know that That bfp may be round the all feels very difficult.Also..all my friends are so fertile, the group of 6 of us saw sat there's been 5 pregnancies, 4 accidental and 1 1st month trying!I really really hope you get your lovely bfp very very soon and don't have to go through month of trying, lots of luck lady...this is now a lucky thread thanks to Leeze so we should all be fine... ;-)
Hey Clanger

Like you, I am a worrywort also. I am 30, turning 31 in June. I also have tonnes of friends who seem to get pregnant on the first try! And it's making me feel rather inadequate. But you know what, I also know a couple of lovely mummies who took 1 yr to conceive. One in particular now has 2 wonderful baby girls. First one took 1 year, the second took 5 months. Try to stay positive and relaxed Clanger. I know it is much easier said than done. But hang in there!

This month is my "sperm meets egg" plan month...or as my husband calls it, the chicken and egg plan! Started taking OPKs yesterday (CD 5... or 7, depending whether you count day 1 from spotting or full flow AF). I am also taking pregnacare conception tablets (started 5 days ago). I have heard bad reviews on them (claiming they delay periods) but I thought I would give it a go this month and see what happens. Especially as I have been having some weird brown discharge spotting 2 days before AF comes fully. I also have irregular periods (typically 26-29 days but has been known to show up on day 24 or 31. Very rare mind you). Here's hoping eh girls? In the mean time, I am trying to remain relaxed. I have started a new job with a boss who is nice (unlike old boss- psycho!) I am also planning a holiday in the Summer. If all goes well, then we will call it a celebratory holiday, if no BFP show up before then, we will treat it as a conceptionmoon! :)

Stay positive girlies. Big hugs.
Hey all

Leeze, I love that you still pop in - I hope you continue to do so and say hello when you do!

Clanger, you are dead right about the spotting and moping. It's a really hard place to be in because you don't right yourself off totally, but at the same time it's like getting an early sign that it hasn't happened again. It's hard to keep hopes up when the spotting starts, and I sometimes feel like a bit of an idiot for doing just that. Can't help it though!

mk80, almost everything I've read (and one conversation with my GP) has said that you should count AF from first full flow day, rather than first day spotting. Having done OPKs, CBFM and now temping over the last 8 months I would say that this all seems to make sense, so I hope this helps you to pin down your cycle a bit. I don't know much about pregnacare conception - I've been taking a B complex instead as I'd read that B6 helps with spotting (not for me it doesn't!) - so can't help you on that score. Maybe the others have more experience? Where are you planning to go on your hols? I'm desperate for a holiday, but we're holding off booking anything for a little while. Boo... Anyway, good luck with the sperm meets egg plan this month!

Oh and yes, I have a dslr - had it for about a year and I'm still very much a beginner. I don't think I'll ever really get beyond enjoying it as a hobby, but it's a lot better for me than my baking hobby which just leads to me eating cake! X
Morning all. Getting ready for work but couldnt help logging in to say hello!

Sophiebee - ooo dslr eh? Fantastic. Hope you have heaps of fun with that!

Will drop a line later tonight. Hope you ladies have a great day today.

Ps love it that Leeze pops in now and again too :)
Evening ladies,

SophieBee...can I just say...sneaked a peek at your chart and that rise is looking very pretty!How's knickerwatch going?

Mk80, thanks for the stories re your friends.With such freakishly fertile people surroundings it's good to get a bit of perspective!I love, love, love the fact you have a conceptionmoon or prego celebratory hol coming up.What a fab idea.It's so easy to put your life on hold while ttcingg, but that just makes us miserable so I reckon you've got the right idea!Did you go on an actual honeymoon?Where did you go?

Leeze...looking forward to the next pumpkin update...any new symptoms?

Well...I am having a slight freak out about visiting the docs re ttc.You see ladies...I will admit this to you...I have a major health anxiety/doctor phobia going on.I get so anxious seeing medical people and get myself in a right state imagining I have every imaginable disease.Nrmally I am a rational, strong person...but we all have our fears and this is mine.It's got a LOT worse as I had a health scare and months pf tests last year.Things seem ok now but I am a big wimp and feeling petrified they will find something horrendous wrong with me which means I can't ttc.So scared of having the anxiety of medical tests hanging over me again!Anyway...moaning to you lot makes me feel a bit better, and I know I will force myself to get through it.

Another confession...I have eaten 2 choc bars (an aero an a crunchie if you must know) and a huuuugggeee bag of kettle chips to get me through af cravings helped a lot :)

Hope your weeks are going well Londoners.
evening gorgeous ladies!

well, i have just finished stuffing my face with my own home made fried rice (not the same as the takeaways :( )

thanks for the good luck message sophiebee. i really hope this is the month for me. but at the same time, i am trying to stay relaxed about the whole thing. what will be will be. i spoke to my mum about it last month and she cracked me up - she said "getting pregnant isnt like boiling an egg, it can take a while". haha. i asked her "what if i cant have a child?" she said "so what? theres ivf... there are options. relax". i love mums. mind you, she also said in the same conversation "oh i got pregnant so quickly and easily. happened immediately". kinda erased the warm feeling i got earlier from her words of comfort! haha

that brings me on to you clanger- i totally understand your concerns about going to the docs, but as my mum says, worse case scenario, you look into other options. however, likelihood is that everything is working fine and it just takes some time.

as for my holiday/conceptionmoon... thinking santorini. we always go longhaul but i am thinking abiout going closer and super luxury style! heh heh.

leeze- hope is going well with the pumpkin! my dh was looking over my shoulder and asked whether you ladies ever respond to me. i told him about all of you as well as you leeze - how you have "graduated to pregnancy forums" but pop in now and again to check on us cos we have a pact. he cracked up and said we are all too cute. heh heh.

spk soon ladies. xx
Hi all

Thanks for peeking at my chart Clanger, but I think it is a false alarm. The past couple of nights have been disturbed sleep for me and I've woken up loads, so I reckon the reading is prob a bit off. Plus spotting shows no sign of going away. Also I did a cheapy HPT this morning (was excited by second high temp in a row even though I should know better) and it was a BFN. I don't feel anything other than premenstrual at the moment, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Will keep an eye on it though - hope I get a good night sleep tonight then I'll have a better idea of the score.

I totally understand where you are coming from - going through tests is horrendous, without feeling anxious on top of it all, so must be horrible for you. I went through about 2 years of colposcopy appointments finally resulting in treatment for some abnormal cells and found the whole thing horrible and would cry before every appointment - even though I knew that it was the only possible thing for me to do in order to make sure I was well. So I do get that even though you know that any possible tests are there to help you, the only thing you can focus on is the test itself. I don't know what to say other than we're all here for you if and when you need to let off some steam :hugs:

mk80 your mum and dh both sound lovely! You obviously have lots of support, which is really important. I'm super jealous about Santorini. Not sure what we'll do for hols this year - we've been to Kos the last two years, which was lovely, but might be time for somewhere new. Dunno, we'll make up our minds later on I expect.

As we are swapping food stories, I shall make you all sick by saying I had a very healthy home made chicken arrabiata for dinner. But then I undid the good work by scoffing a big bar of chocolate! Yum!
morning. im back! heh heh

sperm meets egg plan has commenced! dh and i bd'd yest. i have a cold coming on so soooooooo was not in the mood. but rather than feeling clinical, we just cracked up. hoping these relaxed vibes stick. (with me, they never do! im a worrier by nature).

sophiebee- sorry to hear about the BFN. but good to hear your staying positive. babydust, babydust to you! i really want to see you graduate to the preg forum with leeze (though pls pop in to say hi to us!)

talking of spotting sophiebee, i had VERY LITTLE brown discharge spotting yest (CD 7). never had that mid cycle. though af finished not too long ago (CD 5). i hope those pregnacare tablets are not messing up my system!

good day y'all and babydust, babydust!
Morning! Great minds mk80, I'm checking in early too! Not sure what that spotting you had could be, although it could just have been the system having a last little clear out after AF. Who knows, odd things our bods...

Anyway, I came on to moan because I decided not to test this morning (didn't want to see another BFN), even though I had another temp rise today. Now driving myself mad thinking about it. Should have flaming well tested as I prob won't think straight all day. Got no symptoms at all though, so it's prob just weird temps.

Will check in again tonight - typing this on my phone on the bus is not easy! Have a good day x
Oooh a bit of daytime action here!

Sophiebee...than chart is really bloomin amazing isn't it.Serious wow.Am excited for you lady...fingers crossed.If you're finding it difficult to concentrate you could get an early test and try not to drink or wee for a few hours and do it later on.Lots of luck, update us whatever you decide, I will be stalking you now!

Mk80 yaaay for the chicken and egg plan!So glad you and your lovely hubs can laugh rather than get stressed by it.Hope you get your bfp before while it's still fun.Your Mum sounds very wise and lovely too!

Check in later London girls.
Another BFN, although I used one of my internet cheapy ones (and I'd had a cup of tea at 2pm) so dunno how accurate it will be. Guess I'll just keep testing every morning while I'm still getting the high temps - until the witch shows her ugly face of course.

Still convinced it's nothing, despite the pretty temps. Feeling quite crampy, still spotting and no other symptoms that I can tell, so all signs are pointing to AF arriving on schedule on Saturday. We shall see...

evening pretty ladies!

sophiebee- sorry to hear you had another bfn! but hey, pretty early so try your hardest not to stress. fingers crossed for you!

clanger - how are you doing today chica?

throughout today, i have had pinkish discharge. what on earth? maybe it is a clear out from aunt flo.... weird! but here's hoping it eases, otherwise i may go to the docs as the whole monthly flo thing has been weird since jan.

hmm... has our forum dwindled a bit? we need to bump up the action!

on another topic... has anybody ever checked out youtube ttc videos?
Sophiebee...sorry about the bfn.How rubbish after that gorgeous temp rise.Not sure how reliable those ics are esp without fmu.Definitely test again as that chart is something else.Everything crossed and sending you lots of thoughts!

Mk80...good luck with the chicken and egg plan!Haven't seen those you tube videos...what are they like?Am intrigued now!

Thanks to you both for being so lovely re my doctor freak out, you are very thoughtful ladies.

Update from me...wait for this bfn at weekend then this week spotting and even binged out thinking it was af time.But spotting tapered off today...done 2 tests...first couldn't tell if line or shadow...second a seriously faint line!I tested with frer this eve and with the spotting and the really faint line at either 14 or 15 dpo not sure what to think.So want this to be my bfp.Send me lots of luck ladies and will update you.
Oooh, Clanger! That's very exciting - keeping my fingers crossed for you! Sounds good though...

I think I'm on my way out - temp coming down now. Cruel trick for my body to play on me. Didn't bother testing this morning and will leave it unless AF doesn't show. Fairly sure she will though.
Another faint one this am.Think it could actually have even been a little fainter than last this my lfp (little faint positive).Seems so...and am cautiously excited but very scared re the faintness/earlier spotting.Think I possibly need to step away from the tests and analysing!

Sophiebee...if you're still above coverline I have everything crossed.Have you seen all the bfp charts on ff?Lots have drops.Hope you're ok and not too down in the dumps about the drop.

Mk80 trust the chicken and egg plan is going ok for you lady.
Thanks Clanger - I know strictly speaking that I'm not out yet, but I just can't believe it to be honest, particularly as I'm still spotting. Feeling very gloomy and fed up with the whole thing and have almost had enough.

I really, really hope that you get your bfp Clanger - despite being a self-absorbed misery guts today. I'm thinking I might take some time away from B&B as I don't think it is doing me any good. This is really the only thread I ever bother with anyway. Will check in to see if you get your bfp before I go, but I think I need to give myself a break as I am just feeling so miserable at the moment.

OMG, OMG- Clanger! I really, really, really hope this is it for you. I really mean it. When I saw your message my jaw dropped and I felt so happy! Weird as I have never met you! Do keep us posted. Oooo, really hope you graduate to the pregnancy forums- remember to come and say hi though!

Talking of which, hope Leeze is doing OK.

Sophiebee- sorry to hear you are on a downer. I totally understand and agree that if you want to take a break to relax your stress levels, go for it. I think ttc can be really stressful and one thing I have loved about this cycle is that I am trying to have some more fun with life. Take some time out, hang with the dh- watch a funny movie, go for a nice drive, eat at a nice resto, etc. Hang out with your buddies too. Hopefully you will pop in to say hello soon. Big hugs.

As for chicken and egg plan... only done it once on tues- tonight we are due to bd again! but man i have a crappy cold and hubby is having fun on his playstation... we shall see!

happy vibes and babydust to you all!
You are very, very lovely ladies you know.Feel very lucky to have you hopin for me.Well I haven't tested again...that's 3 tests with faint lines...faint but definate you are preggers lines.But I can't settle as their so faint...just hoping so hard at the moment...eeeeek.

SophieBee so sorry you are at such a low ebb.You must be feeling completely miserable after such a brilliant chart.Really feel for you, sending you lots of thoughts.Do what you need to to take care of yourself, will keep checking in in case you want to chat or rant.

Mk80 loving your attitude this month...sounds like your managing to get that balance in your life and like you're having a fantastic time.What an inspiring, fun loving lady you must be!Hope you got hubby off his can get addicted to them can't they...hope you manage to distract him and commence with the plan of the chicken and egg.Good luck!
Wowee - what happens when I don't pop in for a few days? Clanger gets schwanger. That's so exciting! :cloud9: I hope you're able to enjoy it, I know from myself that the first few days can be quite stressful with hoping it sticks!! :hugs:

SophieBee - sorry to hear you're feeling down and I totally understand about needing a break from BnB. If you do take a break then I'd really like it if you say hello again when you come back as you've been an amazing cyber buddy these last few months :hugs: (also, I'm thinking with Clanger's BFP this really could mean this is a lucky thread now, so hopefully yours is coming soon too)

MK80 - I hope your sperm meets egg plan gets you that BFP! We tried that a few months but quite often got so exhausted by the end of it that we didn't manage to BD on some of the most crucial days! I hope you've got a lot of energy! Also, that was really cute what you said to your OH about your cyber friends on the forum. :hugs:

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