London TTC buddies chat thread

Hi all,

Sophie that sounds like an excellent plan.Definately worth getting another perspective and weighing it all up.Do they know WHY some people don't respond as well as others?Is it just one of those things or is there a hormone based/physiological reason for it?Thinking of you and really hoping someone can suggest some steps foward that will increase the likelihood of healthy embryos.

Mk8-where was hol you jet setter.Hope you're wrong about af-what a shame to arrive back to witchface.Am really happy to hear you're seeing an fs though.You will be able to ask him or her all those questions you've been wanting answers too!

Leeze hope you and your clever little girl are good-planning permission update?
Hi sophie, sounds great that you're going for another opinion, how would you choose which clinics to go for?

So I've started spotting after my (tmi) bowel movement today. Disappointed but no tears. I got a negative hpt yest so not surprised but still a little sad none the less. Clomid is supposed to lengthen my luteal phase but I don't think it has for me, maybe by a day but that's it. I'm looking forward to the fs appt but no idea when that will be. Sigh. my gp keeps telling me to be positive but after 14 months of trying I can't help but think it won't happen naturally for us.

Clanger and leeze- hope you're doing well with your little cherubs :)
Hi leeze, I wanted to pick our brain about zita west- I just tried calling them as dh said maybe I should try it- acupuncture that is- not cheap but maybe it will help. Do you recommend it?
Hi ladies

We've opted for the Lister - the main clinical director dude has a special interest in women with low ovarian reserve and poor responders, which is pretty much me. I know we're going to have to keep an eye on the hard sell stuff, but I hope that they'll be able to give us a realistic assessment. Will cost a few hundred quid, particularly if they want to run all the tests again, but I think it will be worth it if we get answers to our questions. My main worry is that they'll recommend donor eggs, which MrBee is not keen on at all (can't say I'm over the moon with the idea either tbh). If that is our only option then I expect we'll decide to call it a day, but we'll see what happens.

Clanger, the poor response is down to my ovarian reserve. My FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels were slightly raised when I had them taken at Kings in the summer (10.1 I think, and anything under 10 is considered normal). They warned us that this could mean I would respond poorly, but I don't think they were expecting quite such a poor response, especially with the bad quality as well. It's essentially a sign that I don't have many eggs left, which at 36 is a pretty depressing thought. I had a much lower response than they would expect in someone my age, but I'm not sure there is much I can do about it.

Mk8 - researching fertility clinics is a nightmare as they all display their data in very different ways, for example they'll provide statistics on number of clinical pregnancies but not number of live births, which is only part of the picture really. The HFEA website is some help, but it can be difficult to wade through all the information. As I say, I had heard about the Lister through previous searches on poor responders and theirs was the only website to specifically mention an interest in low ovarian reserve, so that helped with choosing them. There are so many though - the forums are a big help.

So the next step is going to see my GP tomorrow and letting him know that the IVF at Kings was unsuccessful and asking him to refer us to the Lister (they prefer GP referrals apparently). I'm also going to pay to get a copy of my file from Kings. Will let you know when our appointment at the Lister comes up and will of course keep you posted with any updates.
Hi ladies

Was expecting to do quick check-in here then I saw all these posts from you all!! Soph, great to hear updates from you and I think it's a great idea that you're going to go to the Lister. I think, like you say, that you would always wonder "what if" if you didn't try other routes. Also fantastic that they've got a good reputation. Do you think it will help that you've got some experience now from Kings, in terms of you being a bit more prepared about what to expect but also in terms of the Lister being a bit more informed about your experiences before you take things any further with them? Also, its good to know about their clinical director's specialism, that sounds reassuring. Definitely keep us updated xxx

MK8 - sorry about the dreaded witch. 14 months does feel like a long time, that's how long it took us to get pregnant and I remember the last few months of that being killers. Even when people tell you what statistics say etc you can't help but think it won't happen. But remember how proactive you're being about things, and not just sitting back doing nothing. Re acupuncture at Zita West, I liked going there partly because it was really near my work and partly because the centre is a fertility centre so I felt somehow that this would be more likely to work. To be honest, I'm not sure if the actual acupuncture they offered would be any better than acupuncture from a private acupuncturist which you might get a bit cheaper - but there was definitely something psychological in it for me about going there - also it's a nice clinic in Marylebone so I felt like it was a real treat going there, like I was special! xxx

Clanger - I wouldn't worry too much about using pram and walks etc to settle your little fella. I did this with Kia for a few weeks and once she got into a bit of a routine she started to self-settle (which she does most of the time, but not all the time!). Also at about 10 or 12 weeks she found her thumb which now goes straight into the mouth when she's tired or trying to settle - and this has made things a lot easier for us!

We've finally got planning permission which is great news. Although we've now got about 4-6 weeks of getting documents ready for building regulations (I had no idea such a thing existed) so we're working out some more of the specifics like where will the boiler go, what type of heating/flooring/windows etc we'll be using. Then after that hopefully the building work will start. We had hoped to be moved in by the beginning of the summer but realistically now it looks more like July/August (if we're lucky). Kia and I are going to visit a friend this week for a few days in Bournemouth as my OH is away on business. I'm feeling excited and also a bit anxious - changes to routine, environment etc. Fingers crossed!!!!

Love and hugs to all xxx
Hey girls, woke up after a bad nightmare. So weird.

Sophie- lister sounds like a great place for you. Really hope that they find a really good solution for you both. L
Woops, hit post too quickly!

Sophie- look forward to your next update. Good luck!

Leeze- great news regarding planning permission. Only a few more months until you move into home sweet home, hang in there. Enjoy your short trip to your friends, some of my colleagues with older kids insist a break in riutine is important- they say your life is never a routine, you always get surprises do best to inject them early! Haha, they said this after another colleague with a v young baby told them how "militant" she was being with her young baby. Which tbh, will prob be my style in the future, heh.

Well good to hear zita clinic is nice, it's not too far from work for me and I struggled to find a good acupuncturist specialising in fertility near me who works the right times. Also, I take comfort from the fact needles are being stuck in me at a reputable clknic. Will try to make an appt tomO. How many sessions did you have? Did they hurt? How long?

Clanger- We went to the states to visit friends. It was a lovely break and required for sure. How are you and the little guy doing? I was thinking time went by so quick from you ladies worrying about conceiving to giving birth. So wonderful that we have had good stories on here. Sophie- both of us will join them soon!
MK8 - I went twice a month to the ZW clinic - it was just before and just after ovulation - normally about 10-12 days apart. Mostly it doesn't hurt but some of them do a little bit - it's a very quick pain though that's over in a second just while they're putting the needles in. It depends on where they're putting them and sometimes you hardly feel it at all. Good luck. Loving the PMA, by the way xxx
Oh, I realised I didn't answer your question about how many sessions I had. I went for 3 months in total so 6 full sessions, although they also gave me a brief treatment during the intro/assessment session (mainly because it turned out to be O day that day!!) xx
Hey Leeze, thanks for the input. Trying to be positive, very hard sometimes but I'm trying. Had a bizarre dream last night where I got my bfp but it wasn't with hubby and I didn't like it one bit! Woke up feeling disappointed I wasn't preggers (yet) but grateful I'm still with hubby! Haha.

So appointment with zita west clinic for acupuncture has been booked for next week, which will fall on cycle day 10, so perfectly in time for ov (cd13 is when I typically get a positive opk on clomid). She didn't mention I should go at a specific time in my cycle but glad timings worked out. Not cheap though, woah! I've also been told by my friend who is preggers following ivf try number 2 that acupupressure points helped her, so feeling hopeful. She also said to eat brazil nuts! Sophie- worth a try?

I'm looking into restocking up on prenatals... Wondering if I ought to cont... I take pregnacare conception ones and wonder if simple frolic acid is the way to go? Hmmm

Enjoy your trip in Bournemouth Leeze!

Hi to Sophie and clanger!
brazil nuts? worth a try!! I think the main thing is to take folic acid, and you could keep taking pregnacare too but I think if you wanted to try to keep costs down a bit esp given acupuncture costs then you could always take pregnacare every other day? Or just make sure you're eating healthily and ditch the pregnacare till you get your BFP - eat lots of fruit and veg, drink lots of water, not so much caffeine or switch to green tea, and keep alcohol intake fairly low if possible. (mind you some people are just lucky and don't need to worry about any of these things!). Good luck honey, I really hope your time is coming v soon xxx
Thanks Leeze. I think I might just continue with the Pregnacare and make savings in other ways. Must keep positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sophie- if you are checking in, hope you are doing OK too.
Hey ladies,

Thanks for explanation Sophie...Lister sounds promising-be interesting to see what they suggest and what they can do to promote a better response.I remember reading a post on her by a girl who had a cycle cancelled and try told her she could be going through a very early menopause as her reserve and response were so poor...then she responded amazingly second go with loads of embryos, successful pregnancy etc...pretty sure wheatgrass was talked about for improving quality of eggs.However, whereas I an the sucker who buys into every promise of a beauty/ health miracle (am a marketing mans wet dream!) I know from your posts that you ate very rational and considered and realistic about things...hopefully careful consideration of the stats and what the Lister offer and that attitude will lead you to a decision which is right for you.Thinking of you and mister.

Mk8, good work with the acupunture.Hope it helps you relax and feel that you are doing something proactive on your ttc journey.Like the sound of you being a militant Mamma...I am not sure what kind of Mamma I and sleep deprived at the moment!So glad you both had some lovely quality time in the states-sounds brilliant.Hoping your bfp dream comes true this month (not the part about getting knocked up by someone else though!).A friend just got preggers after 18 months of trying-30 yrs old and no known issues.

Leeze-really hope your trip goes well.Tell us how Kia finds it.Will you take her for her first glimpse of the sea?So excited for you re the house.Remember when you were house hunting for so long.
Hi ladies

Appointment with Lister booked for 28 March, but having a horrible time at the moment (deets in the journo) and whatever they say we will be taking a proper break from ttc. My mental health can't take it right now.

Hope you're all well!


PS - brazil nuts are very good for you and everyone should eat them (unless allergic, obv), so can't hurt to try. I've also heard about them with regards to egg quality, but my consultant said that egg quality varies month on month and is decided waaaaay earlier down the line, so there is very little you can do to improve things. But who knows.
Hi Sophie - good to hear from you. Will check your journal in a moment.

Clanger- how are you doing hun? Still super tired? Hope that things are settling down and you will get into a routine that works for you. I don't doubt that you are doing a great job. Hang in there. If you want to rant, pls feel free to.

Hi Leeze- how are you doing? Back from your break now? Hope that time away with the little one and your friend was nice and relaxing (well, as relaxing as it can be with a cutie pie demanding your attention).

As for me, I am on cycle 17 (oh my gawd!) and month 15. 5th cycle of clomid. In seriously bad mood this cycle. Have treated myself to a facial, acupuncture and reflexology... this TTC lark is making me poor! Haha. Acupuncture session was yesterday at Zita West (with someone called Eva Stecz). It was OK. Felt a bit of a little pinch when the needles went in but didn't really hurt. She said everything seemed OK but my pulse was "thready" and it was better after my session. She said I lacked nutrition. I am going for another session next week to hopefully aid implantation. I am not really feeling any different. She also said that my progesterone of 26nmol/l wasnt great so perhaps that has something to do with it. Will see. Trying very hard to stay positive, keep an open mind and be relaxed.
Hey there,

Sophie-just caught up in your journal-thinking of you lots at such a difficult time.

Mk8-glad acupuncture went well.It's great that the acupuncturist knows lots about fertility.Is it meant to thicken your lining hence helping implantation?Did she recommend anything for the progesterone?

Leeze-how was your little hol?Hope Kia enjoyed.

All good here-serious sleeping issues but par for the course-just leaving me looking rough and with a brain made of mush!Enjoying the little bit of sun we've had too-been pounding the pavements with my pram!
Hi lovelies. Wasn't expecting so much activity on here. Soph, am gonna check your journal in a minute and will post there afterwards. Whatever you decide it sounds like a good idea to at least check out the lister so you know what your options are. Sorry to hear you're not feeling great, totally understandable with all you've been through. Clanger, sorry to hear the little one not been sleeping great. I'd recommend checking out the fisherprice soothe and glow seahorse. Argos have got it cheapest at the moment. Just got one for Kia and she loves it. Have you tried following stuff from Tracy Hogg books, made a big difference for us. Not perfect, but a lot better. Mk8, glad you've been treating yourself, good for you. Great to hear about your acupuncture appointment, I hope this brings you great results, hon. As for us, we had a lovely trip. I felt very brave getting the train all that way! Kia is going through a serious growth spurt right now which is pretty tiring as she wants to feed almost constantly but hopefully it will pass soon. Big hugs xxx
Hey all,

Mk8, how is acupuncture and reflexology going? Are you enjoing them and finding them relaxing? Any news on the app your GP is referring you for? How many cycles of clomid does he recommend you do?

Leeze, how's the growth spurt? Just when you think you've got it sussed-these cheeky little ones go and do something completely different don't they!? Hope al still good-you ae amazing for taking Kia on hols on your own on the train!

Sophie-posted in your journal but thinking of you and so, so pleased to read the latest update.

Enjoy the sun ladies. Got a lovely lady visiting me this weekend-may pop out for my first evening in the pub with wine in aaaagggeees!
hi lovelies

hope everyone has been making the most of the sunshine this week in London! I had my parents visiting and we were able to sit outside in our new garden for some of the time - lovely!!!

MK8 - what CD are you now? Any promising symptoms? How's the acupuncture going? Are you able to relax during sessions, or is it a case of grinning and bearing it!!

Soph - hope that Ellen is going from strength to strength and you're having some close family time with your loved ones (as well as taking time to look after yourself and let Mr Bee pamper you)

Clanger - how was your first night out? I haven't done it yet, not really been tempted yet strangely!! Is your LO sleeping any better? Hit any growth spurts? I'm hoping we're getting to the end of this growth spurt but we're still up till midnight most nights at the moment. The saving grace is that she will then sleep till 8/8.30 - so hopefully in time we'll be able to settle her earlier.

Big hugs to all xxx
Hey girls

Sorry I haven't been on here but I missed have accidently hit unsubscribe on my iphone! Me + technology = issues! Haha.

Sophie- again, really happy to here your little niece is OK.

Clanger- how is the little one? And you Leeze- how are you are your little lady doing? :) Oh I can't wait to join the mum's club.

My acupuncture isn't bad at all. My second session was much better. I actually managed to relax and started to fall asleep. I have no idea if it is helping and it is pretty expensive though so I am torn about whether I want to continue. The lady didn't really say much other than my pulse rate has improved so we shall see.

I also have my fertility specialist appt booked- FINALLY! End April. Any tips on what to ask girls? A 10 mins appt only, though the woman on the phone said that if I go over a bit it's OK. So I want to be prepared. I am going to ask for an HSG and for my bloodwork to be redone. Maybe for another SA too. Ah who knows eh?

No symptoms this cycle Leeze. Well I do but just the regular AF ones. I am on cycle day...erm...hold on...erm...hmmm....what day is it....26! Sore boobs, more discharge - usual pre AF symptoms. I hope I am wrong, but I can't help but think I need to manage my expectations.

Oh Leeze- I wanted to ask you- did acupuncture affect your ovulation at all? On clomid I tend to O (get positive OPK anyway) on CD13 or 14. But this cycle (5th on clomid), I got a positive OPK on CD16.

Clanger- GP has told me to try clomid at 50mg for 6 months.

Enjoy the rest of the sunshine we have this week ladies. I hear it will turn colder at the weekend- BOO!

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