London TTC buddies chat thread

I think my O day got later the last few months of TTC so it could have been from the acupuncture. Great news about fertility appointment. I would ask what tests they're doing and what are the treatment options. If it's anything like the first appointment I had at the homerton it was mainly to fill in a few forms and book some appointments for all the tests. I think we both did a urine sample too and they did a quick scan of my ovaries. Here's hoping this brings you a step closer to your BFP xxx
hope everyone's enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend. Thinking of you all xxx
Hi ladies

How are you all? Hope you had a lovely Easter break.

Leeze- how is the little one doing?

Clanger- how are you doing with your little fella?

Sophie- hope everything is going OK on your end.

I am back in the game as it were. This week is "fertile week". My acupuncturist worked on my back last week - said something about working on a part of me that would help O indirectly. She said I can go again this week (I am) for another session and she will work on my blood nourishment - I told her my periods are light. But overall she felt an appointment with the docs is much needed so they can work out what is wrong. she said if unexplained is diagnosed, then she suggests I meet the consultant who will try to help us via lifestyle and nutrition changes. We shall see. I am going for one more session this week then no more until I see the FS to find out what is up. I hope that the HSG appointment isn't going to be too far away.
Good luck this week, hon. Sounds like the acupuncturist is quite knowledgeable and supportive. How amazing would it be if this was your BFP cycle? I had a session with the nutritionist at that clinic, was really helpful but quite expensive. They let OH have a phone consultation for much cheaper so you could check that as an option. How long to wait till your FS appointment? Are you doing ok at the moment? Don't forget that Spring is nature's most fertile time! Xx ps we're doing ok, got a new Mummy friend locally which is very exciting!
Hi Leeze, you're very sweet to continue popping on here to check up on us. You must be so busy with the little one. Great that you have a new mummy friend :)

I'm doing so so. Keep getting hot flashes, it is either the clomid or I'm getting I'll!

My fs appointment is in less than 2 weeks, yay! Nervous at the moment though and feeling a bit sad that I'm still not pregnant. I'm worried they will find something wrong and worried if they don't as I don't know what to do after. Sigh.

What kinda stuff did the nutritionist advise you and hubby Leeze?
No worries. I like to keep in touch still. This group was an amazing support to me. Plus when I'm doing the evening feed I've got a spare hand and can do BnB on the phone! The nutritionist was great and gave some advice specific to our situations and some more generic. I remember she said starflower oil every day in cycle till ovulation, then I can't remember which oil for 2nd half but I wrote it in my journal if you can still find link, maybe flaxeedoil? I had bloating and some digestive problems and recurring thrush so she recommended a sugar free oat based muesli for breakfast with grated apple. Plus to take a healthy bacteria tablet, can't remember name! Then to eat rye bread instead of regular bread. Lots of orange and yellow fruit and veg like peppers, sweet potato and butternut squash because good for healthy ovaries. OH had to take biocare male forte tablets, drink organic red wine with low tannin content and have a spoonful of organic tomato puree each day. Both drink lots of water and do regular exercise. I think that was most of it. I also remember smoked salmon and rocket being a lunchtime meal suggestion and peanut butter with no added sugar on rye bread as an alternative breakfast to the muesli! Hope that helps xx
Hi Leeze- thanks. I tried to look for your journal but couldn't find it. But thanks for your info. :)
Hi ladies,

How's everyone doing?

Just checked in your journal Sophiebee and am thinking of you?

Mk8, lots happening for you. Not long till your appointment. Have you got a list of questions to ask? Maybe you can bring the blood and spermy results and get them to go over them with you just to double check it all. Also I know youve been concerned about your cycle length and spotting (have I got that right?) so you could ask about that. They will be able to give you in depth info which is great. Did I tell you that a friend recently got pregnant after a similar amount of time and no known issues...they think that diet really helped them so interesting to read about all this nutrition stuff. Cheering you on as always.

Leeze...sleeping till 8.30 is amazing! Does your little lady wake at all in that time? It must be hard having unsettled evenings but as you say it's a very temporary thing (sometimes its easy to forget that with babies when you're tired and stressed I find!). My little man (or not so little any more..he's a big chubber!) goes down early eve so am lucky there...he sleeps for 3-4 hours then....then the constant waking starts and goes on right through the night. Coping with exhaustion is hard and have tried many things to make the nights better...but ultimately know how lucky I am to have a gorgeous baby to wake me in the night and know that this tiredness will pass in time and I will get my brain back! My night out was lovely thanks...we live on a high street and have bars and restaurants almost next door so I just popped out for a drink with a close friend...then me and Mr Clanger had a date night recently too which was also very lovely...we both managed to stay away for a whole hour and a half in the restaurant! With the breastfeeding I cant drink more than the odd glass or stay out too long but like you Leeze I am totally fine with that. Do you have any date evenings planned in the future? Are your parents local to babysit....I rememebr them visiting but can't rememebr how near they live. Have you started any groups or any other reguar things yet? Weve been to one and also do regular walks and meet up with friends too.
Thanks clanger. I'm doing ok, can't believe my appointment is coming round so soon! Will be taking all test results with me. I'm feeling a bit scared that they may find something wrong but I keep trying to remind myself that I'm going to get my baby soon!

So good to hear you managed to get a hot date with ya man:) I'm sure you're super tired with the little one but like you say, it will get better. Hang in there super mum!

Leeze- how are you doing lovely?

Sophie- thinking of you hun.
Hi lovelies. Mk8, i'm so pleased for you that your appointment is coming up soon. How long to wait now? Is OH going to? Do you know much about the clinic you're going to in terms of track record, reputation etc? How are you feeling about it all? How's the acupuncture going? Xx Clanger, that's great that you've had a couple of nights out. I still haven't managed it. I think it'll be easier when we start weaning and she's drinking from a cup etc. She does normally sleep about 9 hours a night without waking which is amazing and we feel very lucky about. We've signed up for swimming classes and signing classes and these both start next week so I'm very excited about these! Xx Soph, thinking of you too, as ever xxx
Hi ladies

Leeze- have you been to the signing and swimming classes yet? Exciting!

Clanger- how are you doing? Hope baby Clanger is settling in nicely and sleeps through the night now.

Sophie- still thinking of you and hope you are doing OK.

As for me, I went to my first fertility specialist (FS) appointment today. Went very well. The doctor and nurses there were also lovely. They told me before on the phone i had a 10 mins slot, but in reality, I was there for an hour. They took my weight, height (BMI great), blood pressure (slightly high- maybe because I was rushing there), asked some routine questions about my health, she read through my old test results (bloodwork and scan- did not think anything was out of the ordinary but thought the LH and FSH blood tests were done on the wrong day so wants to redo them). She took some swabs to check for STDs and thrush, gave me a physical exam (put her hand up there and pressed on tummy). She said everything was fine but said there was a bit of blood and wondered if I bleed after BD (no). She said if that's the case, then everything is OK. Next steps:
- More blood work. Day 2 bloods, HIV, syphillis, rubella, hep c, LH, FSH. Day 21 bloods for progesterone.
- Internal ultrasound scan again (had one May 2011). Booked in for 8 May.
- HSG - Need to ring on Day 1 of AF and book it within 10 days of AF starting. Average waiting time is 3 months.
- After all tests, return to the hospital and see the doc about my results and to take it from there.

I am pleased that there is progress. Hopefully somewhere in the midst of all these tests I get my BFP!

The clinic is actually St Helier Hospital in Sutton. I think a lot of boroughs refer people there. They said that I will not get any funding for IVF because of where I live and gave me a price list for that - hopefully not required, but good to know. Basically around £4k for everything (cheaper with them than a private clinic as it is done at cost level, it's a not for profit scheme). Sometimes people may want to self fund even if they are eligible for free IVF because the wait list is long. So that's where we are. I hope that the HSG can happen quickly and that I can meet them again soon. They said that thyroid issues are v easy to treat and the HSG can unblock tubes so here's hoping for a quick BFP.

They sound very thorough hon. Glad to hear you sounding positive about things. So hopefully within 3 months you'll have had all the tests and procedures done and be well on the way to your BFP if you haven't got it already by then. Keeping everything crossed for you. A summer BFP be lovely then you'd have a Spring baby! Xx
Oh, and we went to the classes. Swimming was fab, she loved it. Signing is probably a bit advanced still but nice to meet other mummies and even a couple of daddies! Xx
Great to hear you enjoyed the classes Leeze!
Hey Leeze I have a question about the hsg.

I started to spot brown cm today so called the hospital to book my hsg (need to ring on day 1 of af and book my appt within the next 10 days). I didn't think I'm on day 1 yet but suspect day 1 will be tomO or sun do wanted to get in there quickly to book hsg for end next week. Except my hospital only do hsg tests on a tues morning! Can't go nxt week as af will be here! They also told me day 1 is day 1 of spotting! I'm confused, I thought it was full day of flow?! I realised I may have to go pvt now
Hi hon - the HSG should be done after AF but before ovulation so ideally about CD7-10. I had mine quite late in the end, about CD12 but as long as you don't O early this is ok. In theory it's ok to have it after O too but then they advise you not to TTC that month. There's a low risk of an embryo being exposed to radiation which is why they don't like you to go after ovulation. Also the advice is not to TTC that month before the HSG but it's ok to do it afterwards as long as you have the HSG before O. I got my BFP the same month as HSG because we followed the advice of the private GP who said it was ok to BD after the HSG (I think leave 24-48 hours in case tender) - whereas the NHS clinic had said not to BD that month at all (without contraception). hope that makes sense. Try get an appointment for next Tuesday if you can xx
Thanks Leeze! Day 1 (full flow) was yesterday, so next week would be day 10 (if you excl spotting on fri and sat last week. I have an ultrasound booked in for next tues and a cold at the moment so I've decided to hsg it next cycle instead. I will see if Nhs can do it but if not, in going private next cycle. Thanks so much for responding. You're a darl!
Sounds like a good plan! Hopefully all bringing you a bit closer to your. BFP xx
Thanks Leeze, I hope so. Hearing some rather negative stories on some other threads and it's all a bit disheartening. I really feel for some ladies I have been reading about and I can't help but think it's really unfair for some of us ladies. I need to snap out of this really and try to be positive and believe that I will get mu precious baby soon.

Hope you are doing well. How is little Leeze getting along?
Hey girls,

Leeze-classes sound fab.Glad you enjoyed the swimming-bet your little lady has a super cute swimsuit.I would love to go swimming with my bubs-slightly scared of putting myself into a swimming costume again! Have you started her on any solids yet?

Mk8-great that your app went well and you had an hour to go through everything.I imagine that the fact that a problem hadn't been found must make you feel relieved but also frustrated about why it hasn't happened for you yet.So glad the hsg is round the corner...lots of ladies say it blows the cobwebs out the way so to speak (!) and gives then their bfp the next month!Thing it even sorted our Leezes cobwebs out!It is so, so unfair this ttc lark and you have every right to feel angry about that.How's Mr Mk8 doing?

All good here...don't want to jinx it but I have actually been getting some good sleeps!My bubs makes me laugh a lot with his funny faces and noises-we are doing well.Think of you all on this thread-lots of thoughts going out to Sophiebee too.

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