Long cycles and the tww

Crazycatlady - That's a bummer. I think a doctor's appointment is a good idea. Hopefully they'll do a blood test or ultrasound for you. Let us know how the OPKs go. I haven't had much success with them myself, but I only tried them for two cycles. My periods before BCP were like 7-10 days long, where the brown spotting just would never end. I have 4 months until it will be 1 year since BCP.

BabeAwait - Hopefully that spotting, pinching and temp drop was your implantation then! That would be so exciting! So happy your LP is one day longer already - yay progress :).

HopefullyOpto - Thanks for the advice!

OK, I think I'm going to order the tea like you guys suggested. I'm also considering progesterone cream since my temps post-O are up and down before they start rising, so that may be why my levels were lower than they should have been at 7 dpo. But I'm more nervous to try that. Can you have too much progesterone in the LP? Don't want to mess anything up if the Vitex is still doing its thing.

Yesterday I was feeling slightly woozy. And my cm has gotten more creamy. So I take that to mean my progesterone is high now. And my temps have been much better. Last night I was even above 99, and this morning was 98.3. And I'm almost all better from my cold :happydance:.
Ksquared I was reseaching progesterone cream and found this site really useful. I'm not going to start progesterone unless vitex and b vitamins don't help after my next cycle. But hopefully I'll be knocked up instead lol.
It sounds like how my temps were last cycle it was really stessful. Glad to hear your cold is going away! :)
Ksquared I have read a lot of mixed reviews like anything tbh. I heard that it's hard to get the correct dosage and because of that you can build too much in your system which can cause a host of other issues. However on the flip side I have heard good things when it has been used correctly for successfully helping woman concieve. I think you should keep up with the vitex and should that not be successful then consider. It does take a lot of time for any of these things to build up in our system which can be so very frustrating as we all want it to work and work NOW :D

BabeAwait - I have my Fx for that BFP for you, it would be so nice to have someone who I have been talking to get that BFP, it just gives everyone a little hope!

AFM I am 10dpo and have had a few nigly pains in my left ovary which is weird but no cm yet so I will keep everyone updated in terms pelf how much the tea helps.

Do you guys have a low gluten or sugar diet?
Went and bought opks this morning - my goodness are they expensive! I figured I needed the 20 pack with long cycles.

Yeah we'll see how it goes. My hope is that it helps keep me less stressed and symptom spotting less. So hopefully it's worth the peace of mind. I used one today, assuming it was waaaay too early, but wanted to see how it works and confirm that the pinching feeling in my left side wasn't ovulation. And it was negative. So I won't use it again for a couple weeks, maybe around the 11th or 12th? My app has my fertile window between the 15th-23. So between now and then maybe I should book a dr apt (I keep meaning to and haven't yet) and try to just relax and enjoy a few glasses of wine.

Hope you ladies in the two week wait get your bfps!! Ksquared what cd are you on?

Is anyone else in the beginning of their cycle right now? I feel like I've lost track.
Oops sorry I'm not 10dpo I'm cd10...
Not sure how I got that wrong. So I'm close in my cycle to you crazycat
BabeAwait - Glad your temps are better this cycle :). Hopefully that will be me next cycle if I don't get my BFP this cycle.

HopefullyOpto - Yeah, I'm just getting antsy. I started reading more about the cream and thought it was maybe too much at this point. Like you guys said, I think I'll just wait and keep with the Vitex. I'm CD 24 today and 10 dpo, I think. I'm not on any special diet. I generally eat salad quite often but also a mix of everything else, including some sweets. Not the best diet but not terrible either. I don't drink soda anymore, mostly just water.

Crazycatlady - I bought those really cheap ones and didn't have any luck. Hopefully the more expensive OPKs will give you some good data!
Hopefully opto - that makes more sense! I thought we were around the same! When are you thinking you'll ovulate maybe?

Ksquared - yeah that's why I went with the more expensive ones, wanted to make it worthwhile. Dh is always bugging me to buy good quality things too.
Ksquared - that's fab if your already 10dpo at cd24, your on track for a perfectly normal length cycle! Exciting!! Vitex seems to be doing the trick :)

Crazycat - I have some cheap OPK's which I will start using tomorrow, I hopefully will have a shorter cycle after my last 70+ day one, I did have a longer AF which may effect it's length though...
If they don't work then I shall invest in a proper kit.
Hey ladies. I used the Clear Blue Digital Advanced Ovulation kit and it was really expensive, $20 for ten tests. I thought I was really going to like it because it was so techy. I ended up liking my internet tests better from Amazon. They were clinical guard opks and it was $10 for fifty of them. So if you're looking for cheaper ones in the future I would suggest those or the wonfo ones which are a little thicker. I got a beautiful positives the day before o and morning of o on the clinical guard the test line was much darker than the control. You could see them darken over time.

Hopefullyopto I eat low glycemic to combat the insulin resistance my pcos can cause. Pms and af cause me to neeeed chocolate sometimes tho.

Crazycat I found opks really helpful. Until I got my first positive they could be confusing trying to analyze the darkness of the test line. But once you get your first positive it will only get easier. I keep my tests for the current cycle in a notebook to compare as I went along.

Ksquared I hope you're temps get better too! Ya the progesterone can sound a little scary. I think I would feel paranoid unless my dr was supervising.

I'm feeling super tired today and achy. My boobs really hurt but that could be from pms. I had one random incident of spotting earlier today but it looked different than the past few incidents :shrug: keeping my fx and my toes at this point :wacko:
BabeAwait - I wonder if the reason my OPKs were not working was because I didn't use them long enough. I was reading your TTC journal and you said that it would get darker then lighter then dark again. Now that Vitex is helping, maybe I should try that next cycle (unless I get my BFP!) and see if I get a clear positive. FX all of your symptoms are signs of a BFP!
I bought the exact same thing, the clear blue, except here in Canada it was $70 for 20 tests!! Even the discount brand cheapest one was $30 for 9 tests....

I'm sure there's an even cheaper version somewhere but I'd be nervous to try it until I'm more used to it.
Crazycat the thing I didn't like about CBDA was that the High result is based off of an estrogen peak and not LH. I didn't know this at the time. The packaging suggested the High results shouldn't last more than 4 days. I got super excited to see that smiley face. Then after ten days and I was still getting the High result I did research. It really got my hopes up for that week in a half. The one Peak result I got was amazing! But I don't think I would want to put myself in the position again. It could very well work great for other people. But clearly my cycles have been whacky.

Ksquared yep that was another lovely issue I was dealing with :lol: Even though a lot of companies suggest not to use fmu I did every morning I thought I was anywhere near O'ing. After the wait time I would compare it to the test from the day before and if I even questioned it was darker I would take another one with smu. If I hadn't of stuck with that I mist definitely would have missed my pos opks.

I'm sure you all have noticed that I do research on. The internet a lot... lol. Well it's really stressing me out lately. I started reading a lot about implantation dips and saw that some women can get bfps 2 days after. I really wanted to wait atleast 12dpo to test and now I'm itching to do one tomorrow. But at the same time I feel like I'll be crushed if I get a bfn. 12dpo isn't until friday and I'm having this overwhelming fear that because of my last short lp I will start af before I get to that day. It feels like a double edged sword and I don't know what to do or tell myself to feel better :( to add fuel to the fire I have not been able to sleep because of all this anxiety. Sorry to unload on you ladies. I don't want to bother H because he ends up saying things unintentionally that hurt more.
The package of the one I bought said it was based on LH... I know it was clear blue though, would they have different ones?
Don't worry about unloading - that's what we're here for! As hard as it is, try to wait until Friday. Nothing is as crushing as that first BFN, even if it will turn into a BFP later. I'm in the same boat as you - wanting to know but not wanting to see that stark single line. I think it's rare to get a BFP at 8dpo, especially for us ladies dealing with issues and unbalanced hormone levels. I'm 11 dpo today and even that could be too early. My Ovia app says that it's 2 days until I should take a pregnancy test. But I'm already in the mindset that I'm out. My temp dropped .4 today to below 98. So unless it increases again tomorrow, that's probably not a good sign. Oh boy, I'm feeling like this will be a mopey Monday for me.
Crazycat the cbda uses lh too. It's just the High result is based off of high estrogen and the Peak result is based on lh. It says somewhere on the box that it uses both and a little graph that shows how each hormone rises over time. Using both hormones is what's supposed to make it more "advanced".

Ksquared I'm sorry your temp dropped and you feel out today :( I'm a bad girl... I took a test today and bfn. The negative didn't bother me actually now I'm feeling like I can wait til friday. Thanks for helping me feel better :hugs:

This morning my temp increased by .7 which is the highest I've ever recorded by .4 It got me excited and that's why I took a test. It makes me feel a little more confident that I can make it to friday with no af.
Crazycat I might have misunderstood your ? looking back. Yes all cb opks should use the luetinizing hormone. Betcha I butchered the spelling on that! :lol:
Crazycat - wow that's a lot of money for OPK's I hope they give you some good results!

BabeAwait - like ksquared said don't worry about offloading onto us, getting pregnant can seem like such an arduous journey and should you not at least express yourself then it will just build up and make you worse. We are all here for support! Sorry you got your bfn, but your still in the game and it's great that the lp has extended. Fx for that BFP this weekend!

Ksquared - sorry to hear about your dip, it might not be anything yet and until AF shows then you just never know. Wait a few days and if she doesn't materialise then do a test! Fx for you.

Afm - today my temp dropped to 36.00, I was rather surprised so I tested again and it was 35.9 so I was like errr, not sure what that means and as my cm doesn't indicate ovulation anytime soon then I'm hoping it's just a random anomaly. Who knows... I might start using OPK's in the next day, the problem with that is I can't hold onto urine for more than an hour or so and because I get dehydrated quite easily I need to make sure my fluid is up so its a bit of a difficult situation.
BabeAwait - I'm sorry to hear about the BFN! I'm glad taking the test helped you relax a little though. FX for Friday. That's exciting about the very high temp! Hoping that AF stays away.

HopefullyOpto - Wow, I usually don't get that low of a temp unless it's O day or AF dip. Might as well do some BD-ing just in case! CD 11 for you?

Afm - Besides being all emotional I got super dizzy today, and a bit nauseous. Hoping it's not just PMS, but it probably is. I would love to be wrong though! I even went to the snack machine and bought some cookies because I needed more to eat and settle my stomach. It's been years since I ever thought of buying something at the snack machine. Also had vivid dreams last night, and also many nights recently. It sounds like a lot of symptoms but they're all so mild I probably wouldn't notice (besides the dizziness) if I wasn't paying attention. Maybe I will take that test, lol.
Hmm you girls in the tww are having some good sounding symptoms! Fx for you!

Yes they like to jack the price up on everything here in Canada, I swear people just like paying more for things here! Maybe if I like them I will try ordering online and shipping to post office box in states or something?? We'll see how it goes.
Crazycat good luck finding cheap opks.

Thank you hopefullyopto! The anxiety has been driving me crazy. Sorry your temp dropped. As long as your overall trend is good one off temp should be ok. Gl finding a opk routine!

Ksquared mmmm cookies! Lol peanut butter cookies sound really good to me right now! I've also had vivid dreams the past few nights. I have felt lightly nauseous on and off but this constant feeling of a lump in my throat is annoying! Fx these things we're experiencing are all pregnancy symptoms!

I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. I've been totally wiped of energy all day. It could just be because the weather in Kansas City is so nasty lately.

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