Long cycles and the tww

According to other ladies on bnb I have a :bfp:! What do you all think? I am 12dpo today and I used fmu. One pic I used the sharpen and saturation tool on my phone.


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Hi TexMel I also came off the BCP in July, although my cycles have been no were near how regular yours have been.
If you don't feel stressed then chances are that its not the reason for the delay, BabeAwait could be right in that it's just an anovulatory cycle, it does happen every now and again. It can mean that it just take that litte bit longer for AF to rear her head. If your getting cramping it could be a sign of ovulation or indeed AF so maybe just do some OPK's over the next few days to see.
Don't worry about it too much as it will only make it worse, erratic cycles are perfectly normal are the BCP and maybe yours is deciding to happen a litte bit after coming off of it. If you are used to regular cycles then I can't see a reason why they won't just go back to it.

BabeAwait - so excited for you! Take a pic of the frer and we can do some analysing if you want :D I really hope it's your month, nice to have someone else on the board get their BFP!! Fx for you

Hi .BabyH0pes sorry to hear you are having such a long cycle, PCOS is soo very mean! Have you actually ovulated as of yet?
O and I'm cd15 today, I really really hope I ovulate in the next few days or week at the max, my last cycle was almost 80 days so I kinda know how you are feeling
BabeAwait in the close up picture I think I see something! So exciting!! It's so early so your going to have to hold out now and see if you get a clearer line :D
I totally see it, BabeAwait!!! And I was looking at the pic on my phone!! Early congratulations to you! I can't wait to see how it looks tomorrow :happydance:. And if I get AF or BfN tomorrow, I'll definitely look into the tea. But I REALLY hope I get my BFP with you!

Babyh0pes - CD 29 for me and 15dpo. Last cycle was 41 days with O on CD 19. This was because of Vitex. I'm sorry you're having such a long cycle this time. When did you O?

Afm - Absolutely no symptoms today. I think I'm ready to test now and just know. Temp is still at 98.3 as of this morning.
Thanks ladies! So do you think I should take another frer tomorrow or wait on Sunday when I'm actually 14dpo? I only have 2 more frers and don't want to use them up before I could potentially have a darker line.

Ksquared I hope to see a bfp from you soon! FX and toes too! :)

Babyh0pes I am cd56 today. It's been my longest cycle.

Hopefullyopto I hope I get a dark line soon!
BabeAwait - Maybe wait until Sunday and save your frer to see a more definitive line. So exciting for you!!

Ksquared - fingers crossed for you too! Be nice to have both of you there :)
Hey all, I am so glad I found this thread! I am trying to keep myself sane with this crazy cycle and looks like you ladies would understand ...

A little background: DH and I are TTC#1 and i have had one CP and one MC in the past. I normally do not ovulate on my own. I ov on Femara (ovulation inducing drug) and am planning to do Femara + IUI next cycle. But that is only if AF shows ! I am on cd 56 of this cycle today.

Earlier in this cycle, I had taken Provera for 5 days (cd35-39) to give me a period. But no, not even a spot yet. Meanwhile, on cd50 I had a blazing positive OPK. I also had a blood draw for pregnancy and progesterone on cd 51. Pregnancy was obviously negative but the progesterone came back at 5.28 ng/ml which apparently shows some kind of / recent ovulation. Going by the positive OPK, I think I am 6 dpo today. Will be having another progesterone draw on Monday (8 dpo) which could confirm if I have indeed ov-ed or not.

Till then, just need to hang on and keep sane. I will catch up with the earlier posts soon ...

Babeawait - congratulations on your bfp! I see the line in the close-up pic.
Ksquared and babeawait, I can't wait to see how your tests go tomorrow! Fingers crossed for some BFPs!!
I have messed up cycles. They've been as short as 17 days and as long as 86. No hormonal bc of any kind in a super long time. Had a copper iud for two years that actually seemed to make things a little better for some unexplainable reason - bleeding was consistently 8 days and my cycles were between 29-39 days. I'm on the second cycle without that in and I've been using the clearblue digital opk plus trying to temp (though my sleeping pattern is inconsistent and messes with that terribly - FF hasn't given me a coverline at all) and I think my opk+ was a false start. Still gave it a whirl so I'm in the tww, but my temps have actually been going DOWN post opk+ rather than up.

I have Graves Disease, which caused hyperthyroidism a long time ago and has probably added to my issues even though my thyroid is normal now, plus there's a family history of faulty lady parts. I tried to get my doc to evaluate me for PCOS when I set up the iud removal but they talked me out of it saying that they thought I should wait until at least 3-6 months to see what taking the iud out would do. So I'm not entirely sure what my issue is or isn't - but I definitely have screwy cycles.

Guess I should add that I've never been pregnant before and I'm in my 30s too.

Mind if I hang out in here?
So I took another frer this morning even though I told myself to wait til Sunday. It's not any darker I wish I would have waited I'm so impatient now for this line to get darker. Hubby seems to doubt that it's really positive even though I explain two lines equals positive it doesn't matter how faint. I'm ready to pull my hair out. I just want to believe it's real :(

How is everyone doing?

Ksquared have you tested yet? FX for your :bfp:
Welcome ttcin2012 and AJCash you are most welcome to hang out here, the more the merrier :D

ttcin2012 is there a reason you do not ovulate without medication? Have you had a difinitive diagnosis or is it an unknown?
Glad to hear you might be in the tww. Fx for you :)

AJCash could your hypothyroidism mean that your temps might not respond normally to progesterone levels. I really have no idea about it so I was just curious. Also you should push for a PCOS test if you suspect, I asked for one years ago and they persuaded me out of it and now years later I finally get my diagnosis, which frustrated me immensely. I have heard that PCOS can cause irregular or no periods but not sure about whether it can cause them to come more regularly so I think you should just tell them to test you and find out.

BabeAwait - I heard that it can take 48 hours or more for control lines to darken, must be so hard not to want to test all the time :) is today's test exactly as the last?
Welcome ttcin2012 and AJCash!

ttcin2012 - I'm so sorry you and your DH are having such a rough time TTC #1. We're TTC #1 too - I'm 30 and my DH is 31. It's so hard being new at all of this and finding out it's not as easy as we'd think, especially for how long we tried to prevent it. That's awesome that you O'd this cycle though! And that's great that your doctors are helping you out with the blood draws and drugs to get things moving. With a team of support, you'll get your BFP. Hopefully you'll get it this cycle and won't have to do femara + IUI!

TexMel - Thanks! Any changes with you?

AJCash - I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles TTC too and with your erratic cycles. It's so tough to not be able to count on a day for O or AF, because at least you'd know if you're late or early. I'm glad your thyroid is normal and hopefully you'll get back on track on your own. And if not, at least you have a timeline for when your doctors will start to do fertility testing on you. We'll be here to support you in the meantime :flower:. Those of us with issues have a harder time temping, so I'm sorry you're having such weird lower temps post O. Mine were all up and down this whole TWW, except this last 5 days or so has been pretty consistent.

BabeAwait - I guess you need to buy some more FRERs! Hey, two days in a row of a very faint BFP is still a BFP. FX it turns darker the next few days. I haven't tested yet. I will when DH gets home in about an hour. Been super emotional today because I'm just expecting a BFN. DH told me he's been having trouble sleeping the last few nights thinking about our TTC troubles :(. I exercised today hoping the endorphins would help. It did a little but not as much as I'd hoped.
Thyroid was hyper, not hypo, and it's been normal for years now. I don't think that's likely to change anytime soon. I'm stable, but I think there might be some permanent metabolic stuff from going through it. I don't really know - since my levels are always normal now, it's not something doctors give much thought to.

I had another positive OPK today after two days of negative ones, so I think I just had either a false positive or am prone to multiple LH surges, which I will certainly take back to the doctor who didn't want to test me for PCOS in December and see if that changes her mind about it. I don't have a lot of symptoms for it outside of the wonky periods, and since those have been all over the place rather than just being really sparse, I understood why she didn't want to do the tests at that point. I just figured it's a possibility and it's testable, and there's clearly something up with me that also runs in the family....

I suspect I'll get a referral out of this (assuming I don't actually end up pregnant, eh?). Had a very big temp dip this morning, so this one might actually be the real thing. :thumbup:
Babeawait, I keep popping around these forums and seeing you, but haven't said anything. I finally must tell you, your profile picture is absolutely STUNNING!!!

Also hoping you get a darker BFP to show your hubs!
I'm so sorry ksquared! Do you have any signs of AF?

Welcome, AJCash! What exactly do they use to test for PCOS? Is is just the progesterone levels? I am really really hoping that my issues are not related to that. My sister had some issues and ended up having to use clomid to conceive, but I believe they never formally diagnosed her with anything. Hope you get that referral this time around! Some times you have to be your biggest advocate.

I have absolutely no changes. Nothing new here.... Still just waiting. CD49 today. Is it weird that even with a negative confirmed by a blood test, I still feel weird about drinking a glass of wine. I feel like it could somehow be wrong or something, even though I know that is probably stupid. I just can't get over this feeling that something is just different, for one thing my sense of smell and taste are different. I may be driving myself a little crazy.
Thanks Hopefullyopto and KSquared.

I have PCOS. And a stubborn one at that. That's why the long cycles. I can't wait to move on to IUI.

I think I am 7 dpo today. Surprisingly had some dark brown spotting today accompanied by cramps on the right side for 5 seconds. [TMI alert] it was only a dark brown stain on my panties. When I checked my cervix later, I got nothing. I am too beaten down this cycle so I am not hoping for IB etc, but it will be great even if this turns out to be AF coming.
Crazycatlady - Today is now 17dpo, and yesterday's BFN was on a FRER. That coupled with absolutely no symptoms is pretty convincing. Ready to get started on cycle #6 now.

TexMel - Yesterday I had some backache and cramps come and go, but no temp drop yet. Still staying at exactly 98.3 every day. I know what you mean about feeling worried about having wine. There's that little part of us that still wants to hope that maybe the tests were wrong. So you have another week and a half until you can go into the doctor again, right? Hopefully during that time you get AF on your own!

ttcin2012 - Spotting is at least a change! I'll hope it's IB for you :). The timing is right for it.

AJCash - Congeats on the temp drop and positive OPK! Hope the TWW flies by for you.

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