Hi ladies. Thank you so much for the support. I honestly have no idea what my hormone levels mean. I know my doctor said everything was normal except the testosterone, but she thinks I am still on a 6-week cycle and probably doesn't know I ovulated already. So I take it to mean that she's not planning to do a scan for cysts or anything. Maybe I'll write her back tomorrow and ask her to order an ultrasound just to make sure. Also, my DH says that one blood test is hard to tell from (he has a bit of a medical background). It all depends on where exactly in my cycle I am, and nothing was super high or low, just slightly. And so many sites I've read online suggest Vitex for people with PCOS, so maybe I'm already doing the best I can naturally. And maybe I'm really not too bad off. Trying to think positively
. Perhaps I'll try some of that tea. Do you guys order it from somewhere?
Crazycatlady - I've had watery cm before, but the timing has been pretty random. I'll usually get it one day several days before O, and then a day here and there in the weeks after O. The only cm I've been able to figure out as the big clue is eggwhite. Even the creamy cm (wet but not clear, a bit sticky, and sometimes can be like lotion, usually not a lot on underwear) can come during the LP but it's not consistent either. I wouldn't read too much into the watery cm at this point. You could just be having random hormone surges as your body goes through its cycle, either preparing for another O in the future or in the LP. I even get eggwhite in the LP. That's why they say cm helps clue you in but it's not super reliable either. I'm sorry you had a rough night with DH
. I don't think the guys really understand what it's like and that we need to talk about it. They're not the ones having to constantly wonder what's going on in their bodies, and what each little feeling could mean. It can be a lot of pressure and it definitely helps to have each other on this forum!
Aidensxmomma - I hope you have fun at your Super Bowl party! That would be so awesome though if you got a BFP in the morning. I like your plan about taking the medicine to bring on AF at 16dpo. I'm sorry you had a rough night with DH too
. Probably doesn't help being in the LP and possibly having PMS (or baby?!) symptoms. Whenever I see a pregnant woman or go by the baby clothes sections in stores, I have to look away and try to think of something else. It's hard to be around all of these reminders of our struggles.
BabeAwait - It's interesting that you have been having the short LP, but my progesterone is also low but I have a super long LP. I wonder why that is. I looked at your chart and yeah, that big of a drop would suggest to me that it's AF. I hope not, but it is quite a dip. Let us know what happens. I've been feeling crampy and this afternoon/evening myself. But I seem to have PMS symptoms off and on for about 10 days before AF arrives. Lucky me.
HopefullyOpto - Is the spearmint tea OK to take during your whole cycle? Do you drink a cup every day? I don't usually like tea, but I do like mint and it sounds refreshing! And hey, I'll do whatever it takes. I had a bit of eggwhite cm around CD 9 too, so it could be your body gearing up! Maybe you'll O a lot sooner this cycle with the tea's help
We'll all get our BFPs one day, you guys! It'll happen, no matter how impossible it seems right now!