Long cycles and the tww

Sorry for your bfn aidensxmama and craxycat. Just remember your not out til AF!

Hopefullyopto are you drinking spearmint tea? I just read a long thread about it earlier in the week.

Coquis sorry your opks are confusing you. I went through that for about a week and a half. Are the test lines darker than the control lines?

Ksquared maybe it's IB. What are you today 8dpo?

Welcome essjay! Sorry you're having confusing temps!

Afm was spotting this morning. I took vit b and it seemed to stop. Fx it's not a fluke. If this were last cycle I would start af after tomorrow and I dont feel pmsy. Hoping for that :bfp: !
I tested today (12dpo) and got another bfn. This cycle isn't looking too promising. :nope: But once it's finally over I can move on and hopefully I'll have a shorter cycle next cycle. I'm already on cd61 - it's just so ridiculous and has got me so upset. I started getting some symptoms - but I'm pretty sure they're just my normal PMS symptoms, so I'm not looking into them too much.

ksquared - I have no idea about your chart. Is there anything going on that may have affected your temps? Like bad sleep or a cold?

coquis - I'm sorry that your cycles are irregular now. I've always had irregular cycles, so this wasn't a recent development after having my first baby. How long has it been since you had your child?

HopefullyOpto - Glad AF is finally gone! ksquared is probably right - just your body trying to sort itself out.

Crazycatlady - Sorry to hear that you're so confused. :hugs:

BabeAwait - FX for a BFP for you! When are you planning on testing?
Aidensxmomma I think I'm going to try to wait until 14dpo which is next sunday. I might get impatient and test next Friday though. It would be nice to know before the weekend starts!
Coquis - I feel like I've heard that about cycles post-baby, that they can get whacky. But as I'm TTC #1, I'm not much help otherwise.

HopefullyOpto - Ovia is the app I use to track my cycles. I like it better than FertilityFriend and it's free. Glad AF finally is gone!

Crazycatlady - I'm right there with you. I got my test results back, and if I ovulated a week ago my progesterone levels should be higher than they are. But they're high enough to tell me that I did ovulate. Either I ovulated a different day, or I'm not producing enough to have a nice cushy home for implantation :(. Your situation is so weird - two days of light AF but no BFP. Ugh, I wish we could all just stick little cameras inside and see what's going on!

BabeAwait - I think I'm 8dpo, but based on my lab results I now have no idea. My progesterone says I ovulated, but it's lower than it should be if it was 8 days ago. And I haven't had anything since that tiny bit of brown this morning, almost not even noticeable. My doctor wrote me back and said my hormone levels were in normal range except my testosterone was a little high. But based on what I searched online, my progesterone should be higher right now. So now I feel like she's no help. I wish they'd do an ultrasound and check for ovarian cysts. FX you get your BFP!

Aidensxmomma - Sorry to hear about the BFN :(. When I had my 51 day cycle. I took Vitex for the first time on CD 50 and got AF the next day. I have no idea how long the cycle would have been. I can't remember, you said you O'd recently though right? Has it been 14 days? Hope something happens soon for you!

Afm - Like I said, I'm really confused. I'm thinking I O'd last week but I'm not producing enough progesterone to have a hospitable environment. So I'm going to research what to do to increase progesterone. I don't think I'll test this weekend because I've had absolutely zero symptoms besides the cold. On the bright side, I started feeling a bit better this afternoon. I think I'm on the mend :).
Tonight was bad, I got all upset and took it out on poor Dh. I'm just so confused about what's going on!

I've also had what I think is some watery cm throughout the day. I don't know much about cm but from what I've read it seemed watery, it left (tmi) a wet mark on my underwear, several times today. When I was reading it sounded like that meant ovulation was coming soon often. But that makes no sense??? If this two day thing was my af then this is only cd6.... With 40+ day cycles I couldn't ovulate yet right???? Or does watery cm sometimes mean something else? Do any if you guys understand the cm stuff?

Ksquared - I don't know much about temping sorry! What does that news from the dr mean? I don't fully understand.

Aidensmomma - sorry about your bfn! Hope you get a bfp next test or at least your next cycle starts soon!
Aidensxmomma - Sorry to hear about the BFN :(. When I had my 51 day cycle. I took Vitex for the first time on CD 50 and got AF the next day. I have no idea how long the cycle would have been. I can't remember, you said you O'd recently though right? Has it been 14 days? Hope something happens soon for you!

Afm - Like I said, I'm really confused. I'm thinking I O'd last week but I'm not producing enough progesterone to have a hospitable environment. So I'm going to research what to do to increase progesterone. I don't think I'll test this weekend because I've had absolutely zero symptoms besides the cold. On the bright side, I started feeling a bit better this afternoon. I think I'm on the mend :).

I am pretty confident I o'd on January 18, so it's only been 12 days since then. I think if I don't get AF by February 3 (16dpo), I'll be taking the medication that my doctor gave me to start my period.

Sorry to hear that you don't think your progesterone is high enough. :( I'm glad your starting to feel better now, though. :hugs:

Aidensxmomma I think I'm going to try to wait until 14dpo which is next sunday. I might get impatient and test next Friday though. It would be nice to know before the weekend starts!

I wanted to know before Sunday for sure. I'm just worried about it because I'm going to a Super Bowl party and want to have a few drinks. I could definitely use it after this cycle. So I'll test again on Sunday before I go and assume it's safe if I get a bfn.

Crazycatlady - Sorry to hear that you're having a rough night. :hugs: I had a rough night yesterday after spending two days with my newborn nephew and I took it out on my OH as well. I was really irritable and then ended up crying for a bit once we laid down to go to sleep. :blush:

I have to review all the info on cm. I thought that watery meant that ovulation was coming, but I also know that I get it during my luteal phase (after I ovulate). So maybe it's just normal luteal phase cm and that bleeding wasn't af :shrug: I understand why you'd be so confused and I'm confused right along with you.
Thanks aidensmomma, it totally helps to have you guys to talk to! Dh says we talk about this stuff all the time and in my opinion we almost never talk about it! Haha

I feel like I'm so clueless about what's normal for me since I was on the pill for ages. I feel like I've never seen watery cm before! But then if I try to think back it seems vaguely familiar from before I was on bcp, bug of course I have no idea when in my cycle that would be or if I am remembering properly! No idea! I should've gone off bcp well before we started ttc.
Crazycat yes cm is supposed to get wetter and stretchier leading up to o. It doesn't guarantee it but it's a good sign. If you look at my chart you'd see it doesn't mean a thing for me. It can depend on the lady I suppose.

Ksquared I'm sorry you're having problems with progesterone :( It sounds a lot like my situation - actually getting blood work. All the lp issues I've had are indicative of low progesterone. I've been trolling the internet like it's my job about the subject and plan on updating my journal tomorrow wuth everything I've learned. GL to you worrying about having a sticky bean is definitely not a fun factor to add in the mix.

Aidensxmomma i hope you have lots of fun at your super bowl party! It sounds like fun. I might have to watch just for the commercials!

So far I'm feeling pretty confident I'll make it to atleast 7dpo without the witch coming this cycle. Silver linings eh?
Woke up this morning and had a drastic temp drop by .7 degrees. I'm feeling kinda crampy and full down there like I may start af. I'm only 6dpo and last cycle that how long my lp was but my temps were nothing like this. Will you ladies look at my chart? I'm super nervous af is on her way now and trying not to totally convince myself it's an implantation dip. :(
Hi BabeAwait - I'm not sure I'm best placed to tell you exactly what's going on with your chart as I have only been temping for one very long cycle. Normally a dip such as that would be indictive of AF but as you mentioned it seems a bit too early so it might be the case that it's to do with progesterone levels, have you had any tests for it?
In response to the question about the tea, yes I am drinking spearmint. What did you read about it on the thread? I heard that it's good for hormone levels and when I started drinking it I ovulated within 3 days which was on cd60+
ksquared - sorry about your test results, I know that low levels can be a result of ovarian cysts. But it's definitely not always the case, have you ever had a scan?
Keep the faith though you still could get that BFP that you want!

crazycat - sorry to hear your so confused about your cm, I think quite a lot of us are in the same boat, generally like you said watery cm is usually the most fertile along with ewcm, it can however be different for those who have long cycles, so it's hard... Just see what the next few days bring and maybe you will be able to make more sense of it. It's hard when you have been on the BCP, it can mess things up for quite some time.

Aidensxmomma - I really hope you get that BFP! Make sure you enjoy the Super Bowl either way. The Super Bowl sounds soo much fun, we never have anything like this over here.

Nothing to report on my, I had what looked like ewcm today but it's obviously not as I'm only cd9. I shall keep you updated as I go along.
Hopefullyopto I read that it lowers testosterone so it's really good for ladies with pcos. I'm pretty sure I have lower progesterone because of my lp issues but I have not been tested since I'm still deciding on a dr.
Hi ladies. Thank you so much for the support. I honestly have no idea what my hormone levels mean. I know my doctor said everything was normal except the testosterone, but she thinks I am still on a 6-week cycle and probably doesn't know I ovulated already. So I take it to mean that she's not planning to do a scan for cysts or anything. Maybe I'll write her back tomorrow and ask her to order an ultrasound just to make sure. Also, my DH says that one blood test is hard to tell from (he has a bit of a medical background). It all depends on where exactly in my cycle I am, and nothing was super high or low, just slightly. And so many sites I've read online suggest Vitex for people with PCOS, so maybe I'm already doing the best I can naturally. And maybe I'm really not too bad off. Trying to think positively :). Perhaps I'll try some of that tea. Do you guys order it from somewhere?

Crazycatlady - I've had watery cm before, but the timing has been pretty random. I'll usually get it one day several days before O, and then a day here and there in the weeks after O. The only cm I've been able to figure out as the big clue is eggwhite. Even the creamy cm (wet but not clear, a bit sticky, and sometimes can be like lotion, usually not a lot on underwear) can come during the LP but it's not consistent either. I wouldn't read too much into the watery cm at this point. You could just be having random hormone surges as your body goes through its cycle, either preparing for another O in the future or in the LP. I even get eggwhite in the LP. That's why they say cm helps clue you in but it's not super reliable either. I'm sorry you had a rough night with DH :(. I don't think the guys really understand what it's like and that we need to talk about it. They're not the ones having to constantly wonder what's going on in their bodies, and what each little feeling could mean. It can be a lot of pressure and it definitely helps to have each other on this forum! :hugs:

Aidensxmomma - I hope you have fun at your Super Bowl party! That would be so awesome though if you got a BFP in the morning. I like your plan about taking the medicine to bring on AF at 16dpo. I'm sorry you had a rough night with DH too :(. Probably doesn't help being in the LP and possibly having PMS (or baby?!) symptoms. Whenever I see a pregnant woman or go by the baby clothes sections in stores, I have to look away and try to think of something else. It's hard to be around all of these reminders of our struggles.

BabeAwait - It's interesting that you have been having the short LP, but my progesterone is also low but I have a super long LP. I wonder why that is. I looked at your chart and yeah, that big of a drop would suggest to me that it's AF. I hope not, but it is quite a dip. Let us know what happens. I've been feeling crampy and this afternoon/evening myself. But I seem to have PMS symptoms off and on for about 10 days before AF arrives. Lucky me.

HopefullyOpto - Is the spearmint tea OK to take during your whole cycle? Do you drink a cup every day? I don't usually like tea, but I do like mint and it sounds refreshing! And hey, I'll do whatever it takes. I had a bit of eggwhite cm around CD 9 too, so it could be your body gearing up! Maybe you'll O a lot sooner this cycle with the tea's help :).

We'll all get our BFPs one day, you guys! It'll happen, no matter how impossible it seems right now! :dust::dust::dust:
I'm counting myself out now and assuming I'm on cycle number 4, cd6, I had another bfn this morning. So should I make a dr apt? Is my two day cycle something to be concerned about?

I think this cycle I will really try not to stress as much and symptom spot. I think I'm going to try opks, at least that way maybe I won't analyse my symptoms as much, and I'll just focus on what the opk says. I was way too stressed and not enjoying it this month. I'm already wondering if maybe somehow my pinching feeling in my left side and watery cm means I'm ovulating really early. We bded a few times today incase and I think I'll buy an opk tomorrow.

Ksquared - sorry about your results, I hope it doesn't affect you too much and you get your bfp soon!

Aidensmomma - enjoy the super bowl tomorrow, I'll be watching too!

Hopefully opto - I've lost track, where are you in your cycle? Af just ended right?
Crazycat was anything else strange going on those two days you bled? I can't help but wonder if it wasn't af but related to something else. I'm sorry you're stressed :-(

Ksquared you can order the tea online if you prefer that way or from a health food store. They even sell a trio at Wal-Mart that called mint medley it has peppermint and some other weird named kind of mint lol. If you do end up diagnosed with pcos eating a low glycemic diet is very very beneficial.

Afm my spotting totally stopped today! I had just a little from overnight but none after. I only felt crampy when I woke up but nothing the rest of the day except random little pinching feelings here and there.
Ksquared - sounds as though you only have a minor imbalance in the hormones which is good so keep positive about it! As far as I know the tea is good to drink throughout so I shall be doing it through this cycle to see what the results are. I really wish I knew what my levels were my doc refuses to give me a test because I have had a scan to confirm. So in having to go private for it now which costs a fortune!!
You can buy spearmint tea online, I have pure spearmint tea once a day and "pukka" 3 mint (spearmint, peppermint and field mint) once a day. Not sure if the brand pukka is available in the U.S. or not...

Crazycat - If it was the case that you did have AF then I wouldn't worry that it was only two days long. Apparently that can happen and some people have extremely short AF's every month. If you are cd6 then you are only a little bit behind me as I'm cd10 today, I am hoping the tea will allow me to ovulate in the next week but I really don't know, I can't say I'm massively confident about it.

BabeAwait - sorry to hear about the spotting, it's quite possible to be implantation though because of how early it is so fx that the dip is just something else altogether. How long was your cycle this month?
How does this tea help? And it sounds like it's any tea ? I think I have some peppermint tea in the house already.

The thing that's weird though is before I went on bcp my periods were like 6 or even 7 days long! On bcp they were 5 days long. Since coming off they've been 4-5 days. That's what worries me.
Crazycat It is specifically spearmint that helps. There have been studies showing testosterone lowering in women who drink two cups a day. It somtimes is just easier to find it mixed with other mint type of teas. Just make sure whatever tea you get has spearmint in it. Since I came off bcp in nov I did I lot of research and they said it wasn't uncommon for a woman's cycle to alter. So 4-5 day af should be totally fine. I cant speak for the two days of af though because im not sure. Hopefully this helps you somewhat!

Hopefullyopo I am on cycle day 51 today and am now 7dpo. Another whole day added onto my lp so far :happydance:

My temp raised back up today after my dip yesterday. Still no AF and no spotting either I am happy to report. Being 7dpo is whole new territory now and I am becoming more optimistic about this cycle :)
Crazycat - just like BabeAwait mentioned it reduces the amount of free roaming testerosteone which I one of the main problems for woman with PCOS. Spearmint tea in particular but I have heard that peppermint can help but I would make sure it has spearmint in it if your going to get tea. Don't worry about a 4-5 day period. It can take a year after BCP for any normality, so don't be surprised if it lasts longer or shorter next time round.

BabeAwait - so glad to hear your temp is back up! Must be a huge relief. So do you normally have really short lp cycles then?
My last luteal phase was only 6 days. This is only my second cycle since getting off the pill. Although I have been off of it over three months now. Long cycles really suck

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