Long cycles and the tww

Hi ladies! :)

Sorry I've been MIA again. I've been super busy which hasn't left much time to get on the forums and reply to anything.

I think I finally got AF tonight - a 63 day cycle. I'm worried that this isn't going to turn into AF, though. Last time I had bleeding it didn't. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though. I just want this cycle to be over with so I can move on.
Ksquared - yeah it's cd12 today, no change in cm just yet but it's only morning so see how it changes today, my temp came back up this morning to a more normal temp, so I'm guessing it was just an anomaly. Your symptoms are sounding promising! If you expect the worse then if you get that BFP it will be even more a surprise! Good luck

BabeAwait - you also seem to have very promising symptoms. Nice to hear your lp is extending. That vitex must be doing you some good :)

Crazycat - sounds like you will be better off finding some on the Internet, that's very expensive! Didn't realise canada was expensive.

Welcome back aidensxmomma, sorry to hear the witch got you, how different is this cycle from the rest? Are you having any consistency yet?

Afm - I did an opk yesterday evening which was completely negative not even an ounce of a line which I was actually glad about because when I get those lines that are there but not darker than the control line it makes me wonder how out of whack my hormones are because I heard those with PCOS can sometimes always have a slight line which means it's registering the higher levels of hormone which should not be there. So when I get a positive opk maybe it will mean that I definately ovulated, providing my temps also go up.
As I mentioned above my temp is back up so hopefully it will remain like that until ovulation.
Crazycatlady - Dang, that's a lot! Temping might be helpful to you then because at least you would just buy one thermometer. It will help confirm O with the OPKs. Temps can be confusing too, though.

BabeAwait - Your symptoms are definitely promising! Mine are a bit more fleeting, and nothing I haven't had before just the timing is different. Hope the weather turns nicer for you.

Aidensxmomma - Sorry you got AF, but I'm glad it came on its own and you didn't have to force it. I hope this is the real thing too so you can start fresh!

HopefullyOpto - Glad your temp came back. My temp is back up today as well to exactly where it was before. A fluke day for both of us :). I read on the box of my OPKs that there's usually always a small presence of LH, so I don't think seeing a light second line is necessarily a bad thing. But maybe my tests are different?

Afm - The dizziness hasn't been there as much since midday yesterday. And not as vivid of dreams last night. We'll see what today brings. At least I haven't been super gassy or crampy this LP like last time!
Fx ladies! I don't have much to update as I'm not in tww yet but I am still checking in daily to see how you ladies are doing, keep me updated and good luck!
Ksquared - yeah it's cd12 today, no change in cm just yet but it's only morning so see how it changes today, my temp came back up this morning to a more normal temp, so I'm guessing it was just an anomaly. Your symptoms are sounding promising! If you expect the worse then if you get that BFP it will be even more a surprise! Good luck

BabeAwait - you also seem to have very promising symptoms. Nice to hear your lp is extending. That vitex must be doing you some good :)

Crazycat - sounds like you will be better off finding some on the Internet, that's very expensive! Didn't realise canada was expensive.

Welcome back aidensxmomma, sorry to hear the witch got you, how different is this cycle from the rest? Are you having any consistency yet?

Afm - I did an opk yesterday evening which was completely negative not even an ounce of a line which I was actually glad about because when I get those lines that are there but not darker than the control line it makes me wonder how out of whack my hormones are because I heard those with PCOS can sometimes always have a slight line which means it's registering the higher levels of hormone which should not be there. So when I get a positive opk maybe it will mean that I definately ovulated, providing my temps also go up.
As I mentioned above my temp is back up so hopefully it will remain like that until ovulation.

This was my first cycle TTC and it was 64 days long, so a lot longer than any cycle I've had in the last year. This one also seems to be a little bit heavier and more painful, which I kind of expected since it's been so long since I've had a period. I'm hoping my next cycle is relatively short again. I'm just going to have to wait and see what happens.

I did get OPKs for my next cycle and will probably start testing towards the end of the month. I'm excited to try them out. :)
Aidensxmomma - Wow, 64 days is a very long time. What was your second longest cycle? FX this next one is much faster and your OPKs show a clear O day!

Not much in the way of symptoms today. Just a little dizziness but otherwise I felt normal. No nausea or cramps or anything. Temp is still high and cm is the same. Tomorrow is CD 27 so we'll see if I start feeling AF. Weird though that I haven't felt much in the way of AF this time yet at this many dpo. A few days ago I did, but nothing yesterday or today. Probably won't test until the weekend so I can see if AF shows. By Saturday I'll be at CD 30 and 16 dpo if no AF.
Aidensxmomma - Wow, 64 days is a very long time. What was your second longest cycle? FX this next one is much faster and your OPKs show a clear O day!

Not much in the way of symptoms today. Just a little dizziness but otherwise I felt normal. No nausea or cramps or anything. Temp is still high and cm is the same. Tomorrow is CD 27 so we'll see if I start feeling AF. Weird though that I haven't felt much in the way of AF this time yet at this many dpo. A few days ago I did, but nothing yesterday or today. Probably won't test until the weekend so I can see if AF shows. By Saturday I'll be at CD 30 and 16 dpo if no AF.

My second longest cycle in the last year was 49 days. However, I looked back over my cycle tracker and I had a cycle from Nov. 2013 to Jan. 2014 that was 80 days long. So this isn't the most unusual cycle I've ever had.

I'm hoping the OPKs work well for me. I don't have PCOS (which I know can affect OPKs) but I have endo and I'm not sure if that will affect the tests? And I'm also not sure about when to start taking them. I bought 100 cheapie tests off Amazon (wondfo I believe), so I have plenty. I just don't want to waste a whole bunch if I don't have to.

Hopefully it's a really good sign for you that you haven't felt AF symptoms! Keeping my FX that you get your BFP! :flower:
Hey ladies! I didn't get on bnb yesterday I felt horrible :(

Ksquared fx af is a no show. Hope to see a :bfp: from you this weekend! :)

Hopefullyopto I actually haven't started the vitex. I was going to cd1 but af is still missing. Today makes my lp four days longer than my last. So either my body regulated itself or I have a little bean! :) I hope you get a + opk soon!

Aidensxmomma your endo shouldn't affect the opks it only does if you have a high lh presence. So unless your body tries to ovulate and fails you should be good to go. I get false + because of my pcos. I found it easiest the test with fmu and if it was darker then my last test I would test with smu and in the evening. I hope you find a way that works for you :)

Crazycat glad you're checking in. I hope we all have juicy updates for you!

Afm I am 10dpo today. Ff says my chart is triphasic today in my pregnancy monitor. I am really starting to think I'm preggers. When I look at my last chart they look nothing alike. It can't be that common to have an implantation dip, a triphasic pattern, and your lp extend 4 days on a non pregnant chart right???
Yesterday I had a horrible migraine and barely was able to function. The stupid lump in my throat made me feel sick when I ate. Then all of a sudden I was starving. I had a weird feeling in my uterus on and off. Other than that no symptoms. FX this isn't just a crazy cycle that's out to devastate me with a bfn in the end. :wacko:
Oooh, BabeAwait!! It sounds like this could be your BFP! FX your body isn't playing tricks on you. :dust:

Aidensxmomma - Were you thinking of trying Vitex or anything to help get them shorter? Sorry if you've already said and I just forgot!

Crazycatlady - Yes, I'm happy to have you here for support! We'll be doing the same for you when you get to the next TWW :).

Afm - My symptoms have returned today with feeling woozy and very slight nausea. But my cm hasn't been there today and my temp was slightly lower this morning, at 98.0 instead of 98.3 yesterday. Either way, I should know by this weekend. I felt sad the other night as I took my last prenatal vitamin from a bottle that was a 5-month supply. *sigh*
FX for you ksquared! I have seen pregnancy charts on ff that have temps all over the place. No af yet so you're still in! :) I'm also out of my prenatal too I only had a 100 ct tho lol
BabeAwait - So excited for you! Hoping for a :bfp: for you!

Thank you for the tips about using the OPKs. I'm so excited to try them out this month. Hopefully it gives me the peace of mind I need.

ksquared - Really hoping for good news from you this weekend! FX!

I haven't really looked into vitex yet. I'm a little worried about taking anything for my cycles because they were starting to regulate themselves a little bit and I don't want to screw them up more. I think I'm going to wait and see what my next couple cycles do - if they're horribly long like this first one was, then I'll probably try it. If they go back to 30-some days I probably won't. I'm okay with my cycles being a little longer as long as they aren't ridiculous.
Thanks, Aidensxmomma and BabeAwait!

Aidensxmomma - Sounds like a good plan. FX for this next cycle!

Temp is back to 98.3 today and I had vivid dreams again last night. If cm is dry again today though, I would guess AF is on the way. Today is CD 28.

When are you testing next BabeAwait?!
Thanks ksquared and aidensxmomma!

I probably will test tomorrow and sunday. Today I am 11dpo but I feel crampy :wacko: it's making me nervous AF is going to show up. FX it's all in my head.
Good luck ksquared and BabeAwait, these next few days are going to be nerve racking!! Fx for you both :)

Aidensxmomma - I think it's probably a good idea to hold off taking anything if you think it can regulate itself. It is much better to let your body do it itself if it can.

Increased cm for me today (cd14) opaque looking, good signs, I hope it continues. I would love to have a cycle shorter than the last, I hope I get to be in the tww with you sometime soon.
You guys, I've been freaking out about my hormone levels for nothing! I haven't checked my mail all week, and when I looked today there was a fat envelope with my test results. And each one had the normal ranges for each stage of the menstrual cycle, and my doctor circled the luteal phase for me and each hormone level was within normal range!! Except testosterone, which was slightly higher like she said. So my progesterone was totally fine! Hooray! Both progesterone and estrogen were on the lower range of normal, but still normal so I think I'm all good :).

I had a little bit of cm return today, and a total dizzy spell again. I think I didn't drink enough water yesterday. I'm still expecting to see AF or a BFN come Saturday, but at least my body seems to be working OK.

BabeAwait - I'm so excited to hear your test results! Either way it goes, we're here for you. :hugs:

HopefullyOpto - I like the sound of your cm. Hoping you're just a few days away from O and you and your DH are having fun BD-ing :).
Hey all, I just joined the forum today, and thanks to ksquared for directing me here! I am so frustrated with my body and it seems like you ladies understand why! Today I am at CD46. My last period started dec 22 and was unusually light. And then I've had nothing happened since then. I'm pretty sure no ovulation, no AF, nothing. I have always had very regular 31 day cycles leading up to this time around. I totally am still hopeful every time I get dizzy or a little nauseous (even with blood test confirmed negative last week), but I think that is just me being a little crazy.
At this point, after a "missed period" I don't even know exactly what happens next. if you don't get a period without ovulation, and then should I be looking for ovulation to occur next or AF? I am new to all of this, and I'm sorry if this is a very stupid question.
Hi TexMel welcome to the group, so you mention that you are cd46, do you track your ovulation at all, using OPK's or temping or just counting days from your last period.
Has this month been overly stressful at all as that's definately a reason for delayed ovulation.
You also mentioned that you used to be pretty regular, when did this stop happening?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to gage what might be causing the delay.
Thanks, Hopefullyopto, don't be sorry about the questions! I have been off bc since July, at which point I started tracking things using an app called "Day After." I had 5 cycles that were 30, 28, 31, 31, and 28 days in length. This is my first abnormally long (for me) cycle. I held off on using OPKs until January because I just wanted to try things out before then. So, in January, I started OPKs and did them CD10-CD20, bc this is the window my app said would be most likely to have my o. But I got negatives every single day for the LH surge. Then, AF was expected Jan 21. I still have nothing and no sign of her, other than a few cramps maybe once a day, but nothing too bad.
As far as the stress question, I cannot think of anything that I'd be stressed over. Marriage, family, job, house, everything is good at the moment. My obgyn's nurse asked me that, too. And I'm not sure she believed me, but I really haven't been. At least until I missed my period and my mind started trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
Full disclosure: I work in a medical field and I work very long hours, so my job always has some level of stress, but we seem to be in a much better place right now than we have been in about 2 years.
Ksquared congrats that's great news! If you want to learn about using spearmint tea to lower androgens then you should check out the spearmint cysters for science thread :) I'm so happy for everyone's support! :hugs:

Hopefullyopto I hope it's your body gearing up to O!

TexMel I had the same question a while back when my cycle was long. It turns out most of the time your body waits to ovulate until you will have your lp and then af. Although it is possible to have an annovulatory cycle. I would go about this cycle like you're still waiting to O so you don't miss your fertile window. GL!

12dpo today and temp still up. I took a frer this morning and I feel like it has the faintest pink line. I feel like I'm crazy and no one else could see it so I'm testing again tomorrow.
What cycle day is everyone on?? I started out in this thread very beginning.. but haven't been checking in. I'm on cycle day 82 today. "/ boat load of symptoms with BFN and no sign of flow.

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