Long cycles and the tww

Hmm OnErth that's rather unusual to have as long as a LP as you are currently having, your temps are rather erratic, do you do it at the same time everyday? And is the temp taken orally or vaginally?
Ok here's my definitive proof and I guess I don't feel like a fraud going into the 1st tri discussion threads anymore.


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HopefullyOpto - Way to be strong! Just a couple more days for you.

Crazycatlady - Ahh, a two week vacation is going to be so nice. But I would think that keeping busy is nice too while you get through these first weeks of pregnancy. Have you told anyone besides DH and your best friend? Like families? I Feel like I'd want to tell my parents and sister right away, but DH would rather we wait a month when it happens do we're more sure that it will stick.

OnErth&InHvn - have you had BFNs? I used to have long LPs like you too. Temps weren't as up and down, though. Hope you get some news soon!

TexMel - Yay! There's no denying it - you are definitely pregnant! Congrats again :). How are you feeling?

Afm - Temp is up just slightly today from yesterday but not as high as Sunday. I thought my boobs felt big last night but I think I was imagining it. 10 dpo today, and I had dreams about taking a FRER last night and didn't sleep well. I think by tomorrow I'll be ready to take a test because I'm tired of not knowing, lol.
I can't wait for you to test ksquared!

Yep we told our parents and siblings the next day! And we've each told a couple more friends. I also told my boss. The other two friends that I told I chose because one just had a baby in the fall so she's good for advice , and the other was also ttc. I think she is probably pregnant, had lunch with her yesterday and she was going to test and didn't text me her results, so I have a feeling.... And my Dh told his two really close friends. We'll wait until closer to 12 weeks to tell more. Depends when next scan is for exactly when we tell more. My cousin just had a baby yesterday so it will be hard to keep it from my giant Irish family now, who all ask me every time I see them....
Wow TexMel! Lovely lines :) so happy for you, make sure you pop in and keep us updated with your progress.

Ksquared I'm also very excited to see your results of your test. I'm staying strong and holding out! 14DPO tomorrow and I'm still not planning on testing :)

Crazycat that's nice that you have told close friends and family. I am not really close with family on my side although I am closer with my husbands family I'm not planning on telling anyone when it finally happens until at the very least 3 months. I'm very superstitious :D
It will probably only be you lovely ladies on here and my husband that will know :p
I am far too excited - I couldn't help it!

Another wonderful development - I literally popped a rib out coughing so much! Very painful, just went to the chiropractor to get an adjustment so hopefully that helps. I told him I was pregnant because I feel like health care people should know. He said the babies already beating me up haha.

I'm feeling pretty good! Actually have more energy, but I have developed what seems like a slight head cold, but could just be my body adjusting. I feel a little feverish but on my bbt this morning my temp was 98.21, which is a little higher than my norm, but obviously not a fever. I'm guessing it is just hormones.

So far, only my best friend and one of my coworkers know. DH wants me to keep it from my family until at least after I see the dr for the first time next Friday. It kind of stinks BC next Monday is my dad's bday and I would love to surprise him for his bday, but I do understand why. My family is insanely close and if we tell one of them or even just my immediate family (brothers, sisters, etc) then it is sure to spread like wildfire to all of the cousins and grandma, etc. and that really is just too much to handle so soon. We even spent the entire weekend with DHs side of the family and it was kind of fun having this enormous secret that we kept just between the 2 of us.

Can't wait to see your results! I'll definitely keep in touch! You ladies supported me so much in the last month and I'll always be grateful!
Hmm OnErth that's rather unusual to have as long as a LP as you are currently having, your temps are rather erratic, do you do it at the same time everyday? And is the temp taken orally or vaginally?

Yes same time, yes vaginally

OnErth&InHvn - have you had BFNs? I used to have long LPs like you too. Temps weren't as up and down, though. Hope you get some news soon!

yep. All BFNs.
OnErth forgive me if you have answered this before but have you ever had any tests for either hormone levels or tests on your thyroid? It just seems that having such continuous changes in temps may have a cause which the Dr might be able to help rectify. Additionally do you take any meds or supplement to help your cycles?
Crazycatlady - Haha, I feel like I'd want to tell everyone too once it happens. Ouch, sorry about the rib! So your first symptoms were your cold and being tired right? Trying to figure out the likelihood of getting a BFP, lol. I know everyone's different, but I always felt like I would know when it happened. But you had no idea, right?

HopefullyOpto - I'm excited to hear how the next couple of days go for you too! :flower:

TexMel - Glad you're feeling good so far! Same question for you - looking back, what would you say was your first sign? Or did you feel anything before your BFP? I know you had a very faint line for a couple of days so maybe it was too early for symptoms. I hear ya about having the news spread to everyone this early. I think I'd want to tell my two good friends, and then our immediate families. No coworkers or Facebook announcements for a while, but I'm terrible at keeping secrets. Mostly I'd just want to tell my side of the family, haha. I kind of want them to know how long we've been trying so they'll feel bad about making those little comments about waiting for us to have kids!

OnErth&InHvn - Sorry, one more question. Is this long of a LP abnormal for you? I agree with HopefullyOpto - maybe you should make an appointment with the doctor and they can run some blood tests. Though they did mine on CD 21, and said they could do another on CD 3 so I'm not sure what they could do after CD 21.

Afm - I still can't figure out if my boobs feel big. I feel like they are, but then I think maybe it feels like way because I'm thinking about it - haha. I'm small chested so I don't usually notice the girls all that much. DH asked if my bra feels small, because that's the only way he could think of to tell. It did feel uncomfortable today in my bra, but not too small necessarily. Gah! I'll just tell myself I'm imagining so I'll be less disappointed with a BFN! :dohh:
Yeah, I felt bloaty/gassy right after ovulation for a couple days . And then my cold got worse, I had the cough before but it turned into a full blown terrible cold. That was pretty much it until I got my bfp. I actually felt like I had less symptoms than my usual tww , no nausea at all. I was tired, but not to the extreme that I am now, that's just started in the last two weeks. And within a couple days after I got my bfp I developed a more sensitive sense of smell, but that seems to come and go, thought it had gone but was in full force today. I couldn't go in the meat market with my husband today, made me do sick to smell it. But that came about after.

I was right about my other friend who was ttc, she called me today to say she got her bfp. She also had fewer symptoms than her usual tww. She was crampy the last few days and her temps were up. That was pretty much it for her. She says she felt less tired, but then again she's a teacher too and on spring break, and she did say she had been napping every day soooo haha.
Oh I should add I also had more cm than usual, that was another thing that was noticeably different. But no I didn't "feel" pregnant. I had a small wondering because the tww was so different than other cycles, but I shrugged it off to maybe I just wasn't noticing all these symptoms like other tww because I was tired of getting my hopes up for nothing. But then lo and behold, it was not nothing!
Well ladies my temp took a drop today, not below cover line but enough to signal her imminent arrival, my cm also changed to ewcm which is unusual... Anyway she's right on time (give or take a day) if she does show. I shall be starting vitex today or tomorrow I imagine :)
OnErth forgive me if you have answered this before but have you ever had any tests for either hormone levels or tests on your thyroid? It just seems that having such continuous changes in temps may have a cause which the Dr might be able to help rectify. Additionally do you take any meds or supplement to help your cycles?

Thyroid, Testosterone, DHEA, everything normal as of 2013. I have a dermoid cyst, thats about all they can pinpoint right now.

OnErth&InHvn - Sorry, one more question. Is this long of a LP abnormal for you?

Thanks, Crazycatlady. That is immensely helpful. I've had previous cycles where I had more cm than usual, but this time it seems average. I've had the tiredness here and there, but not consistent. I haven't been able to sleep very soundly, which is maybe the only different thing this TWW besides possibly boob changes but I think I'm imagining that. I've been gassy, but I'm usually gassy so that's no surprise - lol. I have a wonky digestion anyway. We'll see if I'm in the mood to test this afternoon. I still am probably too early at 11-12 dpo.

Hopefullyopto - Darn it! I'm sorry that your temp dipped this morning. Nice at least that AF seems to be on time so you don't have to wait extra long. :hugs:

OnErth&InHvn - If this LP is normal for you, that stinks but it's just like what I had before I started Vitex. Perhaps you should get another hormone level check since it's been 2 years.
Oh and Crazycatlady, that's so nice that your friend is right at the same point in pregnancy! You totally called it :).
Ksquared - looking back, the symptoms I would say actually had to do with the bean sticking were the dull cramping I felt from day of conception to about 7dpo with a few stronger pinches on 5dpo, a nonstop pinpoint pain in my lower back from about 3 dpo on that only went away in the last couple of days, and the nips at full attention around the clock from about 6dpo (and has not stopped). My boobs are also bigger, but that has happened since my BFP, and they are still not necessarily sore, just my nips are more sensitive in my bra, almost a tingling sometimes.

I called my ob's office on Monday and got a girl at the front desk that said I could come in anywhere from 6-8 weeks for my first scan, so I scheduled for next Friday. But, after talking to my 2 friends I think 6w+2d is a little early, so I called and spoke directly to my ob's nurse and she agreed, so now I'm going in April 2 when I'll be 7w+1d. We looked at the week when I'd be 8w, but selfishly, I want to go in before Easter, so I can hopefully share great news with my whole big extended family on Easter all at once. Ugh, seems like it is so far away!
So I'm having pinky/brownish cm (sorry tmi) so I think thats me... Will be starting vitex tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed I will ovulate in the next 2/3 weeks, although my cycles have been so long so the likelyhood of that is pretty slim... Aaa well

How is everyone doing today?
O out of interest you ladies that have concieved how long previously had you been trying. And the cycle you concieved on was it a normal length cycle?

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