Long cycles and the tww

I'm feeling a bit better. Went back to the dr yesterday and he gave me a puffer to help with my cough and to help me breath properly so I've felt a bit better today. Feeling anxious for my scan tomorrow! Can't wait to know my due date! But reading about others with early scans they don't always see the heartbeat so I'm worried I won't see that and then I'll panic that something's wrong... So stressful!
Glad the Dr gave you something to help. Wow that's an early scan, is that normal for the U.S. to scan ladies so early? In the UK we get two scans for the entire pregnancy, one at 12 weeks and then one at 22/24, unless underlying medic conditions are apparent.
Crazycat so glad you got some meds to help you! Can't wait to hear the results of you scan. I agree it seems kind of early.

Here's my test today, any thoughts?


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I'm in Canada, not the US. He's just sending me early because my last af was only two days, so incase that wasn't an af he wanted to send me, so we can see how far along I am. Also in Canada it doesn't cost me any money to go for scans or to go to the dr or anything like that so I guess they are more open to sending us for extra apts to double check things.
Texmel that looks like a bfp to me!!! Congrats! I got mine on 12dpo too. I think you're pregnant!!
I think it's a positive, TexMel!! Can you take a FRER?

Crazycatlady - Glad you're feeling better too. It sounds like everything is progressing nicely, so hopefully you can relax and be calm for your scan. FX you see the heartbeat! I'm so jealous!

HopefullyOpto - Sounds good about the Vitex. Did yours come yet? Eager to see if it helps you too!

Afm - Cm was dry again yesterday. I'm on CD 31 and last cycle was 32 days, so hopefully i'll get AF in the next few days. My temp actually increased a little today, but, I didn't sleep well last night so that probably affected it. I've also been exercising every day to boost some weight loss and I feel like my body is in fat-burning mode because I have to pee more often. This is how it felt last time I exercised like this. Good news though, we booked our vacation!! Going to Mexico for a week to this awesome beach resort. It's in early May, and I'd be surprised is I was pregnant by then, but either way I can still go and swim and relax. Wouldn't be able to scuba or drink the free drinks, but that's not the end of the world. I could still snorkel!
TexMel, that's amazing!! Hope to see those lines get darker.
Crazycat, sorry I said you were in the US... Makes sense as to why you would get an early scan :) let us know how it goes :p

ksquared - fx your cycle is as it was before :) I went to Mexico a few years ago and it was amazing! White sands and crystal clear water, so jealous :p don't let TTC restrict what you do, it's about having a good time! X
Ugh.. Wish I didn't have such an early scan. They couldn't see anything :( they said with my long cycles and with when I got that pos opk I'm probably more like between 4-5 weeks so there's probably nothing too worry about it and it's just too early. Still sucks though. Hard not to worry..
crazycat don't let it worry you, you already said previously that they will find it hard to see anything if you are very early so it probably means all is fine. Stressing yourself out will only make things worse. Time will fly and you will be at your first scan before you know it! How are the symptoms today?
I'm not feeling any symptoms now :s

At night I've felt a lot of tugging and pulling on my stomach when I roll over. Is that a symptom?
I am still trying to wrap my head around it!!! I worked a 12 hr shift today and had to keep quiet all day long!
I decided to stop by on my way home and buy a card and a onesie that says "I love my daddy" to give to my husband to break the news to him and I'm so glad I did!! He was shocked and happy and excited and then turned on. Lol. It was a great reaction. It definitely makes it feel more real. So does the nausea that is slowly starting to bubble up every second throughout the day. It's just this constant low grade queasy feeling. Not too bad yet.
Thanks, HopefullyOpto! I can't wait! :)

Crazycatlady - Bummer that you couldn't see anything yet, but yeah it just confirms how far along you are and before you know it you'll get to see the heartbeat. Also I've heard a lot of other preggo ladies here describe a pulling or tugging feeling too.

TexMel - Aw, I love his reaction! What a fantastic day for you both! Keep us updated with your symptoms too.

I took my temp this evening after my shower and it was almost 99! So we'll see if my BBT in the morning is high again. Maybe that means I ovulated recently, even though I didn't have the symptoms? This morning was 98.1, but that was after poor sleep. FX I sleep well tonight and get a good reading. Today was my 6th day in a row of doing some type of exercise, and 10 out of the last 11 days I exercised too. I could use some good sleep!
Crazycat I wouldn't worry about no symptoms, so many ladies get their BFP without an ounce of a symptom so just stay calm and enjoy being pregnant, I'm sure in a few weeks you will be wishing you didn't have any symptoms when you start to get an influx of them :p

TexMel, very happy for you and hope you have a H&H 9 months, I hope this baby dust rubs off on the rest of us :)

Ksquared, I wouldn't take a temp after a shower as it can rocket your temp quite quickly, but if your starting to see a shift it can only be a good thing. Maybe you just ovulated late this cycle I mean I didn't ovulate till cd41 so it's possible :)

AFM I had another temp shift (9DPO), It's gone up to 36.97 so I'm happy, no symptoms though so we shall test in a few days and see.
Another temp shift is a very good sign, HopefullyOpto! FX you get that BFP in a few days.

Yep, my temp was back down to where it was yesterday morning. Sometimes I take my temp in the evening too just to see where it's at but I don't record it. Just want AF to start. If I get it now, that will be good timing for my next ovulation on CD 14 because then my trip with my friend will be right after O and I won't mess it up again.
Ksquared, you may end up ovulating late so make sure you keep an eye on that cm as it can change quickly! Try not to think about where you will be on your cycle as it can ruin it for you, just enjoy your time. We are trying to book a honeymoon and I am trying not to let the idea of pregnancy get in the way cause it can just ruin opportunities. It will happen ksquared! Before we know it. :)

I am so tempted to test tomorrow. I'm gonna keep myself busy and test Monday at the earliest I think... 0.0
HopefullyOpto - Oh how fun! When is your wedding? Or did you already get married and are planning a late honeymoon? I'm sorry, I've lost track! You are so sweet. You really help make me feel better :). Also, how many dpo are you now? FX for you!

Afm - My temp has actually been increasing slowly all week, so maybe I did ovulate after all! Bummed because we didn't BD very often, but if it was last Saturday when I had the lowest temp before the rise, then we at least did it that day. I've included my chart, though it doesn't show the whole cycle. What do you guys think?


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However, do you think my frequent exercise could be increasing my temps and still not have ovulated?
Hi ksquared, your slow temp increase is a good sign and if you BD'd on the lowest recorded temp then you should have it covered. I already got married in Dec, we help off on booking the honeymoon as we just couldn't agree on where to go and when and unfortunately I am also moving jobs now so it's making it harder...
Also I don't think the exercise would affect your core temp to a point where it would steadily increase, so fx it is because you ovulated!

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