Long cycles and the tww

I got a super strong positive OPK today :happydance: Plus a lot of EWCM last night. I'm going to be counting tomorrow as ovulation day. :thumbup: Still sticking with the plan of BDing today, tomorrow, and the next day. I'll feel confident after that that we've done all we can this month.

HopefullyOpto - Sorry to hear the vitex may not be agreeing with you. Hopefully your hormones balance out soon and you don't have any issues. I have a 14/15 day LP as well and part of the reason I'm scared of taking vitex; I don't want to mess up that part of my cycle.

ksquared - My OH and I were thinking about getting him tested. I'm trying to wait it out, though. I was thinking that maybe if we weren't successful on our sixth cycle, we would get him tested. I'm trying really hard to stay patient and put off testing and intervention until we hit that year mark, but I'm not going to lie - it's really difficult. I would feel a lot better if my OH got tested but I don't even know where to start or which doctor to call to set up an appointment or anything.

At this point in time, he doesn't take any vitamins. I'm not sure what's beneficial for men? Should I have him start taking a multivitamin or a different kind?

Also, maybe making a pro/con list about the move would help you decide or at least help you feel less stressed about it. I completely understand why you wouldn't want to put off TTC. Good luck with making a decision. :flower:
Hi aidensxmomma, awesome news on your positive opk! What cd are you out of interest?
I think it's probably a good idea to wait till at least the 6 month mark before putting yourselves through unnecessary tests. Does your partner smoke or drink lots. Those are the things that could impede pregnancy, also tight underwear and hot baths are no good for sperm count. I'm sure everything is fine!
My spots aren't clearing so vitex must be causing it. I am going to the doctors on Tuesday and demanding blood tests, least then I can get my head round what my levels are and how I can help myself...
That's great aidensmomma! I obviously go on bnb too much, my autocorrect has your username memorized :s haha.

My gp said after a year the procedure was to test the guy, but maybe if we had needed tested they would've done it earlier. But my gp seemed to know about referrals for that. My Dh was taking folic acid too when we were ttc, and he was limiting drinking and eating pretty healthy and doing a tonneof excercise (more than me that's for sure).

What cd are you all on?

Big news ksquared! When do you need to decide by? What state if you don't mind me asking?
I'm on cd24, so not too horrible. My next AF is due on my son's birthday (April 12). It would be wonderful to miss it and get a BFP instead. :haha:

HopefullyOpto - My OH does smoke. :nope: But he doesn't drink or take hot baths/showers or anything. So I think he shouldn't have any issues. I think I just worry way too much.

Sorry to hear that you're not having a good time with the vitex. :hugs: I hope everything goes well at your doctor appointment.

CrazyCatLady - what you said about my username made me giggle. :haha:

Maybe when I go to my gyno next (which will be around the 1 year mark of TTC - December) I'll ask about an SA for my OH. Until then, we'll just keep doing what we're doing and keep our fingers crossed. :) I may have to look into folic acid for my OH...it certainly wouldn't hurt him to start taking some vitamins.

I feel a little embarrassed for being so emotional about TTC already. :blush: It's just been hard because it's something I've wanted for so long and it's so hard to wait even longer. But now that I've ovulated, I'm feeling positive again. My moods seem to change with my cycle. :dohh: Thank you so much, ladies, for putting up with my mood swings and being so supportive. We've got a great group here. :flower::hugs:
Hi Aidensxmomma don't feel silly for being emotional, the TTC journey takes its toll on us all and regardless of how short or long the journey is everyone deals with it in a different way, ovulation on cd24 is good, much better than my average cd40ish :p
Today I'm cd12, nothing much going on, have a little bit of an increase in cm but that's about it, this bit is definately the worst...
Went for my first prenatal apt today, mostly paper work etc. sending me for blood work and another dating scan. I have to wait all the way to apr 15! It seems an age away. I just want to know my actual due date. That's one annoying thing about long cycles, makes it harder to know your due date :(
Hi Aidensxmomma don't feel silly for being emotional, the TTC journey takes its toll on us all and regardless of how short or long the journey is everyone deals with it in a different way, ovulation on cd24 is good, much better than my average cd40ish :p
Today I'm cd12, nothing much going on, have a little bit of an increase in cm but that's about it, this bit is definately the worst...

I agree that waiting to ovulate is definitely the worst part. It's so boring and takes forever.

Went for my first prenatal apt today, mostly paper work etc. sending me for blood work and another dating scan. I have to wait all the way to apr 15! It seems an age away. I just want to know my actual due date. That's one annoying thing about long cycles, makes it harder to know your due date :(

I'm sure time will fly by and it'll be your dating scan before you know it :)

It does suck when you get pregnant with long cycles because you don't know your due date. When I got pregnant with my youngest, I had my first appointment and according to my LMP, I should have been 9 weeks along but I was really only 4/5 weeks when I went for my first ultrasound. Caused a big scare. Everything turned out fine but if it weren't for my long cycles, there wouldn't have been an issue in the first place.
It helps to hear that aidensmomma, when my sister in law heard about my apt she thought it was "weird" that I didn't know my due date yet. That sent me over the edge, I just bawled! I was so upset (hormones!), but really, no one wants to hear that something about their pregnancy is weird! She's quite young and none of her friends are ttc yet or anything so she doesn't know much about that , and I know she doesn't really know what she's talking about. But it was still not what I wanted to hear. Poor Dh spent half the night comforting me...
Aww crazycat, don't let things like that bother you. When people don't understand then they don't realise how much their comments can affect someone.
Just think in a couple of weeks you get to see baby and know when he/she will make there arrival, all those comments will seem irrelevant then :)
2dpo today (I'm counting the 29th as ovulation day). I'm already getting my hopes up and symptom spotting this cycle. :dohh: Total TMI alert, but I've been having a ton of lotiony cm all day, which is kind of odd for me, I think. I'm pretty sure after ovulation I usually dry up right away and even if I don't, I don't have this much cm. I'm hoping it's a positive sign.

It helps to hear that aidensmomma, when my sister in law heard about my apt she thought it was "weird" that I didn't know my due date yet. That sent me over the edge, I just bawled! I was so upset (hormones!), but really, no one wants to hear that something about their pregnancy is weird! She's quite young and none of her friends are ttc yet or anything so she doesn't know much about that , and I know she doesn't really know what she's talking about. But it was still not what I wanted to hear. Poor Dh spent half the night comforting me...

:hugs: Like HopefullyOpto said, people just don't think about what they say and the effects it'll have when they don't understand something. It makes perfect sense to me that you wouldn't know exactly when your due date is. Try not to let what she said bother you. :hugs:
Aidensxmomma, 2DPO! So exciting, no nice to have another in the tww, we are all here for support so symptom spot away :)
If something is out of the ordinary then let's hope it's a good sign!
Afm I am cd13 and I have had an increase in cm which is creamy but slightly stretchy so that's exciting! Fx for ovulation soon
Aidensxmomma - Thanks for the advice about the move :flower:. I have a pro con list in my head and DH and I have been discussing it. Basically it would be great for my career but my family wouldn't be close by for the first couple of years at least of our first baby. Congrats about your ovulation and I'm glad you're feeling more positive :). Sometimes post-O I have lots of creamy CM, but hopefully this is a good sign for you! For getting my DH tested, there's a fertility clinic through my normal medical network. They told me about it on the phone when I was making an appointment a few months ago. If his counts or motility aren't good, I think I'd just buy these special male fertility vitamins. Right now he's been taking a regular multivitamin that has folic acid, vitamin b6 and b12 (I read those are the ones that help fertility in guys). We've been TTC for almost 9 months so we're heading toward that year mark pretty quick, and I'd rather just know.

HopefullyOpto - Glad your CM is increasing! This is earlier than usual for you, right? Sorry you have the spots but hopefully once your body adjusts with the Vitex then you'll get past that phase :). Hope your tests go well!

Crazycatlady - Yeah your sister doesn't know what she's talking about and has no idea the struggles some of us have with our cycles. Like us before this journey, we had no idea how complicated this stuff can be. April 15 will be here before you know it! For my possible big change, there hasn't been an official offer but basically was strongly hinted that if I wanted a job following my boss to his new job, I just had to ask for it. It's in Colorado. If we weren't TTC it would be a much easier decision! I still would have to tell him I was interested, and go interview and actually get the job. And maybe I misread the signs and he wouldn't even be able to hire me. But I'd have to decide that I want it before I ask him. Also in waiting to see what happens at my current job and who they replace him with. So perhaps in a few weeks I'll know.

Afm - CD 11 today and I'm on that fun little trip with my friend. CM was a bit more yesterday and I also jumped DH before I went to the airport because I had sexy dreams, lol. So that usually means O is on the way. :happydance:
HopefullyOpto - Sounds like ovulation is going to be soon! Yay! This earlier than ovulation has been for you, right?

ksquared - I think I'll start my OH on some multivitamins. Thanks for the advice :)

That's got to be a tough decision about your job and moving. Hopefully you'll know more in the next couple weeks that will help you make your decision.

Also, great to hear that O is on the way!

AFM - Nothing really new to report. Yesterday I kept getting sharp, stabbing pains in my boobs, close to my armpits, but I'm not sure that's any sort of sign. 3dpo today and already super impatient to test. :dohh:
Hi both,

Ksquared it sounds like you have got some big decisions ahead of you, sometimes in situations such as this you have to be selfish and do what's best for you and your partner. I just changed jobs and it was a huge decision and I will be starting the new job next week. I did think constantly whether it was the right thing to do but I know that when I start that I will feel ok about it. It's not in the same league as you in terms of moving cross state but you will make the right decision, just go with you instinct :)
O and awesome stuff on ovulation, exciting!! This increase in cm is a little early than normal for me :)

Aidensxmomma if I ovulate soon then it will be way way earlier than I have since coming off BCP.
Hope you manage to stay sane during the tww.. :p it always effects us in random ways. Fx for a sticky bean :)
HopefullyOpto - So happy that it looks like you're going to ovulate early :happydance:

So far I've managed to stay sane, but that could easily change over the next few days. I'm already fighting off the urge to test. :haha: I'm symptom spotting already too. :dohh: But I'm overall in a good mood, so I'm just going to roll with it.
Well I hope that I ovulate soon, I thought it was going to happen early last month and that wasn't the case so I am being a little reserved and I shall just see what happens.
Try not to drive yourself stir crazy Aidensxmomma with the symptom spotting (hard I know) it won't be long till you can test and fx you see that second line!
Hello ladies! Sorry it has been a few days since I checked in!

Aidensxmomma - I definitely could not stop myself from symptom spotting when i was in the tww! I tried to keep myself occupied to not think about it, but it is impossible to not be like "hmm... My boobs seem different today..." For me, it was cramping 2-7dpo and a lower backache that felt like my nerves were being pinched that ultimately were the signs I guess I was prego.

Hopefullyopto & ksquared, sounds like you are both headed back to the tww very soon! Exciting!

Afm, not much to report. Some days, I totally feel like I'm already growing and that I have all the symptoms. And some days I don't feel any different. Today, I feel like I am just dreaming all this up and there is no tiny human in there, there's no way. So glad I have finally made it to April! My apt is tomorrow - in a little over 24 hours, my dh and I will hopefully be seeing the heartbeat for the first time! Now, I just have to try to be productive today to keep my mind off of it! I guess that means, off to the grocery store I go.

Have a great day! I will update after my apt tomorrow!
Hi TexMel very exciting day for you tomorrow, I hope all goes well and you get to see your little bean's heartbeat :D
I really do hope I'm in the tww soon, have had a few twinges today, nothing remotely interesting however and because I'm on annual leave it means that I'm dwelling on everything a little bit too much :(
I guess I can only wait and see what the next week brings :)
HopefullyOpto - I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you that you ovulate soon!

TexMel - I felt the same way during early pregnancy with my girls; some days it didn't even feel real. Best of luck with your appointment tomorrow! Make sure you let us all know how it goes...so excited for you!

I'm really hoping the early signs I'm having are pregnancy symptoms and not all in my head. Time will tell. :)
I really hope those symptoms are pregnancy related aidensxmomma, the board has been lucky this far let's hope we can add you to the mix
AFM I have had an increase in CM today! Yay :) so I am hoping I am heading in the right direction. Had slight cramping yesterday also so maybe I'm finally entering my fertile window, I will see what this afternoon/tomorrow brings :)

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