Long cycles and the tww

Sorry, I am lurking more than participating these days! I am so very excited for you ladies! Hopefully you can all join me in a new thread on the 1st tri boards soon!

Hopefully, I am sure I've asked before, but are you doing OPKs or temping? I swear doing both of those changed the whole game for me! It took all the guessing out of it.

One thing I learned from ff about the cm that I found to be particularly helpful is that you measure it by the most fertile level of cm you have, even if it isn't present for most of the day. Both days the I considered myself uber fertile, I had the perfect ewcm for only probably an hour or two and we were just lucky that we were snowed in that weekend so I could act on it right then. Other times of the day that weekend ranged from almost no cm to slightly watery. I hope that makes sense what I'm trying to say.

No news here. Still doing pretty well and feeling very lucky about that. Hungry a little more than normal and tired, but that's about it.
Nice to see you, TexMel! I hope I'll be joining you soon too! Yes, I temp and use OPKs but this was the first cycle that I had an obviously positive OPK for two days in a row. I was never very good about taking OPKs or continuing to use them. I'm hoping the strong positives is a good sign!

That makes sense about the cm. I usually track the same too - if I have EWCM at all that day, that's what I track. I actually had a bunch this morning but my OPK was very negative. According to FF, I ovulated sometime on Saturday or Sunday. I'm guessing overnight on Saturday because my strongest positive OPK was Sunday morning, but I had strong awful cramps on Saturday. Temps have been slightly higher than the dip I had, so that seems to confirm it. Yippee! So I'm 2 or 3 dpo. Today my stomach is all grumbly too - not sure if that means anything.

How's everyone else doing? Aidensxmomma - any more symptoms? When are you testing??
Glad to hear that the OPK was right ksquared :) so excited to see the results :p

TexMel yes I do temp and occasionally use OPK's, I don't rely on them to heavily as they just depress me when they are constantly negative.
Today was my first day at my new job and maybe the stress of that will have delayed my ovulation even further... Who knows
I'm reluctantly persisting with vitex but I don't know how quickly I'm going to see anything with it and therefore don't want to get disheartened if it doesn't work as quickly as I hoped. I do hope the acne clears sometime soon though. I'm 3 weeks into taking it now.
Ksquared I am totally getting my hopes up for you! 2-3 dpo my stomach was all grumbly and bloaty and gassy. That only happened the cycle that I got my bfp, and that was also the cycle that I had my positive opk!
How's everyone else doing? Aidensxmomma - any more symptoms? When are you testing??

I haven't had many obvious symptoms. I've been tired and a little nauseous. I've been really emotional too. All of this hasn't been very exaggerated or anything, though, so it's hard for me to count it as a real symptom. I'm pretty convinced it's all in my head. :haha:

I actually tested today at 9dpo...I *think* I got a super faint bfp! :happydance: I took an IC when I woke up this morning and I got a really faint line. I took an FRER this afternoon with a 3 hour hold and got the same. I'm thrilled (and freaking out a little :haha: ) but I'm not convinced that it's a real bfp yet. I can't even get a picture of it, the line was so faint. I made a thread about it in the pregnancy tests sections if anyone cares to go have a look. :) I really don't know what to think. I'm not sure I can trust the lines with how faint they were...I'm going to have to wait to test again to see if there's any change.
Aidensxmomma - How exciting!! I hope it really is a faint line and this is your BFP! If you got it on both tests, I'm thinking it is!!

Crazycatlady - Thanks! Usually when I'm gassy I get grumbly down lower in my digestive area, but today it's been higher and just like a lot of air trapped. Not as much like upset digestion. Also I've had some sharp pain in my uterus area. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but these signs are promising to me too! Hoping in the morning my temp increases to definitely confirm O and maybe these symptoms will continue.
Thanks ksquared! :)

10dpo today and I got another super, super faint bfp on a FRER. I'm not quite sure I trust it though; it's so faint and I feel like maybe I just have line eye. :dohh:

I'm going in for a blood test today to confirm whether or not I'm pregnant. My appointment isn't until 4, so I probably won't get the results until tomorrow, but I'm excited. I'm really hoping this is it!
Aidensxmomma that's fantastic if it is the beginning of your BFP, I had a look at the feed and I'm unable to see it although I'm not very good at spotting those things.
Am super excited to see what the next few days bring :)

Nothing new with me today, I shall keep my fingers crossed.

Fx your symptoms are signs ksquared. I really hope you get your BFP this time round :)
Woohoo, Aldensxmomma!! :happydance: Can you post a pic of the FRER?

HopefullyOpto - Thanks, I'm crossing my fingers too. Having some sharp pinches still today in about the same spot. Don't think I've had that before, but then again every cycle has something new for me to obsess over, haha. How's the new job going? Are you feeling less stressed? Maybe you can try some yoga or relaxing techniques. Sounds like your body is gearing up to O but not quite in the fertile window. Hope you get some fertile signs soon!
Here's the tests from yesterday and today. The IC test is from yesterday and the FRER is from today.

I'm not even sure I see the lines on the tests in the pictures but I swear there's something there in real life. I can't wait to talk to my doctor and hopefully find out for sure. Otherwise, I'll have to wait a few more days and test again. This wait to find out for sure whether I'm pregnant or not is worse than the TWW or even the wait to ovulate. :wacko:


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Woohoo aidensxmomma!! I am not sure I see anything in the pics, but I totally could see mine in real life before I could get the pics to prove it! Can't wait to hear your results!

Ksquared - I'm not trying to get your hopes up, but those totally sound like pregnancy symptoms to me!!!

I'm so excited for you guys!
Negative blood test today. :cry: I'm absolutely devastated and all I want to do is curl in a ball and cry. I don't even have my OH around to help comfort me. :cry:
Sending hugs aidensxmomma. I'm so sorry!!
I hope you have someone that can comfort you if your oh isn't around.
I'm so so sorry Aidensxmomma :(. I'm sending you virtual hugs :hugs:. Is the blood test definite, or is it possible that it's too early? I'm not sure how blood tests work for this.
Is it possible it's still too early aidensmomma?

Ksquared those pinches sound good too!

Good luck ladies!
Hey ladies! :hi: It's been nearly two months and I'm finally feeling up to being on BnB again. I've missed you all. I hope everything is going well with everyone here.
Welcome back, BabeAwait!! :hugs: I'm so happy to see you and glad you're feeling up to being back on the boards. We missed you :).
So sorry aidensxmomma, we are all keeping out fx for you that maybe it's just too early.

BabeAwait welcome back! We missed you hear, might take you a while to catch up on the board :)
How have you been?
Now FF is saying I ovulated on Monday. Erg, I'm so confused. I think it was Sunday or Saturday night. Does anyone else ever disagree wth FF's analysis?
I have a 30-31 day cycle with ovulating around CD 10-11, although I never took BCP on a regular basis just when I had 2 months of non stop heavy bleeding and that was to make the bleeding stop. OPKs help out a lot, I did them for a few months before I started to noticed O symptoms and then started to noticed my O day landing around the same day. You can get them for fairly cheap on Amazon.

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