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Long cycles and the tww

Texmel - sorry to hear about bedrest! Hope you are doing well with it. Were you all organized for baby already ahead of time?

Mommyofone- how far along are you now?

Aidensmomma - fx for you! Hope wedding plans pick up.

Ksquared and babe await how are you doing?

Hopefullyopto - any updates on your cycle? I was so glad to see you back!

Afm - lots going on! I'm 37 weeks this Friday, so full term. I can't believe it! Baby is causing a fair amount of discomfort... He dropped way back at 32 weeks so ever since then he's been pushing nonstop on my bladder and pelvis. I have a bruise on my thigh from his head digging in! Also he is measuring really big. He's 8 lbs 4 oz already! So not much room for my organs, I have bad acid reflux and my stomach is all squished up in my ribs and hurts all the time like throbbing pain! So yes.. Quite uncomfortable! I'm off work now thankfully, just using my sick days till baby comes.

I got lots done this weekend, shopped for final things I needed for baby. And Monday Dh and I worked in the baby's room so it is finally starting to look like a baby's room. I would've been hooped if I ended up on bedrest as I clearly left all of this to the last minute! Finished washing baby clothes and bedding today and tomorrow I'll pack the hospital bag. Although I don't really know how I'm supposed to do that since I wear the same pants like every day since they're the most comfortable and comfort is at a premium right now! Same for bra, only one I can kind of stand, and that's even pushing it!

But I think biggest news is I will likely need a c section :( as baby is so big and only getting bigger. I'm pretty stressed and depressed about it. I feel like a failure. I wanted to push, but they are saying with the size it's likely even if I tried, I would likely need one in the end anyway as baby's head is in the 90th percentile so just won't fit through. Then I could be in pain through labour, tear trying to push, and end up in an emergency c section anyway. So they are just recommending I book a c section. I guess it makes sense to do that but I just feel so bad. I'll know for sure next Tuesday, but based on last couple discussions with Dr and my latest ultrasound results I think this is what she's going to recommend.


hun are you gonna try to push anyway? you should if that's what you wanted. seriously, give it a go. i'm telling you because my baby's head was in the 95th percentile- actually all of her was, and she came out fine. didn't even need a episotmy. as for the hospital bag do you have a pair of like sweats or something for after the baby comes? i was told to bring those for after the birth- but i wound up just putting on my pregnancy jeans again because things were so loose and weird, i wanted them secured in the belly band!!!

Can I join You, ladies? My cycles are usually 33-34 days long but sometimes even 40 and more days.. :(

hi hun welcome. i have the same kind of cycles. O'd on cd 22 this time. :wave: so i hear ya!

afm, i'm doing well, baby decides randomly each day what it doesn't want, what i can eat, etc. like yesterday i wasn't allowed to drink coffee and all food was bland. today, coffee tastes fine. (thank goodness)

first appt is coming up monday- which is a teaching appt. which basically just gets history/bloodwork/ etc. still excited for it lol.

just kind of hanging in there!
Crazycatlady - I'm so sorry to hear that you are disappointed right now! You are so close to holding that sweet baby! I do understand your frustration, though!

Bed rest is going ok. I went back to the OB yesterday and have to take my 24 hour urine sample back today and get blood drawn. We should get the results tomorrow, but my doctor yesterday was pretty convinced (99% sure) that no matter what the labs show, she wants to deliver this baby next Wednesday at 37 weeks (october 28). She says I have the option to be induced or to just schedule a c-section. I was pretty adamant with her that I want to do induction and try vaginal, but I could feel she really wanted me to just give in and do a c-section. It really kind of pissed me off. I could tell it was the option that was most convenient for her. I totally get her point that after 2 days with the cervidil and a day of pitocin, there is still a chance that I will have to have an emcs, but there's a chance I won't have to. I really don't want to force myself into c-sections with any future children just to make this convenient.

Sorry, I really didn't mean to vent on here, but like I said, I totally get what is going on in your mind right now. Once again, our pregnancies have been so very eerily similar since day one!

Best of luck, Hun! Keep us posted!
Forgot to answer the other part of your question!

No, my house was not ready for baby!! After the appt yesterday, where my dr convinced us we would have a baby in a week, my mom, dad, and sister all came over to help me sort and organize and clean. It was like having my own army of helpers. They made a huge difference, but we are still not 100% ready. I have a list of supplies that I'll send my husband to get this weekend, along with a couple of items I ordered online this week. (Bed rest = way too much online shopping for me)

We managed to get my hospital bag mostly packed yesterday and baby's bag is mostly ready. There are a few bigger things we will need eventually, but only smaller things that we HAVE to have before we go to the hospital.
Tex be wary of that! Don't get yours hopes up like I did. My mw said by end of July I'd have baby. Definitely. She came on her due date in August. I was constantly told any day now , end of the week, not through the weekend, and she came when she wanted!
Texmel let us know what she says after your apt. That is crazy that we both have dr's recommending c sections! My apt is Tuesday so I'll see what my Dr says then. My husband has been so supportive. I was totally feeling down, like I wouldn't really be "giving birth", but he made me feel a lot better and very supported. I am still stressed and feeling down about it, but a bit better. And he's home with me for a few days so that's nice. Last week he worked 90 hours! So I didn't see him much.
Texmel - sorry to hear about bedrest! Hope you are doing well with it. Were you all organized for baby already ahead of time?

Mommyofone- how far along are you now?

Aidensmomma - fx for you! Hope wedding plans pick up.

Ksquared and babe await how are you doing?

Hopefullyopto - any updates on your cycle? I was so glad to see you back!

Afm - lots going on! I'm 37 weeks this Friday, so full term. I can't believe it! Baby is causing a fair amount of discomfort... He dropped way back at 32 weeks so ever since then he's been pushing nonstop on my bladder and pelvis. I have a bruise on my thigh from his head digging in! Also he is measuring really big. He's 8 lbs 4 oz already! So not much room for my organs, I have bad acid reflux and my stomach is all squished up in my ribs and hurts all the time like throbbing pain! So yes.. Quite uncomfortable! I'm off work now thankfully, just using my sick days till baby comes.

I got lots done this weekend, shopped for final things I needed for baby. And Monday Dh and I worked in the baby's room so it is finally starting to look like a baby's room. I would've been hooped if I ended up on bedrest as I clearly left all of this to the last minute! Finished washing baby clothes and bedding today and tomorrow I'll pack the hospital bag. Although I don't really know how I'm supposed to do that since I wear the same pants like every day since they're the most comfortable and comfort is at a premium right now! Same for bra, only one I can kind of stand, and that's even pushing it!

But I think biggest news is I will likely need a c section :( as baby is so big and only getting bigger. I'm pretty stressed and depressed about it. I feel like a failure. I wanted to push, but they are saying with the size it's likely even if I tried, I would likely need one in the end anyway as baby's head is in the 90th percentile so just won't fit through. Then I could be in pain through labour, tear trying to push, and end up in an emergency c section anyway. So they are just recommending I book a c section. I guess it makes sense to do that but I just feel so bad. I'll know for sure next Tuesday, but based on last couple discussions with Dr and my latest ultrasound results I think this is what she's going to recommend.


I'm not sure if my situation was exactly the same, but I wanted to offer a little hope if it helps at all. :flower: When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I was supposed to schedule a c-section. At 37 weeks they discovered she was breech. So a c-section was the best option. On top of that, she was a big baby. They had warned me that her size may cause problems, especially because my first baby was only 6lbs6oz. Mady was estimated at over 8lbs. By my 38 week appointment, she had flipped around so the doctor gave me an option of trying a vaginal delivery, even though they were still worried about her size. I ended up getting induced at 39+2 and I ended up having an uncomplicated, very quick delivery. Mady ended up being 8lb,10oz. I'm not sure what percentile her head was, though. But despite her being so big, my labor and delivery went completely smoothly and I didn't tear or get an episiotomy.

And if you do decide to have a c-section, you don't need to feel bad at all. :hugs: Although I completely understand why it's so frustrating.

Can I join You, ladies? My cycles are usually 33-34 days long but sometimes even 40 and more days.. :(

Welcome to our little group! :flower:

My cycles are a lot like yours - they average 35 days but there's an occasional cycle that's a lot longer.

How long have you been TTC for?

Crazycatlady - I'm so sorry to hear that you are disappointed right now! You are so close to holding that sweet baby! I do understand your frustration, though!

Bed rest is going ok. I went back to the OB yesterday and have to take my 24 hour urine sample back today and get blood drawn. We should get the results tomorrow, but my doctor yesterday was pretty convinced (99% sure) that no matter what the labs show, she wants to deliver this baby next Wednesday at 37 weeks (october 28). She says I have the option to be induced or to just schedule a c-section. I was pretty adamant with her that I want to do induction and try vaginal, but I could feel she really wanted me to just give in and do a c-section. It really kind of pissed me off. I could tell it was the option that was most convenient for her. I totally get her point that after 2 days with the cervidil and a day of pitocin, there is still a chance that I will have to have an emcs, but there's a chance I won't have to. I really don't want to force myself into c-sections with any future children just to make this convenient.

Sorry, I really didn't mean to vent on here, but like I said, I totally get what is going on in your mind right now. Once again, our pregnancies have been so very eerily similar since day one!

Best of luck, Hun! Keep us posted!

Vent away hun :hugs:

I've been induced with all three of my children and I haven't had a c-section. The first and third time, I just got pitocin. But second time, they had me come in and get cervidil before they started pitocin. I think it's definitely worth trying to have a vaginal delivery first. I completely understand why you'd be so upset with your doctor for trying to push a c-section out of convenience.
Hi ladies! I've been lurking but usually feel a bit discouraged about TTC and not in the mood to join in the conversation. Plus just brief check-ins on the boards and then just forgetting about them helps keep me less stressed about it all.

Unfortunately I haven't O'd yet this cycle, but I'm finally getting close! I had ewcm since Friday but no change in OPKs, and then earlier this week my cm totally dried up. So I took 1 Vitex and have been the last 3 mornings and it seems to have kick-started things again. My opk tonight was so much darker! Not quite positive but getting close. Yay! Bummer that O will be on CD 23-24 and I probably will have to keep taking Vitex if I don't get a bfp this cycle.

Crazycatlady and TexMel - So sorry to hear that you both might have to do c-sections and that TexMel has been on bedrest. It's so crazy that your babies are almost here! Exciting! I'm still amazed at how awesome this board is to have connected all of us like this, so we're supporting each other and cheering each other on even though we are strangers (sort of). :flower:

Pukite - Welcome!


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Thanks for letting me join You all! :)

Welcome to our little group! :flower:

My cycles are a lot like yours - they average 35 days but there's an occasional cycle that's a lot longer.

How long have you been TTC for?

Well.. this is the first month we're not preventing (we usually use the pull-out method and it has worked ideally). We decided to really "work" on baby nr.3 in February (because my husband really wants a November baby like himself) but I guess he's already open to the idea because not to "pull out" was his initiative, not mine. :) I'd love to have a girl this time so I'm reading and trying out some gender-swaying methods..

Regarding C-section - both my sons were delivered that way and my 3rd will be, as well, because of health issues.. I'm just glad they're ok (the eldest one's heartbeat was already slowing down so I had an emergancy c-section) although I would love to give birth naturally.. Well, what matters is the result, right? :)
Got my labs back - dr says everything is perfect on my blood work. The protein in my urine is still mildly elevated, but has gone down since last week. She is going to consult with a specialist and decide if we still need to deliver next week, or if we can wait it out another week or so. Will know more after my next appt on Monday afternoon.

Also, I started taking evening primrose oil last night (both orally and vaginally) to help ripen my cervix and hopefully aid in the induction process. It can take several weeks, so I will continue even if we get to wait another week or two.
Hi All!

Wow, lots and lots going on!

Sorry about the bedrest Texmel but i'm glad to hear your most recent labs are looking better than before. Fx a c section will not be necessary for you or Crazycat either, it strangely seems that across the pond in America/Canada they push for many more cesareans than they do over here. I dont like the scare tactics they use, obviously if the health of mother and baby is compromised then fair enough, otherwise it should be a mothers choice.

Crazycat, its great to hear from the experience of Aidensxmomma, that even after 3 induced pregnancies she still managed to have uncomplicated vaginal births. Fx that will be the case for you also :)

Cant wait to see some pics in the next few weeks of those little munchkins!

Aidensxmomma, how is everything going for you?

Ksquared, i see you got a positive yesterday, yay!! Hope you catch that egg!

AFM its another disappointing cycle for me, it was a BFN at 14DPO so i stopped the pessaries and AF came with vengeance today, the pain was unbearable that i needed pharmacy meds, but much better this evening thankfully! I will start my 3rd cycle of Clomid tomorrow evening, 2nd at higher dose. Fx its 3rd time lucky! I have had a good cry about it and my DH has been super supportive and extremely optimistic about our future cycles.

Mommyofone, good luck for your Monday appointment, are you normally able to see the hb that early?

Welcome newbies, sorry about your unpredictable cycles fx it wont take you too long to get your positive. I know first hand how hard it is to keep those spirits high! But we will get there.
Good morning! :)
I have to set my gyn. appointment as well, just have to wait for my AF to come. I had a cervical conisation in February and now I'm "under the radar" and have to check in with my doc 2 times in a year at least.
As for TTC part - no symptoms for me except the usual PMS'y ones - painful boobies and bloated tummy. And gases. Lots of them. (sory for TMI)
I'm out this month. I couldn't wait, tested this morning - 'I' for me. I felt I ovulated 5 days earlier than my ticker shows so it's 15 DPO today.
This is a pretty weird cycle for me, now that the PMS should be in full force (31st CD) I don't feel a thing. Let's hope this won't be 40+ days cycle, I'm so sick of those..
Sorry, Pukite. How do you currently track your ovulation? Do you temp or do opks or anything?

I was definitely way off track on mine until I started both of those things.
Sorry, Pukite. How do you currently track your ovulation? Do you temp or do opks or anything?

I was definitely way off track on mine until I started both of those things.

I want to start temping but I don't really understand it all. Need to do some more research. This month I felt the OV very prominently - pain, lots of cm down there that day.. And the first time we bd'd without protection was 5 das after OV so there was almost no chance for the test to be positive this month.
Can You tell me the technical details of temp'ing? When/how do I do it? :) Sorry for silly questions. :)
Pukite- you need an accurate therm- and test every morning at the same time when you wake up. I used to wake at 5 and temp cause dh woke me when going to work. So I'd just temp then.

You're supposed to have three solid hours of sleep too. You can record it in fertilityfriend.com and it'll help keep track of things for you :)
No need to apologize! This is certainly not something that the general public would know if they had not gone through what everyone on this forum goes through.

Yes, get a thermometer that is specific for basal temperature. You can buy them at any drugstore, usually by the pregnancy tests. The difference is that it will usually measure more accurately than a regular thermometer (96.74 vs 96.7). The hundredths spot is sometimes what makes a difference when temping.

As mommy said, test same time every day, as long as you have been sleeping. You really have to test first thing, before you even step out of bed, so have it in your nightstand. And the FF app really makes it easy to track daily temps and charts it for you. They have many tutorials to show what your temps mean and what to look for.
Pukite I used opks the cycle I got my bro - worked like a charm for me. I was confused by temping. That was the first cycle I used opks so I'm a bit of a believer in them, I got more expensive ones because I wanted it to be really clear and catch that egg!

Baby was already 8'4 at my ultrasound last week... Going to be a big boy! So we'll see what they say at my apt tomorrow. I'm feeling so ready for baby to be out. So uncomfortable and huge. My stomach has been pushed right up behind my ribs just below my boobs and it burns in pain, I have to ice it every night in order to fall asleep. Thank goodness for Dh, he's so helpful, I can't do anything anymore. If I get one chore done a day it's a miracle.

Sounds good about your last apt texmel, hope today's one is good too.

Ksquared are you in the tww now?
Yes, just got home a few minutes ago! We get to wait it out at least another week! I'm so happy!! I know 37 weeks would probably have been ok, but the longer he stays in, the better I feel about it.
Pukite - So sorry about the bfn :(.

HopefullyOpto - So bummed that your last cycle wasn't the lucky one :(. But you have a wonderfully supportive DH and are onto a new cycle. I'm still so happy for you that you are ovulating regularly on Clomid! Yay!

Crazycatlady - Ouchie! Sounds like you're getting beat up from the inside! Glad your little boy is big and strong already. Pretty soon you'll have him in your arms!

TexMel - So glad your appointment went well. I too would be disappointed if they wanted me to do a c-section. Wow, you too will also have your sweet boy in your arms soon. Time sure flew!

Afm - I'm 6dpo today. I had a bit of confusion about whether I actually O'd last Friday because my temps went up the first day, down the next 2 days, and then back up. So I didn't get my crosshairs until 4dpo, but I have them now and they're solid. My O symptoms were very strong so I was going to be so mad if it didn't actually happen.

I'm tracking symptoms but not using them to get a feel for whether I might get a bfp or AF. I've been really irritable, mostly at strangers when driving or out in public (I'm able to hold it in though, lol). Thankfully not really mopey, only sometimes. Also have had a hint of a sore throat, sneezing and stuffy nose all week. It's mild so I don't feel sick but like I have a touch of allergies, which I don't usually get. Some small cramps and difficulty with bm (sorry, tmi!). Cm is kinda creamy but not abundant. At 6dpo all of this would just be related to the tww. Thankfully feeling calm and not eager to test, and that was the plan with not taking any stock in symptoms!

Hope you're all well this week, and happy early Halloween!

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