Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Springy, ooooh, I so want to know the dates for everything!! So far, I've been on bcp for only 6 days (they said I have to do a total of three weeks), so tomorrow will be one week I feel like I wanna give myself a little present. When I found out we gonna do IVF, I thought we gonna do all the fun stuff the same cycle. I was so disappointed when I found out there is more than a month of preps! It sucks. Than I saw the thread for March IVF but all the girls were way ahead of me. So I am glad there are a couple of you guys almost on the same schedule with me :) Great!
Hey ladies - happy friday. I start my down regging drugs tomorrow. Getting excited/scared...
Hi all

Hope its okay if I join in? Am starting ICSI with a view to EC/ET end of April

I start down regging in exactly 2 weeks- eeek!

Me 31 (PCOS), DH 33 (MFI)
TTC 1.5 years

This will be our first round (have 2 funded on the NHS).

I have my meds - the sniffing one beggins with an 'S' (cant remember the name) and I will then go on to injecting Gonodrophin. I also have noristirstone (sp?) to take when I start sniffing in 2 weeks to bring on AF or I would probably have to wait another 4 months for AF to show up.

I was on clomid for 3 months but then they found OH's SA results bad so we were moved straight onto ICSI!

Ive heard the sniffers leave a bad taste in your mouth so am going to have some extra strong mints at the ready.

Ive ordered the zita west IVF relaxation CD and book today but havent really done anything else to prepare other than try to relax. Will probably start up acupuncture again nearer the time.
Hi Ratma girl :wave: I start deregging tomorrow so we are on a similar time frame. I see you are in Somesret - i am in Dorset :) sad for me though as Dorset wont fund my IVF. Grrr (they stop fudning if you start TTc after 32years!).

I have got a relaxation CD too - not the Zita one but probably very similar. Giving it the first go this weekend!! I too have beein doing acupuncture, but decided to only do it again when I start stimming to save some funds!!
:hi: Mrs Max

Ooh thats great - im glad to have found this place so I can share this scary but exciting journey!! Esp as you are quite nearby - Im at Bath Fert Centre, they have been really amazing and lovely.

Thats a bummer about your PCT funding - its so random how they decide their criteria isnt it? Ours stipulated a BMI under 30, no other children, non-smokers and I think that was it! I feel so lucky we got funding for 2 cycles and I think the consultant said a FET cycle counts as included in the cycle beforehand (might have got that wrong though)!

I cant quite believe its happened so quickly for us - we only had our initial consulation in Jan, then follow up in Feb where I was given my meds :wacko:

Lets hope this works for all of us!!!

Yep Ill let you know what my CD is like - I bought the zita west book today off Amazon so will let you know if thats any good. I think its a bit late for me to change anything like diet etc but it will be good to see what she says.

Good luck with your down regging tomoz MrsM I'll be 2 weeks behind you eeeeeek xxxx
What is down regging?
I am still waiting for my consult on Tuesday, that's when they'll tell me all the details and dates. I have no meds yet though I wonder if my insurance will cover them. I heard they are quite expensive. Other than that I love my job ven more now sinc my insurance covers up to 4 IVF treatments. I really hope it works from the firs attempt though!
Kat - downregging is when you down regulate your cycle eg shut down your ovaries altogether like the menopause. Once it has stopped you take th stimming drugs to stimulate your ovaries. Some people have a short protocol which misses out the downreg step. the drugs apparently can make you so moody!!! yikes. Poor DH.

R - I am at salisbury Clinic - seems fab so far. i do have a clinic closer, but salisbury were cheaper and have better results. Yep, very random criteria. The bit I fall foul of is you have to have been trying for 3 years and be under 35 on the day of your referrel to IVf clinic (but refrerral cant be until you have been TTc for 3 years). I am 35 and have "only" been trying 2 years. If we moved a few miles west we would get a couple of rounds :wacko: I dont resent people like you getting it at all - I just wish the criteria was teh same everywhere. Oh well, will write to my MP one of these days!!!

First day of injections today - eeeekk. Will let you know how it goes. My nurse friend is giving me the first one so should be easier....
:happydance: good luck with you appointment Tues Kat. - yes downregging is what Mrs Maxx said. I'm not sure how they decide which protocol you take though? I'm on the long one - I think its bacause of my irregular cycles due to pcos.

Ahh Salisbury's not too far MM - yes that's totally outrageous how the pct's make up their criteria. I'm so sorry you didn't qualify chicken thay sucks

How was your injection today? I'm not injecting to downreg - I'm sniffing instead. Funny how different meds seem to be given. My sniffers are called Synarel and apparently they might leave a funny taste in your mouth

Thanks for the clarification. It looks like I am on a long protocol. Let me know how injection goes. I finally found a person who would do it for me when time comes.
You ladies in the UK are lucky to get any funding .... everything for me in Canada is self funded. The only way our government insurance covers anything is if you have both tubes blocked. Any other diagnosis and you're on your own! We have one province that is willing to cover it, Quebec, so I would like to see others jump on board but all of that will be too late for me.

I do have private health insurance through my work but all it covers is the cost of medication...the remainder of it I have to come up with on my own and mine is close to $11,000 so roughly 6000 GBP ...
Springy - wow that is crazy. makes you wish you had blocked tubes I bet! The annoying thing in the UK is the criteria changes from city to city even though we pay exactly the same tax :wacko:

First injection yesterday was fine - but nurse friend did it. DH tonight - yikes!!
Springy - wow that is crazy. makes you wish you had blocked tubes I bet! The annoying thing in the UK is the criteria changes from city to city even though we pay exactly the same tax :wacko:

First injection yesterday was fine - but nurse friend did it. DH tonight - yikes!!

Ya at least here it is standard ... no funding! But certain people have better private insurance - for example the company my sister works at has full IVF funding! Her coworker paid maybe $1000 ..... Mine covers drugs which is pretty decent with no cap on the dollar amount per cycle, just 6 cycles in a life time.

Are you using Suprefact / Lupron for downreg?
I had medical insurance with work - but didnt cover IVF. I tried to find one that did as soon as I had suspicians we may hit trouble - but couldnt find one to cover it. Glad your meds are paid - luckily my meds were quite cheap - about $1000.

My downreg drug is Suprefact I think - It is called Buserilin.

DH did my jab last night - he did amazing!! I was very proud of him :kiss:

So far no effect from the drugs yet - hope it stays that way!! Tried an IVF hypnosis CD on Sunday - actually really ennjoyed it. Going to try to do it everyday :)

Happy Monday peeps!
Hi all

Glad the injection wasnt too bad MM - well done MrM for doing them. I have asked Mr R if he would when the time comes but he didnt look too enthusiastic :nope:

Springy - that sucks about the Canadian funding and why blocked tubes? Yes NHS is good but like MM said it should be fairer to everyone, not as to where you live. We do pay extra tax to get healthcare so everyone should be treated the same so its really frustrating.

Not too much longer to go for me - start sniffing my down reg drugs on March 23rd and have my first scan on April 10th, then I should go onto the stimming injections.

Wonder why they decide to use different drugs, perhaps its down to cost?

Im feeling quite chilled about it all - have only told a few close friends and work doesnt know so Im hoping there wont be any complications that will lead me to need more time off than necessary. Also hoping I dont turn into a hormonal mess :wacko:
I've used the Gonal F before for stimulation and honestly didn't really have any side effects other than a few headaches and also some bloating - all in all it wasn't that bad. Now the down reg drugs I haven't used and I'm kinda glad I don't have to use them as those I hear make you a little hormonal as it totally shuts your body down!!

April will be here before we know it.

Happy Monday .... lets hope this week flies by!!!
Spring - yeah, I heard Gonal-f is not even as bad as Clomid - so fingers crossed.

So far I am feeling pretty blissful - but it has only been 2 days on the downregs so it could all change!!!! Glad you are feeling chilled as well Ratma, Defiinitely a good place to be. I think the sunshine is helping at the moment too :)

I have told HR what I am doing as I get two weeks off at my clinic so thought I better warn them. Have told anyone who has asked that I am having an op - so far only one person has been nosy enough to ask details. I just said it was personal!!! Like you though, I am hoping not to take any other time off so hoping the drugs remain kind to me.
I'm planning to take day of retrieval + 1 and then day of transfer + 2 then work from home on the third day after so I have lots of time to relax and get pregnant :haha:
Sounds like a good plan Springy!

Glad you're still feeling okay MM

Is Gonal-F the same as Gonodrophin? I have to use that for stimming and have been given a pen thing to inject with, although I haven't been taught how to use it yet.

I have the week booked off w/c 23 April which is when they said they'd hoped to carry out EC all being well. I would like 2 days off afterwards as I've heard it can make you feel a bit sore. I said to work I would probably just have a week off over those 2 weeks so I have been a bit vague - we are having work done to our house so I can just pretend its to do with that.

If worse comes to worse and I end up with OHSS I think I'll pretend I have a ov cyst but am hoping that won't happen.

I can't believe I start next Fri - it seemed like so far ahead when we sorted out the schedule in Feb. I think the hardest thing will be waiting for the egg results and then obvs the dreaded 2ww.

Do you have any useful tips Springy? Xxxx
Gonal F is like Follistim which may be what you have and both are in a pen - those are super easy to use!

I have no tips as this is my first IVF. I just did 2 IUI with injectables so I know what to expect from the Gonal F. No idea what to expect with Luveris or the Orgalutron.

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