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awwww your bump is sooo cute! and you still look so slim! when's your next appointment to see if she has dropped a bit? Mine isn't until the 29th so just under two weeks away!

I have been feeling pretty emotional over the last few days, must be having a rush of hormones with this growth spurt from baby as I've just been feeling quite teary and insecure about myself, I just feel fat and ugly :( eurgh! hate feeling like that, just makes me feel sorry for myself and I don't like being in that state of mind, finishing work will help I think, one less thing on my mind and I can start to enjoy the last few weeks without anything tying me down etc.

Although I am still craving some chocolate, I don't seem to be craving it as much or any food as much as I used to at the moment, so that's good! lol I thought i'd never stop eating and just get so big towards the end! lol

I've had such a lovely day today too so it annoys me why I suddenly feel down at times, grrr! I hope you have had a lovely mothers day? and was spoilt!! hehe I was soooo spoilt, got a lovely mummy to be card and a new laptop! Think mike well and truely set the bar high there! haha In fairness mine was on it's last legs as I've had it for about 7 years! lol So I needed one anyway, just didn't expect to get it just yet! Flowers would of been fine lol! xxxx
I am sorry you are feeling down. I know the feeling :( But to me, you are still soooo tiny and I wished I looked like you do!!! Isn't that funny how that works? I am feeling HUGE at the moment, not slim at all. It's nice to hear that from you, even though I think you are just being nice :hugs:
My sono is Tuesday (I thought it was tomorrow..Boo) then my next appt with my doc is the following tuesday, the 27th. Then weekly from there!
WOW, Mike REALLY did well!!!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!!! You know... Mothers Day isn't celebrated here until May!!! That's really strange that they are on different days of the year, huh! So I still have a couple of months :) I'm glad that you have had such a good one. I hope your mood gets alittle more cheery... hon, you look FANTASTIC!!!!! And I am NOT just saying that! You are every pregnant womans dream of 33 weeks pregnant!
Hi Ladies

Just wanted to pop on and say hi, we've had no internet access for a few days which is why I've suddenly been absent!

Got a few things to fill you in on and also need to catch up on the posts from the last few day so will try and get back on later when I've got a bit more time but just wanted to let you know I'm still here! :flower:

Hope you're both having a good day :) xx
I am sorry you are feeling down. I know the feeling :( But to me, you are still soooo tiny and I wished I looked like you do!!! Isn't that funny how that works? I am feeling HUGE at the moment, not slim at all. It's nice to hear that from you, even though I think you are just being nice :hugs:
My sono is Tuesday (I thought it was tomorrow..Boo) then my next appt with my doc is the following tuesday, the 27th. Then weekly from there!
WOW, Mike REALLY did well!!!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!!! You know... Mothers Day isn't celebrated here until May!!! That's really strange that they are on different days of the year, huh! So I still have a couple of months :) I'm glad that you have had such a good one. I hope your mood gets alittle more cheery... hon, you look FANTASTIC!!!!! And I am NOT just saying that! You are every pregnant womans dream of 33 weeks pregnant!

Aww thanks hun, I know what you mean it is funny how we see ourselves, like I said before I suppose it is just judging from what we are used to before pregnancy and even though i'm not fat or anything, compared to what I was before pregnancy I can just feel the extra weight you know? That's probably how you are feeling too cause I am not saying it just to be nice, I mean it when I say you still look so slim!! I guess we both are, just feeling the heaviness lol!

Oooo so your sono is tomorrow! eeek bet you can't wait! so exciting! :D Good luck with that! bet she's not gonna fit on the screen! lol

Oh yeah I remember reading a post about mothers day being in may in the US, sorry I forgot about that! lol Awwww well at least you'll have your girl by then and it won't be a happy mothers day to be as well! lol

Thanks again though, I think it's just all the hormones at the moment making me feel that way! lol I have had a better day today, work was quiet and it was more relaxing and fun with the children rather than hectic overcrowded and stress! lol Hope you have a good day xxx
Hi Ladies

Just wanted to pop on and say hi, we've had no internet access for a few days which is why I've suddenly been absent!

Got a few things to fill you in on and also need to catch up on the posts from the last few day so will try and get back on later when I've got a bit more time but just wanted to let you know I'm still here! :flower:

Hope you're both having a good day :) xx

Good to hear from you, looking forward to your catch up :D xxx
Hi Ladies

Just stopping by to say a quick hello, sorry I seemed to have vanished lol, been a busy few months for me, we've moved home and only just had internet installed. Haven't been able to catch up on all the posts since I was last on, but will catch up at a less busier time.
Hope you & bumps are all well, only a few more weeks left :D I'm excited for you all.
Unfortunately not much going on with me, still trying. But I'm hoping New home, New baby theory might work. I'll do a better post when I have time, with unpacking, decorating and working I haven't had much time, so I apologise for deserting you, But you're all still in my thoughts

Rae Xx
I am sorry you are feeling down. I know the feeling :( But to me, you are still soooo tiny and I wished I looked like you do!!! Isn't that funny how that works? I am feeling HUGE at the moment, not slim at all. It's nice to hear that from you, even though I think you are just being nice :hugs:
My sono is Tuesday (I thought it was tomorrow..Boo) then my next appt with my doc is the following tuesday, the 27th. Then weekly from there!
WOW, Mike REALLY did well!!!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!!! You know... Mothers Day isn't celebrated here until May!!! That's really strange that they are on different days of the year, huh! So I still have a couple of months :) I'm glad that you have had such a good one. I hope your mood gets alittle more cheery... hon, you look FANTASTIC!!!!! And I am NOT just saying that! You are every pregnant womans dream of 33 weeks pregnant!

Aww thanks hun, I know what you mean it is funny how we see ourselves, like I said before I suppose it is just judging from what we are used to before pregnancy and even though i'm not fat or anything, compared to what I was before pregnancy I can just feel the extra weight you know? That's probably how you are feeling too cause I am not saying it just to be nice, I mean it when I say you still look so slim!! I guess we both are, just feeling the heaviness lol!

Oooo so your sono is tomorrow! eeek bet you can't wait! so exciting! :D Good luck with that! bet she's not gonna fit on the screen! lol

Oh yeah I remember reading a post about mothers day being in may in the US, sorry I forgot about that! lol Awwww well at least you'll have your girl by then and it won't be a happy mothers day to be as well! lol

Thanks again though, I think it's just all the hormones at the moment making me feel that way! lol I have had a better day today, work was quiet and it was more relaxing and fun with the children rather than hectic overcrowded and stress! lol Hope you have a good day xxx

Happy 33 weeks! :happydance:
I'm glad you had a better day and not so hectic :flower:
I will defo update you tmrw after my sonogram :) It's not until 6:30pm so it'll be Wednesday before you get the update.
Have a great day!!!!!
Hi Ladies

Just wanted to pop on and say hi, we've had no internet access for a few days which is why I've suddenly been absent!

Got a few things to fill you in on and also need to catch up on the posts from the last few day so will try and get back on later when I've got a bit more time but just wanted to let you know I'm still here! :flower:

Hope you're both having a good day :) xx

I've been wondering about you! I can't wait to hear what is new with you!! :hugs:
Hi Ladies

Just stopping by to say a quick hello, sorry I seemed to have vanished lol, been a busy few months for me, we've moved home and only just had internet installed. Haven't been able to catch up on all the posts since I was last on, but will catch up at a less busier time.
Hope you & bumps are all well, only a few more weeks left :D I'm excited for you all.
Unfortunately not much going on with me, still trying. But I'm hoping New home, New baby theory might work. I'll do a better post when I have time, with unpacking, decorating and working I haven't had much time, so I apologise for deserting you, But you're all still in my thoughts

Rae Xx

Hi Rae!
It's so nice to hear from you!!!! I hope you are enjoying your new place! I will keep you in my thoughts for your BFP! You so deserve it lady!!!! :dust: :hugs:
Hi Ladies

Just stopping by to say a quick hello, sorry I seemed to have vanished lol, been a busy few months for me, we've moved home and only just had internet installed. Haven't been able to catch up on all the posts since I was last on, but will catch up at a less busier time.
Hope you & bumps are all well, only a few more weeks left :D I'm excited for you all.
Unfortunately not much going on with me, still trying. But I'm hoping New home, New baby theory might work. I'll do a better post when I have time, with unpacking, decorating and working I haven't had much time, so I apologise for deserting you, But you're all still in my thoughts

Rae Xx

Really great to hear from you, I also keep thinking of you, hoping that you have your BFP soon! Can't wait for you to announce that one to us, i'll be very excited for you!!! :D xxxx
Hi Ladies

Just stopping by to say a quick hello, sorry I seemed to have vanished lol, been a busy few months for me, we've moved home and only just had internet installed. Haven't been able to catch up on all the posts since I was last on, but will catch up at a less busier time.
Hope you & bumps are all well, only a few more weeks left :D I'm excited for you all.
Unfortunately not much going on with me, still trying. But I'm hoping New home, New baby theory might work. I'll do a better post when I have time, with unpacking, decorating and working I haven't had much time, so I apologise for deserting you, But you're all still in my thoughts

Rae Xx

Hi Rae
Really good to hear from you, hope you get your BFP really soon :flower: New house new baby worked for us so fingers crossed it will for you too! :D
Hi Ladies
Hope you're both ok. Great bump pics from both of you, I think you're both look gorgeous!

Tara, looking forward to hearing about your sono, good luck with it! and happy 34 weeks! :)

Fay, sorry you've had an emotional few days, hope you're feeling better now :flower: I think things are definitely getting harder now with the emotions with being so close to the end and still working. I'm so ready to stop working now!
Mike definitely did well on Mother's day, what a great way to be spoilt as mum to be!!

I've had a bit of a strange few days. I went back for a growth scan last Thursday and they said that baby's growth is slowing down which they're concerned about so I'm now being monitored a lot more closely. I'm back next Thursday for a further scan and I'm having to go to the day unit at the hospital for movement monitoring twice a week (although baby's moving fine but guess they're being cautious). Feeling pretty emotional about the whole thing as they're not sure why growth has slowed - apparently the placenta and blood flow are all normal so most likely it's just because I'm quite small and was a small baby myself but now thinking what if there is some underlying health problem? If there's no growth spurt though they're also likely to induce me early although I was really hoping for a natural birth and that now might not happen. Just got to keep fingers crossed that the little one has a growth spurt in the next couple of weeks!

Hope you're both having good days xx
Hi Ladies
Hope you're both ok. Great bump pics from both of you, I think you're both look gorgeous!

Tara, looking forward to hearing about your sono, good luck with it! and happy 34 weeks! :)

Fay, sorry you've had an emotional few days, hope you're feeling better now :flower: I think things are definitely getting harder now with the emotions with being so close to the end and still working. I'm so ready to stop working now!
Mike definitely did well on Mother's day, what a great way to be spoilt as mum to be!!

I've had a bit of a strange few days. I went back for a growth scan last Thursday and they said that baby's growth is slowing down which they're concerned about so I'm now being monitored a lot more closely. I'm back next Thursday for a further scan and I'm having to go to the day unit at the hospital for movement monitoring twice a week (although baby's moving fine but guess they're being cautious). Feeling pretty emotional about the whole thing as they're not sure why growth has slowed - apparently the placenta and blood flow are all normal so most likely it's just because I'm quite small and was a small baby myself but now thinking what if there is some underlying health problem? If there's no growth spurt though they're also likely to induce me early although I was really hoping for a natural birth and that now might not happen. Just got to keep fingers crossed that the little one has a growth spurt in the next couple of weeks!

Hope you're both having good days xx

Oh hun, sorry to hear that baby's growth is slow :( I can understand how you feel especially if like you say, they are not sure why? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about though, but I guess it's impossible not to worry about it! Try not to be too upset about possibly being induced either, at least then you can have baby with you and start feeding the little one up nice and chunky! lol And you may get to meet your baby a little sooner if they want to induce though, I can understand how upsetting it will be for you as well though as a natural birth is what we would all like.

It must be frustrating though if you are eating well and baby doesn't seem to be growing much :( It's good that they want to keep you monitored though, at least you can put your mind at ease a little knowing how baby is progressing on a short term basis rather than waiting weeks for your next appointment to see how they have grown.

Awww well I really hope baby has a nice big growth spurt too and I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!! xxx
I'm sorry you are feeling down :( Im sure it is scary, the unknown. But it sounds like you are in good hands and they are keeping a close eye on you. I hope baby gets that growth spurt they are looking for :flower: Im sure, as you say, it's because you were a small baby. Please keep us informed!!!!
Thanks ladies :flower: I'm sure as you both say its all going to be fine and it is comforting to know they're keeping a close eye on things. I got quite emotional this afternoon about everything but think that was also that there's so much going on at the moment and lots to fit around still working that it all got on top of me. Feel much better now though.

Feeling better about maybe being induced as well. Although I would love the natural birth, who knows what will happen anyway and on the positive side it would mean getting to meet the little one early :) I've got another scan next Thursday anyway and will def let you know what happens!

Hi Ali!
I'm sorry you were emotional today :( Everything will be just fine my dear. As you say, you will get to meet your little one early!!! That's great stuff :) IMO. How much is LO weighing now, do you know?
I just came from my sono. She is face down and head down and really trying to make her way out! lol. So her spine is running up along side the middle of my belly. If that makes any sense. Im not good at explaining things lol. She is weighing 4lbs12oz, so not big at all. Im happy about that :) The sono tech said she might not reach 7lbs by the time I get induced. She is healthy as we can tell and has quite a bit of hair, I was surprised at that! Sonos this late aren't as fun because they are too big to fit on the screen so you can't see much. And since she was face down, we didn't get ANY face shots. Oh well. Not much longer I suppose :)
I hope you all are in a good slumber by now :) Take care!
Hi Ali!
I'm sorry you were emotional today :( Everything will be just fine my dear. As you say, you will get to meet your little one early!!! That's great stuff :) IMO. How much is LO weighing now, do you know?
I just came from my sono. She is face down and head down and really trying to make her way out! lol. So her spine is running up along side the middle of my belly. If that makes any sense. Im not good at explaining things lol. She is weighing 4lbs12oz, so not big at all. Im happy about that :) The sono tech said she might not reach 7lbs by the time I get induced. She is healthy as we can tell and has quite a bit of hair, I was surprised at that! Sonos this late aren't as fun because they are too big to fit on the screen so you can't see much. And since she was face down, we didn't get ANY face shots. Oh well. Not much longer I suppose :)
I hope you all are in a good slumber by now :) Take care!

Thanks Tara :) I'm feeling much better today so think I just needed a good cry to get it out of my system! The LO weighed 3lbs7oz at the scan last week so is behind the 'standard' for the number of weeks.

So glad your sono went well, sounds like she's a good size which is really good news :) I didn't realise they had that much hair at this stage either! A shame you didn't get any face shots but won't be long till see her for real and I guess that means she's well and truly ready to come out!

Hope you're having a good day xx
I have been feeling so much pressure down below and I guess that's why. Maybe she will come early! haha.. I don't want her before she is ready though :)
They said she is in the 23% in weight, I wonder how accurate those numbers are? They seem so sure of measurements... makes ya wonder. Aww your LO is tiny, but she has time to pack on the pounds yet. How big were you when you were born?
Awwww i'm jealous I can't contribute to this convo much, I want to know my baby's weight!! lol My app's not til next thurs but lets hope he's turned head down, as I read in my book that it's unlikey the baby will change it's position from the 34th week, I thought it was 36, but fingers crossed he'll get there :)

Sometimes I think it's good to have a good cry and let out your emotions, so you can just pick yourself up again and carry on, god knows I've had a few of those moments! lol And it must be so much harder if you still have a lot on at the moment Ali and like you say you still have to work, when you don't want to etc, so I can understand your frustration. Fingers crossed work will fly by for you and you'll get things done to make you feel a bit more relaxed x

Tara - that's great news about your sono!! And wow they can see the amount of hair?? crazy! That's great about baby's weight too, bet you were worried it was gonna be like 8lb already! haha! doesn't sound like a big baby at all to me! So that's good news, and great that she's making her way into the right position for you! Means she's getting ready!! eeek!! so exciting!! hehe!!

Hope you have good days xxx
Hi Fay!
Yes, I was worried that she was going to be big by the doctors words. But the sono tech said we will be lucky if she reaches 7lbs! I'm not sure if I said that or not already haha. So perfect size if you ask me. I was worried about pushing out a huge baby! :haha:
The sono tech did tell me that they usually don't move at this stage, so I hope that your LO has managed to move around and get in birth ready position. Can you tell at all? I feel like the only body part I can tell what it is, is her head. Only because she is so low and it is rock hard. But if it was her butt maybe I would think it was her head?? idk. Im rubbish about telling what body part I am feeling. You appt is next thurs? Tmrw or the following? Mine is next Tuesday then weekly after that. I can't believe we are all so close!!!!!! Eeeek!
Have a great day! :hugs:

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