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Hope you've both had a good weekend :)

Fay, glad your appt went well. I'm not really what happens if they find protein either but sounds like nothing to worry about. Hopefully the LO will move again for you by 36 weeks though - apparently being on all fours helps as it gives the baby more room to move about!

That's so great that Mike doesn't have to go away again and that he'll definitely be there closer to the birth day. Yay! Hopefully you can persuade the baby to make an appearance about 38 weeks in time for your mum and sister visiting too!

Tara, glad your appointment went well too :) I've not heard of cervix checking at appointments either so maybe is a US thing? That's exciting that you've got another sono booked in soon, will look forward to hearing how much your LO has grown :)

oh, and happy 33 weeks! :flower:

I've had quite a busy weekend sorting out baby bits and pieces and had planned on painting the nursery but we can't decide on a colour we like! definitely going to have yellow to keep it neutral but bright but we're (well me!) struggling to find a 'nice' yellow. Is harder than I expected it to be!

Picked up a cold from somewhere too so been feeling a bit rubbish the last few days and now been coughing so much it's making my ribs hurt :( Not quite sure what baby must be making of all the coughing though, I keep thinking s/he must get really shaken up each time!

I've got the Health Visitor coming to see me tomorrow. Have either of you had that yet? Not quite sure what to expect from her at the moment...

Thanks hun, yay for honeydew melon!! hehe! Happy 33 weeks for yesterday! crazy!!! lol I got some of that raspberry leaf tea (in capsule form) so I have started to take that today, I don't think i'll notice any thing from it though, just tones the uterus for labour and birth.

I know what you mean about finding the 'right colour' lol I am very picky with things like that and when you can't find what you want it's frustrating! lol You'd think yellow would be yellow, but it's not! haha

Not heard of the Health Visitor coming to see you before baby has arrived either, so you'll have to let me know how that goes, is it just as an extra thing for you to check on baby's size again or something? I would normally expect them to come over after babies born.

Sorry that you have been feeling rough with your cold, I'm actually the same, I have had a few days off work as holiday and I've had a stinking cold! Typical! Mine's more nose blocked and pressure around my sinus's and eyes, but I do often wonder that too when I cough though lol! Must make baby jump or wonder what's going on! lol

Hope you feel better soon, it's my last day off today, back to work tomorrow so I'm gonna laze around and enjoy it! lol Have a good day xxx
He he thanks hun, I can't believe it's only 7 weeks to go! Happy 32 weeks to you!

Ooh, you'll have to let us know how you get on with the tea - where did you get it from?

Oh that's rubbish that you've had a cold while you're off, why does always seem to happen? :(

So the health visitor came this morning - it was really just a visit to introduce herself and go through information (like breast feeding, local baby groups, getting baby weighed and hearing test etc) before the birth rather than trying to do it all on the first visit after the baby's born, which I guess makes sense as it would be a lot of info to take in while trying to get used to a newborn :) She also asked quite a lot of questions about the pregnancy, mine and Bryan's family history, how I'm feeling etc, I guess to get a feel of what home life will be like for the baby.

Hope you're feeling better soon, enjoy your day off :flower:

Happy 33 weeks Ali and Happy 32 weeks Fay! We are getting so close, it's unreal! I am sorry that you both have had colds... that is no fun! I hope you are feeling better now!!!
Ali, Im glad your meeting went well, they don't do that kind of thing here. It's interesting how different some things are done in different parts of the world :flower: All with the same result... a beautiful baby :cloud9:
I hope you ladies have a great day!!!
Thanks Tara :flower: yeah it's funny how things differ between countries, interesting to be able to compare though :)

Off to the second antenatal class tonight though not sure how much I'll take in as I'm feeling very :sleep: today.

Hope you've both had a good day, catch up with you later xx
Good luck at staying awake in your class :) Maybe you will perk up by the time you get there.
When does your maternity leave start? You've got to be close!!!
Have a great day! :hugs:
Thanks girls! :) I got the raspberry leaf capsules from holland and barrett and you can open the capsules and use the powder with hot water to make up as a tea instead if you want to drink it, so that's handy if I ever wanted to try the drink, I'm more of a tablet person that herbal tea drinker though lol.

I'm feeling a bit better now, just back to work and feeling depressed again! ha! Just really don't enjoy it now, it's such a struggle! :( Really hope my time there flies!

Your appointment with the HV sounds good Ali, how organised of them! I can't imagine they'd do anything like that hear in N.I either, so that's good that you managed to discuss everything before baby is here, as like you say you can focus a bit more on what is being said without the distraction of the newborn. Hope your antenatal class went well? :)

I'm feeling tired today, and I am defo feeling it more at work too, bending down is a struggle and I feel pressure on my ever-growing bump! lol I am getting an early night I think lol, been spoilt with lay ins during my time off :P xxx
Hi ladies. I just thought I would stop in and say hello. I hope you had a better day at work, Fay. I am feeling extremely burnt out at my job as well and realllllly need a break. I'm working 53 hours a week and it's starting to wear on me. I think the kids get roudier because they can sense the stress. I just wish I could afford it, I would be off now! However, I really can't wait to have my baby and be able to be with just my family for awhile instead of everyone elses.
Well, there's me feeling sorry for myself. Booo. haha. Ok, Im done :flower:
Have a good day.
Hi ladies. I just thought I would stop in and say hello. I hope you had a better day at work, Fay. I am feeling extremely burnt out at my job as well and realllllly need a break. I'm working 53 hours a week and it's starting to wear on me. I think the kids get roudier because they can sense the stress. I just wish I could afford it, I would be off now! However, I really can't wait to have my baby and be able to be with just my family for awhile instead of everyone elses.
Well, there's me feeling sorry for myself. Booo. haha. Ok, Im done :flower:
Have a good day.

oh Tara, sorry you're feeling so stressed with work. Wow, 53 hours is a lot to work anyway, let alone when trying to get through pregnancy :hugs: I can't quite remember, when will you be able to actually stop or will you work right up to the birth? The time alone after with your family will be well worth the wait :flower:

Hope you're feeling better xx
Thanks girls! :) I got the raspberry leaf capsules from holland and barrett and you can open the capsules and use the powder with hot water to make up as a tea instead if you want to drink it, so that's handy if I ever wanted to try the drink, I'm more of a tablet person that herbal tea drinker though lol.

I'm feeling a bit better now, just back to work and feeling depressed again! ha! Just really don't enjoy it now, it's such a struggle! :( Really hope my time there flies!

Your appointment with the HV sounds good Ali, how organised of them! I can't imagine they'd do anything like that hear in N.I either, so that's good that you managed to discuss everything before baby is here, as like you say you can focus a bit more on what is being said without the distraction of the newborn. Hope your antenatal class went well? :)

I'm feeling tired today, and I am defo feeling it more at work too, bending down is a struggle and I feel pressure on my ever-growing bump! lol I am getting an early night I think lol, been spoilt with lay ins during my time off :P xxx

Glad you're feeling better Fay except for having to be back at work :( The tiredness is definitely starting to take it's toll more and more and I've noticed my bump becoming heavier too in the last few days. Will also be so glad to finish - sounds like we're all ready for it now though!

Tara, I just realised I didn't answer your question about my maternity leave in your other post. It starts in about 4 weeks time so not too long to go but some days still feels a long way away!

Had a good class last night (and did manage to stay awake!), went through pain relief options and labour/birthing positions. The pain relief was an eye opener particularly with things like an epidural and pethidine. Have either of you thought about whether you might have anything like that?

Hi ladies. I just thought I would stop in and say hello. I hope you had a better day at work, Fay. I am feeling extremely burnt out at my job as well and realllllly need a break. I'm working 53 hours a week and it's starting to wear on me. I think the kids get roudier because they can sense the stress. I just wish I could afford it, I would be off now! However, I really can't wait to have my baby and be able to be with just my family for awhile instead of everyone elses.
Well, there's me feeling sorry for myself. Booo. haha. Ok, Im done :flower:
Have a good day.

wow!! 53hrs! my measly part time hours don't compare at all! lol and i'm struggling, I can only imagine that you feel like a zombie most of the time! lol poor you! I really feel for you! :( it's so annoying when you are trapped into something because of money! Isn't money just the root of all problems?? damn thing! :(

I hope it gets better for you, but I know what you mean I think kids can pick up on my stress and impatience and act up more because of it! grrr! xxxx
Glad you're feeling better Fay except for having to be back at work :( The tiredness is definitely starting to take it's toll more and more and I've noticed my bump becoming heavier too in the last few days. Will also be so glad to finish - sounds like we're all ready for it now though!

Tara, I just realised I didn't answer your question about my maternity leave in your other post. It starts in about 4 weeks time so not too long to go but some days still feels a long way away!

Had a good class last night (and did manage to stay awake!), went through pain relief options and labour/birthing positions. The pain relief was an eye opener particularly with things like an epidural and pethidine. Have either of you thought about whether you might have anything like that?


That's good about your class, glad that you got some info :) the hospital that I want to go to is actually a midwifery led birthing unit, so they don't do c-sections or have epidural there, it's for low risk mothers that want a natural delivery, so I am hopeful that I will cope with the water in the pool and a tens machine, and gas and air too although i'm worried that will just make me feel ill! If I was so desperate and in awful amounts of pain then i'll have to be transferred to the other hospital for an epidural or if they think i'll need a c-section.

They offer pethidine and diamorphine at the birthing unit though, so that is also available to me, but personally i'm not fond of the idea of those as i've heard that they don't take the pain away at all, it just alters your state of mind and makes you feel high/drunk where your mind may be able to take focus on other things other than the pain, I don't like the idea of feeling drunk and out of control though so unless i'm desperate that won't be for me.

If I had to go to another hospital and chose the epidural then I would try and see if I could get the mobile epidural where you can stay active and move around as the idea of being strapped to a bed and monitored up sounds awful to me too, i'd defo like things to go as natural as I can handle, but there's no telling how i'll cope at the time lol!

How do you feel about pain relief? have you thought about what you want or might like, and defo want to try and avoid? xxx
Hi ladies, I think I am just super burnt out and really looking forward to a break. I'll survive Im sure :haha:

I had an epidural with Avery... I have heard that induced labor is more painful, maybe because of the meds they use to make the uterus contract? And this probably sounds beyond silly but I was NOT expecting the contractions to hurt me like they did, I pictured labor only hurting with the pushing :haha: I was so nieve I suppose. I was induced around 7 am and got an epidural around 3pm. Finally gave birth at 9pm. When it was go time, I only pushed about a half of a push and the doc told me to stop... Avery was out! I hope it's that smooth (the pushing part of it) this time around :flower: But I doubt it. However, once I got the epidural I was in HEAVEN! lol. So I will do it again. My SIL didn't have a great experience with it afterwards. She felt numbness in her legs for several months afterwards :shrug: I never had any problems with it. I envy the women who do it all natural... that isn't for me. :hugs:
What are your plans?
Hi ladies, I think I am just super burnt out and really looking forward to a break. I'll survive Im sure :haha:

I had an epidural with Avery... I have heard that induced labor is more painful, maybe because of the meds they use to make the uterus contract? And this probably sounds beyond silly but I was NOT expecting the contractions to hurt me like they did, I pictured labor only hurting with the pushing :haha: I was so nieve I suppose. I was induced around 7 am and got an epidural around 3pm. Finally gave birth at 9pm. When it was go time, I only pushed about a half of a push and the doc told me to stop... Avery was out! I hope it's that smooth (the pushing part of it) this time around :flower: But I doubt it. However, once I got the epidural I was in HEAVEN! lol. So I will do it again. My SIL didn't have a great experience with it afterwards. She felt numbness in her legs for several months afterwards :shrug: I never had any problems with it. I envy the women who do it all natural... that isn't for me. :hugs:
What are your plans?

Yeah I think my views may be differently if I have to be induced as I'll be thinking well they've drugged me up anyway now so why refuse more pain relief!! lol And the length that some women are in labour for too, it must just be soooo exhausting and they just need a break from it more than anything I guess. From the sounds of things, you are pretty certain that you'll be induced again aren't you? When did they say they'll induce you again if labour didn't come on naturally? At 39 weeks was it? what date was that? And you never know, second time round could be faster! My sis in law got to the hospital with the second and literally tens mins later baby was out! lol super fast! xxx
Wow, I bet that was nice for your SIL. 10mins!!!! I am going to plan on being induced since I am working up until I give birth, I really don't want to go into labor with a house full of kids and my husband out of town delivering materials for the day at work. So it seems like our best option, unless she comes on her own :flower:
We will find out at the beginning of April the date of induction but we are planning on the 20th-ish :)
Wow, I bet that was nice for your SIL. 10mins!!!! I am going to plan on being induced since I am working up until I give birth, I really don't want to go into labor with a house full of kids and my husband out of town delivering materials for the day at work. So it seems like our best option, unless she comes on her own :flower:
We will find out at the beginning of April the date of induction but we are planning on the 20th-ish :)

Oh my! that's not that long at all!! eeeeek! hehe so exciting!! They must do things differently in the US then as I'm not allowed to choose to be induced, as it would be nice to have baby here before mum and sis come over, hopefully baby will make an appearance on his own lol But I don't blame you, I was thinking that about work, also a reason why I changed my maternity leave to finish early, just in case I went into labour earlier than my due date, I didn't want to be at work and have my waters break or be getting contractions etc lol! No way! I'm sure it will all work out for you anyway :)

So that's like 5 weeks away!!! crazy how quickly that's come round!! awww you could be holding your baby in just 5 weeks!! xxx

Oh and happy 34 weeks!!! :D :D :D
5 weeks! So crazy!!!!!
I don't blame you, I would be off work NOW if I could :flower: I think I can, I think I can!!! hahahaha!
Do you know how to do a side by side comparison? I've seen ppl in the bump section do it. I took a pic and compared it to my March 7th picture... OH MY!! I have been feeling like I dropped... seems soon?!? But Im not getting kicks in my boobs much, it's more just above my belly button and downward. I'd like to see what you ladies think. I can't believe how much I... I prefer to say, how much SHE (not me) has grown :haha:
Well I studied them a bit more and I think I am just bigger... I don't think I have dropped?!? But I would like to figure out how to do a side by side..
oh i'm not sure how to do a side by side comparrison? do you have microsoft paint on your computer? maybe import both pics, put them together and then save that as another image? not sure, you could just upload both if not and then we can see them, I'm gonna try and do it too actually as I also have noticed a massive growth spurt! oh my! lol

And you may have dropped! if you are feeling less pressure under your boobs then quite possibly, and I wouldn't say it's too early, I think that's roughly around the time baby would start to engage? I'm bouncing on my ball more and trying to get baby to head in that direction so that he can hopefully stay head down! lol We'll see if it has worked at my 34 week app, see what position he's in lol xxx
ahhh I did it, I did it using paint, but it was so fiddly, if you have any other photo-editing software that may be better lol! But this is from 30 weeks to most recently 32 weeks! What a change in just two weeks!!! feel so huge now lol! xxx


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Awww I love your progression. You can tell he hit a growth spurt, you are still as cute as a button :)
I can't figure it out.. I don't have a photo editing software so maybe I just can't do it lol. Have a great weekend. :hugs:

Here is me as of yesterday morning. Aye aye aye!


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