Awwww love your picture and your bump looks so lovely and neat!! looks about the same size as mine and i'm about 2 weeks behind! haha hope mine doesn't get too massive! can't take anymore weight!! lol
Ooooo I'm glad that your doctor got back to you about the discharge, it can be worrying, I suppose at this stage though we are more likely to be looking for these things as signs of labour rather than anything being wrong though lol! But you were right in getting it checked out just to keep them in the loop if not to ease your mind. We'll prob get to the stage soon where we are wishing to see a show when we check our knickers so we know that things are progressing! lol But defo keep an eye on it and let us know if you experience anything else
The way I would describe a tens machine is a bit like a slendertone, have you heard of those? lol It sends electrical stimulation to the nerves in your back to try and help ease the pain of labour, but only tiny vibration type stimulation rather than electric shock type stimulation!! haha It's suppose to stop the pain signals from reaching your brain to try and trick it into thinking your not experiencing pain, or at least not as much pain. And it's totally safe for baby, and classed as a natural form of pain relief, here is the link to the one I have ordered-
And as for the bag, I packed 2 or 3 (can't remember now lol) vests and sleepsuits, scratch mits, the hats my mum knitted in each colour, baby blanket, bikini for the pool, some underwear for recovering along with pjs for labour and recovering after, disposable underwear for labour, maternity pads, breast pads, nappies, wipes, then I have a toiletries bag with travel sized stuff in like, toothpaste and brush, shampoo, body-wash, baby lotion and body wash in case, baby talc......just bits like that in case we stay overnight or for more than a day etc 'just in case' lol. I also put a little bit of make up in there too as I know i'll prob look tired for the photos after lol! A lot of it I prob won't need or use but I like to be prepared in case I do need to stay for longer, or need to be transferred or have a c-section etc. I still need to pack my camera and some money for snacks or parking etc too, but i'll do that nearer the time, may take my dressing gown too lol! Sounds like a lot of stuff but i've done really well to pack it all nice and small and neatly and have only used one of those hand luggage type suitcases, so I think i've done well lol.
Hope I haven't scared you with all the stuff I've packed....I am just super organised and like to over-pack instead of under-pack...but I suppose you have experience into what you may or may not need anyway from when you had Avery

Oh and I packed an outfit to come home in too (just tracky bottoms and a baggy top though, nothing fancy lol!)