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Things went well at my appt... the did a strep B test and checked my cervix. I was dilated to a 1.. not much but hey! It's a start and Im happy with that! I need to get my booty out and start walking!!! Although I have heard that doesn't actually help get things going any.. have you heard if it does or doesn't? Anyway, all is well :)
Hey, glad your app went well, see I don't really understand the whole dilation thing then, as I thought you only started to dilate when you were actually in labour and had contractions?? lol didn't realise you could be dilating without really knowing about it, u know? That's a great start though, at least you know things are happening! I wanna know about me now haha! I don't know if they will do a strep B test with me either over here in the UK? maybe again once i'm at the hospital? not sure.
I'm not sure if anything gets labour started to be honest, I've heard that people have tried loads of things and they haven't worked, so I guess it's just down to your body really and when it wants to start the process lol! It can't hurt to do a few things though just in case :) good luck, so when's your next app, are they weekly for you now? xxx
Ya, it's all confusing, but I know that dilation can start weeks before you actually give birth! I was kind of thinking I would be more than a 1 even with the pressure I've been experiencing, but oh well. I don't want her here before she is ready :)
My appts are weekly now, next friday I have my next appt. Your appt is tmrw, right? So exciting!!! :)
Oh brilliant, you'll have to keep us updated as they don't do that with us, and it would of been interesting to see how dilated I am if at all over the next few weeks! Yes my appointment is tomorrow! see if baby's head down this time! fingers crossed lol! Got a feeling he won't be though lol, he kind of feels more transverse but I can't really tell what body parts what lol! Mid-week already! 2 more days then another week of work over! Then one more left!! sorry I am gonna be banging on about this all the time now haha! Hope you are having a good day xxx
Don't be sorry, girl.. I would SO be counting down til work was over for me too!
Oh I hope hope hope he is head down for you!!!!! Come on little one, you can do it!!!!! :)
Yes.. it's almost the weekend again! Woohoo!!!! Have a great day! :hugs:
Thanks hun, i'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, obviously! lol When will you hear about possible induction dates then? xx
oh that's brilliant! ooooo exciting! :) ok will be back on later after my app to update x
So i'm back from my appointment and I'm soooooo pleased!!!! Baby is head down and in LOA position, which is supposed to be easiest for labour, and the head is 'at the brim' so it's on it's way to engaging! yay!!! So i'm gonna keep bouncing on this ball to try and get baby to engage and stay put! haha! My urine was also clear so that's great, as had protein in last time. Blood pressure was a little higher than anything previously recorded but still normal and fine as mine is usually quite low anyway, so all in all very happy!! :D

I was measuring 35cm, which according to the growth chart that they have recorded to me as above percentile, but because I have a steady curve of growth on the chart they are not worried and say it's normal for me, it's only a rough average/estimation anyway, but according to that chart, she said baby would be weighing 6lb9 already!!!!! geeez! lol If that is accurate then I think i'll have a little chunk on my hands at birth!! But it's only an average chart so I suppose it's not as accurate as a scan etc, my weight gain has slowed right down over the last few weeks, even though bump has grown? lol So I'm hoping he'll just steadily grow over the next few weeks now, don't want a 9-10lb er!! lol

Hope all is well with you both? Looking forward to hearing from you Ali about your test results, hope everything is going ok for you and you aren't under too much stress at the moment xxxx
Oh Fay that is brillant news!!!!! I'm sooooo happy for you! I bet you are soooo relieved! :) YAY! I've been stalking this for an update :) I'm pretty sure if he is head down, he will probably stay that way now, don't you think???
They never measure how many cm I am... how do they do that? measure from pubic bone to the top of the bump? I surely hope you don't have to push out a 9lber lol!!!! I can't imagine those measurements being very accurate, right??? You sure don't look like you are carrying a big baby!
Thanks so much for the update! When is your next appt?
Yeah I don't know how accurate they are, but seeing as though they take the national average, I guess it's not very at all! lol I mean I could be just carrying a lot of fluid? so we'll see when baby is here what he weighs hehe! And yeah they measure from the top of the uterus (at the top of your bump you should be able to feel where the top of the uterus is, as it's a bit harder) and then right down to pubic bone, they say you should roughly be in cm what you are in weeks, so I don't see why i'm 'above percentile' I mean i'm only a few days away from being 35 weeks, so i'm not worried at all, again I don't see how accurate that can be either what with the fluid volume and my pubic bone is really low down so could be adding a cm or two, but we'll see lol.

Next appointment is in 2 weeks time now, so at 36 weeks :) I hope the baby won't move from this position, especially as they are close to the pelvis now, but I have read things about babies coming back out of the pelvis...although I don't know how accurate that is either lol, I would of thought he'd stay in this position now :) oooo exciting!! can't wait to tell mike when he gets in from work :D hope you're having a good day xxx
I'm so happy for you! I'm sure you just so super excited now :) How did Mike take the news?
thank you! he was really pleased! and maybe a tad surprised when I mentioned the weight according to the growth chart, but I said I wouldn't take that as an accurate...but could be lol! Awww I ordered my Tens machine today for hire, have you heard of those over in the US? Things are getting so real now hehe! :D xxx

Oh and happy 36 weeks!! so exciting!! only a few weeks now! :D x
I think you are right about fluid and such... you are probably just carrying more fluid?!? I can't imagine you having a huge baby.
What is a tens machine?? I've never heard of it!
I woke up with a dull low ache and brown discharge. I called my doc but had to leave a message b/c they weren't available. It's not much discharge and its only when I wipe. It's not chunky like I would imagine my mucus plug looking like.. it's more watery. I am wondering if its from my cervix check? But that was on tuesday? Im sure it's nothing but I wanted to call just so they could ease my mind. Anyway.. here's my 36week belly!
I guess it didn't attach lol...let me try again. Oh and dr just called and said it's just old blood from my cervix check and to just watch for contractions but everything sounds normal.


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I am such a procrastinator.... I STILL haven't packed a bag, and I don't know what to put in it! I want to get it done THIS weekend... tell me, what is in yours???
Awwww love your picture and your bump looks so lovely and neat!! looks about the same size as mine and i'm about 2 weeks behind! haha hope mine doesn't get too massive! can't take anymore weight!! lol
Ooooo I'm glad that your doctor got back to you about the discharge, it can be worrying, I suppose at this stage though we are more likely to be looking for these things as signs of labour rather than anything being wrong though lol! But you were right in getting it checked out just to keep them in the loop if not to ease your mind. We'll prob get to the stage soon where we are wishing to see a show when we check our knickers so we know that things are progressing! lol But defo keep an eye on it and let us know if you experience anything else :)

The way I would describe a tens machine is a bit like a slendertone, have you heard of those? lol It sends electrical stimulation to the nerves in your back to try and help ease the pain of labour, but only tiny vibration type stimulation rather than electric shock type stimulation!! haha It's suppose to stop the pain signals from reaching your brain to try and trick it into thinking your not experiencing pain, or at least not as much pain. And it's totally safe for baby, and classed as a natural form of pain relief, here is the link to the one I have ordered- https://www.mothercare.com/Babycare-Relief-Machine-Rental-Service/dp/B0026P925G?extid=gs

And as for the bag, I packed 2 or 3 (can't remember now lol) vests and sleepsuits, scratch mits, the hats my mum knitted in each colour, baby blanket, bikini for the pool, some underwear for recovering along with pjs for labour and recovering after, disposable underwear for labour, maternity pads, breast pads, nappies, wipes, then I have a toiletries bag with travel sized stuff in like, toothpaste and brush, shampoo, body-wash, baby lotion and body wash in case, baby talc......just bits like that in case we stay overnight or for more than a day etc 'just in case' lol. I also put a little bit of make up in there too as I know i'll prob look tired for the photos after lol! A lot of it I prob won't need or use but I like to be prepared in case I do need to stay for longer, or need to be transferred or have a c-section etc. I still need to pack my camera and some money for snacks or parking etc too, but i'll do that nearer the time, may take my dressing gown too lol! Sounds like a lot of stuff but i've done really well to pack it all nice and small and neatly and have only used one of those hand luggage type suitcases, so I think i've done well lol.

Hope I haven't scared you with all the stuff I've packed....I am just super organised and like to over-pack instead of under-pack...but I suppose you have experience into what you may or may not need anyway from when you had Avery :) xxx

Oh and I packed an outfit to come home in too (just tracky bottoms and a baggy top though, nothing fancy lol!)
Well, you would think I would know what I need and don't need wouldn't ya... but in my defense, it's been almost SIX years and since getting prego the 1st time, my memory just isn't what it once was LOL! So thanks for the ideas! I WILL get a bag packed this weekend darnit!!!
Now, that tens machine seems pretty handy!!!! Have you talked to people who have used them? I wonder why I have never heard of it before?!?! It sounds like a great investment for sure :-)
I have been feeling back to normal today.. so weird! Yesterday I had slight cramping with brown discharge all day and now today.. nothing. So it must have been just irritated from my cervix check. I guess I just assumed 3 days after seemed a bit odd :shrug: but I guess not :) I didn't really want to be in labor until I am full term anyway but it was a little exciting thinking it could be the start of something lol. We are getting sooo close! You only have one more week of work!!!!! :happydance: Soooo jealous :)
I hope Ali is ok.. I have been thinking about her a lot. Can't wait to get an update from her.
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Haha yeah 6 years is a while so that's ok! lol Yeah best get packing a few things in there at least hehe!

I'm glad you have been feeling back to normal and no more brown discharge, but yeah I guess it just stays in the cervix for a bit until maybe there is enough to come out (sounds gross!lol) But I know what you mean, i'm looking forward to when i'm full term and start to see a few signs! :D

I have been feeling like my body has started to change slightly lately, like my body is starting to 'prepare' or something, my boobs have been more achey and nipples more sensitive, they've been a bit itchy underneath too, which is annoying! might just be the bra's i'm wearing irritating them if they are a bit sore, my hip joints have been really achey during the night and when I wake up, so it's really uncomfortable to sleep at the mo, so i've not been sleeping well either, getting used to when baby's here I guess lol! And I've not been getting any pain or anything just a few little aches here and there down under my bump and lower back occasionally, so I think what with my hip pain too, it's my pelvis widening ready for birth....getting more pressure/movement down low too so I'm hoping baby is moving downwards already! It's very exciting to think that baby's getting ready to meet us hehe!

We went over a friends last night and we all did a sweep stake as to when baby will make an appearance lol no-one said after my due date, everyone thought early, so we will see! lol
That tens machine does sound really good, I have heard of people using them and saying how great they are, one old friend used it and couldn't get enough of it and really helped her to have a drug free birth so fingers crossed it will work the same way for me.

Looking forward to hearing from Ali too, hope she's ok bless her, got a feeling she'll come on and announce baby is here already....I think it'll be a girl! :) Lots of hugs to Ali! Been thinking about you too xxxx
Hi ladies
Well has been a bit of a whirlwind week. We had tests confirm on weds that our little one does have downs syndrome which came as a bit of a shock as I'm sure you can imagine. We also found out we were having a boy! We were back at our local hosp on thurs for another scan and more monitoring which didn't go so well as baby's heartbeat dropped quite low a couple of times so they decided to get me in for an emergency c section that night! That went well and our little boy was born weighing 3lbs 11oz. He started crying straight away but unfortunately I didn't get to hold him as he was whisked off to specialist care. He's now in a different hosp with a more specialist unit as he needs to have a bowel operation, which is tomorrow and thankfully I was able to transfer with him.

He's absolutely amazing, so alert when he's awake and is so wriggly! Changing nappies is interesting! We've managed to have a couple of cuddles so far but its horrible not being able to pick him up whenever we want. I will try and post a couple of pics but I'm doing this on my phone so need to figure out how!

We've named him Callum and I am absolutely and utterly in love with him :D

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